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1、我真的很同情你。sympathy意为“同情;同情心”;have sympathy for意为“对表示同情”。4My little daughters wish is _ (take) to Disneyland this summer be taken句意:我小女儿的愿望是这个暑假带她去迪斯尼乐园。当不定式动词与其逻辑主语之间是动宾关系时,不定式要用被动语态形式。5The couple set _ some money every month for their future use even though their income can only make ends

2、meet.aside考查动词短语。句意:这对夫妻每个月都存一些钱以备将来使用,尽管他们的收入只能勉强维持生计。set aside“省出;留出(钱或时间)”。6Faced with such a hard financial problem, Jack tried to stand on his own two feet rather than turn_ his parents.to考查短语意义。面对如此困难的经济问题,杰克努力靠自己而不是向父母求助。turn to“向某人寻求帮助”,符合句意。7Ring me _ every day, will you?With pleasure. Do r

3、ing _, please.up; back句意:每天给我打电话,好吗?好的,请给我回电话。ring up“打电话”;ring back“回电话”。8There I saw ten children _ all, two of whom were from Class 3.in考查短语意义。在那里我总共看到了10个孩子,其中有两个是三班的。in all“总共”,符合句意。9Nearly every teacher likes students _ obey and save a lot of trouble, although he knows that such students may l

4、ack the creative potentiality.who句意:几乎每个老师都喜欢听话惹事少的学生,尽管知道这样的学生可能没有创造的潜力。obey“服从”,与句意相符。10The project _ (accomplish) by the end of 2014 will expand the citys network to cover 2,000,000 be accomplished句意:到2014年年底要完成的这项工程将把这座城市的网络扩大到能覆盖200万用户。不定式表将来。.阅读理解(2013江西六校联考)We can make all the jokes

5、we want about taking baths ourselves, but if we are ill in bed and cant get up, well be thankful to the nurses who help us get clean. While I am not a nurse, and have never given anyone a bath, I would imagine that it would take a lot of sympathy (同情) and patience to do so.Yet those who attended the

6、 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems last month were introduced to Cody, a robot that can bathe human beings.The robot has a base that can be turned to all directions, two humanlike arms, and movable wrists (腕). It uses a camera to locate parts of the human body. It then uses

7、bath gloves to clean with a little pressure.The robot was designed at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Charles Kemp of the Healthcare Robotics Lab is the senior researcher for the project. In a test run, Cody was able to remove 96% of a test subjects dirtnot bad for a robot.But dont go asking fo

8、r Cody yethes still a model. Yet researchers believe that one day Cody may take the place of nurses for this task. Researchers say that Cody will give patients dignity and protect their personal information. I suppose that would depend on the patient. Im not sure whether a robot using a camera would

9、 make me feel very dignified.Even so, I can appreciate the need. We dont have enough nurses to go around, and those places that are the most shorthanded, for example, nursing homes, are those that have the most patients who are unable to bathe themselves. Still, before I get there, I hope they think

10、 of a better way to solve the problem.文章大意:美国科研人员设计出一种能给卧床不起的病人洗澡的机器人。1The writer thinks bathing others must _.Abe a lot of funBmake you feel thankfulCtake a lot of patienceDmake you feel dignifiedC细节理解题。从第一段的“I would imagine that it would take a lot of. patience to do so”可知C项正确。2What is the third p

11、aragraph mainly about?AWhy and where Cody was designed.BWhat Cody looks like and who designed it.CWhat Cody can do and where it will work soon.DHow Cody works and what has made that possible.D主旨大意题。第三段的第一句话介绍了机器人的部件,后两句介绍了它是如何工作的,正是前面所述的这些部件使得机器人得以工作。3We know from the fourth and fifth paragraphs tha

12、t _.ACody can bathe patients better than a real nurse canBrobots like Cody are being produced in large numbers right nowCCody can take the place of nurses completely in hospitalsDresearchers think Cody can protect patients personal informationD细节理解题。从第五段的“Researchers say that Cody will. protect thei

13、r personal information”可知D项正确。4There is a need for Cody because _.Apeople are becoming lazierBit can bring down the cost of nursingCthere are not enough nursesDthere are too many nursing homes从最后一段的“We dont have enough nurses to go around, and those places that are the most shorthanded.”可知答案为C项。5In

14、the writers opinion, Cody is _.Aacceptable but not perfectBstrange but not creativeCclever and strongDlovely and carefulA作者观点题。从第五段的最后一句和最后一段的第一句和最后一句可知A项说明了作者的态度。.七选五东城区第二次联考)A year ago August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan. His wife, Gerrie, was still

15、working in the local school cafeteria, but work for Dave was scarce, and the price of everything was rising. _1_ Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift$7,000, a legacy (遗产) from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch, who died in an accident. “It really made a difference when we were going under

16、financially,” says Dave.But the Fusses werent the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town of Lowell to receive unexpected legacy from the Hatches. _2_ In some cases, it was a few thousand dollars; in others, it was more than $100,000.It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much mone

17、y, more than $3 millionthey were an elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm. Children of the Great Depression, Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving. _3_Through the years, the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents

18、couldnt afford it. _4_ “They could see things they could do to make you happier, and they would do them,” says their friend Sand Van Weelden. _5_ It was the Hatches wish that their legacya legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and centsshould enrich the whole community and last for generation

19、s to come. Neighbors helping neighborsthat was Ish and Arlene Hatchs story. AThe community of Alto was rather poor.BIsh and Arlene never asked if their neighbors needed anything.CThe Hatches gave away their possessions to their neighbors. DThe Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example

20、. EDozens of other families were touched by the Hatches generosity.FThey enjoyed comparison shopping, checking prices before making a new purchase. GThe Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years. 15GEFBD.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正

21、确形式。A:Hi, Bob, would you like to go _1_(swim) this afternoon?B:I wish I _2_(can), but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have to write an 800word composition which _3_(hand) in on Monday morning.Oh, is that for Mr. Smiths class.Yes, I have to study a long poem. My teacher asked me

22、 to read _4_ in class next week.Thats hard.And besides, I also have to study a lot for maths and history. Maths is _5_(especial) hard for me, _6_ you know. So I dont know _7_ Im going to do it at all.Take it _8_, Bob. Ive been doing well in maths. so Ill be happy _9_ (help) you.Oh. That sounds great

23、.If you like, we can start right _10_ I come back from swimming.OK, Ill meet you in front of the library.Good luck to you.1swimming2.could3.must be help10.after.短文改错浙江省第一次五校联考)As a boy grown up in India, I had longed to traveling abroad. I used to listen to

24、the stories my father told me about her stay in Canada and trips to Europe in 1970s. My big moment finally come in the summer of 1998 when I was able to accompany my parents to Europe, where my father was to attend for a meeting. The service during the flight to Frankfurt was such nice that even tod

25、ay I can still remember them. The flight was really smooth and thorough enjoyable, even for someone as me, who is otherwise scared of flying.As a boy up in India, I had longed to abroad. I used to listen to the stories my father told me about stay in Canada and trips to Europe in 1970s. My big momen

26、t finally in the summer of 1998 when I was able to accompany my parents to Europe, where my father was to attend a meeting. The service during the flight to Frankfurt was nice that even today I can still remember. The flight was really smooth and enjoyable, even for someone me, who is otherwise scar

27、ed of flying.书面表达(2014哈师大附中一模)上周日,你们学校组织了一次志愿者活动。假设你是李华,请你根据以下提示给校报写一封信,报道相关情况,要点包括:1活动地点:文化广场;2.活动形式:发传单,做演讲;3.活动内容:宣传地震常识和防震知识;4.参加活动的感受。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:leaflet传单Dear Editor,We took part in a voluntary activity organized by our school last Sunday. _ _Best wishes!Yours.Li HuaOne Possible Version:We took part in a voluntary activity organized by our school last Sunday. We gathered at the Culture Square, passing leaflets to passersby from which they can learn what the earthquake is and how to protect themselves

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