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高二英语unit19 reading 教案2文档格式.docx

1、二、教学重点和难点(一)重点:1、词汇:理解、内化、运用本单元中出现的一些重要单词如:deny, mercy, accuse, bless, declare, count, therefore, worthy, punish, order和词组pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, etc.2、功能:用本单元中“在交谈中强调细节”的日常交际用语来表达自己对“同情与报复”和“爱情与金钱”的看法。3、语法:复习直接引语和间接引语。(二)难点:1、如何理清戏剧中的人物关系。2、如何分

2、析戏剧中的人物性格。3、如何体会戏剧的语言。4、如何自己改编和表演戏剧。三、教学目标1、语言知识:1)词汇:(见教学重点)2)话题:Talking about Shakespeare and his plays3)功能:在交谈中细述详情(Recounting details in the conversation) Correct me if Im wrong, but You shouldnt forget that One of the most important facts is You could, for example, The way I would go about is A

3、s far as I know, After all, But in this particular case What shouldnt be forgotten is 4) 语法:2、语言技能:1)听:捕捉特定信息、抓关键词,听懂一段介绍威尼斯商人的故事片段,理清人物关系,训练学生把握文段细节的能力。2)说:要求学生就“同情与报复”和“爱情与金钱”这两个话题进行讨论。3)读:通过阅读“The Merchant of Venice”这部戏剧,训练学生找出文章的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节发展和可能的结局的能力。4)写:通过本单元的各项语言输入,形成对戏剧的进一步了解,并能自己改编和表演


5、操练。3、资源开发策略。互联网为英语教学提供了广阔的空间和丰富的资源,拓宽了学生英语学习的渠道。4、任务型活动策略。任务型语言教学的倡导者认为,学习者可以通过完成各种任务发展交际的能力。五、任务设计我们首先给整个单元设计了一个主题任务戏剧节。同时采用任务型教学“PTP”立体型自主学习模式(Pre-task-Task-cycle-Post-task),安排了一些单元教学前和单元教学后的活动任务。(一)Pre-unit activity: Task1 莎士比亚及其作品简介活动内容:从图书馆和因特网上搜集有关莎士比亚的生平、作品、作品简介、经典佳句、名作海报、电影、flash等资料。1)个人活动:搜

6、集“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”的有关资料。2) 小组活动:将小组成员的成果汇总、讨论、整理成文或制作 简单课件。3) 班级活动:每小组各派一名“reporter”将本组的成果向全班做演示。Goal: 使学生对莎士比亚这位十六世纪文艺复兴时代的文学巨匠和他的巨作有更感性的认识。为本单元的学习打下良好的基础。 ( 二) Task-cycle (见各课时教学设计) (三) Post-unit taskTask 1 为the Merchant of Venice配音在学生熟悉课文内容的情况下,让学生来为这部戏剧配音。认真揣摩角色心理,模仿VIDEO中对话的发音和语气。2)小组活动:各小组组长按照小组成员的特

7、点分派角色,熟悉剧本。3)班级活动:小组配音,其他同学和老师给各组评分。 使学生对课文有更好的理解,更能体会人物的心理,了解人物性格,感受莎士比亚的戏剧语言的魅力。Task2 写人物或作品评论学生挑选莎士比亚的一部作品或是作品中的一个角色,发表自己的感受和理解。 Goal: 使学生进一步熟悉莎士比亚的作品。提高学生的写作能力,加强学生语言实践能力。 Task 3 戏剧表演学生挑选课文片段或是改编writing部分进行表演背诵台词,体会角色的个性和心理,通过语言与动作表现人物的个性特征。把全班分成4个小组,分别担任导演、道具、旁白、Shylock、Antonio、Bassanio、Portia、

8、Duke等角色。由导演负责全局的指挥和排练工作。各小组同台演出,由老师和各组导演组成评委会,给各组评分。4)学校活动:这个活动如果有条件的话可以发展到全级段甚至全校性的一个课本剧表演比赛。比如说在我们学校这个比赛已经是一个一年一度的传统项目了,学生对此有这极高的热情。真正体现任务型教学“在用中学,在学中用”的原则。全面提高学生的综合素质。六、教学资源 针对本单元话题我们向学生提供以下网站以供参考。1)2)3)http:/

9、peare.htm7)8)http:/七、课时安排和教学程序 根据本单元教材的内容、学生学习英语的特点和规律,我把本单元划分为5课时:Period 1: Warming up& Listening Period 2-3: Reading& Integrating skills & Speaking Period 4: Language study &Writing Period 5: PerformingThe First Period Warming upGoals: 1. Encourage the

10、 students to talk about Shakespeare and his plays.2. Learn some quotations and know their meanings.3. Improve the students listening ability.Step 1 Lead in1.1. Game According to my suggestions, can you guess who he is?1)He is an Englishman.2)He is a poet and dramatist.3)During his life, he wrote 37

11、plays, 154 sonnet etc.4)His works represented the literature achievements of English Renaissance(文艺复兴).5)The Merchant of Venice is one of his world-famous works. -He is William Shakespeare.Step 2 Warming up1 BrainstormTalk about Shakespeare. Encourage the students to present as many words as possibl

12、e about Shakespeare and his plays.2ReportBefore the class, students are asked to work in groups to search some information about Shakespeare and his plays from the library and Internet. Its time for them to show their results in class. After the students report, teacher can give them some additional

13、 information.3Match(Show four posters of shakespeares plays)Match the meaning with the quotations and the plays. e.g. Meaning: That is a question whether to live in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing. Quotation: “To be or not to be: that is the question.” Play: Hamlet4Mor

14、e quotationsAll the quotations above are used in English almost as if they were proverbs. To English speakers they have a clear meaning. There are a great number of popular saying taken from Shakespeare. Do you know their meanings?QuotationPlayMeaningEvery inch a kingKing LearA real king.Breathe lif

15、e into a stoneAlls Well That Ends WellA very good medicine.For goodness sakeHenry “Oh Please” or “For GodAll the worlds stageAs You Like ItLife should not be taken too seriouslyA dish fit for the godsJulius CaesarVery good foodGood riddanceTroilus and CressidaIt is good to get rid of (you).It smells

16、 to heavenHamletSth that is very bad or corrupt.My salad daysAnthony and CleopatraWhen I was young.Whats done is doneMacbethThere is no changing the past, so forget about it.A pound of fleshThe Merchant of VeniceA harsh demand or terrible punishment.Step 3 Listening Have you watched The Merchant of

17、Venice? Here is an introduction to the play, which is the most outstanding romantic comedy. It will tell us how the story takes place and helps us learn about the main characters in it. 1. Listen to the tape and finish Ex.1. 2. Listen to the tape again and finish Ex.2.Step 4 Post-listening1. Retell

18、the introduction.2. Discussion: a. Can Portia save Antonio? b. How will Portia do to save Antonio?Homework1.Choose one of Shakespeare s plays to read.2. Retell the listening part.3. Preview the play The Merchant of Venice.Period 2-3 Reading & speaking 1. Learn and master some important expressions.2

19、. Improve the students reading ability.3. Analyse the characteristic of the characters in the play.4. Improve the students speaking ability.Step 1 Pre-reading1. Review the relationship between the characters.Shylock Antonio hate punish helpPortia Bassanio love 2. Retell the listening part. (whenwher

20、ecause)Step 2 reading1. SkimmingSkim the whole play and choose the best answers.1) In writing style, this text is a _. A. drama B. story C. fable D. fiction2) The text mainly talk about _. A. Antonio s charities(善行) and Shylock s cruelty. B. Portia s cleverness and Antonio s charities. C. Shylock s

21、cruelty and Portia s cleverness. D. the three colorful characters of Antonio, Portia and Shylock.2. ScanningRead the play carefully and answer the questions.1) What was Antonio accused of?2) Why did Shylock refuse to have mercy on Antonio?3) What did the Duke mean by saying “ Don t be so bitter.?4)

22、What did the Duke s words “ How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? mean?5) Who did the Duke at the count support?6) What was Portia s opinion of mercy?(Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It is twice blessed. It blessed those who give it,

23、 and those who receive it. It is the highest of the highest. We should learn to show mercy on others.) Ask the students to read it aloud and translate it.7) What are the two meanings of “ I will pay him back with all my heart.8) What did the Venice law say if anyone tries to kill or murder any citiz

24、en of Venice?9) What was Shylock accused of?10) What was the result of the trial?Step 3 Post- readingTask 1. Plot understanding Finish the chart according the plot of the play.(Group work)The components of plot( 情节的构成部分) DescriptionBackground(背景)有关故事人物、时间和地点方面的信息Problem( 问题)人物之间、个人内部存在的正反两种力量的较量Risi

25、ng action( 发展)引发故事达到高潮的事件Climax( 高潮)故事中人物直接面对矛盾Outcome( 结局)行动逐渐停止,冲突结束 Task 2. Analyse the characteristics of the characters and find out some sentences in the play to support your idea.(Group work)Antonio: always ready to help others, kind-hearted, was devoted to his friends, upright, dare to point

26、 out the others wrong deedsSentences: 1. Its useless trying to agree with Shylock. 2. Give Shylock what he wants. 3. Dont be sad for meShylock: cruel, greedy, selfish, cold-blooded, hate Antonio 1. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him. 2. I would still take my pound of flesh. 3. Give me my pound of flesh. 4. I desire my pound of flesh. 5. Why must I have mercy on him?Ba

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