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1、B.短语:hunt for; in order to; care about; drop sb. a line; argue about sth.; even though; as as possible; in total; make oneself at home; except for; stay up; end up with; a great many; the number of; more and more.II. 重点精讲A. 重点单词1.match: match可用作动词和名词。作动词时,主要义项有:与一致;和相似;和相配(称);比得过。主要搭配形式为:match + n.

2、+ to/with +n 把和搭配起来/调和起来;match + n. + in/for + n. 与匹敌,是的对手,势均力敌。Eg. Please match each picture with the correct sentence.No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.作名词时,主要义项有:火柴;比赛;相配相关归纳:(1)be no match for敌不过 I was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。(2)match up to与相当;符合标准 The trip fai

3、led to match up to her expectations.这次旅行令她很失望。2.share: share可用作动词和名词。用作名词时,主要义项为:一份;股份。 用作动词时,主要搭配和义项有:(1)share sth. (out)(among/between sb.)分给;分配;分派 (2)share sth. (with sb.)和别人分享;和别人合用;分给别人(3)share in sth. 分摊;共同承担 He shared his money out among his six children.Ill share the cost with you.3.lie: 作动词

4、时,主要义项为:躺着;位于;处于,保留,保持(某种状态);说谎 注意:lie作“说谎”讲时,是规则动词,过去式和过去分词为lied, lied;作其他意思讲时,是不规则动词,过去式和过去分词为:lay, lain(1)lie down躺下(休息或养病)(2)lie with(责任等)在于 (3)give the lie to sth. 证实是虚假的;证明不实;揭穿谎言 Ill go and lie down for a bit. Im a little dizzy.The fault lies with me.These new figures give the lie to the beli

5、ef that unemployment is going down.这些新资料表明失业率在下降的看法是不真实的。pare: 主要义项有:比较;相比(1)compare A with B把A与B相比较(指同类事物的具体比较)。(2)compare A to B把A比着B(3)compare to/with与比起来(常用作状语,可位于句首或句末)(4)compare with/to sb./sth.与类似(或相似) Compare Johns answer with Henrys, which is better?Shakespeare compared the world to a stage

6、.Compared to/with many people, she was indeed lucky.This house doesnt compare with our previous one.B. 重点短语1. as as possible尽可能地注:as as possible是as as it is/was possible的省略,其中的possible用作表语,不可用副词possibly替代。 Ill go to see you as often as possible.forget to do sth. 忘记去做,指忘了要做的事。forget doing sth. 忘了做过,指

7、忘了已做的事或已发生的事。 Take care, dont forget to write.I forgot writing to him, so I wrote again.具有相似用法的动词(短语)还有:remember, regret等。more or less是一个固定结构,or不可换成and。more or less可以修饰数词,意为“大约”;还可修饰动词、分词、形容词,意为“或多或少,差不多,几乎”。通常放在系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,或放在动词之前,也可置于句末。more than超过;很;非常;不仅“more than +数词+名词”等于“over+数词+名词”,意为“超过”

8、。more than用于修饰形容词、名词或动词时,要看作习语,意思是“不仅、很、非常”。(1)no more than不超过 (2)more A than B与其说B不如说A。 His whole school education added up to no more than one year.She is more hardworking than wise.5.more and more越来越“the+比较级,the+比较级”相当于汉语的“越,(就)越”。该结构表示两个变化按比例同时递增/减。前一个“the+比较级”为从属分词,后一个“the+比较级”为主句。主句为一般将来时态时,从句

9、(前一个“the+比较级”结构)要用一般现在时。 The more you read, the more youll get.6.bring in吸引,引入;请做,让参加;提出(新法案);赚得,挣(1) bring about导致;引起 (2)bring back把送回;归还;使回忆起;恢复;重新使用 (3)bring down打垮;击败;降低;减少;(飞机)着陆;击落C. 必背句型1. so或neither(nor)引导的(倒装)句型:(1)“so+系动词(情态动词或助动词)+(与前句不同的)主语”表示前句中的肯定情况也适用于另一人或物。So代替上文中的动作或概念,表示“也是这样,也是如此”

10、。两句中应使用同类助动词且应时态一致。(2)“neither/nor+系动词(情态动词或助动词)+(与前句相同的)主语”表示连续的否定。(3)“neither/nor+系动词(情态动词或助动词)+(与前句不同的)主语”表示句中的否定情况也适用于另一人或物;由于neither/nor是否定词,所以不能再使用not.(4)前句表述的人或物情况复杂,无法使用so或neither(nor)引导的倒装句型表达另一人或物情况相同,则用It is/was with sb./sth. Tom likes playing basketball but he cant play well.So it is wit

11、h me.(5)“so+(与前句相同的)主语+助动词”表示赞同,so译为“确实”,主谓不倒装。 She can speak French. So she can.2. sothat如此以至于(1)so + adj/adv + that表示“如此以至于”,that可省略;当so和它所修饰的形容词或副词放在句首时,主句倒装。 So interesting is the book that I want to read it again.(2)在sothat句型中也可使用名词,结构如下 +few/many+可数名词复数 + little/much+不可数名词+thatc.

12、so + adj + a(n)+名词+that= such +a(n) + adj +名词+that3.should have done sth.过去应该干么事(1)should have done表示“过去应该做某事,而实际上没做”,含有责备的意味。(2)shouldnt have done表示“过去不应该做某事,而实际上做了”,也含有责备的意味。 You should have come here yesterday.He shouldnt have gone without telling us.4.强调句型及其各种结构(1)基本结构:It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+

13、其余部分(2)被强调句子是一般疑问句时,其结构为:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分(用陈述语序)? Is it tomorrow that you will go to see him?(3)被强调句子是特殊疑问句时,其结构为:疑问词+is/was+ it +that+其他部分(陈述语序)? Where was it that you held the meeting?(4)强调名词性从句引导词时,其结构为:引导词+it is/was +that+从句其他部分。 He asked where it was that you held the meeting.(5)对n

14、otuntil结构中until部分进行强调时,not需要放在被强调部分,句式为:It is/was not untilthat+主句部分(用肯定形式)。 It was not until midnight that he went back home after the experiment.III. 疑难突破match, suit, fitmatch多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。suit多指合乎需要、口味、性质、条件、地位等。fit多指尺寸、形状合适,引申为吻合,协调。Exercise:(1)His clothes dont _ his age.(2)Does the time _

15、 you?(3)The new coat _ her well. It is neither too big nor too small.(4)Which day _ you, Saturday or Sunday?2. alone, lonely(1)词性:alone可以作形容词和副词;lonely只能作形容词。(2)用法:作形容词时,alone只能作表语,有时作宾补,不能作定语;lonely可以作表语和定语。alone不能用very修饰,而要说much alone,或very much alone。(3)词义:作表语时,alone的意思是“独自一人”,指的是客观情况;lonely的意思是“

16、寂寞”,指的是主观感觉。(4)固定结构:leave/let sb./sth. alone听任;别打扰;let alone更不用说。He feels _ though he has two brothers.The old man lives in a _ house in the forest _.When he woke up, he found himself _ in the room.Though he is _ at home, he doesnt feel _, for he has many things to do.(5)The baby cant walk, let _ ru

17、n.(6)Leave the machine _. its dangerous.3. although, though(1)一般情况下,两者可换用(although多用于句首)。(2)所引导的让步状语从句放在主句前,从句中用部分倒装时,用though(=as).(3)只能说as though(=as if);even though(=even if)。(4)though可用作副词,放在句末或句中,表示“然而、不过”,although不可。_ they tried hard, they didnt finish the work on time.They didnt stop to have a

18、 rest _ they were tired.He speaks English as _ he were an Englishman.Even _ he didnt tell me anything about it, I know the whole thing.Child _ he is, he knows a lot about computers.He said he would help me with my English; he didnt, _.4. besides, except, except for, except thatbesides意为“除之外,尚有或外加”ex

19、cept将一个或几个人或物从同一类或普通的种类中除外,意为“除之外”,指“不包括”。其后可接名词、代词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式或wh-从句。except for说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,后接名词。except that的用法基本同except for,但其后必须句子。它用来表示理由或细节,修下前面所说的情况。We all succeeded _ Tom, so he is also glad.We all succeeded _ Tom, so he is very sad.He is a good man, _ hot temper.Your article is quite

20、good _ there are several spelling mistakes.Your article is quite good _ several spelling mistakes.5. a number of, the number ofa number of只能用作定语,修饰可数名词复数,意为“许多;若干”(=many)。number前可用large, small等修饰词。当它修饰主语时,谓语动词与它修饰的主语一致。the number of的意思是“的数量;号码”。当它与后面的名词连用时,中心词是the number。如果用作主语,即使后面的名词是复数,谓语也要用单数。_

21、trees planted in our village is never under 200 every year.We have lived there for _ years._ jobless people grows in the country at present._ students are playing football on the playground._ students in our class is over 70.Units 3&4, Book IA. 单词:consider; means; board; destination; experience; equ

22、ipment; paddle; normal; excitement; similarity; particular; combine; scare; disaster; seize; drag; struggle; fight; shake; stair; strike; destroy; fear; opportunity; article; agent; touch; naughtyB. 短语:get away from; watch out; protect sb./sth. from; see sb. off; on the other hand; as well as; at th

23、e same time; for pleasure; make money; take place; on fire; pull sb. up; get on ones feet; go through; on holiday; worry about; come on; up and downconsider: 作“考虑;细想”解时,后接名词、-ing形式或宾语从句。作“当作;当成;认为”解时,后接含有as的介词短语或to be复合宾语。 Have you considered changing your job?We considered him (to be/as) our best f

24、riend.means: 作“方法;手段;工具;能力”解时,单数和复数相同。(1)by all means可以;当然行;没问题;务必;尽一切办法 Do you mind if I have a look? By all means.By all means, I would like to see you this evening!无论如何,(2)by no means决不;一点也不 Am I wrong? No, by no means.(3)by means of用;依靠 We can express our feelings by means of words.(4)by this me

25、ans通过这种方式experience: (1)作“(一次)经历;体验”解时,是可数名词;作“经验”解时,是不可数名词。 (2)作及物动词时,意为“经历;经受;遭受;体验”popular: 作形容词,主要义项有:流行的;受欢迎的;受喜爱的;通俗的;大众的表示“受某人的欢迎”,只能用be popular with sb.不能用be popular by sb. She is very popular with the students.however: 主要有两个义项:(1)然而,可是;仍然。作此义项时,其显著特点是与逗号连用。(2)无论多么;不管多么。通常与形容词或副词连用,引导让步状语从句。

26、 However carefully I explained, she still didnt understand.once:(1)连词,主要义项为:一就;一旦;当时候。(2)副词,主要义项为:一次;曾经;曾;根本。once引导的状语从句中,要用一般现在时来表示将来的动作。 Once you show any fear, he will attack you.(1)all at once突然;骤然;忽然;一起;同时 All at once she lost her temper.I cant do everything all at once youll have to be patient

27、.(2)at once立即,马上;同时(3)once more(=once again)再一次;再次(4)once or twice一两次;几次(5)once in a while偶尔(6)once upon a time从前(7)Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。7.protect:保护;防护。常见结构:protect sb./sth. from; protect sb. against He was wearing sun-glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.Its soldiers duty to prot

28、ect our country against attack.重点短语1. at the same time:同时;一齐;但是;然而;不过(1)at all times总是;随时;永远(2)at the best of times即使在最好的情况下 Hes never very happy at the best of timeshell be much worse now!(3)at a time每次;逐一;依次(4)at times有时;间或see sb. off为送行;送别;赶走;驱逐(某人);(在游戏、战斗等活动中)打败;击败not at all:可以用在否定句中,意思是“根本不,一点也不”;也可单独使用,特别是在答语中,意思是“一点也不,没关系,不用谢”。at all到底;真的;竟然。可用于肯定句及疑问句,起强调作用,常带有较强的感情色彩。4. find out了解(情况);打听;发现;查出(坏人);识破必背句型1. reason结构:reason后接定语从句,如果reason在定语从句中作宾语,定语从句应由关系代词that(可省略)引导,否则应由why引导。 Do

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