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1、Its about 700 meters from here.课堂检测: 一.询问去银行的路及指路的方式:Could you tell me where ?Could you tell me how ?Could you tell me how I can ?Could you tell me the way ?Could you tell me if ?二.将下列题目改为宾语从句,然后总结宾语从句的要素.1、Jack said, “I will call you tomorrow.” 2、He asked, “Does the girl need any help?” 3、Could you

2、 tell me, “Where are the restrooms?总结归纳宾语从句的要素 第2课时知识点整理题签Section A(3a-4)1.决定 2.闲逛 3.免费音乐会 4.有些 5.放学后 6. 优点和缺点 7.经过 1.我宁愿呆在外面2.我总是花太多钱3我们决定和一些学生谈谈为什么他们去那里。4看着人们也很好哦5.经过公园左转道橡树大街。1.perfer用法 2.辨析spend, take, cost, pay1.1 They prefer_ rather than _a bike.A. to walk; to ride B. walking; riding C. to wal

3、k; ride1.2 They preferred _ in bed rather than _ hours.A. to lie; to ride B. lying; riding C. to lie;1.3 I prefer skiing to _ . The snow makes me excited.A. cycles B. cycling C. cycled1.4 Jim said he _ sending e-mail _ letters.A. preferred; to writing B. preferred; to write C. prefers; to writing D.

4、 prefers; to write2.1 I paid five dollars for the socks.(改为同义句) The socks _ _ five dollars.2.2 They spend too much time the reportA. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write2.3-What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive. -No,they only_ l0 yuanAspent Btook Cpaid Dcost2.4. -Will you

5、please for my dinner Peter? -Sure!A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take2.5. It will me too much time to read this book.A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay第3课时知识点整理题签Section B(1a-2c).应掌握的词汇和短语:1.不贵的 2.迷人的 3. 方便的 4.哪种 5.寻找 6.也 7.吃东西的好地方 1.你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗?2.你喜欢哪种食物?3.参观儿童博物馆我年龄太大了4.为什么我们不去艺术博物馆呢?5.你可以了解计算机的历史也可以

6、学习科学。1.辨析lend, borrow, keep; 2.hand in的用法1.1 How long may I _ your bike?For a week. But you mustnt _ it to others.A. borrow; lend B. keep; lend C. lend; borrow D. keep; borrow1.2 He _ his umbrella to me yesterday, so I didnt get wet.A. borrowed B. kept C. lend D. bought1.3 Ann, why not _ some money

7、from your friends?But Im new here, so I know_ of the people here.A. lend; none B. to lend; nobody C. to borrow; nobody D. borrow; none2.1 “Now class,_(上交) your papers,” the teacher said when the class was nearly over.2.2 All the students know _ in homework on time is necessary.A. hand B. hands C. ha

8、nding D. handed第4课时知识点整理题签Section B(3a-Self-Check)1.度假 2.水滑道 3. 有组织的活动 4.装扮 5.集邮 6.寻找 7.既又1.水城是一个家庭度假的好地方2.每晚一个不同的摇滚乐队都在Bob叔叔的餐馆表演3.员工打扮成小丑4.孩子们玩的同时,父母可以在沙滩上上舞蹈课5.父母将花费几小时走在历史博物馆里宾语从句 考查方向(1)引导词(2)语序,宾语从句要用陈述语序(3)时态,当主句是现在时,宾语从句根据需要可用各种时态;当主句是过去时,宾语从句要用过去的某种时态。易错提示(1)疑问代词在宾语从句中做主语的情况,(2)当宾语从句是客观真理、名

9、人名言、自然现象时,无论主句是什么时态,宾语从句都用一般现在时态。1.1-Could you tell me_ Zhang Daqian Museum?The day after tomorrow, I think.A. when will you visit B. when you will visit C. when you could visit 1.2 The woman asked the policeman where _.A. the post office is B. the post office was C. is the post office D. was the po

10、st office1.3May I come in? Im sorry I am late. -Come in, please. But could you please tell me _ ?A. how do you come to school? B. what were you doing then C. who you talked with D. why you were late again1.4Can you tell me _ on the Internet? Ok, mum.A. how can I use QQ B. where can I use QQ C. how I

11、 can use QQ D. whether can I use QQ1.5 打扰了。请你告诉我怎样到图书馆好吗?Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ _ _get to the library?1.6 “Can you show me the way?” the old man asked me.The old man asked me _ _ _ show him the way.1.7 “When will you leave for Shanghai ?” he asked me.He asked me _ _ _ _ for shanghai.第

12、5课时知识点整理题签(Reading)1.向要 2.依赖,依靠 3. 为了 4.擅长 5.希望 1.寻求信息或帮助时一项非常普通和必要的活动2.知道怎样有礼貌的询问信息是重要的3.你的问题将会听起来更有礼貌4.我想知道你是否可以帮助我5.学习语言礼节就如同学习语法或词汇一样重要6.当与不同的人交谈时,我们改变说话的方式7. 这样做可以帮助你提高英语,或者任何一种你希望学习的语言1.order的用法 2.wonder的用法order:考查方向:(1)order sb.(not) to do sth.命令某人(不)做某事(2)in order( not) to do sth.为了(不)做某事,与i

13、n order that 或so that转换 (3)put in order整理(4)May I take your order? 现在可以点菜吗?wonder:考查方向(1)英文解释want to know (2)wonder at/about sth.对感到惊奇(3)后常跟宾语从句,宾语从句多由特殊疑问词if/whether引导(4)作名词,意为“奇迹”,是可数名词(5)加ful构成形容词1.1 He got up early _ catch the plane in time.A. in order that B. in order to C. in order not to D. s

14、o that1.2 Ann listened carefully _ she could discover what she needed.A. such that B. in order that C. because D. even though1.3. I get up so early_ I can not be lateA. that B . so that C. such that D. in order2. I wonder _ he can come. But _ he comes, please tell me as soon as possible.A. weather;

15、if B. if; whether C. whether; if D. whether; whetherUnit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.1.握手 2.应该 3.迟到 4.错误的方式 5.首次 6. 被邀请 1.当你遇到某个人你应该怎么做?2.你应该亲吻,你不应该握手3.他们应该鞠躬4.你应该什么时候到达?5.我应该七点到6.你本应该问一下你应该穿什么 be supposed to的用法 1. In China, students are supposed to greet the teachers when classes begin.(替换划线部分

16、)A. will B. may C. should2 .You _ arrive at 6:00 am, but you arrived at 7:00 am last Sunday. Dont be late this time.A. supposed to B. were supposed to C. are supposed to D. are suppose to3. People are _ to _ when they meet for the first time.A. suppose; shake hands B. supposed; shake hands C. suppos

17、ed; shake hand D. suppose; shake hand4 .I dont supposed anyone can work out the problem,_?A. do I B. dont IC. can they D. cant they5. You _ supposed to take them out of the room. A. didntB. arentC. dontD. cant1.顺便拜访 2.毕竟 3.邀请某人去 4.生气 5.制定计划 6. 计划做某事 7.问候老师 8.送礼物1.和家人和朋友一起度过时光对我们来说是很重要的2.在瑞士,准时非常重要3.

18、我们毕竟是手表的国度4.我们从不未先打电话就拜访朋友的家5.在哥伦比亚他们有什么样的规矩?6.如果你没准时也没问题7.你能告诉我我应该做的事情吗?1.辨析after all, above all, as a result, first of all 2.动名词做主语1.1 You should praise your son,_ he works harder than before.A. After all B. Above all C. As a result D. First of all1.2 I would like to buy a house -modern, comfortab

19、le and _ in a quiet place.A. first of all B. After all C. in all D. above all 2. It is bad for your eyes to watch TV too much.(同义句) TV too much is bad for your eyes.第3课时知识点整理题签Section B(1-2c)1.捡起,拾起 2.每一次 3.喝东西 4.发出令人不愉快的声音 5.把插到里 6.指着 7.沿着走1.你不应该拿起碗来吃东西2.在韩国,最小的人应该最先吃3.用筷子指着别人很粗鲁4.吃面条的时候你不应该发出声响1.b

20、e supposed to与should的互换 2.it的用法1.你应该向别人伸出援助之手当他们处于困境的时候。You _ _ _ give somebody a hand when they are in trouble.You _ give somebody a hand when they are in trouble.2.1 I find _ hard to be a good learner of English.A. this B. that C. it D. what2.2_ is well known to us all that the earth is round. A.

21、That B. As C. It D. Which2.3_ is well known to us all, the earth is round. A. That B. As C. It D. Which2.4我发现帮助别人是令人愉快的。(汉译英)第4课时知识点整理题签Section B(3a-Self-Check)1.特地做某事 2.使某人感到宾至如归 3. 餐桌礼仪 4.习惯于 5.犯错误 6.与不同 7.切碎8.敬酒 9.决定做某事1.你不应该把面包放在盘子上,你应该把它放在桌子上。2.但是现在我习惯了。3.另一件事是说你吃饱了是很粗鲁的。4.你应该总是把你的手而不是肘部放在桌子上。5

22、.我发现记住每一件事情很困难。6.问题填满了我的头脑。7.你可以想象这里的餐桌礼仪和我们的有多么不同。 be/get used to do用法1.1 Mary is used to _ a T-shirt and jeans.A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. putting on 写作练习:Write an e-mail message to a friend in Japan about the table manners in China.1.自学 2.节约时间 3.厌烦 4.以传统的方式 5.做鬼脸 6.在课堂上 1.电邮英语是一种新的书面英语用来节省时间。

23、2.你也可以用他们来展示你的感情。3.用标点符号的好处是你可以用他们做鬼脸。4.你可以很容易地自学。5.但是只在正确的时间用它是非常重要的。6.如果你在考试中写电邮英语老师会不高兴的。 1.learn by oneself 2.区别get, reach, arrive1. I taught myself this English song.(改为同义句)I _ this English song _ _.2. John _ Beijing the day before yesterday.A. arrived at B. got C. reached to D. arrived in3.请你用

24、所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。You are _ (suppose) to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend.Keep your eyes _(close) when you are doing eye exercises.A knife is _ (use) for _(cut) things.Trees can keep water from _ (run) away.Do you still remember_(see) me somewhere in Beijing ?Everything was _( familiar ) with

25、 me because I was in Japan for the first time?Though you failed this time, dont give up_ (study) .You still have a lot of chances._ ( spend ) time with family and friends is very important.Remember _(turn off) the light when you leave the room.People are pretty _( relax ) about time in Colombia.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.1.等待 2. 想要 3.过得愉快 1.大声的音乐是我紧张。2.悲伤的电影使得她想要离开。3. 等待她使我生气。4.大声的音乐使得我想要跳舞。1.make的用法 2.sothat与tooto; adj./ad

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