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外研社 新职业英语 IT英语 unit4教案Word文档格式.docx

1、2. Master the key words and language points.教学难点1.How to use the key words and expressions in reading A.2.Analysis on the text structure.使用的教具/多媒体/仪器/仪表/设备等Textbook; PPT; CD教学方法Pair-work; Discussing, lecturing参考资料 English for Careers (IT English)教学基本内容及设计Part I Warming-up 15 minutesTask 1 5 minutesO

2、bjective: Ss learn to know some logos of famous IT companies. Task 2 10 minutes Ss discuss important elements for a successful salesperson.Part II New words in Reading A 15 minutes Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.Steps: Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc. Ss

3、read the new words and expressions, etc.Part III Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes Ss know something about Reading A. Ss discuss the following two questions:What do you think lead(s) to business success, the CEO, the products, or the marketing?What suggestions can you give to make a business w

4、ell-known?Part IV Reading A Language points 40 minutes Paragraph 1competitor: n. a person, team, company etc. that is competing with another e.g. By lowering the price and increasing the quality, the company has beaten all its main competitors in this area.Paragraph 2assessment n. a process in which

5、 you make a judgment about a person or situation e.g. The government recently made an assessment of the local economic situation. Paragraph 3figure out: to come to understand e.g. I still cant figure out why she left me.Paragraph 4start out: get down to e.g. Katharine started out to write her first

6、novel in the summer of 2000.Paragraph 5emphasize: v. to give particular importance or attention to something e.g. The school particularly emphasizes good manners.Paragraph 8respond: v. to reply, especially in writing e.g. I emailed her last week, but so far she hasnt responded yet.Paragraph 9take of

7、f: v. to achieve sudden growth or success e.g. Shia LaBeoufs career took off with the huge success of Transformers series. Part V. After-reading exercises 10 minutes Ss can skim a passage to get the main idea of each paragraph. 课后作业/思考题Prepare listening and speaking of Unit 1教学后记说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复

8、班授课不再另行编写教案。2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。 外研社 新职业英语 IT英语Unit4 教 案12Unit 2 Design Proposal Detailed Reading A; Listening and Speaking; 1. Enhance listening and speaking skills related to the theme of this unit.2. Ss handle a conversation on telephone. 1. Detailed Reading A2. Useful expressions handling a conve

9、rsation on how to sell a product.3. Cultivation of team work; listening skills1. How to handle a conversation on telephone.2. Listening skills.Explanation and demonstration English for Careers (IT English) Part I Review and after reading exercises 25 minutesTask1 5 minutesA brief revision of what ha

10、s learned in Reading ATeacher remind Ss of some key expressionsTask 2 10 minutes Ss can find specific information to answer the given questions.1.What is important to a strong customer base?2.What is quick and easy way to research the market?3.What is the aim of market research?4.What are the basic

11、elements of a business handout?5.How can an advertisement interest people?6.What can be done to inspire customers to come again?Task 3 10 minutes Ss know some useful terms needed to understand the passage. Ss read Reading A Task 4. Ss do this exercise alone and then compare the answers with a partne

12、r. Check the answers with the whole class. Part II Listening 45minutes Ss can find specific information to fill in the blanks. Listen and finish the exercise.Task 2 10 minutes Ss can record information about requirement. Task 3 10 minutes Ss can accurately write down the missing words in the convers

13、ation. Task 4 10 minutes Ss can choose the items mentioned in the listening exercise. Task 5 10 minutes Ss can listen for specific information about smiles. Part III Speaking 25 minutesTask 1 Ss know how to make talk about laptops. Ss read the example in this task. Ss choose the roles. Ss make the c

14、onversation.Ss role-play the conversation in class. Task 2 Ss know how to sell a product. Ss read the direction and the given useful expressions. Ss discuss and fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions. Task 3 Ss make conversations according to the situation. Ss read the direction and the sit

15、uation. Ss read the expressions in the Language Focus Box.Task 4 Ss know how to promote a product. Ss work in small groups to discuss according to the direction. Circulate in the classroom while Ss are discussing and offer help if necessary.Get each group to make oral presentation on what they have

16、got. Review what we have learned this period . 2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。14Reading B and Writing: emailSs understand Reading B and how to write a job advertisement. 1. The main idea and the structure of reading B.2. The format of an email. 1. How to use the key words and expressions in reading B.2. Underst

17、and and write an emailPart I Reading B 55 minutes 45 minutesTask1 New words 10 minutes Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.Task 2 Fast reading 15 minutes Ss can comprehend Reading B.Ss

18、read the passage.Provide help if needed.Task 3 Detailed Reading 15 minutes Ss can read a passage to find supporting details for a point of information. Pre-teach competitor, productivity. Ss do this exercise alone and then compare the answers with a partner.Check the answers with the whole class. Ta

19、sk 4 After Reading 15 minutes Ss read Reading B Task 2. Ss read the passage. Allow enough time for Ss to compare the table. Ss compare their work with others.Comment briefly. Provide the points Ss have missed. Part II Writing 35 minutes Ss can correctly write an email. Ss read writing Task.Ss discus

20、s in small groups.Ss work on the task individually.Give help if needed. Comment briefly.Finish Reading B Task 3. Finish exercises in textbook and prepare project in unit 4.外研社 新职业英语 IT英语Unit4 教 案15Project; Vocabulary and structure Help Ss learn about the process of making a market research. Ss pract

21、ice language skills through exercises 1. Presentation and discussion.2. Translation exercises.1. How to make a presentation and raise questions to the presenters.2. Exercises for words and structures.After-class research and practicePart I Project 40 minutes Ss know about the process of making a mar

22、ket research including designing a questionnaire and how to make a research analysis. Grouping. Organize a small group with 4-6 Ss. Group fast learners with slow learners. Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline

23、 for completion and guidelines on working together. Presentation. Ask two to three groups to present their way of making a questionnaire and a research analysis. The teacher and all classmates evaluate the effect of the groups process. Ask the whole members of the group to reflect on the evaluation

24、of the groups performance and improve their ways of making a market research. Part II Language lab 50 minutesTask 1 10 minutes Ss read Task 1. Choose the correct Chinese meaning for each word. Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task. Check the answers.Task 2 15 minutes Ss do Task 2. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. Ask Ss to work individua

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