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1、Lesson 21 Gifts for Everyone!Lesson 22 Show Us Your PicturesLesson 23 An Email from Li MingLesson 24 A Wonderful TripUnit 1 May I go to Beijing?教案 第一课时教学目标1. 熟读会认单词trip, sound, busy, young。2. 能熟练掌握May I .?句型的问答。教学重点May I .?教学难点教学方法情景交际教学法、 任务教学法、合作教学法课前准备多媒体课件、录音机课时安排1课时教学过程Step 1 Warming-up展示多媒体图片引

2、导学生讨论有关旅行的话题。T:Do you like to go on a trip? S:Yes, I do.Where do you want to go?I want to go to . Do you want to go to Beijing?Step 2 Presentation and practice1. 展示多媒体展示图片,学习新单词trip和课文新句子。2. 学习新句型。(1)多媒体图片展示,老师教读May I.句型及其肯定和否定回答:Yes, you may. / No, you may not. (2)讲解句型意思及用法。教学生练习例句。 (3)句型练习。多媒体图片展示

3、,学生练习对话。S1:May I go to Guilin?S2: Yes, you may.S3:May I go to Guangzhou?S4:(4)任务教学。让学生小组内对话,互相学习,熟练运用句型反复操练记住单词。(5)小组竞赛。小组派代表看图对话,看哪个小组说得好,学生和老师作评价。并使Step 3 Text learning1. 听录音学习课文,老师先教读新单词,再教句子。2. 学生集体、分组练习对话。Step 4 Summary今天我们主要学习trip, sound, busy, young几个新单词,并学习了句型May I .? 的问答。Step 5 Homework1. 听

4、录音,熟读课文句子。2. 和父母或同学用英语聊一聊旅行的话题。板书设计Unit 1 May I go to Beijing?Lesson 1I love to go on trips.Sounds great!Can you go with me?Sorry, Im busy these days.You can ask your mom.Its the capital of our country.Youre too young to go.Yes, you may. / No, you may not. 第二课时1. 熟读会认单词invite, hello, son, wonderful,

5、 leave, arrive, hooray。2. 能熟练掌握问时间的句型When.? 和回答。3能熟练掌握电话用语:May I speak to.? 和This is .问时间的句型When.?词汇leave, leave for, arrive的用法区别。根据多媒体图片展示,让学生通过对话复习May I .? 句型1. 学习电话候用语问。(1)出示电话问候用语,讲解中文意思和用法及注意问题。(2)学生分小组进行对话练习。Hello. May I speak to Li Ming? Hello. This is Li Ming.(1)多媒体图片展示,老师举例讲解When.?句型的意思及用法。

6、(2)句型练习。多媒体图片展示,学生利用多媒体图片进行问答对话。S1: When will you go to the cinema? At 6:00 in the morning.(3)小组合作完成任务。让学生小组内对话,运用When.? 句型反复操练熟悉句型的运用。(4)老师利用多媒体图片抽查学生对话成果,及时纠正语法错误或单词发音。1. 听录音学习课文对话,老师先教读新单词,再教句子。Step 4 Text learning讲解课文重点句型和词组。Step 5 Summary今天我们主要学习了新单词invite, hello, son, wonderful, leave, arrive,

7、 hooray。并学习了问时间的句型When.?和回答;电话用语:Step 6 Homework2.运用所学电话用语和同学在电话里预约活动。Lesson 2 May I speak to.?This is .When.?invite sb. to somewhere邀请某人去某地be far from.远离talk to sb. 和某人说(谈话)go on a trip 去旅行leave 离开 leave for somewhere (离开某地)去arrive 到达 on+具体的某一天 第三课时1.能认读单词get, fast, slow, plane, train, travel, kilo

8、metre。2.能熟练使用问路程的句型及回答:How far.? Its.和描述搭乘交通工具的句型: take a bus或go by bus。单词fast, slow的意思、用法;搭乘交通工具的描述。用多媒体图片展示,让学生复习电话用语和When .?句型及回答。1. 教师用多媒体展示图片,学习单词fast, slow, plane, train。(1)先展示飞机图片,然后教读单词plane。描述This is a plane.再教读。(2)教读单词fast, 再教读描述句子:A plane is fast.(3)让学生用同样方法学习bus和train。2. 看图练习单词、句子,熟练掌握。小

9、组内以对话形式练习。 S1:This is a plane. S2: A plane is fast.3.学习句型。(1) 展示图片,教学生问路程的句型及回答。 How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?Its 278 kilometres.学生跟读,熟读!(2)学生看图进行对话练习。(3)老师以图片模拟情景,抽查学生掌握情况。并及时纠正读音或语法错误。3播放课文音乐,学生感受,然后共同说一说歌谣大意,然后唱一唱歌谣。今天我们主要学习新单词get, fast, slow, plane, train, travel, kilometre,并学习了问路程

10、的句型及回答: Its.和交通工具的搭乘方式的句型:take a bus或go by bus。2. 和父母用英语谈论旅行方式。Lesson 3fastslowHow far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?I want to take a bus. I dont want to go by bus. 第四课时1. 熟读会认单词leave, arrive, stay, plan, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday。2. 能熟练掌握May I.?日期及星期几的用法。 单词leave,

11、arrive, stay, plan的用法。1. 唱一唱上一课的歌曲。2看图片作描述。 This is a plane. A plane is fast. This is a bus. A bus is slow.S3: This is a train. Many people like to travel by train.1. 教师用多媒体展示图片,学习单词leave, arrive, stay。(1) 听录音,跟读单词,讲解单词用法。(2) 解释图片,让学生思考运用所学单词和所示时间造句。注意在具体的某一天前要用介词on。Danny and Jenny leave Canada on J

12、uly 27.(3) 多媒体图片展示,让学生小组内讨论用所给词语造句。(4) 小组派代表回答问题。老师教读单词及新句型。3制定计划。(1) 连线。学生上黑板对星期的中英文连线。(2) 教学生诵读星期的单词。(3) 看图引导学生用英语写计划。注意语序和介词的运用。(4) 看图练习说句子。小组内完成任务,同学互助。(5) 小组竞赛。抢答形式看图说句子,看哪个小组抢得多、说得好,学生和老师作评价。今天我们主要学习supermarket, tomato, potato, candy, bag, kid几个新单词,并学习了句型I like.和I want to buy. 2. 与同学练习课文上的对话。3

13、完成课后练习。Lesson 4leavearrivestayWe will take a train to Beijing.Lets make a plan.Here is our plan. 第六课时1. 熟读会认单词 station, worried, forget。2. 能够理解学会句型:Mr. Li drives them to the train station. You dont have time to buy bananas. The train is leaving. Danny jumps on the train. 3. 会复述故事。理解目标句子,理解整个故事内容。复述故

14、事。大家一起大声练习Lets chant!Step 2 While-reading1.通过上面课文内容了解并回答:Where are they going?2.第一次阅读,快速阅读回答问题: Who is lost? What is Danny doing?学生快速阅读,然后回答。3.第二次阅读。A学生自己读故事,可以在组内讨论,然后回答问题: Who drives them to the train station? Who buys the tickets? Who looks for Danny in the train station? 小组探讨问题的答案,小组代表回答。B 连线。1.

15、 go on a trip 别担心。2Dont worry. 旅行3Look for 旅途愉快。4. Have a good trip. 火车站5forget 忘记6train station 寻找C选择正确的答案。( )1You dont have time to buy bananas. ( )2Do you like these or those bananas?( )3Mr. Li drives them to the train station. ( )4I cant find Danny. ( )5Danny is lost. A丹尼不见了。B你没时间买香蕉了。C你喜欢这些还是那些

16、香蕉。D李叔叔开车送他们去火车站。E我找不到丹尼。4. 第三次阅读。让学生注意人物的语音、语调。 出示问题:Why Mr. Li says: “Danny! You dont have time to buy bananas.”? 学生小组探讨,然后请代表回答 Step 3 Post-reading故事学完了,请学生回答课文后的两个问题。Who is going to Beijing? What happens to Danny?Step4 Practice1. Listen to the tape, and point to the sentences. 2. Lets watch the

17、story again. This time you can read with it. 3. 分角色演一演这个故事。1. 词汇station, worried, forget的含义。2. 今天我们学习了句型:Mr. Li drives them to the train station. I cant find Danny. Mr. Li looks for Danny in the train station. You dont have time to buy bananas. Danny jumps on the train. Step 6 Homework 1. 听录音,熟读本课内容

18、.2. 回家后把这个故事讲给爸爸妈妈听。Lesson 6station worried forgetMr. Li drives them to the train station.I cant find Danny.Mr. Li looks for Danny in the train station.You dont have time to buy bananas.The train is leaving. Danny jumps on the train. Lesson7 Arriving in Beijing教案第一课时1. 知识目标:掌握单词:man,woman,child以及复数形

19、式men, women, children, 了解people的单复数一致,知道some, great, hotel的汉语意思,能运用所学知识用英语表达看到的、听到的事情。2. 能力目标:能熟练掌握和识记本课单词:men, women, children, people, many,能灵活运用本课所学内容,对身边的人物进行描述。教学重难点教学重点:掌握单词men, women, children, people, some。教学难点:能利用本课所学知识结合实际活动情况进行情感交际练习。情景交际教学法,合作学习教学法。教学媒体准备教学卡片cards、tape-recorder、多媒体课件PPT.

20、 1课时Step 1: Warm-up1. Greeting: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you? Im happy. Are you happy? Hows the weather today? Its a lovely day! Lets go on a trip, Ok?2. Show the picture of “Tiananmen Square” to the students. Whats this? Where is it? Who can say something about Beijing? So, Beijing is great!

21、Lets go on a trip to Beijing by train.3. Show the train on PPT. Now were on the train. Do you want to have a chant? (this that chant) 4. Can we jump on the train? Can we look out the window on the train? Ok. What can you see?Sept 2: Presentation(一)part 11. Oh, We arrive in Beijing. Im very tired. Mr

22、s. Li, Danny, Jenny and Li Ming arrive in Beijing too. They are on their way to the hotel. What can they see?2. Read and answer.a. There are many _, _and _ on the street. b. There are many _, too.(二)part 21. 出示man图, What can you see? 板书 This is a man. / This is one man.2. 出示men图, Is this a man? 板书 T

23、hese are men. / These are many men.拼读men. 从音形区别man 与men 3. 出示woman图, Who is this? 板书This is a woman./ This is one woman. I am a woman, too. 4. 出示women图, How many women? 5 women. 板书These are women.拼读women. 从音形区别woman 与women. 5. 出示boy and girl图, This is a boy and a girl. Who is a boy? Stand up, please

24、. Who is a girl? Stand up, please. Who is a child? The boy is a child. The girl is a child, too. Boys and girls are children. 板书,拼读children= child+ ren. 区别child 与children. 6. 出示课本插图,Teacher asks students try to describe them in pairs. Show the question of “Fill in the blanks”, ask one student to read. A child is_.Some children are _

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