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牛津4B教案Unit7At a snack barWord文件下载.docx

1、四、教学难点:掌握并熟练运用本课的交际用语。五、单元总课时:四课时第一课时一、教学目标1四会词: pies hamburgers chips noodles sweets 2三会词: sandwiches3四会交际用语 What would you like ?4三会交际用语Anything else ?二、教学准备:1教师准备生词卡片,实物图片,录音机等。2教师准备一个小纸袋,内装一些本课学习所需要的食品。3、学生准备一些食品。食品类名词的读音和书写理解并运用How about you ?五、教学过程:(一):复习导入1、学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。教师可以采取评五角星的办法。2

2、、Free talk T: Good morning , class . Today I have some food . Look , here they are .(出示小纸袋) Hello , xx. What would you like ? S: Id like a hamburger . Heres a hamburger . Here you are . Thank you , Miss Xue . You are welcome . (用同样的方法询问几个学生,导入新课-At a snack bar)教师领读课题。(二):呈现新知1、过渡语言 Oh dear .Im very

3、hungry . Are you hungry ? Yes . Well , lets do some shopping . OK ? Id like a hamburger . Hi, xx. What would you like ?S1:Id like a hamburger .S2: Id like a pie . How about you , xx ?S3:Id like a sandwich.询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:What would you like ?2、情景引出食品类名词 Look , whats this ? (出示一个苹果派) Its a pie . Yes ,

4、 its an apple pie . Do you like this apple pie ? If you are good . This apple pie is for you . Who wants this apple pie ? Hi ,xx. What would you like ? I have many food .Do you like ? Now ,guess. Whats in my bag ?(根据学生猜测,教师逐个出示hamburger、 sandwich )用同样的方式引出新词教学:sweets 、chips 、biscuit 、noodles Now , h

5、ere are some food. Who can act a salesman ? Well , Im very hungry . I want something to eat . What would you like ? Here you are . Work in pairs .3、猜物游戏,教师带一个小袋,内装一些食品,让学生摸一摸,猜一猜。 Here are some food .Guess what are these ? If you are right , you will get this . Great . What are these ? S: Sandwiches

6、. Yes . You are right . No , you are wrong .4、朗读小诗:5、情景引出: Hi,What would you like ? Do you want a sandwich ? What else do you want ? Id like a hot dog . Good . Here you are .(板书新句,教学Anything else ?)6、师生示范串联对话 Some chips. Here you are .Work in pairs.(三)、巩固新知1、 听录音,学说话。2、 学生表演串联对话3、 布置作业: (1) 抄写新单词(2)

7、 编演对话板书:Unit 7 At a snack bar Id like a hamburger . chips How about you ? sandwiches noodlesAnything else ? a pie sweets六、教学后记:第二课时一、教学目标:1、 四会单词:chocolate tea coffee juice milk 2、四会学习句子: How much is it / are they ? Its ./Theyre 3、三会学习句子:Something to drink ?二、教学过程:(一)复习导入师生复习表演上一节课的情景会话。 Good mornin

8、g , class . Today I have some food . Do you like them ? Hello , xxx . What would you like ? Id like a hamburger . Id like a hot dog . Some chips , please .(二)、呈现新知1、游戏猜谜引出新单词 chocolate First , lets play a game . Whats in my bag ? Its a hamburger , I think . Its a hotdog , I think. Its an apple pie ,

9、 I think . No , its a bar of chocolate . Now say after me , chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate . Chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate . Do you like it? Yes , I do . If you are good in this game , this bar of chocolate will be for you .2、创设情景引出饮料的单词 Oh , dear . Today is very hot . I m v

10、ery thirsty . I want something to drink . Do you want something to drink ? Whats in my bag ? Some milk , I think. Yes , you are right . Heres some milk . Do you want some milk ? Great ! Dont worry . I have some drink . Guess ! Some orange juice . Yes , you are right .Its a bottle of orange juice . A

11、nything else ? Some apple juice . No , you are wrong .(教师用同样的方法,逐个出示其他饮料单词,教授新词:tea、coffee、 milk ) Good . Now lets have a match . OK ? Here are some pictures . Please guess whats this in the pictures ? 教师拿出饮料图片,折去半张纸,只露出图片的一个角。 Some milk ? Some orange juice ? Some coffee ? Some tea ? Great . Now , c

12、lass , lets have a rest . Shall we go to the supermarket and buy something to drink ? OK ?3、情景对话, 引出新句Something to drink ? Hello , xxx. What would you like ? Something to drink ? Some orange juice . All right . Here you are . Thank you . Hello , xxx . How about you ? Oh , Im very hungry and thirsty

13、. I want something to drink . Who want to be a salesmen ? Hello , Miss Xue . What would you like ? Yes . Some tea , please .Work in pairs 4、创设情景,引出 Me , too . Hi , xxx. What would you like ? Id like a sandwich . Me , too . Something to drink ? Some apple juice , please . Me , too . Me , too . 同桌学生练习

14、。5、情景引出新句 How much is it / are they ? Im very thirsty , I want something to drink . Whats that on your desk ?May I have one ? Sure , here you are . How much is it ? Two yuan . Id like some milk . How much is it ? Three yuan .6、学生互动,练习用Something to drink ?表演。(三)巩固练习1、Say a rhyme : Id like some orange

15、 juice . Id like some milk . Id like some tea . Id like some coffee .Sure , they are very nice .2、Listen to the tape and read the dialogue .3、师生互动示范,学生小组表演对话。Modle : Hello , xxx. Whats the time , now ? Its about 11 oclock . Its time to have lunch , now . Shall we go to the supermarket ? All right .

16、Good afternoon . Can I help you ? Some milk , please . Me , too . How much are they ? Eight yuan . Here you are , thank you .4、看图说话 Now lets do some exercises . Look at the pictures . What do they like ? Can you tell me ? Yes , I can . Lets begin now .Do a survey .教师设计一张调查表格, 样式如下: Hello . Whats you

17、r name ? Im xxx. Id like a hamburger . Some chips . Some milk . Whats your name ? (略)Food SandwichesHamburgersPies milkJuice Wang BinUnit 7 At a snack barIts / Theyre .三、教学后记: 第三课时1.巩固前两课所学的食物类单词,能用“What would you like ?”询问他人,并会用“Id like ”进行回答。2. 能用“What can you see in the picture ?”“How many ?”正确询问

18、并回答。3. 能熟练朗读小诗,并能自编小诗。1.食物或食物的图片,录音机、磁带。2.学生自备食品.三、教学过程:Step 1.Revision.1.通过图片复习食物类单词。What can you see in the picture?I can see 2.Listen to the tape (Say a rhyme),and say after it .3.Students make a new rhyme. (教师给予一定指导)Model:Id like some orange juice .Id like some milk .Sure , theyre very nice . 4.

19、Free talk : Shall we go to the KFC , A? Great.How do we go there ? Shall we go to the KFC by bus ? No,lets go by minibus . OK . Lets go .Step 2 Look at the picture of Part G 21. Ask Questions:(1) What can you see in the picture ? I can see some (2) How many ?(3) Do you like sandwiches?(4) Id like 2.

20、 Students ask in pairs and fill in the blanks of the table.3. Teacher asks the students and check the answers.Step 3:Presention and practice: Lets go and buy something to eat.Ss: Great! Who act the waiter and the waitress.(Two students act the waiter and the waitress.)1. Teacher makes a model with s

21、ome students. Im hungry .Id like a humburger. Im thirsty , too. Id like a glass of juice . Hot or cold ? Hot , please. Step 4:Consolidation:Look at the book of page 56.Act a waiter or a waitress , ask your classmates and fill in the blanks.四、Homework:1.Oral homework:Ask the friends and family member

22、s :If they go to the KFC or Mc,“What would you like ?”2. Written homework:Finish the Part D of the workbook.第 四 课 时1.巩固本单元所学的内容,了解字母组合ds, ts 的发音。2. 完成练习册上的练习。磁带,录音机, 单词卡片等。1. Hungry,hungry ,Im Hungry,Humburger,humburger,heres a humburger.Thirsty ,thirsty ,Im thirsty,Coffee,coffee,heres some coffee.(

23、pies, juice;biscuits, milk)2. Free talk:Do you like biscuits?Yes , I do.Me,too.Do you like sweets?Yes,I do.Oh,no .I dont like sweets.Step 2:Look at the picture of Part F: Look at those boys. What are those in their hands? Theyre biscuits and sweets. What are those flying in the sky?(教师边说边做动作) Theyre birds.Read the words and sentence.birds friends biscuits sweetsMy

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