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仁爱初中英语八上《Unit 3Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday》word教案C 2Word格式.docx

1、首先让学生玩“大侦探”游戏,复习过去某一个时刻正在发生的动作。然后让学生听录音,完成Section A-2。接着通过图片教学新词汇并操练过去某一个时间段正在发生的动作,完成Section A-3 。随后让学生通过翻译法学习When 和While引导的过去进行时态,通过补全Section C-2 Tom 和Jerry的故事,巩固When和While的用法,并完成Section C-2 。最后进行语音训练,完成Section B-3a,3b 。完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇 serve,chat,news,museum,duck

2、,roast duck,wake,wake up,happily (2)继续学习过去进行时态。2. Skill aims: (1) 能够描述过去某个时刻/时段正在发生的动作。 (2) 能够描述过去不同的时刻,时间段。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1) 表达用于过去进行时态的时刻,时间段。 (2)掌握when 和while 的用法。 (3) 学会句子的重读,弱读,连读等。2. Difficult points: (1) 正确运用when和whi

3、le来描述过去的动作。 (2) 掌握句子的重读,弱读,连读,不完全爆破等语音知识。. Learning strategies1. 听前明确听力任务,预测听中重点。2. 上课要做好笔记,课后要自我消化,归纳形成自己的知识。3. 听懂大意,善用速记,注意细节。如:词形变化。4. 多听多模仿,敢于开口。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/Tom and Jerry片段/图片/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):Revision StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Group w

4、ork)Greet the Ss and let them work in groups and play the game “Super Detective” to revise past continuous tense.T: Good morning ,class ! Do you like watching Detective Conan ? Do you want to be a detective like Conan ? OK . Now, lets play a game called “Super Detective”. Suppose someone was killed

5、last night . Please work in groups , one student will act as the detective and others will be the suspects. The detective should try to find out what the suspects were doing and judge who was the killer. The time table is shown on the Bb. Do you understand what I mean? Great ! Go ahead ! Now, stop p

6、lease ! Which group would like to present ? Good performance ! Next group ,please .Work in groups and play the game to revise past continuous tense.Ss: Good morning, Mr. . Of course. Sure. Yes. Group One :S1: Im the detective and they are the suspects. Xxx, what were you doing at eight oclock last n

7、ight ?S2: I was watching a film at Peoples Theater. Xxx, what were you doing from seven to nine last night ?S3: I was . .S4:Group Three :.通过玩“大侦探”游戏复习过去进行时态。Remark:为了让学生顺利进行此游戏,教师可以拟定一个时间表。教师也可以做一个示范。时间表应该包含过去的某一个时刻或者某一个时段。教师要多鼓励几组学生参与展示。Stage 2(5mins):Finishing Section A-21( Individual work)Let the

8、 Ss listen to the conversation in Section A-2 and complete the passage . Well done , class ! I hope the best detectives in the future will come from our class ! Next, we will listen to a long conversation and complete the passage on page 72. Now,please read the passage first and try to make sure wha

9、t you should pay much attention to while listening . Can we listen now ? Do you need to listen twice? Now, lets check the answers . Who can try ? Xxx, please continue !Listen to the conversation in Section A-2 and finish the passage . Yes. favorite , doing some packing ,. sitting, reading ,.通过听的方式继续

10、复习过去进行时态。完成Section A- 2 。Remark:教师要让学生先仔细阅读2的短文,明确在听中阶段应注意哪些部分。对于听后要填空的听力任务,教师要提醒学生善用速记。教师在核对答案的过程中,教学“serve”。Stage 3(10mins):Finishing Section A-3 1 (Class activity )Show some pictures and teach the new words. You did very well . Next ,Ill show you some pictures .Please try to speak out the activit

11、ies .(Shows the picture)You are right . Go on . Maybe listen to news . This one ? I dont think so . I think he is chatting on line . How about this one ?It seems that they are visiting the museum . And this one ? How delicious ! I like Beijing roast duck very much . Please read the activities togeth

12、er.Learn the new words by pictures. Climbing mountains. Listening to music. Playing computer games. Listening to a story. Wow!学习新词汇,为开展口语活动扫除词汇障碍。2(Pair work)Let the Ss make up conversations according to the example. We have learned so many activities .Next ,lets work in pairs and do some speaking .

13、 First, please read the example in 3. Do you know how to make up conversations now ? Lets get started . Stop talking,please . Xxx and Xxx, please show your conversation . Well done . More volunteers , please ! Now , close your book and make up more conversations with different activities. Which pair

14、 would like to present ?Make up conversations according to the example. What were you doing from seven to seven thirty yesterday morning ? I was listening to the news . Were you . No,I wasnt. I was .S7:S8:训练学生口头描述在过去不同的时刻所进行的活动。完成3 。在利用图片教学新词汇的过程中,教师不仅要展示含有新词汇的图片,还要展示更多的含有不同活动的图片。教师还要把这些活动板书在黑板上。除了让

15、学生完成3中的图片,教师应该让学生自由发挥,编更多的对话。Stage 4(12mins):Finishing Section C-2 Introduce the usage of when /while Good speaking ! You know how to describe an activity happening in the past. Do you know how to describe two activities happening in the past ? Look at the Bb. Please translate them in English. Who w

16、ould like to try ? Please use “while”, if two activities happened at the same time . How about the second one ? You are right . If one activity happened after another, we can use “when” or “while” to describe . Now , the last sentence.Learn the usage of when/while. Sorry. When I was doing my homewor

17、k , my mother was doing some cleaning. When I was watching TV, my father came back home. When/While my father came back, I was doing my homework.学习when和while 引导过去进行时态的用法。为完成Section C-2 做准备。2 (Individual work)Let the Ss fill in the blanks in Section C-2 .T:(Shows picture) Who is it ? And this one ? A

18、re they good friends ? I dont agree . I think sometimes they are friends but sometimes they are enemies . They are very funny. Do you think so ? Look ! What was Jerry doing ? What was Tom doing ? Then ? Yes . He woke up .Now ,please turn to page 76. Look at the pictures in 2 and fill in the blanks.

19、Can we check the answers now ? Xxx,please start with No.1. Very good . Next one ?Finish Section C-2 . Its Tom. Its Jerry. No. He was taking a shower. He was sleeping. 醒来了。 Yes . When ., the mouse was taking a shower.巩固when 和while 的用法。完成 Section C- 2。 对于持续动词和非持续动词教师不要深入地讲解。让学生通过例句自己去体会。至于when 和while的

20、用法 ,教师最好用汉语解释,更加简洁明了。但是一定要让学生明白动作发生有先后顺序,学会描述先后或者同时发生的动作。Stage 5(3mins):Finishing Section B-3a1(Individual work)Listen to the tape of Section B-3a to learn the difference among the pronunciation . Excellent ! Now ,lets learn some pronunciations. First of all, listen to the tape attentively. Sometime

21、s it pronounces ., for example , “light” ,but sometimes it pronounces . ,such as “apple”. Who can try to read 3a for us?Look at the screen. Listen and tell what you hear. Are you ready ? (Plays the tape) Which one ?Listen to the tape of Section B-3a to learn the difference among the pronunciation. N

22、ine .学习音标知识,完成Section B -3a 。 教师多准备一些类似的单词,让学生去读去体会它们的不同,教师可以适当的介绍发音要领。教师可以准备一个听音辨单词的小测试。教师在教学音标时,可以适当使用汉语。Stage 6(5mins):Finishing Section B-3b1(Pair work )Let the Ss listen to the tape to learn assimilation, stress,liaison,weak form and incomplete plosion . In English, reading each word correctly

23、doesnt mean you can talk with foreigners freely . The native speakers may have no difficulty understanding what you say , but you may not understand what they say . Now ,work in pairs and read the conversations in 3b. Pay attention to the assimilation, stress , liaison, weak form and incomplete plos

24、ion . Stop please ! Which pair would like to show the first one? Now, lets listen to the tape and read after it .Listen to the tape to learn assimilation, stress,liaison,weak form and incomplete plosion .学习句子的重读,弱读,连读,同化等。完成Section B-3b 。 关于句子的重读、弱读、连读等语音知识,教师不必讲太多理论知识,鼓励学生多模仿即可。Stage 7(5mins):Summa

25、rizing and assigning HMK1(Class activity )Let the Ss summarize what they have learned today. Time will be up soon . Lets summarize . What have you learned today. Yes. Can you give an example ? Right . How about a time point ? When do we use “When” ?Summarize what they have learned today. 过去的时间段。 Fro

26、m seven to nine last night. At seven yesterday evening.S5:S6:回顾本课的重点知识,加强记忆。2 (Class activity)Assigning the HMK. For todays homework, Id like you to describe what you were doing last Sunday . You have to write at least five activities happening at different time. Finish the HMK after class.让学生回顾上个星期天的活动,巩固过去进行时态的用法。因为本课涉及到一些专用语法术语,在回顾总结阶段,允许学生

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