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1、Seeing a doctor, having regular health care to stay healthyDoing physical exercise to keep fitEating some healthy foodsCoping with the stress well to stay healthyThe useful expressions for talking about health problems: Toast烤面包/sweet roll甜面包/shredded rolls花卷/steamed bun馒头/ stuffed dumplings馄饨/meat

2、dumplings饺子/fried noodles/ noodles in soup汤面/steamed bread/bean-curd/a tin(bottle) of yogurt Bacon,salt meat/pork in spice酱肉/spareribs排骨/roast duck/ curry chicken咖喱鸡/birds nest/sharks fins鱼翅/ Sesame oil芝麻油/lard 猪油/soy,bean,sauce酱油/vinegar醋/hot pepper辣椒/black pepper胡椒/gourmet powder味精/soybean milk豆浆

3、Cabbage/carrot/lettuce莴荀/ eggplant茄子/onion/garlic/lotus-root/spinach波菜/cucumber/celery芹菜 turnip白萝卜/mushroom/broccoli椰菜/cauliflower菜花/beansprout豆芽/ Leek韭菜/pumpkin/asparagus龙须菜 Peach/grape/pear/apricot杏子 plum西梅/mango/watermelon/lemon/cherry/strawberry/ lychee/star fruit杨桃/honeydew melon蜜瓜/ Rice/oat燕麦/

4、wheat小麦/maize,corn/millet小米/barley大麦/ red rice/glutinous rice/taro芋头/sweet potato Buck wheat荞麦 Shrimp/lobster/crab/clam/carp/ grass carp草鱼/dace鲮鱼/crucian carp唧鱼 Abalone鲍鱼/sea-peach卢鱼/eel鳝鱼/hairtail带鱼 Snail/oyster蚌 Foods to protect your heart/ act against heart disease 防止心脏病 to prevent constipation便秘

5、/block diarrhea止泻 improve lung capacity扩大肺活量/cushion joints护垫关节 control(regulate) blood pressure调节血压 combat cancer抗癌/ battle diabetes防止糖尿病 improve(save) your eyesight/ shield against Alzheimers抵抗帕金森症 slow aging process/aid digestion/lower cholesterol胆固醇 stabilize blood sugar平衡血糖/guard against liver

6、disease抵抗肝病 help stop strokes防止中风/smooth skin平滑肌肤/strengthen bones壮骨 quiet a cough止咳/help hemorrhoids痔疮/aid weight loss帮助减肥 boost memory提高记忆力/bring a balance in salt-intake平衡盐分吸入Our body is made up of what we eat. There is no secret to healthy eating. Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including ple

7、nty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products,low-fat dairy products奶制品, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes豆类. Drink lots of water and go easy on the salt少吃盐, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat饱和脂肪. Good nutrition should be part of an overall healthy lifestyle. If you want to drink alcoholi

8、c beverages, do so in moderation适中.Dont drink or eat to excess.Heart disease is the number one cause of premature death and disability in the world. A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to part of the heart is blocked. A stroke occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is interfered with or

9、 stopped. These often result from arteriosclerosis心肌梗塞, or hardening of the arteries, which can be influenced by lifestyle factors. As the arteries血管 gradually harden and thicken, passageways for blood flow eventually narrow and may even become blocked, leading to a heart attack or a stroke. If we c

10、an improve the circulation of blood from the feet to the head, we will become healthier.1. How do you keep healthy/fit, both physically and mentally healthy? 2. What sport do you like to play?3. How do you keep a balanced diet?(eat food with low calories and fat; have more vegetables and fruit;jog t

11、hree times a week etc. )4. Can you share with us any successful or unsuccessful example of losing weight?Fast-food restaurant A fast-food restaurant is a restaurant characterized by food which is supplied quickly after ordering (and which may or may not be consumed quickly as well), and by minimal s

12、ervice. The food in these restaurants is commonly cooked in advance and kept hot, or reheated to order. Many fast-food restaurants are part of restaurant chains or franchise (特许经营权) operations, which provide standardized foodstuffs to the individual restaurants, shipped from central locations. Becau

13、se of its convenience, fast food (also known as take-away food or take-out food) is very popular in many modern societies, but is often criticized of poor nutritional value (often contributing to obesity (肥胖), called junk food), advertising (especially directed at children), and other issues. It goe

14、s without saying (不言而喻) that staying healthy is of vital importance to college students. As is known to all, health is the foundation of students present academic success and future career success. If one has poor health, it is nearly impossible to pursue ones academic study, let alone fulfill dream

15、s. On the other hand if one keeps fit, he or she can go all out (全力以赴) to overcome the obstacles (障碍) that lie ahead. Therefore, building good health should be the priority (需优先考虑的事) of students concerns.Then what should we do to maintain and enhance (增强) our health? First, we should stick to a heal

16、thy and balanced diet, for human body needs sufficient nutrients in order to function well and resist illness. Second, we should keep regular hours, which can make our biological clock work well and do wonders in our life. Third, we should exercise every day, because doing exercises helps build our

17、bodies and keep different body parts working together. Finally, as a proverb goes, “Prevention is better than cure”, we need to go and see a doctor before the diseases become too severe.In short, health is the secret of happiness. In todays competitive world, students of physical health and psycholo

18、gical health can endure pressures and enjoy pleasures in daily life. When we have good health, we have the necessary foundation of a happy life. Health is the greatest wealth that every future-oriented (面向未来) college student should possess.College Students Should Have a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Bod

19、y. When they experience major turning points in their lives, some college students have hidden mental problems. These problems may result from academic pressure, anxiety about interpersonal relationships, love failure or career-related matters. Without parents immediate help or teachers adequate gui

20、dance, a lot of physical and emotional disorders touch them. They suffer from depression (抑郁症), sleep disorders or poor academic performance. Anxious hearts, hopeless minds and even nervous breakdowns (神经衰弱) chase them.Mental health is part of the most valuable wealth students can ever have. People

21、are driven by irrational forces or primitive instincts. Inner struggle between instincts and conscience often led to disaster which was manifested/embodied体现 in the form of personal tragedies such as murder and suicide or collective tragedies such as war. On campus students learn to reason and act w

22、ith wisdom, with a healthy mind in a healthy body, they can challenge all hardships later in life. Todays competitive world needs more versatile talents 多才多艺的英才, especially those who are firm-willed and have confidence in themselves.Therefore, all sides concerned (有关方面) should make joint efforts to

23、help students solve their mental problems. Schools may offer optional courses (选修课) and establish campus counseling (咨询) center to help students. Parents, teachers and classmates could encourage them to go to psychological clinic. Students must develop a positive mental attitude and be more optimist

24、ic. We believe those who have mental health can do great things in the future.1. Whats your favorite food? Whats your least favorite food? Tell us a story in which we see you have grown to like or dislike something that you dont like or like at first.What do you like best (most) about the food? What

25、 do you like the least about the food?2. Making a conversation discussing where and what to eat.Practice ordering foods at the restaurant.The Healthy Eating Pyramid shows that you should eat more foods from the bottom part of the pyramid (vegetables, whole grains) and less from the top (red meat, re

26、fined grains, sugary drinks, and salt). The so-called high-calorie foods, is defined in the staple主要产品, 主食food of rice grains, the amount by adding beans, peanuts and other high calorie food. The so-called high-quality protein means milk, eggs, fish, poultry, lean meat and other livestock. Vegetable

27、s and fruit, high vitamin content, such as tomatoes, green peppers, etc. contain more vitamin C, is to enhance physical fitness, an important material to resist the disease.In the market so-called health foods including food supplements,functional foods and natural foods. Some products on the market

28、 are exaggeratedly claimed to be very good, but few are in line with World Health Organization standards. Consumers must see clearly the source, nature and function of the foods, not to believe everything salespersons sell.They should consult the advice of professionals. Unhealthful foods should not be eaten every day, but foods rich in fiber, iron and vitamin B6 should be eaten.They can not only prevent aging but also combat cancer. Several vegetables, asparagus芦笋,龙须菜, cauliflower, e

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