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1、1. This is a most controversial issue which is being heatedly debated in present China. As shown in the cartoon, an old lady was lying on the ground sick or injured. A man nearby was hesitating whether to help her to get up or not. He felt torn between his conscience to offer his hand and his fear o

2、f getting involved in a trouble. Obviously, the drawer of this picture intends to draw our attention to the issue confronting every Chinese: in the same situation, would you help or not ? Different views have been presented about this issue. Some people argue that one should give help to those in tr

3、ouble without hesitation. They insist that offering help to others is not just a matter of conscience, but an essential virtue of humanity. Should everyone be indifferent to those in difficulty or in disaster, our society would be a cold place without love or care, as vividly shown in the news story

4、 about “Xiao Yue Yue”. People would never feel warm or happy in such a society. However, others claim that one should leave those poor individuals alone. In their eyes, everyone has his own things to worry in this time of maddening competition, and he has no time or energy left to offer help to othe

5、rs. Therefore, it is everyones duty to take good care of himself, or he will inevitably be forgotten by the world. And these assumptions are further strengthened by some recent incidents happening in China: some individuals find themselves caught in trouble all because of their good intentions to he

6、lp sick or injured old women. Frankly, I dont agree with the view that everyone should take good care of himself and thats enough. In my opinion, helpingh those in difficulty with love and care is an indispensable virtue of humanity, and it is a value which should be praised and kept up in our socie

7、ty. Therefore, my conclusion is that to make our society a warm and harmonious place to live in, please dont hesitate to offer your help to others.2. These two pictures describe regretable scenes. In the left picture, a man who is dressed poorly but lives in favorable primitive surroundings with tre

8、es, flowers, fresh air, water and beautiful sunshine, complains that he is unhappy. Bewilderingly enough, the man in the second picture, who is apparently living in the modern age with electric lamps, TV set, computer, car and aeroplane, still claims that he is unhappy. So what on earth does it need

9、 to make a man feel happy? Clearly, the drawer of these cartoons wishes to reveal the problem of unhappiness in the present world, particularly in China. Many reasons have been listed as lead to this wide-spread unhappiness in China, but in my opinion, high pressure and insatiable needs are the two

10、primary factors contributing to this problem. Generally speaking, from the moment they are born, Chinese people will be put in a stressful and strained environment where competition can be denoted as the key word for their daily life. They have to compete against all others to be admitted into a sel

11、ective high school and then to a renowned university, to obtain a well-paid job with ideal working conditions, and to get an earlier promotion, etc. And are the winners of these competitions happy? No, because they are not fully satisfied with what theyve got. They think they are capable of obtainin

12、g more. They want to reach a higher level of life, which they think should be reachable if they try. This, however, inevitably involves them in another round of competition, which forms a vicious cycle and may bring adverse effects to the rest of their lives. With all of these burdens, there is no w

13、onder that Chinese people are not happy. As stated above, high pressure and the insatiable needs are the two contributions to the problem of why Chinese people are unhappy. If Chinese people want to reverse the situation and promote happiness, they can change themselves with regard to these two aspe

14、cts.3. This picture is really thought-provoking. It is a balance, with one of the scales containing “efforts” and the other containing “results”. Evidently, the message that the drawer of this picture wants to convey to us is that life is just like this balance, a certain amount of efforts will be r

15、ewarded with the corresponding amount of achievements. No more, and no less. The implications of this picture are clear: everyone may have set a goal for his life, but only those who make the greatest efforts can achieve his goal. The amount of time and energy that one devotes to his goal is directl

16、y related to how much he may expect to get in return. When we watch a world-class musician or a top athlete, we dont see the years of preparation that enabled him or her to become great. The Michael Jordans of the world have talent, yes, but theyre also the first ones on and the last ones off the ba

17、sketball court. The Langlangs of the world are so impressive and admirable in the limelight, yet few people do notice those years of difficult, tiring and boring practice behind their dazzling success as world-class musicians. The same preparation applies in every form of human endeavor. If you have

18、 a dream or an ambition, you have to work hard to make it come true. To sum up, everyone may have his dreams in life, and he must keep in mind that its easier to have an ambition than to work hard to fulfill it. Only when one has made sufficient efforts can he expect to get satisfying rewards.4. As

19、depicted in the picture, a young man is running forward, in spite of the strong wind and a likely storm. He knows that if he doesnt move ahead, he will certainly fail to achieve his goal. The other young man, by contrast, dozes off on the sofa, daydeaming. He probably thinks it unwise to move on whe

20、n there is a storm looming ahead. Evidently, the message that the drawer of this picture wants to convey to us is that nothing venture, nothing gain. The rightness of this notion has been proved numerous times. Take Christopher Columbus for example. Despite all the hardships and challenges, he and h

21、is fleet ventured into the ocean, the unknown. Then he found the America, the New World, as everybody knows, and introduced it to the world. And in the following centuries, millions of immigrants came to settle the new land and built up what is now the United States of America. Because of his ventur

22、es, he made history. Likewise, when Ma Yun, a famous Chinese entrepreneur, founded his A in 1999, he certainly knew he was taking a huge risk, for B2B marketplace online was absolutely a new area of business in China at that time. But he persisted and he made it. Without the courage to taking risks,

23、 ambitions or achievements will only be a total impossibility. As can be seen clearly from the above talk, we may draw the conclusion that avoidance of risks is more dangerous than taking risks. And I firmly believe that anyone who wishes to be a successful man or woman will have to possess the spir

24、it of venture.5. This is surely a regrettable scene. A teacher is giving a lecture to her students. When she asks her students what their life ambition is, the replies are astonishingly the same: sleep. Looking closely, one may find that all the students, at a young age, are all wearing a pair of gl

25、asses, and on their desks are piles of books. Clearly, the drawer of this cartoon wishes to reveal the problem of huge burdens on Chinese students. The reasons behind this problem are obvious. As the school teachers and the parents know, competition is maddening among the kids. If the kids wish to b

26、e admitted into the best schools or universities, they have to work extra hard and “burn the mid-night oil”. As a result, the parents and teachers are extremely strict with the children. They will make sure that the kids listen to the teachers attentively in class and do their homework properly afte

27、r school. And in most cases, parents will send their kids to many different kinds of training classes after school so that their kids can learn more and achieve higher scores than other kids. It is really regrettable that Chinese kids grow up in such a miserable state. Its not just that their eyes a

28、nd health suffer a lot, but that they lose a happy childhood, which is usually supposed to be the happiest time of ones life. Poor kids in China. Its really high time for us to solve this problem.On one hand, the government should reassess its policies of education. On the other hand, the public, in

29、cluding both the teachers and the parents, should reexamine their expectations of the children. Only in this way can we expect to give our children a most happy childhood and let them grow up naturally.6. It is a paradox. While the development of space technology provides us human beings with a bett

30、er understanding of our Earth and the universe, it is sending thousands of tons of junk into the planets orbits, circling the earth. All this junk poses a serious threat to the existence of life on the earth. Obviously, the drawer of this picture intends us to reexamine both the benefits and costs t

31、hat science and technology, including space technology, have brought to humans. Admittedly, the advancement of science and technology has changed human life enormously and positively. The use of technology in agriculture has increased our productivity so that more people are fed and clothed. Doing w

32、ork at workplaces is more comfortable because of invention of all sorts of machines.Development of technology in kitchens has relieved house wives of boring and tiring house work and brought them more leisure. Airplanes may carry people to the other side of the earth to visit friends or see the sceneries in a matter of hours. And the emergence of computers and the Internet makes peoples life more convenient and colorful. However, many others would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age. They insist that progress in science and

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