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译林版英语高考一轮复习 第2部分 专题二 名词和冠词Word格式.docx

1、.单句改错Though we are now out of danger,the broken bridge is still great danger to car drivers.great前加a 【导学号:31670158】再解读要点名词按其词汇意义可分为专有名词和普通名词。普通名词包括可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分, 不可数名词没有单复数之分。1可数名词复数的变化规则(1) 名词复数的规则变化一般情况下在词尾直接加s。如:books,horses,beds,pages以s,x,sh,ch结尾的名词,在词尾加es,如:glasses,boxes,brushes,watch

2、es(例外:stomach stomachs)以辅音字母y结尾的名词,把y变为i再加es;以元音字母y结尾的名词,直接加s,如:cities,countries,factories,boys,toys,holidays以o结尾的名词,常在词尾加s,如:radios,photos,pianos,zoos(例外:heroes,tomatoes,potatoes)以f或fe结尾的名词,常把f或fe变成v,再加es,如:half halves,knife knives,leaf leaves;少数词尾加s,如:roofs,chiefs,gulfs,beliefs,proofs(2) 名词复数的不规则变

3、化单复数同形:deer,sheep,Chinese,means(方式, 方法),series,species词形变化:man men,woman women,child children,tooth teeth,foot feet,mouse mice,ox oxen合成名词的复数:passerby passersby,lookeron lookerson,grownup grownups,standby standbys名词前有man或woman修饰,变复数时,作定语的man/woman和中心词都要变为复数形式。woman doctor women doctors,man waiter me

4、n waiters(3)常以复数形式出现的名词:thanks,congratulations,trousers,works(著作;工厂),manners(礼貌),spirits(情绪),instructions(操作说明),directions(用法说明),papers(试卷, 文件),times(时代)等。2抽象名词具体化experienceU经验 an experienceC一次经历surpriseU惊奇 a surpriseC一个/次令人吃惊的人或事pleasureU愉快 a pleasureC一件乐事successU成功 a successC一个(件)成功的人或事comfortU安慰

5、a comfortC一个(件)令人安慰的人或事名词的固定搭配先试做题组1I have no hesitation(hesitate) in recommending her for the job.2(江西高考)Whenever I made mistakes(mistake),the teacher pointed them out with patience.Many parents in China always attach too much important to words,ordering their children to do this or that.importanti

6、mportance名词构成的固定搭配主要有两类:“动词名词”和“介词名词”。常考的高频短语:(1)beyond recognition无法辨认in great demand需求量很大with patience耐心地by chance/accident偶然at a loss不知所措in advance提前in favor of支持, 赞成on purpose故意地(2)have/gain access to可以获得take advantage of利用, 趁之机make use of利用find fault with挑的错keep pace with与同步put an end to结束take

7、notice of注意到take.into account/consideration考虑catch sight of看见make a difference有影响;有关系do damage to损害keep/ bear in mind记住attach importance to重视take the place of取代, 代替take pride in以自豪take possession of占有(3)make preparations for为做准备take pains to do尽力, 刻苦make(both) ends meet使收支相抵take turns to do轮流做be in

8、high spirits兴致勃勃burst into tears放声大哭in all directions向四面八方make contributions to对做出贡献技法点拨名词与语法填空名词与短文改错1词性转换题:“句子成分”是关键(1)如果要填的词在句中作主语、宾语或表语要考虑名词形式;(2)如果要填的词被形容词、定冠词或形容词性物主代词所修饰,要考虑名词形式;1遇到名词,首先想到是可数名词还是不可数名词;2看到several,a few,many,one of,three,a number of等要想到名词应用复数形式;3看到information,advice,progress,kn

9、owledge等,要想到它们是不可数名词,没有复数形式;2名词复数题:“牢记规则”辨是非(1)如果空格处被these,several,many和数词等修饰时,要考虑名词的复数形式;(2)如果一般现在时的谓语动词是动词原形或are,要考虑用名词的复数形式。4看到冠词等修饰词,要想到应用名词形式;5形容词和名词都可作表语,但形容词作表语说明主语的特点(how),名词作表语则说明主语的身份、职业等(what)。二、冠词题型分类语法填空1.(2017年全国卷)As a result,people will eat more food to try to make up for that somethi

10、ng missing.2(2017年全国卷)This included digging up the road,laying the track and then building a strong roof over the top.近五年高考对冠词的考查主要集中在冠词表泛指、特指的基本用法以及常见的固定搭配中的冠词上。短文改错1.(2017年全国卷)They live far from the school,and it takes them about aan/one hour and a half to go to work every day.2(2017年全国卷)Around me

11、 in picture are the things that were very important in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments.1.不定冠词a和an的错用;2不定冠词a(n)和定冠词the的错用;3单数可数名词前冠词的缺失;4冠词的多余;5常见固定搭配中冠词的缺失与多余。(对应学生用书第202页)不定冠词1(2017年重庆一中月考)“The match between these two teams is great,” said Jim,and I hope to see a second.2

12、(2015年四川高考)Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be a Beethoven.(2017年山东临沭一中月考)In the car park there Gina nearly got knocked over as car drove out far too quickly from behind a lorry.在第二个car前加a不定冠词用于表示泛指,一般修饰单数可数名词,有a和an两种形式。当紧跟冠词的名词的第一个音素是辅音音素(不是辅音字母)时,用不定冠词a;当紧跟冠词的名词的第一个音素是元音音素(不是元

13、音字母)时,用不定冠词an。1不定冠词的基本用法(1)用作可数名词单数前,泛指某一类人或物中的任何一个。It is generally accepted that a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man.人们普遍认为男孩子必须学会像男人那样站起来战斗。(2)用在专有名词前表示“某一个”,相当于a certain。Excuse me,would you please give the iPad to John?打扰一下,请你把这个iPad给约翰好吗?Sorry,but I dont think theres a John in our

14、class.对不起,但是我认为在我们班里没有叫约翰的。(3)用在“beofa/an名词”结构中,表示“同一,相同”时,相当于of the same名词。The two plants look different,but they are of a kind (of the same kind)这两种植物看上去不同,但属于同一类。2不定冠词的活用(1)用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”。(北京高考)First impressions are the most lasting.After all,you never get a second chance to make a first impres

15、sion.最初的印象最持久。毕竟, 你不可能有机会给别人再留下一个第一印象。(2)不定冠词可以用于某些具体化的抽象名词前,常考的具体化的抽象名词:success,failure,surprise,pleasure,beauty,pity,danger,comfort,honour等。(山东高考)Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in those tough times.在艰苦的时期,能够买得起一杯饮料是一件令人感到欣慰的事。(3)有些不可数名词如knowledge,collection,understanding等后面加of.时,

16、前面需用不定冠词a/an。have a (good) knowledge of.“精通”;have a (clear/good) understanding of.“了解”。(2017年烟台模拟)If you dont have a good knowledge of English,its out of the question for you to use it flexibly and fluently.如果你不精通英语,那么何谈灵活而流利地运用它呢!3用于固定搭配中all of a sudden突然地 as a matter of fact事实上at a loss不知所措;困惑 pay

17、 a visit to参观;拜访be/go on a diet节食 give sb.a lift让某人搭便车make a fool of 愚弄 in a hurry匆忙地make a living谋生 a waste of.浪费once in a while偶尔 keep an eye on 留意;留神have a gift for在方面有天赋have a word with与谈话in a way从某种意义上说as a result/consequence 因此定冠词单句语法填空1(2017年江西南昌联考)They only eat what they like and never touch

18、 food they dont like even if they really need it for their health.food前加the2(2017年山东寿光现代中学月考)The unsuccessful person,on the other hand,works little and just waits to see them pass by.3Xiamen is the most beautiful coastal city I have ever seen so that I will come again.比较应用Qingdao is a most beautiful

19、 coastal city and I believe I will come for a second time.1定冠词的基本用法(1)指双方都知道的人或物,或特指的人或物的名词前。(2015年重庆高考)I just heard the bank where Dora works was robbed by a gunman wearing a mask.我刚刚听说多拉工作的那家银行被一名持枪蒙面人抢劫了。(2)用于某些形容词或分词前,表示一类人。(2016年四川高考)Were not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives

20、 to the poor.我们并不是说每个人都需要为穷人贡献自己的一切。(3)用于序数词、形容词、副词的最高级以及形容词only,very,same前,以及对两个人或物进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前。(陕西高考)As is known to all,the Peoples Republic of China is the biggest developing country in the world.众所周知,中华人民共和国是世界上最大的发展中国家。This book is the better one of the two.这本书是这两者中较好的那一本。易错警示a与most连用,位于形容词前

21、时,most是表示程度的副词,意为“非常”;the与most连用,位于形容词或副词前时,most是最高级的标志,意为“最的”。(4)用于“bythe表示计量单位的名词(day/hour/dozen等)”结构中, 表示“按计算”。但size,weight这类名词跟by连用时不加定冠词。He was surprised to find that books are sold by weight in this bookstore,that is,by the kilogram.他惊奇地发现在这家书店书是按重量来卖,也就是说是按公斤来卖的。(5)用于“动词(hit,strike,pull,take等

22、)sb.介词the表示身体部位的名词”结构中, 其中的the不可用物主代词代替。hit sb.on the head 打某人的头pull /take the hand拉/抓住某人的手strike the face打某人的脸2用于固定搭配中at the moment 此刻,目前 by the way顺便说一下in the way 阻碍;挡路 in the distance在远处not in the least 一点也不 on the contrary与此相反the other day 几天之前 on the other hand另一方面to the point中肯, 切题

23、 take the place of 代替go to the cinema/theater去看电影/戏剧in the habit of有的习惯make the most/best of 充分利用to tell (you) the truth(跟你)说实话for the time being 暂时零冠词单句改错1(2017年四川成都外国语学校月考)I told him I could not go to the college because I did not want to study anymore.去掉the2(2017年福建福州十三中期中)How are you?Today Ive g

24、ot a wonderful news to tell you.去掉a3Sam has been appointed the manager of the engineering department to take the place of George.去掉manager前的the1零冠词的基本用法(1)用于不含普通名词的纯专有名词或表示泛指的抽象名词、物质名词、不可数名词或复数名词前。(2015年福建高考)Human life is regarded as part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to survive is to li

25、ve in harmony with nature.人类生活被认为是自然的一部分,因此我们生存的唯一方式就是要与自然和谐相处。(江西高考)The Smiths dont usually like staying at hotels,but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by the sea.史密斯夫妇通常不喜欢住旅馆,但去年夏天他们在海边的一个很舒适的旅馆住了几天。(2)名词前已有this,that,my,your,some,each,no,any 等指示代词、物主代词、不定代词作定语时不用冠词。Each stud

26、ent must hand in his exercise book by the end of this week.每个学生必须在本周末交作业本。(3) 表示头衔和职务的名词作表语、同位语或补语时, 其前通常用零冠词。(四川高考)Dr.Peter Spence,headmaster of the school,told us,“A fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”这所学校的校长彼得斯彭斯博士告诉我们说,“这里五分之一的学生都会到牛津大学或者剑桥大学继续学习。(4)用于表示无特指意义的季节、月份、日期、星

27、期和三餐的名词,及球类、棋类和学科名词前。Of all the subjects,I like history best because it gives us a useful knowledge of things in the past.在所有科目中,我最喜欢历史,因为我们可以从中了解许多过去的有益的知识。on/catch fire着火 by mistake错误地by chance/accident碰巧 in history在历史上under repair在维修中 hand in hand 手拉手do harm to对有害 on purpose故意地in place在正确位置 in danger在危险中in return作为回报 at present 目前ahead of time 提前 in advance 提前lose heart 灰心 out of control失控at dawn/dusk/night在黎明/黄昏/夜晚make room for为让出空间3有无冠词意义不同的搭配冠词与语法填空冠词与短文改错1观察空格后部分的中心词是否是名词或

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