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1、主体段落:主体段落应当描写单方面的趋势,根据趋势的分类来决定主体段落应当划分为几个自然段。结尾部分:图表通过对具体数据的对照和对比来说明问题,因此在图表作文的结尾部分要写出对照对比的趋势,以及从这个趋势中得出一个什么样的结论。4. 图表作文常用句型1. 表示“说明”的句子结构The table/chart/diagram/graph shows (that)The figures/statistics show (that)The diagram shows/describes/illustrates how According to the / As (is) shown in the/ A

2、s can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figuresIt can be seen from the/ We can see from the/ it is clear (apparent) from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures that2. 表示“数据”的句子结构Australia and the UK both had 10%.The profit rose to 10%.The monthly profit increased/fell by 10% from 10% to 20%

3、/from 20% to 10%.The profit remained steady at 10%.The profit peaked at just over 10%.Thailand had the largest percentage/number (10%/245) of the students.10% of the students were from the Peoples Republic of China.Thailand accounted for 10% of the students.They made twice/three times/four times the

4、 profit/the percentage of profit in May than in March.The profit percentage/percentage of profit doubled (increased/decreased three-fold) from March to May.Company As profit percentage rose steadily, whereas that of Company B fell slightly. There were more males than females (10% and 5% respectively

5、). 另外还要注意下列表中表达数字和统计数据的方式: School A hasalmostnearlyapproximatelyaboutjust overover a (one) quarter ofa (one) third ofa (one) half ofthree quarters ofthe (total) number of studentsabout overa quarter ofhalfthree quarterstwicethree timesas many studentsas much spaceas School BSchool A hasabout/nearlya

6、bout/approximately as many (students) asas much (space) asSchool Babout/approximatelyexactly/ precisely the same(number(proportion(amountof students) as3. 表示“数据变化”的句子结构1) 表示增加、较少和波动可使用下面两种结构来表达:Verb + adverb formAdjective + noun formThe number of (cars)increasedjumpedrosesoargo updecreaseddroppedfel

7、lfluctuatedsuddenlyrapidlydramaticallysignificantlysharplysteeplysteadilygraduallyslowlyslightlyfrom (June) to (December)between (June) and (December)There was a (very)suddenrapiddramaticsignificantsharpsteepsteadygradualslowslightincreasejumprisedecreasedropfallfluctuationin the number of (cars)fro

8、m to between and 2) 表示变化不大或没有变化使用下列句型:The number of (cars sold) remained steady (stable) / stayed the same from to/between andThere was little / hardly any/ no change in the number of (cars sold) from to / between and 3) 表示曲线图上最高点和最低点使用下列句型:The monthly/ the figures/ the situation peaked/reached a pe

9、ak/ bottomed out/ reached the bottom in December/ at 20%. 4. 使用正确的时态和语态5. 不要在文章中发表个人看法Sample Topic 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.You should write at least 150 words.Sample Answer 1This diagram unfolds a clear comparison between Florida, a state of the United States, and the United

10、States as a whole in four aspects, namely, registered engineers, the civilian labor force, manufacturing employment and hi-tech employment, from 1978 to 1987.Obviously, in every aspect, Florida had a much higher growth rate than the United States as a whole during that period. The number of register

11、ed engineers increased by 87.5%, the most rapid increase of all the four aspects. As to the other three, though the growth rates were not so high, they were indeed remarkable and impressive. The increases in civilian labor force, hi-tech employment and manufacturing employment were 48.8%, 50.8% and

12、27.5% respectively. Compared with Florida, the United States as a whole made much less progress in the ten years from 1978 to 1987, the highest being only 31.5% in hi-tech employment. The number of registered engineers increased by 19.9% and that of the civilian labor force by 17.1%. In manufacturin

13、g employment, things were even worse: the number of employed dropped by 6.8%.From the diagram it can be safely concluded that in the years 19781987 Florida developed much more rapidly than the United States as a whole. Thus, job opportunities were more plentiful, and people specialized in manufactur

14、ing, high technology and other fields were more certain to achieve success in their careers in Florida than in other states in the United States.Sample Topic 2You are advised to spend a maximum of 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows the monthly profits of 3 Australian companies in the car

15、retail industry for the 1994 financial year. Write a report for a university lecturer comparing the performance of Acme Sports Cars and Branson Motors for the period given.Sample Answer 2The graph shows the four quarters of the 1994 financial year and the monthly profit of Acme Sports Cars and Brans

16、on Motors for 12 months. The former was making almost twice the profit at the beginning than at the end of the financial year. There was a three-fold increase in the latters monthly profit over the same period. During the first quarter, Acme Sports Cars monthly profit decreased slightly from $70,000

17、 to $ 60,000, but rose sharply to $80,000 by the end of September. Branson Motors monthly profit, however, doubled from $20,000 to $40,000.Due to the introduction of a luxury goods tax, Acme Sports Cars monthly profit fell dramatically during the second quarter from $80,000 to only $10,000, whereas

18、that of Branson Motors continued to rise, peaking at just over $60,000 by the end of December.In the third quarter, Acme Sports Cars monthly profit increased steadily to $20,000 and remained stable, while Branson Motors monthly profits fluctuated between just over $60,000 and $40,000. at the beginni

19、ng of the last quarter, a boost in the economy meant the monthly profit of both Acme Sports Cars and Branson Motors gradually increased to $40,000 and $60,000 respectively by the financial years end.Sample Topic 3The graph below shows the area of land from which grain was harvested.Write a report fo

20、r a university lecturer describing the information in the graph.You should write at least 150 words. Sample Answer 3The graph shows total world grain harvest area in millions of hectares between 1950 and 1996. In general, the total harvest area increased until 1980, at which point there was a reduct

21、ion in the area harvested due to retrenchment.In 1950 almost 600 million hectares of grain were harvested worldwide. During the 1950s the USSR initiated a Virgin Lands Program which greatly increased the area harvested to around 650 million hectares. From this point until the mid-1970s the area harv

22、ested increased slowly, which some fluctuations, to just over 700 million hectares. Then around 1975 the price of grain doubled and this caused a rapid increase in the amount of land devoted to grain production. From 1980 to 1995 there was a gradual decrease in the amount of land used for grain cult

23、ivation. After this the area harvested again began to rise.In summary, we can see that the area devoted to grain production was affected by both government policy and market forces. Sample topic 4You are advised to spend a maximum of 20 minutes on this task. The table below summarises some data coll

24、ected by a college bookshop for the month of February 1995.Write a report describing the sales figures of various types of publications, based on the information shown in the table. Non-Book Club MembersBook Club MembersTotalCollege staffCollege studentsMembers of publicFictionNon-FictionMagazines44

25、2933231194124912282769423315112871696405147420410513134Sample Answer 4The table shows the sales figures of fiction books, non-fiction books, and magazines in a college bookshop for February 1995. The figures are divided into two groups: sales to non-Book Club members and to Book club members. The no

26、n-Book Club member figures comprise sales to college stag, college students, and members of the public. College staff bought 332 magazines, 44 fiction and 29 non-fiction books. College students bought 1249 magazines, 194 non-fiction and 31 fiction books. More magazines were sold to college students

27、than to any other group of customers. Although no fiction books were sold to members of the public, they purchased 122 non-fiction books and 82 magazines. Book club members bought more fiction (76) and non-fiction books (942) than other customers. On the other hand, magazine sales to Club members (3

28、3) were fewer than to any other type of customer.The total number of publications sold for the month was 3134 (1474 to college students, 405 to staff, 204 to the public, and 1051 to Book Club members.) of this figure, 151 items were fiction books and 1287 were non-fiction. Therefore, magazines accounted for the greatest number of sales (1696).

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