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1、Can you say somethingabout the two boys?You can use the key words:can /like/has/ be good atStep3. Pre-reading1.Look and guess What do they talk?2.What is Wang Bing doing?Step4 While-reading1.We know Peter is Wang Bing s-friend. Do you have any questions about Peter?Ss try to answer theteachers quest

2、ions.Ss: Liu Tao and WangBing.S1: Liu Tao can playfootball.He has a football.He likes playingHe is good atS2:Wang Bing Ss look and choose.学生 察 子 件的片 , 学 生e-friend,email 和 send. 着跟 生 和 。1.学生小 内 ,提出关于 Peter 的 。2.小 代表 行提 。3.整体 看 文 画,努力得到答案。自 文, 照 1Ss think and say out LiuSs read in groups. 两人一 思考并填空,完成

3、彼得的信息。2. 板 关 。 ,在文中划出关 3.Please watch the cartoon,try句。并适 学 生 to find out one of thelive, ,study, ,UK, yearsquestions on the blackboard.old, wait a minute4.Read and find. 察 文插 ,思考并Boys and girls ,how do you找出答案。get it? Pleaseread andSs listen and repeat.underline the keysentencesand words.5.展示 片, 学生

4、 察 片,回答 What does he like doing? 予方法的指 6.Please listen and repeat.7.Please choose one way to read this dialogue.Tao s parents questions.学生情感受到教育,交友得到正确的引 。tep 5 Post-reading1.Let s say something aboutPeter. .2.Look,Liu Tao is at home.He is telling his dad and mumabout Peter. What does hisfather/ mot

5、her ask? Let s tryto ask.3.提出 “交友需慎重 ”!作业设计板书设计教学反思1.熟 文,并 复述。2.用几句 介 自己的好朋友。Unit 6 My e-friendChinaliveWho s youre-friend?UKHowold is he/she?e-friendemailCan he/she?sendDoeshe/she have/likewait aminute yearsoldWhatsubjects doeshelike?月 日 总第 课时2课 题 Unit 6 My e-friend第( 2 ) 课 时1.能听懂、会 、会 、会写 :live ,

6、Canada, China, live-lives,study-studies.2.能听懂、会 、会 、 : Australia , US, UK3.能 听 懂 、 会、 会、 会 写 句 型 : Do/Does ? Yes/No, do/don t/does/doesn t.4.在第一和第三人称的句子中正确使用 。5.在句子中正确使用 。将英 和日常生活 密 系, 学生 交流。在句子中正确使用 。在第一和第三人称的句子中正确使用 。PPT, 教学光 生 活集体备课后的调动整Step1 Warming-upLet students work in一、 Greetings and free ta

7、lk.pairs:askand Do you like drawing ? Whosansweryour friend ? How old is he / she ? Yes, I do./No,ICan he / she speak English ?dont.She/He isdoesyour friendlikeYes,he/she can.doing ? He/She likesStep2. Presentation and practice Ss;e-book,e-bank,e-c一、 Say some words about“e”.ard二、play and say.Ifthese

8、ntence is1、Wang Bing got an email fromright,the studentshis e-friend Peter. NowLetssay“Yeah,yean,play a game about Peter.yean”.2、Finish Peters information card.Whats his name?wrong,2. Where is he from?say “No, no, no”.3. How old is he? Peter.4.Whats his hobbies?The UK5. What subjects does he like?El

9、even3、Peter likes Maths and PE, WhatSwimmingsubjects do you like?playing footballWhat subjects does he/she like? I likeHe/She likes4、Talk about the pictures and thesentences.Peteris LiuTaosPeter is e-friend. He livese-friend. He lives inin . Hes years old. He the UK. Hes11speak Chinese. He Math and

10、PE. yearsold. HecanHe studies Chinese after school. He speakChinese.Helikes.likes Math andPE.3三、 Read and write the sentences.He studies Chinese 学生注意和 的第三人after school. He likes称的 数形式。playing football and1. 改 。swimming.1、 Does they have classes?Dotheyhave2、 Do his father likes cars?classes?3、 Doyour

11、 sister speak Does his father likeEnglish?cars?4、 What do Miss Green likes? Doesyoursister5、 Mike like English and Art.speak English?6、 Their cousin live and studyMisshereGreen like?Teach thenew words: live(s),Mikelikes Englishstud(ies)and Art.Summary:三 的构 成: Theircousinlives( 1)一般情况在 尾加 “s”and stud

12、ies here.(2 ) 以“ sx” 尾加“ es”( 3)少数以“ o” 尾加“ es”go-goes1.Does Tim _(brush)( 4)以 音字母加“ y” 尾,histeethbefore “ y” “ i”加“ es”bedtime? Yes,he does.四、 Teach the third person2. Why _(do) Lilysingular in the sentences.stay in bed today? 学生做一些关于第三人称 3.Theboyalways数的 。_(ask) histeacherfor help.Step3. Consolida

13、tion4. Who _(win) the一、 Learn more at last?欣 一些关于 些国家的 土人5. Mike _(wash) the情。dishes in the kitchen.Where do they come from?6. YangLing _(have) anThey come from EnglishlessoneveryWhere does she come from?day.She comes from 7. SuYang _(help) hersister with her English.8.Jim_(live) in C

14、hina.二、 了解 些国家的一些知9.Mr Black _(teach) 。Maths in our school.三、 Ask and guess10. They _(watch)同学 , 着用下面的句型来猜football game.一猜老 的小网友的信息吧!看 的最多,猜的最准 ,注意他 The Uk , Canada,的 哦!China,US,四、 GuessAustralia.Step4 Homework1. Make a information card andWhereare4write 3-5sentences for yourfrom?e-friend .They are

15、fromWhere is she from?2.PreviewCartoon time CultureShe is fromtime .Does she live in theUK/ ?sheChinese/ lessons?swimming/ ?Maths/ ?Makeainformation card andwrite 3-5 sentencesfor your e-friend .2.Preview CartoontimeCulture time .1.Make a information card and write 3-5e-friend .2.Preview Cartoon tim

16、eCulture time .Unit6 My e-friendAustralialive-livesCanadastudy-studiesUSUnit6 My e-friend 第 ( 3 ) 课 时1.I can ask and answer “ Does he/she ?” “ Yes, he/she does. No, he/shedoesn t. ”2.I can ask and answer “ What does he/ she ?”3.The Ss can talk about their friends.1. I can ask and answer “ Does he/sh

17、e ?” “ Yes, he/she does. No,he/she doesn t. ”2.The Ss can talk about their friends.1.The Ss can use“do”/” does”2.The Ss can grasp and use “ Does he/she ? Do you .Dothey.fluently .some presents, PPT, some pictures.教 学 过 程5Boys and girlsSs play Game2Ss play Game 1教学内容及引思设计 学 生 活 动 集体备课后的调整Step1 warmin

18、g-up1. Greetings. Fist, let s play agame The weather is very cold.Let s warm up together .2. Game 1 see the bomb yousay “ bomb” , see the other picturesplease say words and phrase.3. Game 2 watch and respond hobbies/subjects.Step2. Presentation1.What subjects does he .like ?He likes Make a new sente

19、nces Who can ask your classmates like this ?2.出示 Peter 片, 教授 句型What subjects does he like ? He likes What does he do after school ?How old is he ?Where does he live ?教授 study-studies3.What can you find?找出 律There is the third person in questions,for example ,He/she ,we use does. There is no third per

20、sonin questions,for example ,you/they ,we use do.pkSs say somethingabout Peter.Ss say what they find.Read the learningtips,try to understandand remember.Step 3 Practice1.Do you have an e-friend ? I have some e-friends 出.示 片 Guess: What do they like ? Does he like .? Does he have a .? Do they have .?

21、 升 Dancing /swimming/watch film/play football/ e-friend /Chinese lessonsDoes she/he play well ?黑板出示句型操 Ss try to guess.Work in pairs try toask and answerStep 4 Consolidation男生,女生互 角色,1. Make friends一起 The teacher makes a model.“ Who is your friend?Let s have a show.Ss introduce their出示人物 片。friends.6

22、2.Introduce the superstars .Ss try to introduceStep5 Check the goalsthe superstars .Check the goalsSs tick the stars.A guessing game1.Make an information card of your friend.制作一 关于你网友的信息卡。2.Read the “ Fun time “ of page 62.熟 文 62 的 内容。3.Work in group of 4 to play a guessing gamewith the information card.四个人一小 ,用制作的信息卡模仿 文玩猜 游 吧!Unit 6 My e- friendDo/Does ? Yes/ No, do/don t/does/doesn t.What subjects do you/they like?I/We They like. He/She likes.课

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