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1、 8 new words. Advanced requirements: 5 new words. d. Comprehensive skills1. Understanding a passage of approximately 600 words at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty.2. Writing a 150-word summary of the passage.3. Socializing in the freshman orientation week.4. Internet skills: Surfing the Inte

2、rnet to collect information about presentation and public speaking in English.5. Research project: Presentation on house sales on the individual basis.e. Functions1. Organizing a business meeting.2. Summarizing what each speaker has said at a business meeting.3. Informing or persuading people by mea

3、ns of PPT presentation.B. Procedures and Methods Eight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit, among which four periods are for the module of Language Skills Development, three periods for the module of Language in Use and one mainly for the module of Enhancement of Language Abilities

4、. I. Part 1 Language Skills Development 1. Period One and Period Two: Step One: StarterA. Brainstorming: when, in your opinion, can a hotel refuse guests? Mark the items with a tick “”. Hold a class discussion for this exercise and before that go through new words in the mind map to make sure they h

5、ave a complete understanding of the questions. When checking the answers, ask the students to explain their judgment. B. Listen to a story about how an old man teaches a monk a lesson for his snobbishness. Then answer the questions briefly. Before playing the tape, the instructor can ask the student

6、s to have a quick look at the new words and the three questions first. Then the instructor tells the students to listen to the passage with the questions in mind. After listening to the passage, ask the students to answer the questions. After checking the answer, show them the tapescript to further

7、enhance their understanding.This step shall take up more10-15 minutes. Step Two: New words and expressionsGo over the key words and expressions in the text (refer to Students Book Pages 34-36) to prepare students for the text learning. The time for this step should not exceed 10 minutes. Step Three:

8、 Text teaching Start teaching the text: The Landlords Mistake. Before delving into the text, ask students a general question about the text such as “What is a landlord? What kind of mistake made by a landlord can be the focus of a short story?” After that the text organizational chart will be presen

9、ted so that the students can expand each episode.Then start the detailed study of the text and go through the text paragraph by paragraph. To help students understand the story, the instructor can explain the language points and ask students to answer the questions related to the text.This step shal

10、l not take up more than one and a half periods. Notes to Para. 11. The Landlords Mistake (the title) 旅馆老板的失算The title of the story looks quite simple and easy. In terms of translation, however, it might as well be translated into “旅馆老板的失算”, considering the cause and type of his mistake that was due

11、to his deliberate contempt for and rejection of the farmer-like customer.landlord: n. 1)(酒吧或招待所的)店主,老板e.g. The landlord of the pub was arrested for providing his customers with drugs. 2) 房东;地主e.g. Some Chinese students live and eat with a landlord during their stay in the United States. 2. When John

12、 Adams was President and Thomas Jefferson was Vice President of the United States, there was not a railroad in all the world. 在约翰亚当斯和托马斯杰弗逊当美国总统和副总统的时候,世界上还没有铁路。vice: pref. 副的,代理的,次的e.g. Only once in the American history did one vice president take over the job from the president. n. 恶行,不道德行为;堕落;邪恶e

13、.g. Smoking is her only vice. 3. There were no broad, smooth highways as there are now. 当时还没有现在这样宽阔平坦的公路。Meaning: Unlike nowadays when there are broad, smooth highways almost everywhere, there was no such traffic convenience in the early days of the United States.highway: n. 公路;交通要道e.g. Being free o

14、f charge, the old highway seems much busier than the new superhighway in the same direction. as: conj. 像一样e.g. He does not have ambition as he used to in his youth. The young man was never confident in front of his boss as he was with his friends. 4. The roads were crooked and muddy and rough. 马路都是弯

15、曲泥泞、凹凸不平的。crooked: a. 1) 弯曲的;歪的e.g. The railway got crooked during the strong earthquake. The picture on the wall is crooked. 2) 不诚实的;欺诈的e.g. The crooked cop was fired. muddy: a. 泥泞的,污浊的,肮脏的e.g. The race was still going on in spite of the heavy rain and the muddy road. 5. If a man was obliged to go

16、from one city to another, he often rode on horseback. 如果非要从一个城市到另一个城市,人们通常是骑马前往。oblige: vt. 1)(以法律、义务等)强迫,迫使e.g. She was obliged to marry a man of her mothers choice. Circumstances obliged him to sell his only house. 2) (根据要求或需要)帮忙,效劳e.g. We only went to the party to oblige some old friends who spec

17、ially asked us to be there. We needed a guide and he was only too happy to oblige. ride on horseback: 骑马e.g. It takes both skill and courage to learn to ride on horseback. 6. Instead of sitting at his ease in a parlor car, he went jolting along through mud and mire, exposed to wind and weather. 没有豪华

18、舒适的客运列车可坐,只能是栉风沐雨,一路颠簸着,穿过泥泞和沼泽。 He couldnt enjoy relaxation by taking a luxury train; instead, he traveled on horseback on the muddy country road without any shelter from bad (ones) ease: 舒适,自由自在 e.g. The boy never feels at his ease when talking with girls. He felt at ease and confident

19、about the future. jolt: vi./vt. 颠簸,震动e.g. The train jolted into motion. A surge in the crowd behind him jolted him forwards.Notes to Para. 27. He was riding very slowly, and both he and his horse were bespattered with mud. 这个人骑得很慢,人和马都溅上了许多泥浆。bespatter: vt. 溅,溅污e.g. Her newly-bought skirt was bespat

20、tered with mud. 8. There comes old Farmer Mossback. 来了一个乡巴佬。mossback: n. 乡巴佬,头脑守旧的人,极端保守的人e.g. The great scientist looks like a mossback. Synonyms of mossback: countryman, yokel, bumpkin, boor, rustic.9. Hes just in from the backwoods. 他从穷乡僻壤刚进城来。 He has just got to town from a far away rural area.1

21、0. He seems to have had a hard time of it. 他似乎一路很辛苦。 It seems that he has been tired out after a long journey. have a hard time (of it):(做某事)十分艰难e.g. The official had a hard time of it when questioned by the reporters on some corruption. They had had a hard time blazing a new path leading to the qua

22、ke-hit area. 11. I wonder where hell put up for the night. 不知道他会在哪儿住宿?put up: 过夜e.g. He wrote to his friend in Detroit asking if he could put up in his home during his visit there. 12. He was dressed plainly, and, with his reddish-brown hair and mud-bespattered face, looked like a hard-working count

23、ryman just in from the backwoods. 他衣着朴素,棕红头发,脸上有污泥,就像一个从偏远地区刚进城的勤劳的乡下人。plainly: ad. 1) 简朴地;朴素地e.g. He was dressed so plainly that no one would associate him with a billionaire. 2) 清晰地;明显地,清楚地e.g. Her forced smiles plainly indicated her reluctance to lend him her car. reddish-brown: 棕红色的Suffix “-ish”

24、 means “lightly”. e.g. yellowish 浅黄色的 greenish 浅绿色的 grayish 浅灰色的mud-bespattered: 溅上泥浆的 名词+过去分词(n. + p.p.)构成形容词短语。e.g. heart-broken 伤心欲绝的 wood-made 木制的 breast-fed 母乳喂养的Notes to Para. 313. Now the landlord prided himself upon keeping a first-class hotel, and he feared that his guests would not like th

25、e rough-looking traveler. 旅馆老板一向以自己开的是一流旅馆为傲,所以担心他的房客们会不欢迎这位外表不雅的来客。 The landlord was so proud of himself for running one of the best hotels in the city that he was afraid that his rich guests would be displeased if they found themselves sharing the hotel with the farmer-like traveler.pride oneself

26、upon: 以为豪,为感到得意e.g. She prided herself upon being able to look after herself in her eighties. The boy prided himself upon living with his general grandpa. rough-looking: a. 外表不雅的,看上去粗野的e.g. The rough-looking man turned out to be the president of a global corporation. 14. The only place I could put y

27、ou would be in the barn. 唯一能安排你住宿的地方只有谷仓了。Notes to Para. 415. “I wish to see Mr. Jefferson.”“我想求见杰弗逊先生。”wish to: 希望,意愿 e.g. I wish I had not sent Mr. Jefferson away. 16. Oh, but he must be. 咦,他肯定是在这儿啊!Note that here is omitted after must be in the sentence and must used with a verb denoting a state

28、as in this context denotes a certain judgment or guess rather than an order or demand.e.g. He must be Mr. Baker. She must be cooking at home. (must indicates the speakers judgment.)She must cook at home. (must indicates the speakers demand.)17. The only man that has been here for lodging today was a

29、n old clodhopper who was so spattered with mud that you couldnt see the color of his coat. 今天只有一个乡巴佬来过,他满身泥巴,连衣服的颜色都看不出来了。lodging: n. 1) 住所;住宿;寄宿e.g. Its 90 a week for board and lodging (=meals and a room). 2) 租住的一间(几间)房间(有别于旅馆的房间)e.g. Paul found lodgings in his relatives house. lodge: vi./vt. 1) 投宿,借宿2) 供临时住宿,安顿e.g. The family was lodged well in the guest house. He used to lodge at a hostel when traveling on business. 18. Was that the Vice President? 那位真是副总统吗?That is a pronoun here meaning “that man” functioning as the subject. 19. Here, Dick

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