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1、B. 问“what do your parents say when they think you are going to touch something very hot?” 可以用一杯热水做情景演示,引出Dont touch. 并在黑板上板书C. 可用课件动画演示 Dont walk. 和 Dont move.D. 解释: do not = dont. 利用课文中的图8、9解释Dont cry. And Dont worry.通过实物和动画演示,有利于学生理解dont的含义。Talk about the storyA. 打开课件动画,看着图片讨论故事Talk about the stor

2、y with the pictures. question:1. 红灯表示什么?你认为ken在说什么?2. 图2,现在过马路安全吗?3. 图3、4mocky在做什么?你认为ann在说什么?4. 图5你认为ken和mocky在说什么?5. 图6在地上你能看到什么?mocky在和ken说什么?6. 图789这几张照片中发生了什么?mocky是怎么帮助ann的?7. 你认为ann这时对mocky说什么?听录音Put up the pictures and listenB. 再次听录音,每句停顿,给同学们重复句子的时间Play the tape again, pausing after each pi

3、cture. Have the pupils repeat the words each time.Demonstrate the meaning of left and right.C. 将班级分成三组: Ann, Ken, and Mocky. Play the tape again. 让每组按照他们的角色随着录音朗读Have each group join in with the tape when their character speaks第二课时:the structure “ Dont ! No bikes!” to learn.sing the song :学生已经接触了一些d

4、ont.基本用语教学挂图,录音机,课件动画,卡片Review the story1.打开上节课课件动画,听故事录音.2. 让同学们打开书一起朗读3. 将同学们分成三组Ann, Ken, and Mocky.听录音. 按角色朗读Introduce No (food)1. 问同学们什么东西不允许被带到教室里.2. 打开画有自行车的图片.问学生自行车是否被允许带进教师?引出回答:No!3. 板书 No bikes. 让同学们重复跟读Words to learn1. 在演示word课件动画之前, 打开书问同学们图片中的斜线是什么意思?告诉学生是禁止,不允许的意思。 2. 依次指每个图,让同学们用中文说

5、出他们认为中的图片意思 3. 放磁带录音,让同学们看着书指出对应的图,标出序号。4. 打开课件动画,点击,每句停顿,让学生跟读.5. 合上书,不听录音,用课件指其中一幅图引导学生说出对应的句子,同样方法完成其他的图片。6. 层层递进引出新单词Listen to this1. 让同学们打开书,看第四页下方的图片2. 听并且标序号,每句停顿 3. 让同学们说出答案,然后再听一遍.听的时候,每句停顿,让同学们跟读Sing the song1. 用一到十报数小游戏复习数字1 to 10 2. 打开动画课件,让同学们听几遍,鼓励学生跟着节奏哼唱板书:Unit 1 Dont walkNo bikes 第三

6、课时:1. review the core words in this Unit.2encourage the children to study the English in high spirit学生已经掌握了dont./no.句型录音机 磁带 教学挂图 多媒体1. Ask the students to take out their cards for this Unit.2. Say, “no food” Have the pupils hold up the matching card. Repeat for other cards. 3. Hold up each of the c

7、ards in turn. Elicit the structures of No food and Dont touch.Act out1. Review 2. 2. Practice the structures, Stand up, Dont stand up, Sit down, Dont sit down.3. Ask the pupils to hold up their left hand.4. Write the word left on the board and have the pupils read it 5. Repeat the procedure for the

8、right hand.6. Say, “Simon says, look left. Simon says, look right.” Say ”Chinese book ,close left eye ,close right eye”从歌谣中引出指令练习较好有利于学生理解。Talk together1. open books,ask the students what they can see for this picture.2. play the media, show the cartoon. then ask students what can they know form the

9、 cartoon.3. show again, pausing after each part, elicit the structures of Dont make noise and Dont hit other children and Dont litter and Dont climb the trees and Dont be late4. read with tape once time, then divide the class into two groups to be Ann and Mocky. Play the tape again. Have each group

10、join in with the tape when their character speaks Listen and number1. Talk about the pictures2. Play each sentence on the tape one at a time, and have the pupils matching picture.3. Read out the sentences in a class drill.Draw lines to match1. Point the words in the first box at the top and read, “N

11、o bikes.” Have the pupils repeat it.2. Look at the pictures in the middle and point to the picture that matches the sentence.3. . Draw lines between the phrases and the matching pictures.4. Read the phrases in a class drill.第四课时:1. to recognize the sounds about the letter “A” .2be able to recognize

12、the sounds about letter “A” and can read the words have the letter “A”.学生能分清并使用警告作用的标志语录音机 磁带 教学挂图【教学设计过程】Review 1. Use the media ,show “learn to say” part, Review the sentence 2. Review the song.Sounds and letters1. Write the letter“ a ”on the board. Explain that you are going to 2 words with the l

13、etter a in them. One word has a short /a/ sound (bag) and the other word has a long /a/ sound name). Ask them to listen and watch as you model short /a/ and long /a/. Ask them to listen for the difference between the two sounds, and then have them repeat the two sounds after teacher.2. Point to the

14、row of /a/ words. Say each word in turn and model the sounds. 3. Play the tape for apple, bag, and cat. Ask “Do these words have a short /a/ sound or a long /a/ sound?”4. Play the tape again.告诉学生a有两种不同的发音,然后听单词,让学生去区分,模仿,然后讲解Listen for /a/1. Say that one of the words have a different /a/ sound.2. Pl

15、ay the first four words on the tape and have the pupils point to each word as they hear it.3. Repeat the procedure for the second row.Read with Uncle Booky1. Play the tape for the first 5 words. Have the pupils point to each word that they hear in the tape.2. Ask them if they can find that the lette

16、r a in all the words has the same sound.3. Tell then to figure out how to read the last two words.4. Play the tape for the last two words and have them read with the tape.Touch and say. 1. Have the children look at the pictures on the page and say what the children doing in each picture, ask the chi

17、ldren ”Will what the boy does cause harm or danger to him?2. have the children look at the first picture and ask to say to stop the boy. Elicit ”dont touch.” from the children.3. repeat the procedure with the other picturesuncle bookys blackboard1. show media, review the sentencedo the gameshow the

18、media ,play the game3.第五课时:1. study the rhyme in this Unit.2to be able to say the rhyme with the tape.学生有一定的语言基础ReviewA. Review the cards for this unit. Hold up one of the cards and elicit the correct sentence form the pupils.B. Repeat the procedure with other cards.C. Show the media, play the carto

19、on part, Review the talk together为下面的trace and say做铺垫Trace and sayA. For each picture elicit the correct sentence from children. Have them trace over the sentences.B. check the answers.Think and writeA. Point to the first picture, ask them where is it, and what are not supposed to do or to have ther

20、e.B. Tell them to work in groups and write signs for each picture.C. Check the answers.D. Point to a picture and have them speak out what sentences they have written.Lets chantA. Ask them what we should do when crossing a street. Elicit the phrase “Look left”, “look right” from the pupils.B. Read th

21、e rhyme.C. Play the tape for the whole rhyme.D. Play the tape again and have them join in.GameShow the media ,do the game2第六课时:1study the story by themselves.2give the assessment for the children学生已经熟练使用dont/no句型【教学设计分析】1. show media,do the game 4意图:通过游戏练习学过的短语和句型Uncle Bookys story timeA. Play the t

22、ape, ask them listen to the story with their books closed.B. Ask them look for familiar words in the story.C. Have them read it silently, encourage them to try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.Self-assessmentA. First part; check in pairsB. Second part; Draw lines and matchSet homewoD. Tell t

23、he pupils to read the story again with their parents.E. Preview the new lessons at home. SummaryE. Teacher should be encourage the children to study by themselves.F. The teacher should be improve the communication about the education with the childrens parents.G. To solidify the knowledge learned.第二

24、单元how much1. The structures “how much?and Its” to use;2 The core words in the story.学生有一定的数学基础和买东西的经验【教学需要】.Warm up:A. Count the numbers from 1 to 20B. Everyday English: how many ?C. Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary for train, kite, ball and robot.教学初用How many ?复习了110的数字,还引出了新学的数字1120,.Th

25、e new lessons:A. Set the scene:1. Talk to the pupils about shopping and say something about the price. then let them guess the meaning in Chinese.2. Use the structure “how much?” then, let the pupils guess the price of somethings3. Have the pupils ask you the price of somethings in surrounding. B. T

26、alk about the story:p151. have the pupils open their books at pages 14 and 15, and help them to observe the picture, then ask these questions: P1:what are they doing? P2-4:what do you think Ken and Ann are saying? P5:how much are they altogether?P6-7:what is Ken doing? what is the woman doing?P8-9:w

27、hat is Mocky wearing? What is the man in the hat doing? P10:how did Mocky catch the thief?2. listen to the tape:a. Play the tape and have the pupils look at each picture as they listen;b. Ask them what did they hear;c. Play the tape again, pausing at each picture and have pupils repeat the words wha

28、t the characters said;d. Explain the meaning of thief, and tell them when or why we say well done!1 learn to numbers “11-20”2 review the structure “ How much?学生初步熟悉“how much。和its。”句型,掌握一定词汇.Review:A. the numbers ;B. the story.A. words to learn1. have the children look at the pictures at top of the page;2. play the tape and have the children point to each matching number as they hear it mentioned on the tape;3. play the tape again ,stopping after each number and let pupils repeat the number.4. play the tap

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