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5、位来宾、女士们、先生们,感谢你们对论坛主题深刻而又富于智慧的阐述;再次感谢嘉宾的热情的致词!女士们、先生们、朋友们,在海南的春天,在流光溢彩的亚龙湾碧海银滩旁,中央电视台为201X博鳌国际旅游论坛带来了一台精彩的晚会,下面,让我们共同欣赏开幕礼文艺晚会,共同度过这个美好的夜晚。有请晚会主持人。博鳌论坛开幕词 honorable guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to attend the boao forum for asia 2016 annual onferene to da. let me

6、begin b extending, on behalfof the hinesegovernment, m armest elo me to all of ou present here. in the past fe ears, ith the support of the fello asian ountries and the larger intern ational munit, the boao forum for asia has developed steadil, plaing an inreasing l prominent role in regional oopera

7、tion and demonstrating to the rest of the orld the f ervent desire of the asian people for a in-in senario through loser ooperation. ing into the 21st entur, the international situation has ontinued to undergo profoun d and pliated hanges. orld multipolarization and eonomi globalization are progres

8、sing amid tists and turns. siene and tehnolog are advaning ith eah passing da. e have before us both development opportunities thate must seize and grave hallenges that e must deal ith. despitethe idespread onflits and lashes of interest and inre asing numbers of fators of unertaint and instabilit,

9、peae and development remain the overriding themes of the times. the orld needs peae, ountries desire development and people ant ooperation. this has bee an irresistible trend of histor. e are glad to see that asia has, on the hole, enjoed stabilit, ith peae, developmen t and ooperation being the mai

10、nstream of an advaning asia. ith onerted efforts, asian ountries have freed themselves from the shado of the finanial risis, overe t he impat of sars and bird flu, sueeded in domesti eonomi restruturing, and quik ened the tempo of industrial upgrading and transformation, promoted a robust regional o

11、o peration, and inreased the apait to tide over potential risks. asia retains its position as one of the orlds most dnami regions and a ke groth point in global trade. all thi s gives us muh onfidene about asias future. ladies and gentlemen,both in histor and the present-da orld, a ountr an emergevi

12、torious from tough inte rnational petition and enjo faster development onl hen it gets along ith the tide of the times, seizes the opportunities for development, blazes a trail suited toits national onditions and relies on isdom and resourefulness of its on people. in the past 25 ears, hile pressing

13、 ahead ith reform and opening up, hina has put ini tiall in plae a soialist market eonom, an eonom that is open to the outside orld. hinas produtive fores and overall national strength have been onstantl enhaned. it h various soial undertakings developing in full sing, the hinese people as a hole ha

14、v e made the historial leap from subsistene to modest prosperit. in the ourse of 25 ear s beteen 1978 and 2003, hinas eonom gre b an average annual rate of 9.4 peren t, ith its gdp, foreign tradeand foreign exhange reserves jumping from 147.3 billion u s dollars, 20.6 billion us dollars and 167 mill

15、ion us dollars to over 1.4 trillion us dolla rs, 851.2 billion us dollars and 403.3 billion us dollars respetivel. hina no is the orlds sixth largest eonom and the fourth largest trader. the reason h hina has prod ued suh tremendous hanges is beause e have adhered to the road of building soiali sm i

16、th hinese harateristis and persevered in reform and opening-up, thus galvanizing the hinese peoples initiative, enthusiasm and reativit. though hina has ahieved impressive results in its development,there are still man aute problems, suh as overpopulation, eak eonomi foundation, underdeveloped produtivit, highl uneven development, and a fairl sharp ontradition beteen the ountrs eologi al environment and natural resoures on the one hand andits eonomi and soial develop ment o

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