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Unit 2The Road to Success 教案Word文档格式.docx

1、1.宏观:A: 头脑风暴法B:任务设计法C:角色扮演法D: 四步教学法2.微观:A:讲授式教学法 B:分组讨论法 C:音频、视频媒体:1多媒体教室PPT课件教材及教参教师教学指南学生学习指南6 校园网 7 航院老师考核与评价:学生的基础:已达到大学一年级学生的英语水平,即具备一定的听、说、读、写、译能力,基本掌握了约2900个英语单词和约400个习惯用语或固定搭配。教师需要的能力:1. Proficiency in English language2. Proficiency in language teaching 3. Proficiency in management of classr

2、oom4. Proficiency in students psychology5. A good master of cultural background20082009学年第2学期实用英语课程第二单元教学设计(Section One)本次课标题:Unit 2 They road to success(1)授课班级上课时间上课地点教学目标能力目标知识目标1.To be able to understand the outline of the text; 2. To be able to give a brief introduction about Bill Gates. 1. To g

3、et acquainted with the key words and expressions related to this topic;2. To master the sentential structures in the text;3. To understand the theme of each paragraph. 能 力 训 练 设 计 ( 精 读 训 练 )步骤教学目标内容期望媒介方法时间任务前阶段 (pre-task) 引入(Introduction)1.了解相关文化背景2.对本主题产生兴趣1.让学生讨论:1. Do you know something about B

4、ill Gates?2. Was Bill Gates a common boy with average intelligence when he was nine or ten years old?3. How was Bill Gates hooked by computing?学生期望:了解更多Bill Gates课件板书头脑风暴法、提问式、讨论法10教师期望:学生关注积极参与任务环阶段 (task-circle)略读 (skimming)能找出文章主旨The main idea of the passage:The Road to Success 教师恰当提示语篇教学法;讨论法6积极

5、参与研读(Reading for details)能把握文章细节Questions for discussion:Exercise III(p.31) 讨论法 14语言点(Language focus)正确朗读拼写单词短语;掌握常用词汇、短语的使用I. Words: contemporary, desperate, exceptional, exclusive, fascination, financially, hook, mathematical obsession, overtake ,rigorous, available, challenge, detail, enable, ext

6、ent, ideal, leisure, neglect, response, budget, dumb, logical, potential, pursue, nerd, goof, score, competitive, dominate, occasion, rival, infinitely, physicalII. Phrases:in detail, toextent, dash over, use up, have an insight into, pride yourself on (doing) sth. be desperate to do sth., draw up ,

7、 come into sth.讲解详细,有实例语境教学法;讲解法;实例法20认真听讲,理解记录操练(Drills)掌握重要句型结构的用法和译法I. Grammatical Structures to Learn:1) Funds were raised, mainly by parents, which enabled the school to gain access to a computer 2) Bill Gates was immediately hookedso was his best friend at the time, Kent Evans, and another stu

8、dent, Paul Allen, who was two years older than Bill.语篇教学法任务法任务后阶段 (post-task)课文理解理解文章结构和细节完成课后阅读理解练习:Exercise IV-VII (p.32-34)给予提示课后练习练习法8积极参与,提出问题巩固与拓展1.能复述课文内容;2.掌握课文中重要的语法结构1 To retell the text 2.Grammatical structures:. 给予提示与帮助15理解,掌握,应用总结掌握文章中的知识要点1. 28words and 8 phrases2. important sentence p

9、atterns3. grammatical structures小结应清楚、明确归纳法5作业巩固所学重要句型1.词汇、句型练习IV- VIII2.翻译技巧练习IX3.重要短语的运用 X4.复习课文,背诵第三自然段5.预习语法掌握用法教材2认真独立完成考核课堂提问及活动参与和听写;现场教学小练习; 补充练习参考资料学习资源教材、教参、课件、网络资源课 时 授 课 计 划课题:课文学习The Road to success (1) No. 1课号:03455 Tool: Tape-recorder/Blackboard教学目标:1. To master key words and phrases

10、and grammar points in the text.2. To get a clear idea of the text and to retell the passage.3. To recite the first paragraph of the text.重点与难点:1. New words: 28 words and 8 phrases.2. Grammar points: tenses. 3. To retell the passage.教学设计:Introduction to the textAnalysis of the text, mastering the key

11、 words and phrasesDrillsSummary作业布置:1. To do the exercises II- VII2. To review the language points in the text.3. To recite the first paragraph.4. To preview the grammar points - tenses时间分配:课堂教学环节课堂组织引入讲解新课巩固新课布置作业时间分配(分)58授课班次:课程执行情况:Section One Part I TextStep One: Pre-task Phrase (任务前阶段) (10)I. L

12、eading in by asking some questions related to Bill Gates让学生讨论问题: 2. Was Bill Gates a common boy with average intelligence when he was nine or ten years old? 3. How was Bill Gates hooked by computing? 激发学生对本话题的兴趣。II. 教师提示及导入:Bill Gates is co-founder, chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft

13、, the most successful software company in the world. Gates was born Oct. 28, 1955 and raised in Seattle along with his two sisters. He became interested in programming at an early age while attending one of Seattles most exclusive schools. Gates soon befriended a student named Paul Allen and togethe

14、r, using the schools minicomputer, they practiced their skills. After they were admitted to Harvard University, Gates and Allen began to write a new version of Basic programming language for the first personal computer, the Altair 8800. The duo began licensing software in the name of their new compa

15、ny Microsoft. Gates dropped out of Harvard to spend more time on the new business. Their break came when they developed an operating system called MS-DOS for the first IBM personal computer, and later managed to persuade other manufactures to standardize their systems to run MS-DOS. This standardiza

16、tion started a new computer industry boom throughout the 1980s as MS-DOS took hold of the market and gained popularity, Microsoft also started developing applications such as word processors. Microsoft announced Windows 1.0 in 1983, which promised a graphical user interface (GUI) graphics and multit

17、asking. However the final product was not released for another two years until 1985, and as it had very few compatible applications, Windows did not sell well. Over the next five years Microsoft released a number of upgraded windows 2.0 versions which added many programs, versatility and features. A

18、s Microsoft grew, its share price sky rocketed, and at the age of 31, Bill Gates became the youngest self-made billionaire in American history. In 1990 Microsoft headed by Gates created a new version of Windows called Windows 3.0 with a much improved GUI and features which sold more than 10 million

19、copies, quickly followed by Windows 3.1, 3.11 and workgroups which added networking support. Building on their success Microsoft developed Windows 95 followed by windows 98, 2000, Millennium Edition and The current version Windows XP. Each new windows release saw Microsoft gain more market share and

20、 soon Gates become the richest man in the world worth an estimated US$46 billion. Gates also has interests in other businesses having many investments and positions in companies like Corbis Corporation, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Teledesic Corporation. In 1998 Gates gave up his role as CEO of Microsof

21、t to focus on development of new technology and products. Bill Gates married Melinda French in 1994 and they have three children, Jennifer, Rory and Phoebe. Both Bill and Melinda are keen Philanthropists starting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which has committed more than US$3.2 billion to g

22、lobal health, US$2 billion to improve learning opportunities for low income families, US$477 million to community projects and more than US$488 million to special projects and annual giving campaigns.Step Two: Task-circle Phrase (任务环阶段) (50)这一阶段的任务包括课文内容的理解,语言知识点的掌握,教师要帮助学生弄清楚课文的结构和具体内容,帮助学生掌握课文中的新单

23、词、短语以及重要的句型结构和语法结构。I. Skimming and getting a general understanding about the text(略读).Question: Whats the theme of this passage?II. Reading for details (研读重点段落).Why did Bills mother draw up plans for him in detail? (Para. 1)How was Bills performance in mathematics and science? (Para.3)Where did Lake

24、side get funds to gain access to a computer ? (Para. 5)What was Bill able to do with computer when he was 14 years old? (Para.7)How did Bill and Paul achieve their financial goal with computers? (Para.8)这个阅读过程包括:略读找出文章主旨;研读重点段落抓住重要细节。通过这两个步骤地阅读,使学生能掌握文章的中心和要点,为完成后面的任务作好铺垫。III. Intensive study (精读课文)

25、.i. Vocabulary to Read: To read aloud the new words and expressions in step with the recording and pay special attention to the pronunciation of each one. (contemporary, desperate, exceptional, exclusive, fascination, financially, hook, mathematical obsession, overtake ,rigorous, available, challeng

26、e, detail, enable, extent, ideal, leisure, neglect, response, budget, dumb, logical, potential, pursue, nerd, goof, score, competitive, dominate, occasion, rival, infinitely, physical)ii. The Analysis of the Text: Ask Ss to read the text carefully and sum up the main idea of each paragraph. iii. Lan

27、guage Focus:1、It has been said that in order to stop this,Mary drew up plans for him in detail.draw up: to prepare a written document, such as a list or contract 草拟 e.g. Draw up a list of all the things you want to do. 把所有你想做的事草拟一个清单draw up plans/proposals 草拟合同 The contract was drawn up last year. 这

28、个合同去年就拟好了。in detail: all the separate features and pieces of information about something详细列出细节 e.g. He described the process in detail (=using a lot of details). 他详细地描绘了这个过程。This issue will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5. 这个问题将在第五章详细介绍。have an eye for detail: be skilled at noticing details 独具慧眼 e.g. Photographers need to have an eye for detail. 摄影师需要独具慧眼。2、Bills contempo

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