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1、1. T: Today, we will begin Unit 4. In this unit, we will go to someinteresting places. Look! Here they are. ( 出 示 Park, Theatre,Amusement park, Zoo 四个场景图 ) Which one we will go first Let slisten to a song.2. Enjoy the song: It s a beautiful day in the park.3. T: Which one we will go firstTeach: park

2、T: What parks in Nanjing do you knowS: Xuanwu Lake Park, Bailuzhou Park, Baima park,教学过程Step 2. Presentation1. Talk about the things in the park. We know so many parks. I will draw a picture of it. 边画边问:What can you see in the parkS1: I can see a Yes, it a tall tree.挨次教授词语: tree, flower, boat, river

3、 ,注意每个词语教授时和学生拓展沟通: What colour are the flowers I can row a boat, canyou Can I draw well Yes, it s easy for me. May it s difficult for me, but I can try.2. Chant Is it a nice park Let s chantLisenabouttome,it. first. ( 节奏声 )Chant: In the park, I can see.See some trees, over there.In the park, I can

4、see.See some flowers, under the tree. Chant together.3.Change some words and try to make a new chant.4.T: What can you do in the park I can row a boat. I can fly kites/ play football/ride bike/. Enjoy the story:1.T: Good, Mike and Tim are in the park now. What do they do Let have a look! ( 出示图 1)出图局

5、部,让学生猜想。 They are drawing pictures in the park. draw, picture (揭题 )2.Watch and choose. What do they draw (出示选项: a tree, some flowers, a boat, ariver )Let s watch the story and choose.Check3.Read and judge.Yes, Tim can draw a tree, some flowers and a boat. Can Tim draw all of them very wellRead and j

6、udge.教Tips: 迅速阅读故事并判断。(学生自己在书上画一画, 假如 Tim能画得好则画星,画得不好画三角。 )学4. T: Tim can draw the tree and flowers very well, so they Tim. Teach: easy过 So Tim says: Sure. It 出示seasy图2. 指引学生有感情地朗诵该句话。 Can you read it程 What else can you say So easy! It yfors meeas. But he can t draw the boat, so it s not easy, it di

7、fficult So Tim says: It s difficult, but I can出示try图. 4.5.T: You read very well. Listen and repeat6.Read in pairs7.Read the story togetherStep 5. Act the storyRead fluently 流畅的朗诵 Read fluently and beautifully 流畅、有感情地朗诵 Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演Step 6. Consolidation1. Make a new dialogue. s re ea

8、sy for s difficult for him.你和朋友也到达了一个漂亮的公园。 你们看到些什么试着模拟今日学的故事,编一段对话吧。课件出示一幅公园图片, 有秋千、 滑梯、放风筝、 骑自行车等。以及参照句型:What can you see I can seeCan you draw / ride/ fly aYes, it s easy.It s difficult, but I can try.教Step 7. SummaryToday, we go to the park. Do you like the park学From the learning of this lesson,

9、 what can you do now指引学生用 I can 总 结今日的学习。过 S: I can say/ read/ chant/作业设计1.听磁带,有感情地模拟熟读课文并试试背诵。2.试着将课文复述并写下来。3.和同桌编一段在公园里的对话。板书课题 Unit 4 Drawing in the park Period 2 Vocabulary & Fun time目标能够娴熟说出公园里的一些物件词汇tree, flower, boat, river, hill, lake 等。能用句型 What can you see I can see a讨论所见 。能用句型 What can yo

10、u do I can进行调 查会做的事情,能用句型He/She can对 别人进行描绘。4. 能编写完好小故事: Let s be friends并.试着表演。1. 能够娴熟说出公园里的一些物件词汇 tree, flower, boat, river, hill, lake 等。要点 2. 能用句型 What can you do I can 进行调 查会做的事情,能用句型 He/She can 对 别人能编写完好小故事: Let s be friends并.试着表演。CAI,故事填写学习单1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat歌词: Row, row, row yo

11、ur boat, gently on the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is interesting.2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park. Today, we will go to another interesting place Dream Theatre. Let go. s Look! They need some actors for the new play. Do you want to have a try And we should pas

12、s four tests.出示招聘演员条件:1.表演力测试关。2.表达力测试关。3.记忆力测试关。4.有必定的专长。 Let s have a try.过Step 2. Revision1.Test 1- Good performance ability.To be an actor, you should have good performance ability.程T: Do you remember this story Drawing in the park (课件出示课文图片 ) Can you act this storyFirst, let s dub for it. Dub i

13、n groups.2.Act in pairs. Good job. I think you have good per formance ability. Let s go into thenext test.4. T: To be an actor, you should have good expression ability.Try to retell the story according. 小组议论,试着复述该故事,看谁说得完好。Mike and Tim are in the . They can see ,and a on the . Tim can draw verywell,

14、 it s easy. But he can t draw, it s .Step 3. Learn the vocabulary1. Test 2 - Good memory.To be an actor, you should have a good memory. Look, here is a picture. Look carefully. You have 15 seconds to remember what you cansee Are you ready Go! (15 秒的倒计时,记着图中的事物,越多越好! What can you see in the picture H

15、ow many can you see What colour is it Where is it I can seeCheck the answer. (热区出现学生所说的东西: boat, flower, tree, river,hill, lake, 增补: bridge, bench, fountain 等 )3.T: Now, we know what s in the park They 指are图学生齐说 词 ( )But how to spell them Look!How to remember them Let s discuss in groups小组.(议论记忆每个词的

16、方法,教师能够举例,如 river-over) 请同学来谈谈记忆的方法。 Can you remember these words Let s play a game, Quick response.课件迅速闪现新学的单词或图片,学生要很快说出。5. T: Good job. I think you have good memory. Let s go into the next test.Step 4. Fun time -Do a survey. Look! There are four characters in this play. You can choose one, but yo

17、u should have the same speciality with the character.课件出示角色要求: Amy is good at drawing.Ben is good at sports.Cindy is good at cooking.Dan is good at singing and drawing. I can make a cake, but I can t play football. So I think I can act RoleCindy. Which one can you act Can you draw No, I can t. What

18、can you do I can play basketball. S1 can play basketball, so he can act Role Ben. Take out our survey table. Let s do a survey in groups.要求: 1. 同桌先相互问并达成。 2. 告诉组内其余同学同桌会做的事情,请他们达成表格。4.Report.So in your group, who can act Role Amy Can he draw请学生依据表格的内容来报告。Step 5. Writing and Act I think we all have t

19、he right role to act. No w let s act the short play ingroups. The title is: Let s be friends.2.图 1: Amy can draw very well. She is looking for a friend in the park.图 2: Amy meets Ben near the river. 图中气泡中句子不够完好。Amy: Can you draw Ben: Sorry, I can t. What can you do Ben: I can play football.图 3: Amy

20、meets Cindy under the tree. 图中气泡中句子不够完好。 Can you draw Cindy: No, I can t draw. What can you do Cindy: I can make a cake.图 4: Amy meets Dan on the boat. 图中气泡中句子不够完好。 Can you draw Dan: Yes, I can. I can draw, too. Let s be friends. Dan: Good.(出示故事图片 4 幅 ) T: But the play is not complete. Let s complet

21、e itfirst.请同学一次读一读,小组议论将每幅图中的句子增补完好。2.T: Act in groups. 四人一组登台表演时,其余同学一同说旁白。Step 6. Summary Today, we go to the Dream Theatre. Do you like the park I can say/ read/ act/2. We can act a short play, we can be a good actor. And we can also be a 教 good writer, too.1.画一幅公园图,并给图中的物件配上单词,若有不会的词,能够查找资料。2.小组

22、表演短剧 Let s be friend.3.试着写下这个故事。译林版英语四年级下册第四单元教课方案方案 NO课题 Unit 4 Drawing in the park Period 3 Revision & Cartoon time教1. 复习上节课所学的对于公园物件的单词,能进一步娴熟拼读。学2. 复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步娴熟运用。目3. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的风趣,并能表演故事内容。标4. 能够模拟卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。能够阅读并理解卡通部分的风趣,并能表演故事内容。能够模拟卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。CAI、头饰教课过程设计思虑与调整 Row your boat ( 课前

23、就能够播放持续让学生熟习)学2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park and the theatre.Today, we will go to another interesting placeAmusement park. Let s go.课件出示图片 If you can get stars when you re playing. Let s see which team can getmore stars. ( 学生疏成两组 ) Ready Go!Step 2. Review the vocabulary

24、It a sFun house. We can play games in it. Let plays Finding Differences first. You should find the three differences in these two pictures. 大家来找茬游戏课件出示规则: 两图中有三处不一样, 十秒中以内一定找到并说出,才能获胜!一共两组图片。复习词汇: hill, tree, river, lake, flowers, boat. Let s play another game. Riddles: Things in the park每组选择一个序号, 假

25、如猜对并正确拼出则能够获得相应的星数。1.They re colourful. Bees and butterflies like them very much.2.You want to go across the river( 过河 ), but there is no bridge. What do you need3. It is a large area( 一大片 ) of water, surrounded by land.( 被陆地包围 ) .4.It is a large stream( 一股水流 ) of water. You can catch fish in it. 得星

26、,评论。Step 3. Review the sentences. Let s go to the music busten!.LisWhich picture is the song about ( 从四个图中来选一个: 操场、公园、教室、厨房 )2. Sing with the recording.程3. T: Can you make a new song like thisChoose one, discuss and sing in groups.4.一组唱,其余组猜是哪个场景。猜对两方都加星。Step 4. Cartoon time There is a big box. Sam, Bobby are looking at it. In fact, we call this big box : Peep show. 简单介绍西洋镜的一些知识。(出示图 4) Look, is Bobby happy No, Bobby is fri

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