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1、牛津英语7bunit4导学案教案及练习题教案7B Unit 4 Amazing things 导学案Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 【自学探究】(上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!)1. 预习本课的生词, 你会读吗?根据音标和规则试着读几遍吧,并理解他们的词义和词性, 把不会读的记下来_2. 你能用下面的句型造句吗?试一试!It takes about Keepopen There is nowithout (通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的放矢啦!)阅读课文,翻译下列词组 1Come on . light on

2、 the plane_ 3bright the same time_ on tiptoe _ 【教案】教学内容7B Unit 4 Welcome to the unit课型新授课 阅读课教学目标1. Introduce names of interesting facts and strange things, . A giraffe has seven bones in its long neck.2. Recognize and use adjectives to describe degree of feelings of likes and dislikes. 3. To introd

3、uce students to unusual phenomena and events.4. To understand the concept of things that areunusual.5. To use adjectives to describe feelings and opinions.教学重难点1.重点句型:Fish sleep with their eyes open. There is no plant life without lightning2. 识记有关Amazing things的词汇和用形容词表达自己感觉。教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备课件教学

4、步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step One: Lead-in and presentation. a video of ET, when you see ET, how do you feel?(surprised, amazing, strange) a video of UFO,(present new word bright, light),how do you feel ?, Eddie and Hobo met an amazing thing. They met a UFO. How will they feel? Lets try to find it out. lets l

5、isten to the tape recorder of the text. And then try to answer my questions.Listen to the recorder twice.Questions: 1). What are Eddie and Hobo doing? 2). What did Eddie think it is? 3). What did Hobo think it is? 4). Did Eddie think it is a plane? Why not? 5). Do you think Eddie is a clever dog?Rea

6、d the text as the role of Eddie and Hobo.Act a short play with your partner. (ask two or three groups of students to do it.)Discussion: Do you believe there are UFOs in the world?Step Two: Presentation Actually there are lots of amazing things in the world. Here are lots of surprising things. Look a

7、t the six pictures one by one and present the new words and phrases at the same time. :1). Do you know if plants can grow without the lightning?2). Do you know how long it takes to travel from the Earth to the moon? 3). Do you know if you can sneeze and open your eyes at the same time?4). Do you kno

8、w who is the tallest man in the world?5). Do you know how the elephants walk?6). Do you know if the fish close eyes, when it is sleeping?Match the pictures with the letters and try to answer the questions one by one.Explain some important language points. Do some exercises.Step Three: Extension(amaz

9、ing animals)I know everyone of you like animals. Some of you have pets in your family. There are also something amazing about animals. Listen to my questions and can you find out which animal it is?1). Do you know which animal can live up to 150 years old?2). Do you know which animal has 3 eyelids o

10、n its each eyes and why?3). Do you know which dog is the smallest?4). Do you know which animal is as old as dinosaur?5). Do you know which animal is as clever as people?6). Do you know which animal can live for a month without having water?7). Do you know which animal is the biggest in the world?8).

11、 Do you know which animal is the most dangerous in the sea?9). Do you know which animal has the longest neck?Step Four. PractiseNow lets talk about amazing animals with the following patten .A:-Do you know if ? (Do you know thatwhich.?)B:- Oh, really? Maybe itsA:-Isnt that interesting? (amazing, fun

12、ny, great, interesting, strange, wonderful, surprising, cool)B:-Yes, it is. Do you know which?A:- .Ask the students to prepare the dialogue and act it out.Step Five: Consolidation-an investigationHave the students act as a journalist and interview any five students in your class: What amazing things

13、 do you know?How do you feel?Write down their answers on the paper,then give a report for that in front of the class.Step Six: HomeworkGive a report about the amazig things you read in the book and how you feel next class,such as: A book about Goldfish/can only remember things for three seconds/funn

14、y.A book about ghosts/A book about the tallest man/A book about sanwiches/告诉学生世界上充满了令人吃惊的事物,通过一个短片,启发学生开动脑筋,回答问题。利用图片进行生词教学通过问题设置复习新知总结归纳通过听对话找到问题的答案。学生模仿对话人物进行表演。了解一些不同寻常的事情,并通过思考来回答这些问题。通过练习来巩固所学知识运用所学知识来回答问题,运用所学的短语来组织语言通过编对话,使用形容词来表达自己的感觉和见解。作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组2. 完成同步导学上本课时的作业3. 预习Reading,完成预习作业板书

15、设计7A Unit4 Comic strip& welcomecome on the light on the plane It takes. to.unusual things keep open There is no plant life without lightning.walk on tiptoe教学反思 【当堂巩固】( 经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)一根据中文提示写出单词。 you hear the _ (奇怪的) noise? (大象)walk on tiptoe. (没有) water ,we cant live. an _ (有趣的) story it is! is showing me a book about some _ (不寻常的) things 二、句型转换:

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