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1、有些人看书是全靠想像的 Belle, its about time you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things. like me. The whole towns talking about it. Its not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking贝儿,你不该成天钻在书堆里而是应该注意一些重要的事情 比如说像我啰。全城的人都在议论你,女人不应该看太多的书,要不然她就会有意

2、见,有思想了 Gaston, you are positively primeval.加斯顿,没想到你的思想这么保守 Why, thank you , Belle. What do you say you and me take a walk over to the tavern and take a look at my trophies? 谢谢,贝儿。不要再看书了,我们边走边谈。走,去看看我的战利品。 Maybe some other time.改天再说好了 Please, Gaston, I cant. I have to get home to help my father. Good

3、-bye!抱歉,加斯顿,我没空。我得回去帮我父亲的忙。再见。第二幕:Belles father , Beast , Belle , Gaston ( Belles father took his successful invention to the fair and he lost his way in the forest and crushed into princes castle by accident. )(贝儿父亲的发明成功了,他带着他的发明去展览会。他在森林里迷路了,意外闯入了王子的城堡)Beast:s a stranger here.这儿有陌生人。Lumiere(Candle

4、): Master, allow me to explain. The gentleman was lost in the woods. He was cold and wet.主人请听我解释,他在森林里迷路了,又湿又冷Cogsworth(Watch): Master, Id like to take this moment to say. I was against this from the start. It was all his fault. I tried to stop them but would they listen to me? No.主人,请你听我说。我是完全反对呀。都

5、是他们。我曾经劝过他们 Who are you? What are you doing here?你是谁?为什么到这里来?Belles father: I-I-I was lost in the woods and and. 我迷了路,而且我 Youre not welcome here!这里不欢迎你 I-I-Im sorry.对对不起呀 What are you staring at? 你在看什么? N-Nothing. 没没什么 So youve come to stare at beast, have you? 你是来看野兽的? please, I meant no harm. I ju

6、st need a place to stay. 对不起,我只是需要一个过夜的地方。 Ill give you a place to stay. 好,我给你一个地方过夜 Oh no! Please! 哦,不,不要( at the same time )Lefou, Gaston, Belle, Lefou: Oh boy. Belles going to get the surprise of her life, huh Gaston?我看贝儿今天一定会乐歪了,是不是,加斯顿? Yep. This is her lucky day. Id like to thank you all for c

7、oming to my wedding. But first Id better go in there and propose to the girl. And you Lefou. now when Belle and I come out that door.对,我会让他永生难忘。欢迎各位来参加我的婚礼。首先,我要进去向那女孩求婚。来富,当我和贝儿从大门出来的时候 Oh I know I know! I-I strike up the band. 我知道,我知道。乐队开始演奏 Not yet! 还没有 Sorry. 对不起 Gaston. What a pleasant surprise

8、. 加斯顿,真是意外啊 Isnt it though?m just full of surprises. You know Belle theres not a girl in town who wouldnt love to be in your shoes. This is the day. Hmm. Yeah. This is the day your dreams come true. 没错,的确会让你感到意外。贝儿,你知道全城的女孩都希望能拥有你现在的地位。而我今天 今天就能让你美梦成真。 What do you know about my dreams, Gaston?你怎么知道我

9、的梦想是什么呢? Plenty. Here picture this: A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire and my little wife massaging my feet while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs. Well have six or seven.当然了,来,想想看这个画面, 一个纯朴的乡村小屋,我刚打的猎物正在火上烤着,我的小妻子在帮我按摩着双腿,孩子们和小狗玩着。我们要养六个还是七个? Dogs? 小狗? No Bel

10、le! Strapping boys like me.不,贝儿。像我一样的儿子 Imagine that. 你真会想啊 And do you know who that little wife will be? Let me think. You Belle.你知道那小妻子是谁吗?我猜猜看 是你,贝儿 Gaston Im. Im. speechless. I really dont know what to say.你你是开玩笑的吧?我不知该说什么好? Say youll marry me. 说你愿意嫁给我m very sorry Gaston but. but I just dont des

11、erve you. Whoa!对不起,加斯顿。但是我实在是配不上你 So howd it go? . Ill have Belle for my wife. Make no mistake about that!怎么样?结果如何啊?我一定要娶贝儿做我的妻子。绝对要娶她第三幕:Belle , Beast , Lumiere, Cogsworth Madame Gaston,Cant you just see it? Madame Gaston, His little wife. No, sir, not me. 加斯顿夫人,我怎能接受。加斯顿夫人,是他新娘。天啊,不要!别让它发生! Philip

12、pe! Wheres Papa? Where is he? Philippe? What happened? Oh we have to find him. You have to take me to him. What is this place? Philippe please! Steady! Steady. Papa!费力?你怎么会在这里?爸爸呢?他在哪里?费力,怎么回事啊? 我们一定要找到他。你快带我去找他。这是什么地方?费力,站好,站好。爸爸 Did you see that? Its a girl!你看见了吗?是个女孩 I know its a girl. Dont you s

13、ee?我知道是个女孩,就是她。 Shes the one.the girl we have been waiting for.她就是我们等了很久 She has come to break the spell!来帮我们解开咒语的女孩Narrator: ( Belle found his father was trapped in the tower and she was sad. At the time, the beast came out. ) Whos there?谁?是谁? The master of this castle.我是城堡的主人ve come for my father.

14、 Please let him out. Cant you see hes sick?我是来找我爸爸,我求求你放他出来。他生病了 Then he shouldnt have trespassed here!他不该闯进这里 But he could die. Please I-Ill do anything. 他会死的。我求求你,我愿意做任何事情s nothing you can do. Hes my prisoner.你什么也不能做?他是我的囚犯 Oh, there must be some way I can. Wait! Take me instead.一定会有什么办法可以 等一等, 让我

15、来代替他 You?! You would. take his place?你愿意代替他? You dont know what youre doing! If I did would you let him go?假如我愿意,你就会放他走? Yes. But you must promise to stay here forever.是,但是你得答应永远留在这里 Come into the light.请站到亮的地方来 You have my word.我答应你 Done!好!第五幕:Belle , Beast , Lumiere, Cogsworth Cogsworth: Master, h

16、ave you thought? that perhaps this girl could be the one to break the spell? 主人,你有没有想过?这个善良美丽的女孩也许会解开咒语? Of course I have. Im not a fool. 我当然想过,我又不是傻瓜。Lumiere: Good! So you fall in love with her ,she falls in love with you, and poof! The spell is broken. Well be human again by midnight.好极了!你爱她,她也爱你。

17、然后,咒语就解开了,我们就可以变回人类了。 Ooh its not that easy. These things take time. But the rose has already begun to wilt. Oh its no use. Shes so beautiful and Im. Well look at me!m just fooling myself. Shell never see me as anything. but a monster. Its hopeless.这事不容易,需要时间啊!但是玫瑰花已经开始凋谢了。没有用的,她那么美。我呢?我只是自欺欺人。她不会把我

18、当正常人看的。我永远是野兽!没希望的 Oh I couldnt possibly go to bed now. Its my first time in an enchanted castle.我怎么睡得着呢?这是我在魔法城堡的第一晚啊。 Why did you come here? 谁准你到这来的? 对对不起 I warned you never to come here.我警告过你不准来这的 I didnt mean any harm. 我没有恶意 Do you realize what you could have done?你知道你会弄坏什么吗? Please stop. 求求你,别这

19、样 Get out!滚 No!不 Get. out! Where are you going? 你要去哪里? Promise or no promise. I cant stay here another minute. 不管我答应过什么,我都要离开这里。 Oh, no. wait, please. Please wait.不,小姐,别走。你别走啊( When Belle was in the forest, she was attacked by wolves. Then the beast came to save her and he was injured. ) (贝儿在森林里遭到了狼

20、群的袭击,怪兽出现了并救了她,但是他受伤了) Now hold still. This might sting a little. By the way, thank you. For saving my life.忍着些,这会有一点点刺痛。对了,谢谢你刚才救了我re welcome.不客气ve never felt this way about anyone. I want to do something for her. But what?我从来没有对任何人有过这种感觉,我想为她做点事,做什么? Well, theres the usual things.Flowers , chocola

21、tes. Promises you dont intend to keep.通常的情形是送花或是巧克力,要不然就是不切实际的承诺 Ah no no. It has to be something very special. Something that sparks her interest. Wait a minute!不对,不对。应该要特别一点的,而且她有兴趣的。我知道了 Belle, theres something I want to show you. But first you have to close your eyes. Its a surprise.贝儿,我想带你看样东西。

22、但首先你要先闭上眼睛!是一个惊喜。 Can I open them?好了没有? No no. Not yet. Wait here.慢点,还没有。等一下 Now can I open them?现在可以睁开了吗? All right. Now.可以了。睁开吧 I cant believe it!ve never seen so many books in all my life!我是不是在做梦啊?我从来没看过这么多书 You-You like it?你你喜欢吗?s wonderful!当然喜欢 Then its yours.那就都是你的了 Oh thank you so much.谢谢你,太棒

23、了第六幕:Beast , Belle , Lumiere , Cogsworth Tonight is the night.应该是今天晚上了m not sure I can do this.我想我做不到t have time to be timid. You must be bold daring.你没时间害怕了。大胆些,我亲爱的主人 Bold daring. 大胆些,亲爱的。音乐及罗曼蒂克的烛光,由我提供 There will be music. romantic candlelight. provided by myself. And when the moment is right, y

24、ou confess your love.当时机一到,你就坦白地对她表示你的爱意 Yes I con. I-I. No I cant.我 不,我不行 You care for the girl dont you?你喜欢她,是不是? More than anything.非常喜欢 Well then you must tell her. 那你一定要告诉她(the ball belle&beast, beasts two slaves, wolves, horse)( after the ball) What is it?怎么了? If only I could see my father again, just for a moment. I miss him so much.我好希望能再见到我爸爸,只要一眼,我好想念他 There is a way. This mirror will show you anything. anything you wish to see.我有办法。这面镜子可以让你看到任何你想看到的事情d like to see my f

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