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《新编英语教程》第 3 册的课文.docx

1、新编英语教程第 3 册的课文新编英语教程第 3 册的课文新编英语教程第三册 Unit 1见教材P1 My First Job 我的第一份工作 Robert Best 罗伯特.贝斯特 While I was waiting to enter university, I saw in a local newspaper a teaching post advertised at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short of money and wanting to do

2、something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience of teaching my chances of landing the job were slim. 那年,我考上了大学,还没有入校时,在本地一家报纸上看到一所学校发布广告,招聘一名教师。这所学校位于伦敦郊区,距离我住的地方大约有十英里。当时因为急需用钱,又想做些有意义的事情,于是我就提出了申请。但是同时,我又担心,既没有学位又没有教学经验,所以获得这个职位的可能性非常小。 However, three

3、 days later a letter arrived, summoning me to Croydon for an interview. It proved an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station; a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile. As a result I arrived on a hot June morning too depressed to feel nervous. 然而,三天以后来信了,通知我到Croydon参加

4、面试。路很不好走,先坐火车到Croydon车站,再坐十分钟的公交车,最后步行至少英里才到达目的地。那可是六月天的上午,天气很热,我非常沮丧,也非常紧张,简直都崩溃了。 The school was a dreary, gabled Victorian house of red brick and with big staring sash-windows. The front garden was a gravel square; 1 four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggled to survive the

5、dust and fumes from a busy main road. 学校是一幢维多利亚时代的红砖建筑,有山墙,有很大的垂直拉窗,闪闪发光,让人感觉单调乏味。房前是一个砾石铺成的广场,四柱常绿灌木分立四角。学校附近有一条繁忙的公路,所以有很多灰尘和废气,这四柱灌木在灰尘和废气的“折磨”下奄奄一息。 It was clearly the headmaster himself that opened the door. He was short and rotund. He had a sandy-coloured moustache, a freckled forehead and har

6、dly any hair. He was wearing a tweed suit one felt somehow he had always worn it and across his ample stomach was looped a silver watch-chain. 开门的显然是校长。他身材矮胖,留着沙黄色的胡子,额头上有斑点,几乎没有头发。他穿着一件粗花呢外套,让人觉得他总是穿这件衣服;肥硕的肚子上耷拉着一条银色的表链。 He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look

7、 at a private whose bootlaces were undone. “Ah yes,” he grunted. “You?d better come inside.” The narrow, sunless hall smelled unpleasantly of stale cabbage; the cream-printed walls had gone a dingy margarine colour, except where they were scarred with ink marks; it was all silent. His study, judging

8、 by the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dining room. On the mantelpiece there was a salt cellar and pepper-pot. “You?d better sit down,” he said, and proceeded to ask me a number of questions: what subjects had I taken in my General School Certificate; how old was I; what games did I play; then f

9、ixing me suddenly with his bloodshot eyes, he asked me whether I thought games were a vital part of a boy?s education. I mumbled something about not attaching too much importance to them. He grunted. I had said the wrong thing. The headmaster and I obviously had singularly little in common. 他很不屑地看着我

10、,显得很意外,就好像一位上校在打量一名没有系鞋带的列兵。他嘟嘟囔囔地说:“嗯,你进来吧!”走廊里2 狭窄阴暗,散发着发霉白菜的味道,很难闻;原本洁白的墙面已变成了暗淡的奶油色,上边还有几处墨水渍;一切都非常安静。从地毯上的面包屑看来,书房也是他的餐厅,壁炉上放着一个盐罐和一个胡椒粉罐。他说:“坐吧”,然后问了我几个问题:考普通学校证书时都学过哪些课程;我多大了;我都做过哪些体育运动。然后,他突然瞪着我,眼睛里带着血丝。他问我,运动在男孩子的受教育过程中是不是非常重要,我含含糊糊地说不要太重视。他嘟嘟囔囔着,不知道说了些什么。但是,我意识到我说错话了,很显然我和这位校长之间几乎没有相同观点。 T

11、he school, he said, consisted of one class of twenty-four boys, ranging in age from seven to thirteen. I should have to teach all subjects except art, which he taught himself. Football and cricket were played in the Park, a mile away on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. 校长说,学校只有一个班,有二十四个男生,年龄从七岁到十三

12、岁不等。我要教除了艺术之外的所有课程,艺术课他本人教。足球课和板球课安排在周三下午和周六下午,上课地点是一英里外的公园。 The teaching set-up appalled me. I should have to split the class up into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels; and I was dismayed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry two subjects at which I had been co

13、mpletely incompetent at school.Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket.It was not so much having to tramp a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed by a crocodile of small boys that I minded, but the fact that most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time. 学校的教

14、学安排让我很郁闷。我得把全班学生分成三组,而后按三个不同层次依次给他们讲课。想到要教代数和几何,我就很痛苦,这是我在学校最不擅长的两门课。更糟糕的也许是周六下午的板球课。让我不能忍受的还不是带着一群孩子,沿着脏兮兮的Croydon大街,步行一英里去上课,而是这个时间我大多数朋友都在很惬意地享受悠闲。 3 I said diffidently, “What would my salary be?”“Twelve pounds a week plus lunch.” Before I could protest,he got to his feet.“Now,” he said, “you?d b

15、etter meet my wife. She?s the one who really runs this school.” 我怯生生地问:“我的薪水怎么算呢?”他说:“每周十二英镑,外加午餐”。我还没来得及表示不同意见,他就站了起来,说:“你现在去见见我的夫人吧,她才是这个学校的老板。” This was the last straw.I was very young: the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity. 我实在受不了了,我这么年轻, 想到要在一个女人手下工作,这真是最大的耻辱。

16、 结 束4 Unit 2见教材P16Unwillingly on Holiday 伤心的假期 Philippa Pearce 菲利浦尔.皮尔斯 Not all holidays are seen as pleasurable occasions.Sometimes going on holiday can be something to be dreaded.Partly it could be the change from the known routine, going somewhere where you are uncertain of what is expected or what you will find

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