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口语 第一第二次课Word格式文档下载.docx

1、5校园生活: Problem/Solution 两学生探讨某问题和解决方案 1.归纳问题 2. 总结解决 3. 你的观点 20 s 6. 专业问题: 总结an excerpt from a lecture that explains a term or concept and gives examples to illustrate it. 要求:summarize the lecture and demonstrate an understanding 评价标准: 整体: 发音pronunciation正确 语速适中pacing 语音语调Intonation自然纯正 语言运用: 会使用复杂结

2、构+高级词汇 Topic Development 总结重点内容 有逻辑! 观点间的衔接清晰 允许有小错误 中国学生常见问题 发音 美式发音特点: Smooth and Soft R were, word, whirl, wore, arrive, earn, hurt, pert, pearl, smurf, surf, murky, churn Betty bought a bit of better butter. / thin, thunder, both, month, tooth, healthy, bathroom /l/ Eel, bowl, pull, bell, smell,

3、 well She sells seashells on the seashore, and the shells she sells are seashells. A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. A green glass globe glows greenly. Ann and Andys anniversary is in April. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why they rule. Facade Canal Choir Penalize Cello/ Concerto Criteria Hier

4、archical Economy /Economical Necessary / Necessarily Photograph photographer/photographic Compete; competition; competitor; competent; Apply; application; applicant Ran out of it Fit it in Bike key Would you? Could you? Just stick around here Mum and Dad 当元音与辅音搭配组合时,需要连读 Pick up, think of, fed up wi

5、th end up with, cut it out tired of Im afraid its out of stock. 语调 Intonation A: can you bring me some coffee on the road? B: sorry dont worry about your fellowship next year, You did quite well in the final exam I do3) A: someone opposed the proposal. What?“the personality you didnt realize”- 2440

6、Authentic 地道的美语 -I have to go to the lab in a minute. Can I take a rain check?-check it out-it costs me a leg-money always burns a hole in my pocket. I am kind of broke.-I am really in a flap- Relax, take it easy You really look run down I kind of feel under the weather recently. I got loose bowels.

7、 I have severe skin rash. He is really shaky. I am so pissed off with her attitude 语法问题 1. when he have money, he can do whatever he want to.2. I think I can success3. I love my mother for he cares about me. - 中国特色 误区之一 Tense 时态问题 我的最好的朋友是Mary。 我们十年前在一个圣诞party上认识。 有一次我吃花生吃到过敏,脸都肿了,她细心地照顾我。 从她搬家去了毛里求

8、斯,我们就没见过面了。 我下星期就会见到她 My best friend is Mary. we accidentally met each other on a Christmas party ten years ago. once I had a severe allergy to peanuts and my face was swollen, She took really good care of me. However, we havent seen each other since she moved to Mauritius。 I will see her next week.

9、 Jasper _(be) one of those rare people who believes in myths. He just _ (buy ) a new house in a remote village, but ever since he moved in, he _(be ) confused by noises in the midnight. Once he woke up, he found a white sedan轿子 _(park) outside his gate. 误区之二 Vocabulary = a lot of vocabulary? My prem

10、ium companionship is Mary. I made acquaintances with her ten years ago. In once occasion, I was suffering from an ailment, she catered special attention to me. However, weve been apart for a considerable extensive period of time. 误区三-小问题词性问题 My father is a photograph. The number is very astonished!

11、At that time, I was studied at university. 逻辑问题 Oh, in my opinion, I am a person. Today, more and more people are getting old. Every advantage has its disadvantage. I like writing because it is good for your health.1. Delivery 表达: 清晰,地道,纯正2. Language Use 语言运用: 有效使用高级语法& 词汇 3. Topic Development: How

12、fully you answer the question how coherently you present 对策 1. To the point - 直接2. 加强词汇和语法3. pronunciation, intonation 注意发音,语调和重音4. Timing 计时 如何提高 1. 口头总结每天上课的内容 2. 总结每一段听力 3. 跟读电影或者美剧 4. 每天给自己的口语录音,每次一分钟 5. 找个language partner 托福口语第一题 An IPod 性质:an electronic device a product made in your country bu

13、t doesnt belong to your country. 和你的关联:a gift you have received at birthday Or: an expensive thing you want to buy something you have lost an object you use every day1. Free-choice response : What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have. Favorite trans

14、portation 马车 Carriage Favorite place 沙滩 TST 原则: T topic sentence: 主旨句 S supporting details: 解释 T 连接词: first, second, third, last关键:细节和解释 T : GuitarS :1. party2. Band3. Sound 第一句话:Play guitar. 解释:为什么是new skill?- Since now I cannot play any musical instrument, . 分类:First, cause when I want to throw a

15、party, I can take my guitar and play it for my friends. it would be wonderful Second, its my dream to join a band and play with other musicians. Maybe I could have a concert someday. That would be awesome. Third, I really love the soft sound of acoustic guitar when my fingers go through the strings

16、string 琴弦 Also, When I play guitar, I feel relax and relieved, like all troubles go away. 更高阶:Playing guitar never fails to helps me to restore peace and clarity in my heart. T: street danceS:1. Free 2. keep fit3. Attractive4. Talent show .street dance. First and foremost, ever since a little boy/gi

17、rl I love to dance but I hate regulations. There are only few rules in street dance, I just need to dance with the music and create my own moves. Second, Michael Jackson is my favorite singer and dancer, his moonwalk is incredible/awesome/amazing. I want to be like him. jock 3rd, street dance needs

18、lots of exercise, while practicing everyday, I can lose some weight and keep fit. 高级版:To be an excellent dancer I need to move my whole body to the rhythm 旋律), then I guess I can be more dexterous. Third, I secretly love a boy/ girl, and he/she is a huge fan of street dance. Deep down in my heart I

19、hope I can attract him by showing my dance. At last, its my dream to attend talent show like “American Idol” and stand out in the competition. Outstanding = stand out 1. Paraphrasing 同义转换 2. Details 细节描写 “ASAP”“As specific as possible 5150 Plump / chucky / huge / fat Give her flowers everyday, white

20、 orchid Breakfast in bed, 6 loaves of wheat toast Butter on both sides ,No crust Be her shoulder to cry on Make her laugh everyday 经典地点话题 Describe a place you go often when you were a child. Describe your favorite city. Describe a country you would like to visit. Describe a place of historical signi

21、ficance.举例:Choose a place you go to very often when you have leisure time. Explain why you like to go there. Include detail and example in your explanation. 地点话题思路 Topic Sentence Supporting Detail Transitions Topic sentence 1. There are a number of XXX places, but the one Id particularly like to men

22、tion today is XXXX.2. There is one XXX place that I always enjoy talking about, and that is 不知道怎么描写怎么办?! Supporting Details 1. 细节(将抽象物体具体化) 海 水、沙、人、天空 家 人、客厅、房间、床、书 巴黎 人、铁塔、小街、食物、气氛 The sky was quite clear now and the sea gleamed in the sunlight. 节选 Harry Potter As they entered November, the weather

23、 turned very cold. The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. Harry had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair, where the

24、 rest of the students were sitting. These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers sit. Place细节描述举例 水:The water is crystal-clear and blue. The water is cool and fresh. 沙:The sands on the beach are white and soft. 人:

25、Girls in bikinis are running around or lying on the beach, basking in the sun. 咖啡Espresso shot LatteCappuccino MochaCaramel Macchiato焦糖玛奇朵 Grand / large / small/ 添加: sugar milk cream black Starbucks 星巴克咖啡厅 美国人coffee break Whole milk or non-fat Milk foam Unique Flavor Aroma 香气 Aromatic 芳香的 Bitterness

26、 苦味 complexity 复杂性】 Bean Starbucks 1. smell. 2. Many kinds of coffee3. Cozy 4. 减肥 When I have some time to kill, I always go to starbucks to have a cup of hot coffee. 咖啡豆的香气 aroma of coffee bean 咖啡的口感 flavor of coffee First, I love the aromatic smell of coffee beans in the shop and the unique flavor

27、 of coffee. Second, there is a variety of coffee. Espresso 苦涩 Cappuccino - 牛奶泡沫 Mocha 巧克力粉末 chocolate powder Bitterness of Espresso, the milk foam on top of Cappuccino, The complexity and sweetness of mocha with chocolate powder Third, its very cozy and comfortable in the shop. I can read some books

28、, surf the internet or chat with others while drinking coffee. After the coffee, I am refreshed and full of energy. Describe an event that is very special in your life. Explain why this event is important to you. Dont forget to include details and examples in your explanation. 事件 Love story 第一步:约会 Ask for a date Would you like to go out with me? Id like to take you to dinner Maybe we can watch a movie or something afterwards.

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