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1、1)女儿长大后,母女冲突平息,相互达到谅解。2)母亲过世后,女儿整理遗物,调琴试弹,顿悟母亲留下的文化遗产和对她的厚重的爱。 精美的故事反映了一个望子成龙的母亲与成长中的女儿两代人之间的冲突,也反映了中西两种文化的冲突。(二) 背景知识1. The Joy Luck Club The novel “The Joy Luck Club”, written by Amy Tan, published in 1989, deals with the stories of four Chinese women who immigrated to San Francisco, USA in the 19

2、40s as well as with the stories of their four American-born daughters. At a deeper level, Amy Tans novel is about the different mother-daughter relationships between the main characters and about relationships between friends, lovers and even enemies. The novel is divided into four sections, in whic

3、h the mothers and daughters are telling about their lives. The reader gets to know about the mothers tragic past in pre-1949 China, and how they had to build up a new existence in California, USA. After having met each other they decide to set up the “Joy Luck Club”. The mothers meet each other week

4、ly to play a Chinese game named mah-jongg, sharing their individual experiences in life and hoping to overcome their past. But as the novel continues, it becomes obvious that the four daughters dont have easier lives than their mothers had. Living in the USA as young American-Chinese women, they get

5、 confronted with their conflicting ethnical and cultural background every day and they have to fight for emancipation in life. They are trying to live like modern, self-confident women, without paying any attention to their cultural background. But after years of bold dreams of wealth and high-paid

6、jobs, everyday quarrels with their mothers, American lovers and husbands, and times of fear and insecurity, the four daughters seem to realize their unique chance of being attached to two different cultures in a very personal way. Therefore, the novel is also about the process of finding ones own id

7、entity. 2. The American Dream The term was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America, which was written in 1931. According to him, the American Dream is “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each accordin

8、g to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall

9、be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” (Page 214215)二、词汇与短话(一) 词汇1. ballerinablri:nn. female ballet dancer, esp. one who takes leading parts女芭蕾舞演员(尤指

10、扮演主角的) It was her cherished dream to become a ballerina. 成为一个芭蕾舞演员是她珍藏已久的梦想。2. bangbn. (US) front hair cut so that it hangs over the forehead垂在额前的短发;刘海儿同义 fringe a girl with bangs留着刘海儿的女孩儿3. bassbesn. 1) lowest part in music (for voice or instrument) 低音部 反义 treble He sings bass. 他唱低音。 2) lowest male

11、 voice男低音 Is he a bass or a baritone? 他是男低音还是男中音?4. beambi:mv. 1) to smile happily and cheerfully愉快地微笑 The winner beamed with satisfaction. 获胜者满意地笑了。 2) to beam sth. (to) (from): to broadcast播送 The world Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan世界杯决赛从英国向日本做了实况转播。5. budgebdv. 1) (to cause) to m

12、ove slightly (使某物) 稍微移动;动一动 My cars stuck in the mud, and it wont budge. 我的车陷在泥中,一动也动不了。 2) (to cause sb. to change an attitude or opinion (使某人) 改变态度或意见 Once hes made up his mind, he never budges. 他一旦下了决心就毫不动摇。6. cascadekskedv. to fall in or like a waterfall如瀑布落下;如瀑布状下垂 Her golden hair cascaded down

13、 her back. 她的金发瀑布般垂挂在背后。7. crinklykrkliadj. 1) (of hair) having tight curls (指毛发)卷曲得很厉害的 a girl with crinkly hair满头卷发的女孩儿 2) having crinkles有皱纹的 a crinkly forehead布满皱纹的额头8. curtsyk:tsin. bend of the knees with one foot in front of the other, performed by women as a sign of respect (女子行的)屈膝礼9. dainty

14、 / dentadj. 1) (of people) neat and delicate in build or movement (指人) (体形或举止)娇美的;优美的 同义 delicate; exquisite 反义 clumsy a dainty child娇小玲珑的孩子2) (of things) small and pretty (指物)小巧的;精致的 dainty porcelain小巧精致的瓷器10. dawdled:dlv. to be slow; to waste time缓慢;浪费时间 Stop dawdling and hurry up; were late. 别磨磨蹭

15、蹭了,快点儿,咱们要晚了。 to dawdle sth. away浪费(时间) 11. devastatedevstetv. 1) to shock; to overwhelm令人震惊;使人难以承受 I was devastated by the news of the crash. 我获悉失事的消息感到十分震惊。 2) to completely destroy; to ruin彻底毁坏;毁灭 War devastated the country. 战争摧毁了这个国家。 派生 devastating adj. 毁灭性的;令人震惊的devastation n. 毁灭 12. discordan

16、tdsk:dntadj. 1) (of sounds) harsh不和谐的;刺耳的同义 incongruous 反义 harmonious the discordant noises of the railway station火车站嘈杂的噪音 2) not in agreement; conflicting不一致的;相互冲突的 discordant views不一致的观点 派生 discord n. 不和;不和谐的高调 13. ear-splittingrspltadj. very loud; shrill极响的;震耳的;刺耳的 an earsplitting crash震耳欲聋的碰撞 14

17、. encorek:(r)n. (call for a) repetition (of a song, etc.) or a further performance by the same person or people (呼喊) 再演 (唱等) The violinist got an enthusiastic encore. 听众热情要求小提琴手再演奏一曲。15. entranceentrnsv. to entrance sb. (bywith sth.): to fill sb. with great emotion and delight as if by magic (通常用于被动

18、)使某人(着魔般)狂喜;着迷 同义 bewitch; enchant They were completely entranced by the music. 他们完全陶醉在音乐中。16. fiascofskn. complete and ridiculous failure彻底的失败;可耻的下场 The party was a total fiasco because the wrong date was given on the invitation. 那个聚会落得一场空,因为请帖上的日期给弄错了。17. franticfrntkadj. 1) hurried and excited bu

19、t disorganized; frenzied; desperate慌乱不安的;狂乱的;疯狂的;令人绝望的 同义 delirious; frenetic 反义 imperturbable a frantic dash狂奔 2) in an extreme state of emotion, esp. fear or anxiety情感的极度状态(尤指恐惧或焦急);发狂的;发疯的 frantic with worryangergrief愁得要命气得要死悲痛欲绝18. frenzied / frenzidadj. wildly excited or agitated (通常作定语)狂乱的;狂躁的

20、;发狂的 同义 frenetic; frantic 反义 imperturbable; tranquil The dog jumped at the intruder with frenzied barks. 那只狗狂吠着跳起来扑向闯进来的人。词根 frenzy n. 极度激动的状态;极度狂乱的活动或行为19. fuzzfzn. 1) short fine hair that sticks up竖起来的短细的毛发 That baby has brownish fuzz on its head. 那个婴儿有一头细软的棕色毛发。2) mass of soft light particles; fl

21、uff 轻柔的物质;绒毛 The peach is covered with fuzz. 桃子上有一层细毛。【派生】fuzzy adj绒毛般的;毛茸茸的;模糊不清的20. indignity / ndntn. 1) C thing said or done that humiliates sb. 侮辱性的言行 同义 humiliation; affront; insult 反义 dignity; honor The highjackers inflicted all kinds of indignities on their captives. 劫持者对人质进行百般侮辱。 2) U rude

22、or unworthy treatment causing shame or loss of respect侮辱;轻蔑 to be subjected to indignity and humiliation受到侮慢和羞辱21. intermissionntmnn. (AmE) period of time during which sth. stops before continuing (美)暂停;中间休息;幕间休息 同义 interval a short intermission halfway through a film电影放映期间的短暂休息 The fever lasted fiv

23、e days without intermission. 那次发烧持续了五天。22. juggledlv. 1) to throw (a number of objects, usu. balls) up into the air, catch them and throw them into the air again and again, keeping one or more in the air at the same time耍把戏,玩杂耍2) to change the arrangement of sth. constantly in order to achieve a sat

24、isfactory result or to deceive people不断改变某事的安排(以得到满意的结果或以骗人) The government has been juggling (with) the figures to hide the latest rise in unemployment. 政府为隐瞒最近失业率上升而一再更改数字。23. jumbledmbl 1) n. (a jumble of sth.) confused or untidy group of things; muddle杂乱的一堆东西;一团糟 a jumble of books and papers on

25、the table桌子上凌乱的一堆书和报纸 2) v. to jumble sth. (up); to mix (things) in a confused way将(东西)胡乱混在一起 Toys, books, shoes and clothes were jumbled (up) on the floor. 玩具、书、鞋、衣服都杂乱地堆在地上。24. lamentlmentn. 1) to complain抱怨 Shes always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town. 她总是抱怨城里缺少体育设施。 2) to lament f

26、orover sb.sth.; to feel or express great sorrow or regret for sb.sth. 感到悲伤;哀悼;痛惜 同义 bewail; deplore; grieve 反义 rejoice to lament a dead friend哀悼亡友 派生 lamentable adj. 惋惜的;可悲的25. lilting / liltadj. having rise and fall抑扬顿挫的;节奏欢快的 a lilting song欢快的歌曲 词根 lilt n. 抑扬顿挫;轻快旋律26. listlesslylstlsladv. having

27、no energy, vitality or enthusiasm倦怠的;无精打采的;冷淡的 同义 slothfully 反义 buoyantly; spiritedly He paced the room listlessly. 他懒洋洋地在房间里踱步。27. melodymeldn. 1) main part within a piece of harmonized music, usu. more distinctly heard than the rest; theme主调;旋律;主旋律 The melody is next taken up by the flute. 这主调接着由长

28、笛合奏。 2) arrangement of words put to music; song or tune曲调;歌曲 old Irish melodies古老的爱尔兰歌曲28. mesmerizingmezmrazadj. holding the attention of (sb.) completely吸引人的 同义 fascinating; enchanting; charming a mesmerizing voice迷人的声音 词根 mesmerize v. 吸引住29. prancepr:nsn. 1) to move in a high-spirited or arrogant way手舞足蹈或神气活现地移动 They were pr

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