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本文(境外仲裁中的临时措施在中国的可执行性Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、但是,某些当事人为隐藏证据、转移财产,宁可承担上述不利后果,亦不愿配合执行临时措施。此时,临时措施能否强制执行,就殊为关键。二、 中国仲裁法关于临时措施的规定在回答上述问题之前,我们需要了解中国法律关于仲裁中的临时措施的规定。根据相关法律规定和司法实践,中国仲裁法下的临时措施具有以下特点 :(2)第一,从临时措施的种类上说,中国仲裁法规定的临时措施种类较少,仅限于财产保全和证据保全。财产保全适用于“因另一方当事人的行为或者其他原因,可能使裁决不能执行或者难以执行的”(仲裁法(3)第二十八条),其保全的范围“限于请求的范围,或者与本案有关的财物”(民事诉讼法(4)第九十四条);证据保全适用于“证

2、据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况”(民事诉讼法第七十四条),针对的是与案件相关的证据。在中国仲裁法中不存在禁令等旨在限制某种行为或要求不作为的临时措施(5)(如联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商事仲裁示范法(6),下文称“示范法”,第17条第2款a项和b项),也不存在强制证人出庭提供证言的措施(如英格兰Arbitration Act 1996(7)第44条第2款a项)。第二,从临时措施的申请主体来看,申请者仅限于中国内地仲裁机构审理的仲裁案件中的当事人。民事诉讼法 和仲裁法仅涉及国内仲裁中的临时措施,而未就境外仲裁中的当事人能否向中国法院申请财产保全、证据保全等临时措施作出相应规定。第三,从临时措施

3、的管辖上说,在中国有权决定是否采取临时措施的权力专属于人民法院。根据仲裁法第二十八条和第四十六条的规定,仲裁机构仅负责转交当事人提出的财产保全或证据保全的申请,无权下令采取临时措施;仲裁庭同样没有下令采取临时措施的权力。中国仲裁法的这一限制与英国、法国等主要仲裁地的仲裁制度及示范法的规定均不同。第四,从时间上说,中国仲裁法的临时措施仅限于在仲裁过程中申请。民事诉讼法规定了诉前财产保全,但民事诉讼法和仲裁法都未规定仲裁前的财产或证据保全。 最高人民法院关于人民法院执行工作若干问题的规定(试行)(8)第12条则将涉外仲裁中的财产保全限定在仲裁过程中。虽然在司法实践中存在部分法院比照诉前财产保全进行

4、仲裁前财产保全的个案,但大多数人民法院仍不接受仲裁前财产保全的申请。 三、 境外仲裁庭采取的临时措施的可执行性在境外仲裁中,仲裁庭可能以命令、禁令的形式采取临时措施,也可能根据适用的仲裁规则或仲裁法的规定,以“裁决”的形式采取临时措施。下面分情况讨论:1、 以命令、禁令形式采取的临时措施仲裁庭以命令、禁令等形式采取的临时措施,具有临时性、中间性和程序性,显然不属于联合国承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约(“纽约公约”)(9)和最高人民法院关于内地与香港特别行政区相互执行仲裁裁决的安排(“安排”)(10)承认的 “仲裁裁决”。因此,在纽约公约另一缔约国领土内或在香港特区作出的此类临时措施,不能根据纽约公

5、约或安排在中国内地获得承认和执行。2、 以裁决形式采取的临时措施许多仲裁地的法律或仲裁规则均允许仲裁庭以“裁决”的方式采取临时措施。例如,为香港和新加坡采纳的示范法,其第17条第2款规定,“临时措施是以裁决书为形式的或另一种形式的任何短期措施”;国际商会国际仲裁院的仲裁规则第23条也授权仲裁庭在其认为适当的时候,采用裁决的形式采取临时措施。那么,当事人能否根据纽约公约或安排向中国法院申请承认和执行关于临时措施的“裁决”呢?目前中国的司法实践还未有此类案例检验法院的审查标准,但中国法院很难同意当事人申请承认和执行关于临时措施的裁决,其中最主要的理由有两点:首先,临时措施即便采用裁决的形式,究其本


7、不能以仲裁解决者”;安排第七条第二款规定与此类似。而如前所述,中国仲裁法下的临时措施,是专属于人民法院的权力,仲裁机构和仲裁庭无权行使,也就是说,临时措施可能被认为在中国法下不具有可仲裁性。目前中国还未出现根据纽约公约第五条第二款关于可仲裁性的规定,拒绝承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的案例,对临时措施是否属于不可仲裁的事项,也尚未有结论性意见。但在申请人Hemofarm DD等与济南永宁制药股份有限公司申请承认及执行国际商会仲裁院第13464MSJBJEM号仲裁裁决一案(“永宁公司案”)中,山东省高级人民法院认为“对于诉讼保全申请的合法性与正当性发生的争议”不具有可仲裁性(13) 。有关评论也认为,“

8、 ICC就我国法院对争议事项已经做出的法院判决做出裁决,侵犯了按照我国现行法律专属于我国法院管辖并处理的仲裁协议项下争议财产实施临时性保全措施的权力。”(14)综上,即便临时措施以“裁决”的形式出现,根据现行的中国仲裁法,该“裁决”仍然可能无法在中国法院得到承认和执行。四、 境外法院作出的临时措施的可执行性大多数仲裁地的仲裁法都对法院支持仲裁的措施作出了相关规定,主要是法院根据仲裁当事人的申请采取临时措施的权力。那么,由法院下达的采取临时措施的命令,能否在中国法院得到执行呢?我们认为同样不容乐观。首先,中国法律没有规定在境外仲裁中中国法院采取临时措施的权力和义务。因此,由中国法院采取临时措施支

9、持一起境外仲裁,缺少国内法的依据。其次,法院在仲裁中下达的采取临时措施的命令,既不属于纽约公约管辖的事项,也不属于安排下内地和香港相互执行的对象,故不能根据纽约公约或安排得到执行。再次,在中国与外国签订的相互承认和执行法院裁判的双边条约中,法院发布的关于临时措施的令状是否属于司法协助协定中规定的“裁判”,有很大的不确定性,且至今未有公开的案例进行检验。(15)其中部分双边条约更明确将临时措施令状排除在可以相互承认和执行的民事裁判之外,如中国与科威特、阿联酋、突尼斯等国缔结的民商事司法协助协定 。(16)最后,从司法实践来看,目前中国法院还没有公开的申请承认和执行境外法院作出的关于临时措施的裁定

10、和命令的案例。五、 结论总之,在中国现行仲裁法的框架下,境外仲裁中的临时措施很可能无法在中国法院得到承认和执行;虽然拒不履行临时措施的一方当事人将根据仲裁规则和适用法律承担不利后果,但最终仲裁裁决也可能失去实际价值,成为一纸空文。随着与中国有关的国际仲裁日益增加,这个问题可能会变得更加突出。我们建议外部和内部律师在起草与中国有关的仲裁条款时,应充分考虑这一因素。永宁公司案等案件也启示我们,有关当事人也有可能在仲裁条款范围之外,向中国法院申请采取适当的临时措施,仍有机会冻结对方当事人掌握的与案件有关的资产或证据,在胜利女神的天平上为己方增添一枚重重的砝码。注释:1、 境外仲裁不仅包括外国仲裁,也


12、定、最高人民法院关于审理著作权民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释等司法解释规定了在知识产权诉讼案件中法院采取禁令的权力,但这种权力未延伸至仲裁领域。6、联合国大会1985年12月11日通过,2006年12月4日第一次修正。7、1996年6月17日获得女王御准,1997年1月31日起施行。8、1998年7月8日公布并施行。9、1999年6月18日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1069次会议通过,2000年2月1日起施行。10、Note of the Secretariat on the Possible Future Work in the Area of International Commerc

13、ial Arbitration, UNCITRAL, 32nd Sess., UN Doc.A/CN.9/460,第28页至31页,见联合国网站http:/ (最后访问日期2010年11月8日)。11、相关的技术咨询和技术服务价款与技术转让价款需开在同一张发票上。12、见杨弘磊法官中国内地司法实践视角下的纽约公约问题研究,法律出版社2006年版,第32页、50页、311页。13、见最高人民法院关于不予承认和执行国际商会仲裁院仲裁裁决的请示的复函(

14、2008民四他字第11号)。14、见赵秀文教授从永宁公司案看公共政策作为我国法院拒绝执行外国仲裁裁决的理由,发表于法学家2009年第4期。15、 一般认为,临时措施不属于国家间相互承认和执行法院裁判的范围。16、 例如,中华人民共和国和科威特国关于民事和商事司法协助的协定第十七条第三款规定:“本协定不适用于保全措施或临时措施,但与支付生活费有关的事项除外。”Chinas Enforceability of Provisional Measures in Offshore Arbitrationby Zhang Shouzhi, Hu Ke and Xu BeibeiProvisional me

15、asures in offshore arbitration(1) are either ordered by the arbitral tribunal, or issued by an offshore court in aid of arbitration. It has always been of great concern whether such provisional measures can be enforced by the Courts in China.I. Definition and Purpose of Provisional MeasuresProvision

16、al measures in international arbitration are those interim measures of protection granted by an arbitral tribunal or a court of competent jurisdiction at the request of a party before or during the arbitration proceeding. These interim measures provide appropriate measures to preserve evidence, asse

17、ts or status quo in accordance with the laws and rules applicable to such arbitration. As there are differences among arbitration laws in other jurisdictions around the world, provisional measures are also called interim measures, preservation measures, or interim measure of protection, which will b

18、e collectively referred to as Provisional Measures in this article.If an arbitral tribunal or a court of competent jurisdiction takes proper, timely and compulsory Provisional Measures, such measures can serve the purpose to maintain the status quo, preserve evidence, and prevent malicious transfer

19、of assets. Therefore, such measures are widely used in international arbitration.Normally, the party to whom the Provisional Measures are applied against is inclined to carry out the Provisional Measures as directed and show deference to the arbitral tribunal or the court, in order to avoid bearing

20、unfavorable consequences in arbitration proceedings, the arbitral award, or expense allocations and other aspects under the applicable rules. Sometimes, however, in order to conceal evidence or transfer assets, a party would rather risk bearing such unfavorable consequences than carry out the Provis

21、ional Measures. Under such circumstances, the enforcement of Provisional Measures becomes critical.II. Provisional Measures under Chinese Arbitration LawsBefore answering the above question, we need to understand the Provisional Measures in arbitration under China law. According to the relevant laws

22、 and regulations and judicial practice, there are several features regarding Provisional Measures under Chinese arbitration law:First, in respect of Provisional Measures, there are only two categories under the PRC Arbitration Law(Arbitration Law)(3), namely asset preservation and evidence preservat

23、ion The former applies to circumstances where the arbitral award might not be able to be enforced or become difficult to be enforced due to the acts of the other party or other reasons (Article 28 of the Arbitration Law), and the assets to be preserved are limited within the scope of the case or the

24、 assets involved in the case (Article 94 of the PRC Civil Procedure Law,(4)Civil Procedure Law). The latter applies to circumstances where the evidence might be lost forever or may be difficult to be obtained in the future (Article 74 of the Civil Procedure Law) and it is targeted at the evidence re

25、levant to the case. Under Chinese Arbitration laws, there are no Provisional Measures aimed at preventing or refraining from taking action such as injunctions(5) (as in Article 17.2 (a) and 17.2(b) of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration(6), nor are there measures to force

26、the witness to appear in court (as in Article 44.2(a) of English Arbitration Act 1996(7).Second, as to the requesting party who can apply for Provisional Measures, only parties in an onshore arbitration (administered by domestic arbitration commissions) can apply for Provisional Measures. The Civil

27、Procedure Law and the Arbitration Law only deal with Provisional Measures arising from onshore arbitrations and remain silent on whether the parties in offshore arbitrations can apply to the Chinese court for Provisional Measures such as asset protection and evidence preservation.Third, as to the ju

28、risdiction and power to grant Provisional Measures, the Peoples court in China has exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether or not to adopt the Provisional Measures. Pursuant to Articles 28 and 36 of the Arbitration Law, arbitration commissions only forward the requesting partys applications for

29、asset and/or evidence preservation to the Peoples Court, and they have no competence to order Provisional Measures. Similarly, the arbitral tribunals do not have the authority to enforce the Provisional Measures. This is obviously a strict restriction, and also a major distinction of Chinese Arbitra

30、tion laws as opposed to the arbitration laws of the UK and France as well as the Model Law.Fourth, as to the timing for requesting Provisional Measures, under Chinese Arbitration laws, the requesting party can apply it only during the arbitration proceeding. The Civil Procedure Law has specific provisions on asset preservation prior to litigation, but neither the Civil Procedure Law nor the Arbitration Law touches upon asset/evidence preservation prior to an arbitration proceeding. Pursuant to Article 12 of the Provisional Regulatio

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