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1、Demised Premises) as more particularly described hereinafter; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained,intending to be legally bound, Landlord and Tenant do hereby agree as follows:开场白和鉴于条款部分会简单的介绍交易双方以及双方的意愿。包含的基本词汇如下Premise:在租赁合同中,该词翻译为房屋,物业连同房

2、屋的附属设备be legally bound:受合法约束1、DEMISED PREMISES.标的房屋,约定物业A. Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby takes and leases from Landlord the premises consisting of the space outlined in red (Area“A” ) on the plans annexed hereto as Exhibit “B” in the “Building” and upon the “Land” commonly known as SB.

3、 All fixtures, equipment, improvements and installations attached to or built into the Demised Premises as of theCommencementDate and thereafter, whether or not installedat the expense ofTenantor by Tenant, shall be and remain part of the Demised Premises and shall be deemed the property of the Land

4、lord and shall not be removed by Tenantexcept as otherwise providedforin this Lease or at the direction of Landlord. Without limitation, all electric, plumbing,heating, sprinkling, elevator, pneumatic tube, telephone, communication andradio systems, alarm systems and relatede quipment, fixtures and

5、outlets, venetian blinds, partitions, railings,gates, doors, vaults, stairs, paneling (including display cases and cupboardsrecessed in paneling), molding, shelving, radiator enclosures, cork, rubber,linoleum and composition floors, and ventilating, silencing, air conditioningand cooling equipment,

6、fire extinguishers, and including without limitation to all cranes, rails and hoists which are the property of Landlord shall be deemed to be included in such fixtures, equipment, improvements and installations, whether or not attached to or built into the Demised the expense以谁.的花费,有谁来支付

7、except asotherwise provided除非另有约定C. This Leaseis subject to (a) any and all existingencumbrances,conditions, rights,covenants, easements, restrictions and rights of way, of record, and other matters of record, applicable zoning and building laws, regulations and codes, and such matters as may be dis

8、closed by an inspection or survey, and (b) easements now or hereafter created by Landlord in, under, over across the Demised Premisesfor sewer, water, electric, gas and other utility lines and services now or hereafter installed.encumbrances 产权负担covenants契约easements地役权2、TERM.期限The “Term” ofthis Leas

9、e shall be for three (3) years,commencing onMarch 1, 2020 (theCommencement Date) and terminating on February 28, 2023 (the“Termination Date”). If the lease Termis extended, all provisions of this Lease shall apply to any such extensions except as the parties agree to amend the terms thereof. If Land

10、lord is unable togive possession ofthe Demised Premises on the Commencement Date because of theholding-overor retention of possession by any tenant, under tenant or occupant, Landlord shall not besubject to any liabilityfor failure to give possession, the validity of this Lease shall not be impaired

11、 under such circumstances, and the Term shall not be extended, but the Rent shall be abated if Tenant is not responsible for the inability to obtain possession.Commencement Date 起始日, 起租日交付占有holding-over 迟延subject toany liability附有.责任3、RENTAL.租金Tenant agrees to pay Landlord annual rentalas set forthi

12、n Exhibit “A”annexed hereto and made a part hereof, (“Fixed Rent”) payable in equal monthly installments in advance on the first (1st) day of each month for the term of this Lease, hereinabove set forth.如.所列的 Rental payments shall commence on March 1, 2020,with the first (1st) months rent alongwith

13、a $50.00 credit verification fee due and payable upon execution of this Lease. However, Tenant shall be given possession of the Demised Premiseswithin 48 business hours of full execution of this Lease by all parties in which event Tenant shall immediately transfer the gas and electric service to the

14、ir name prior to taking such possession and provided all obligations underthis Lease have been fulfilled and in accordance thereto. All Fixed Rent and Additional Rent shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord at the address set forth above (or such other party and address as Landlord may designate by noti

15、ce to Tenant) without notice or demand and without abatement,counterclaim,offset or deduction of any amountwhatsoever. Fixed Rent and Additional Rent for a part of a month shall be prorated on a daily basis. All Fixed Rent and Additional Rent shall be payable without notice thereof insuch coin or cu

16、rrency of the United States of America as at the time of payment shall be legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. In addition to the fixed annual rent and additional rent as provided for in this Lease, all taxes (excise, sales or use) other than income taxes, which may be levied or

17、 assessed upon the Fixed rent or additional rent provided for under this Lease and upon any other payments by Tenant to or on behalf of Landlord in accordance with this Lease, shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord and if so paid, Landlordshall transmit such tax payments to the proper authorities.count

18、erclaim反诉 If Tenant makes any payment to Landlord by check, same shall be by check of Tenant andLandlord shall not be required to accept the check of any other person, and anycheck received by Landlord shall be deemed received subject to collection. If any check is mailed by Tenant, Tenant shall pos

19、t such check in sufficient time prior to the date when payment is dueso that such check will be received by Landlord on or before the date whenpayment is due. Tenant shallassume the riskof lateness or failure of delivery of the mails, and no lateness or failure of the mails will excuse Tenant from i

20、ts obligation to have made thepayment in question when required under this Lease. In the event two or morechecks from Tenant are not paid upon presentment for any reason, in any twelve(l2) month period, Landlord at its option may require all rent payments thereafter be paid by bank check, money orde

21、r or certified check.assume therisk承担.风险4、COMMON AREAS.公共区域 Common Areas shall mean all areas, spaces and improvements in the Building and on the Land which Landlord makes availablefrom time to timefor the common use and benefit of the tenants, tenants employees, licensees, invitees, contractors,sub

22、contractors and occupants of the Building and which are not exclusively available for use by a single tenant or occupant,including,without limitation,parking areas, roads, walkways, sidewalks, landscaped andplanted areas, community rooms, if any, the managing agents office, if any,and public rest ro

23、oms, if any.不时地including,without limitation包括但不限于 Landlordreserves the right,at any time and from time to time, to construct within the Common Areas kiosks, fountains, aquariums, planters, pools and sculptures, and to install vending machines, telephone booths, benches and the like, provided same sh

24、all not unreasonably block or interfere with Tenants means of ingressor egress to and from the Demised Premises for an extended period of time.reserves the right 保留.的权利Tenant andits subtenants and concessionaires, and their respective officers, employees,agents, customers and invitees, shall have th

25、e non-exclusive right, in commonwith Landlord and all others to whom Landlord has granted or may hereafter grant such right, but subject to the Rules and Regulations, to use the Common Areas. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary, Landlord reserves the right, at any time and from ti

26、me to time, to close temporarily all or any portions of the Common Areas when in Landlords judgment any such closing is necessary or desirable (a) to make repairs or changes or to effect construction, (b) to prevent the acquisition of public rights in such areas,(c) to discourage unauthorized parkin

27、g, or (d) to protect or preserve natural persons or property. Landlord may do such other acts in and to the Common Areas as in its judgment may be desirable to improve or maintain same.D. Tenant agrees that it, anysubtenant, invitee or licensee and their respective officers, employees, contractors a

28、nd agents will park their automobiles and other vehicles only where and as permitted by Landlord. Tenant will, if and when so requested by Landlord, furnish Landlord with the license numbers of any vehicles of Tenant, any subtenantor licensee, invitee and their respective officers, employees and age

29、nts.subtenant 分租的租客E. Landlord reserves the right, at any time and from time to time, to increase, reduce or change the number, type, size, location, elevation, nature and use of any of the Common Areas and the Building and any other buildings and otherimprovements in the DemisedPremises, including,

30、 without limitation, the right to move and/or remove same,provided same shall not unreasonably block or interfere with Tenants means of ingress or egress to and from the Demised Premises for an extended period oftime.F. Tenanta grees that it, any subtenant or licensee will utilize the Common Areas,including loading docks, if any, in a cooperative manner with other tenants,subtenants or licensees. The use of the Common Areas shall be defined and governed by the Landlords Rules and Regulations. Any disputes among tenants regarding such use sha

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