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英语 主谓一致易错题经典Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、3The number of the elderly(老人) increasing in China, and with the development of China economy,they better care of in the future.Ais; will take Bare; are taken Cis; will be taken Dare; will take中国老年人的数量在不断增加,随着中国经济的发展,他们将得到更好的照顾。the number of表示“的数量”,跟复数名词连用作主语时,中心词是number,谓语动词要用单数形式,首先排除B,D;they与动词词组

2、take care of 之间是被动的关系,故答案为C。 4Eighty percent of the students in this school _ three to five times a week.Aexercises Bexercise Cexercising【答案】B句意“在我们学校80%的学生一周锻炼三到五次”。根据three to five times a week“一周三到五次”可知,用一般现在时,排除C;“分数或者百分数+of+名词”作主语,谓语与of后的名词保持一致,即与students保持一致,students为复数,故选B。5This museum_ here f

3、or over 80 years. It_ one of the oldest buildings in this city. was Bhad been; isCwas; has been Dhas been;【答案】D试题分析:博物馆在这儿有八十多年了。它是这座城市最古老的建筑之一。前句表示从过去一直延续到现在的状态,用现在完成时态;后句表示的是现在的状态,用一般现在时态。故选D。考点:考查动词的时态。6Mr Jiang isnt as busy as before because there no home robot to help himAused to be Bmay be Cus

4、ed to have Dmay have江先生不如以前忙,因为过去没有家用机器人来帮助他。used to be过去是, may be可能是, used to have过去有,may have可能有。There be句型,表示存在,意为“有”。根据Mr Jiang isnt as busy as before可知此处指的是过去,故用used to be。7 Drive slowly, Mary. _ is something ahead on the road.AIt BThis CThat DThere开慢点,玛丽。在路的前方有东西。there be句型表示某物存在某处。结合句意,故选D。【考

5、点定位】:考查there be句型。8_ Tony _ Frank likes the CDThey think the music is too noisy.ANot only; but also BEither; orCNeither; nor DBoth; and托尼不喜欢,福兰克也不喜欢这张唱片,他们认为音乐太吵闹了。A. Not only; but also不但而且。与后句矛盾,错;B. Either; or或者或者:C. Neither; nor既不也不;D. Both; and和都,与后句句意矛盾,错。故选C。考查连词辨析。9Its said that _ of the wate

6、r around the world _ polluted.Atwo third; has Btwo thirds; haveCtwo third; are Dtwo thirds;据说世界上的三分之二的水被污染了。在英语中分子用基数词表达,分母用序数词表达如果分子大于1,分母变复数。三分之二,two thirds。分数,作主语时,根据其后接的词而定,如果为不可数名词,则相当于单数,如果其后接的为可数名词复数形式,则相当于复数,根据句意及结构,故选D考查分数的用法。10_ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours?AIt is BIt was

7、CThere is DThere was我的自行车出毛病了。我可以用你的吗?考查there be句型的用法。句型There is something wrong with sb/sth.意思是某人或某物有问题。根据下文“Can I use yours?”一般现在时,可知此句使用一般现在时,故排除D(一般过去时),用there is(一般现在时)。选C。11Neither they nor I _ to go camping yesterdayAam allowed Bare allowedCwas allowed Dwere allowed,昨天他们和我都不被允许去野营。据yesterday句

8、子要用一般过去时态;Neither . nor .连接并列主语,谓语动词用就近原则,主语I 是allow的承受者,故句子要用被动语态。据题意,故选C。考查被动语态。12The life we were used to _ greatly since 1992.Achange Bhave changed Cchanging Dhas changed我们过去的生活自从1992年后有了巨大的变化。本题需要断句正确,we were used to作句子主语的定语,句子缺少谓语动词,根据时间状语since 1992,可知句子的谓语用现在完成时态,主语是the life 用第三人称has changed,

9、故选D。考查完成时态的用法。13Why are you in such a hurry, John?There _ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes.Ais going to be Bis going to have Cwill have Dwill hold约翰,你为什么这么急?十分钟后三班和我们班有一场篮球赛。there be句型的将来时用there is going to be/ there will be,不可和have同时出现,故选Athere be 句型的将来时点评:there b

10、e 句型是初中英语重要语法点 ,there be句型结构为:there + be +名词(主语)+地点副词/介词短语(表示地点),表示某个地方存在某物或某人,要注意谓语动词与最近的名词的数保持形式一致。另外there be 与have不能同时出现在句子中。have/has则表达某一个人拥有某样东西。14_ Lucy _ you can go to the party. One of you has to stay at home to look after your grandma.ANeither; nor BEither; or CNot only; but also DBoth;或者露西

11、或者你能去聚会。你们中的一个人不得不待在家里照顾奶奶。考查并列连词短语。A. Neither; nor既不也不; or或者,或者;C. Not only; but also不但,而且; and两者都。根据One of you has to stay at home to look after your grandma.可知,两者中的一个能去,故选B。【点睛】either用法形容词 a. 15In our class _ of the students _ girls.Athird fifths; is Bthird fifth; are Cthree fifth; is Dthree fift

12、hs; are我们班五分之三的学生是女孩。在英语中表示分数,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。五分之三应该是three fifths;另外,分数+名词复数作主语的时候,后面的谓语动词应该用复数。所以选D。16Tell us something about Canada, OK?Im sorry. _ Jack _ I have ever been there.AEither; or BNot only; but also CBoth; and DNeither; nor告诉我们一些关于加拿大的事,好吗?很抱歉,我和杰克都没有去过那儿。neithernor,既不也不,

13、 either or,或者或者,Not only but also,不但,而且。如果连接的是主语,谓语动词与较近的名词保持一致,即就近原则。both and,和都,作主语表示复数。结合句意,故选D考查连词的用法。17The boys _ from America like ChinaAwho is Bare Cwhich is Dwho are这些来自美国的男孩喜欢中国。考查定语从句。本句是主谓宾结构,可排除B项。空白处做主语the boys的后置定语,先行词the boys是人,不可用which(用于先行词是物时),需用who引导;the boys是复数人称,系词需用are;根据句意结构,可

14、知选D。18Hi, mom, exciting news! I am the only one of the students who elected (当选) as president of the students union.Oh, you are so lucky to get the honor and then work hard!Awere Bwas Care句意“-嗨,妈妈,振奋人心的消息,我是学生中唯一被选为学生会主席的人。-哦,得到这个荣誉你很幸运,然后努力工作吧”。根据句意可知,表示过去被选为学生会主席,用一般过去时,排除C;且当先行词被the only one of t

15、he修饰时,从句的谓语用单数,故选B。19It is reported that half of the Chinas population _ working in cities in 2015 to make moneyAAre Bis Cwas Dwere据报道,2015年中国有一半的人口在城市上班挣钱。考查主谓一致及时态。population常与定冠词the连用。作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。当主语是表示人口百分之几时,谓语用复数。再由in 2015可知应用一般过去时。20-There_many trees at the foot of the mountain.-But

16、now they are slowly disappearing because of human activities.Ais used toBused toCused to be过去山脚下有许多树。但是现在因为人类的活动,它们正慢慢地消失。used to +动词原形,表示过去常常;be used to doing sth表示习惯于做某事;be used to do sth 表示被用于做某事。根据句意,本题表示过去常常用,用used to+动词原形。前句是there be结构,主要动词是be。【考点定位】 考查助动词辨析。21This pair of shoes _ really small

17、 for me.Why not try _ pair?Ais, another Bare, another Cis, other Dare, other这双鞋对我来讲真的小。为什么不试另一双呢?a pair of结构在句子里作主语时,谓语的数与pair一致。前句里pair是单数,be用单数is。Another指不确定数目中的另一个,再一个;other指别的,其它的,后接可数名词复数。后句描述的是“另试一双”,指不确定数目中的另一个,再一个,用another。点睛:another指不确定数目中的另一个,再一个;other常作形容词,后可以跟名词;the other指两者中剩下的另一个;other

18、s是other的复数形式,表达复数含义,后不能跟名词。The others则指剩下的全部。22When will the railway that connects the two cities open? next year. Only two thirds been built.AUntil; has BUntil;CNot until; has DNot until;【分析】句意:-连接这两座城市的铁路什么时候开通?-明年才开通。这段铁路只修了三分之二。until 直到时候;根据句意可知,直到明年铁路才能开通,因此应该用否定形式not until,直到时候,才;第二个空前的主语是two

19、thirds,意思是三分之二的铁路,railway是单数形式,故动词也应该用单数,故选C。23More than one boy _ to play badminton with girls in our class.Achoose Bis choosing Care choosing Dchooses不止一个男孩选择和我们班的女生打羽毛球。choose动词,选择;is choosing正选择;are choosing正选择;chooses动词三单,选择。根据语义可知,本句使用一般现在时态。more than one 表示“不止一个”,后接单数名词,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用三单形式。故选:D

20、。点睛:注意“主谓一致性”原则,判断主语的单复数含义,牢记 “more than one+名词单数”“one of +名词复数”等类似短语的单数含义。24 Do you know _ a wonderful match and two basketball matches on July 15 th ? Yeah . I am going to watch them on that day.Athere will be Bthere is going to have Cthere are going to be Dis there going to be你知道7月15日会有一场精彩的比赛和两场

21、篮球赛吗?是的。那天我要去看它们。考查there be结构。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,D是疑问句语序,可排除。根据句意语境,本句用一般将来时。there be 结构的一般将来时用there will be 和there is going to be,表示最近要做的事,可排除B。根据就近原则,a wonderful match一场精彩的比赛,需用there is going to be,可排除C项。综合以上,可知选A。25_of the students in our class _ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.ATwo-fifths

22、, are BSecond-fifths, areCTwo-fifths, is DSecond-fifths, is我们班五分之二的学生将要去下周在北京的夏令营。分数的表达方式是:用基数词+序数词表示,如果分子大于1,分母则要用复数形式,所以Two-fifths是正确的表达方式,分数引导的短语作主语,其谓语动词的数应根据分数后面的名词students来确定。所以选用be动词的复数形式,故选A。全面总结一下分数的表达方式:首先,分数是由基数词和序数词构成分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子超过“1”时,分母用复数。1/4 可写作a one fourth,也可写作 a one quarter,分数引

23、导的短语作主语,其谓语动词的数应根据分数后面的名词来确定。26(题文)The population of that city 1.8 million and one third from he countryside.Ais, comes Bare, come Cis, come Dare, comes那个城市的人口是一千八百万,三分之一的人口来自农村。population人口,作集合名词,单数表示整体,谓语动词需用单数;集合名词复数表示个体的人,谓语动词需用复数。第一句为主系表结构的句子,be动词需用is;population前由分数、百分数修饰,谓语动词需用复数。Comes为动词的单数形式

24、。故答案为C.27Linda, why _ you late for school yesterday?Because I woke up late.Awas Bwere Care Dis琳达,你昨天为什么上学迟到?因为我醒晚了。根据时间状语yesterday可知此处用一般过去时,主语是you,因此谓语用were,故选B。28Someone the school gate now.Aare waiting for Bis waiting forCis waiting at Dare waiting at现在有人正在学校大门口等。短语at the school gate表示在学校大门口。根据时间

25、状语可知用现在进行时,其结构是be doing的形式,根据题意,故选C。考查动词的时态及介词短语。29The teenagers like the musician _ different kinds of music.Awho play Bwhich plays Cwho plays Dthat play青少年喜欢演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。The musician是先行词,后面跟的是它的定语从句。先行词musician指人,用who、that引出定语从句,错;关系词在定语从句中作主语,定语从句的谓语与先行词保持一致。musician是单数,谓语用单数:plays。30_of the stud

26、ents in our class_ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.ATwo fifths; are BSecond fifths; are CTwo fifths; is DTwo fifth;我们班五分之二的学生打算下周去北京参加夏令营。分子大于1时,做分母的序数词用复数,因此五分之二的表达应该是 two fifths,排除B,D;分数后面的名词为复数名词students,根据主谓一致的原则,只能用are,故答案选 A。本题考查的知识点有分数的表达和主谓一致,一般情况下,表示分数时,分子要用基数词,分母要用序数词,如果分子大于1,表示分母的序数词要用复数形式,如:two thirds 三分之二。由“分数或百分数+名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词的数要根据短语中后面名词的数而定。如:60% of the students in our class are girls. 我们班60%的学生是女生。Two thirds of the apple is red.这个苹果的三分之二是红色的。31 Where is Mr. Wu? He togeth

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