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春冀教版三年级英语下册 Unit 4 全单元教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 Would you like to eat apple?S1: Yes, please. apple (教师领读几遍) apple Would you like to eat pear?S2: pear3、同学二人之间对话练习S1:Would you like to eat watermelon? Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.4、教师边读单词边在黑板上进行板书:apple, pear, orange , watermelon, 5、介绍句型How many _ ?教师手指书中挂图提问。 Whats this? watermelon. Yes,

2、 Its a watermelon. How many watermelons? eleven. There are eleven watermelons.Step 3: Teacher-student interaction1. Play a game.听音乐传水果。学生坐成环状,教师分别将两个水果交给两头的两名学生,音乐响起后,两头同时向里传水果,音乐停止后,拿水果的两名学生走到前面进行会话表演。水果传到教师手中,教师和学生进行会话表演。2. 播放课文录音,让学生看书跟读。3.Lets sing a song.学习歌曲Delicious Food板书设计:Lesson 19 I like

3、Fruit!apple pear orange watermelon eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen教学反思:Lesson20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs1、听懂会说单词 hamburger, hot dog, donut ice cream, may, welcome.What would you like?Id like _. May I have one? Sure. Thanks。Youre welcome.3、通过创设情境使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。教学重点:1、听懂会说hamburger

4、, hot dog, donut, ice cream ,may, welcome。2、听懂会说本课句型。能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。有关本课的教学图片或幻灯片、录音机、画一些实物卡片。1、复习bread chicken cookies fruit juice meat milk sandwich soup教师出示图片与学生问答练习。 Would you like to eat fruit? Yes, I would like. Would you like hamburger?S3: No, I would not.1、出示实物或图片 (指hamburger) Hamburger.

5、(学生可能读音不准,教师适当纠正。) Yes, its a hamburger. Whats that? (指hot dog) Hot dog. (教师给予纠正发音) (指donut) Donut. (纠正读音) (指ice cream) ice cream. (这个词学生读起来可能容易些)2、围绕四个单词(hamburger, hot dog, donut, ice cream)师生进行对话练习。教师站在讲台桌前利用食物或包装盒与自告奋勇的学生进行表演。教师扮演售货员,学生扮演顾客。 What would you like Hamburger or hot dog? Hamburger, p

6、lease. Oh, my favourite. May I have one? Sure. Thanks. youre welcome.然后师生互换角色。 What would you like donut? donut, please. Id like donut.3、游戏(猜单词,用手语表示)Hamburger, hot dog, donut, ice cream,看一看哪个同学反应最快,回答最准确。hamburger hot dog donut ice cream may welcome What would you like?Id like _. Oh, my fvourite. M

7、ay I have one?Sure.Thanks. Youre welcome. Lesson21 In the Restaurant1、听懂会说单词 数字1620。Would you like some tea?I would like some _.1、听懂会说单词16-20What would you like ?I would like some _.有关的句型。有关本课餐具的图片或实物,录音机,学生准备(五人一组)一个餐具。复习数字120让全班每个学生数120,然后让他们一个接一个站起来,按正确顺序每人说出一个数字。 Look, what are these? (指tables)

8、Tables. Yes, They are tables. How many tables are there? Sixteen tables. Yes, sixteen tables.领读几遍 What are those? (指chairs) Chairs. Yes, chairs. How many chairs are there? Seventeen chairs. Yes, there are seventeen chairs.领读几遍。 What are these? (指hot dogs) Hot dogs. Yes, hot dogs. How many hot dogs a

9、re there? Eighteen. Yes, there are eighteen hot dogs.领读几遍。 (指hamburgers) Hamburgers. Yes, spoons. How many hamburgers are there? Nineteen. Yes, there are nineteen hamburgers. (领读几遍) (指donuts)S4: Donuts. Twenty. Yes, twenty donuts. There are twenty donuts.2、同学二人之间对话练习。 There are sixteen tables. How m

10、any chairs are there? There are seventeen chairs.S5: How many hot dogs are there?S6: There are eighteen hot dogs.S7: How many hamburgers are there?S8: There are nineteen hamburgers.S9: How many donuts are there?S10: There are twenty donuts.3、教师边读单词边在黑板上进行板书教师扮演饭店服务员与学生对话: What would you like? I woul

11、d like some noodles. I would like some chicken and rice, please. I would like a bowl of rice, please. Would you like some tea? No, thanks. Id like some water.2、学生两两组合做Lets act 的活动,算一下自己花费多少钱。Sixteen tables seventeen chairsEighteen hot dogs nineteen hamburgersTwenty donutsI would like _.Lesson22 How

12、much is it?1、听懂会说并会灵活运用:How much is it?How much for one _? _ yuan.Ill take _, please. Thank you.2、能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。3、懂得在购买商品时应该使用的文明礼貌用语,做到讲文明懂礼貌。听懂会说How much is it?Ill take _, please. Thank you.及正确使用。1、能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。2、懂得在购买商品时应该使用的文明礼貌用语。教学课件、有关课文里出现的hot dog donut 实物,托盘、录音机、售货员用的帽子。复习以前学过的句型及单

13、词。教师用托盘端着donut hot dog走到同学面前 Would you like Hot dog or donut? Hot dog, please. Oh, here you are. (递给) 1、让学生头戴售货员帽子,与教师展开对话:教师走到同学面前问: How much for one donut? One yuan. Oh, one yuan. (琢磨一下) Ill take twelve, please.(掏钱并递给同学,接过托盘)2、同学二人用How much for one _? Ill take _, please.展开对话。 How much for one hot

14、dog? Five yuan. Ill take five, please. How much is it? Tow yuan. Ill take six, please.3、听录音,同学看书跟读。4、学唱Lets sing 的歌曲 Lesson 22:_ yuan.How much for one _?Ill take _, please.Lesson23 How Much Are They?1、认识词汇any 2、学习新句型How much is/are the _?3、学生能了解字母c, y 在单词中的发音及其规则。4、培养学生爱学英语,热爱生活的感情。能灵活运用How much is/

15、are the _?一些食物,录音机。1. Greeting2. Sing a song (边唱边复习食物词汇)3. Practice in pairs How much for one _?_ yuan. Ill take _, please.1、any的用法2、句型 How much is the _?How much are the _?教师示范拿起一件东西,先用How much for one _? 来提问价格,然后再用新句型How much is the _? 来提问价格。使同学们明白这两句话的意思相同。3、继续演示买东西,教师指着一对东西说:使同学们理解要问多的东西的价格应使用这一

16、句型,板书新句型并领读.4、让同学们比较这四个句型。How much are the _? How much for one _?How much is the _?5、跟读letters and sounds.C rice juice cold cowY yellow yo-yocry fly _ yuan. Ill take _, please. How much is it?Lesson 24 A little monkey1、认读单词:pick fruit peach hurt watermelon2、掌握句型:Me too. Would you like some fruit? I

17、hurt my leg. Time for supper.3、能会用本课单词和句型,并将其运用到实际生活中。 Time for supper. 能会用本课单词和句型,并将其运用到实际生活中。 教学卡片 光盘 Greeting1、教授单词pick fruit peach hurt watermelon(1)教师做出“摘”的动作,说出“pick”学生和老师一起做。(2)同样的方法讲授“hurt”(3)教师出示“peach” “watermelon”的图片,然后读出单词。(4)教师总结:“They are fruit.”由此引出“fruit”领读这四个单词。2、播放本课光盘。播放第一遍光盘,学生大概

18、了解本故事的内容。Picture 1 What do you see in the picture? Who is hungry? What do they want to eat?Picture 2 What would the monkey on the left say?Picture 3 Are the monkeys happy? Why?Picture 4、5 What will the monkey pick?Picture 6 What is the matter? Does the monkey have any fruit now? What will the monkey

19、 do?Picture 7、8 、9 what does the monkey find? What does the monkey do?Picture 10 does the monkey have any fruit?Picture 11 What will the monkey say?(英语故事对于三年级的学生有一定难度,所以先让学生看一遍光盘,让学生感觉像是在观看动画片而不是在学英语。2、播放第二遍光盘,在播放的同时,让学生跟读简单的句子:I am hungry. Would you like some fruit?Yes, please! Thank you!let s play

20、!Where is fruit?3、播放第三遍光盘,教师对复杂的句子:Ill get some fruit for you. Ill pick some. I hurt my leg. Time for supper.进行讲解并领读。4、播放第四遍光盘,对本课内容进行整体熟悉。(再放第四遍光盘时,学生对本课内容已经比较熟悉,也就可以跟着光盘朗读了。1、教师把本课光盘再放一遍,这次播放的时候只在屏幕上出现图片而不出现文字。学生跟着老师一起来复述本课故事内容。2、一些表现好的学生可以单独复述,教师对他们进行鼓励。3、组织学生分角色朗读,一个学生扮演monkey,一个学生扮演rabbit,其他学生扮演monkeys.Lesson24 A little monkeypick fruit peach hurt watermelonI hurt my leg.Time for supper

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