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1、职称英语理工类A级阅读理解专项一职称英语理工类A级-阅读理解专项(一)一、阅读理解(共84小题,共255.0分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请根据文章的内容,从每题所给的4个选项中选择1个最佳答案,涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 第1题 Valuing ChildhoodThe value of childhood is easily blurred (变得模糊不清) in todays world. Consider some recent developments: The child-murderers in the Jonesboro, Ark. schooly

2、ard shooting case were convicted and sentenced. Two boys, 7 and 8, were charged in the murder of an 11-year-old girl in Chicago.Children who commit horrible crimes appear to act of their own will. Yet, as legal proceedings in Jonesboro showed, the one boy who was able to address the court couldnt be

3、gin to explain his acts, though he tried to apologize. There may have been a motive m youthful jealousy (妒忌) and resentment. But a deeper question remains: Why did these boys and others in similar trouble apparently lack any inner, moral restraint?That question echoes for the accused in Chicago, you

4、ng as they are. They wanted the girls bicycle, a selfish impulse common enough among kids.Redemption (拯救) is a practical necessity. How can value be restored to young lives distorted by acts of violence? The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short tim

5、e. Despite horror at what was done, children are notcannot be m dealt with as adults, not if a people wants to consider itself civilized. Thats why politicians cries for adult treatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.But the moral void (真空) that invites violence has many sources. Fa

6、mily instability contributes. So does economic stress. That void, however, can be filled. The work starts with parents, who have to ask themselves whether theyre doing enough to give their children a firm sense of right and wrong. Are they really monitoring their activities and their developing proc

7、esses of thought?Schools, too, have a role in building character. So do youth organizations. So do law enforcement agencies, which can do more to inform the young about laws, their meaning, and their observance (遵守).The goal, ultimately, is to allow all children a normal passage from childhood to ad

8、ulthood (成年), so that tragic gaps in moral judgement are less likely to occur. The relative few who fill such gaps with acts of violence hint at many others who dont go that far, but who lack the moral foundations childhood should provideand which progressive human society relies on.Which of the sta

9、tements is NOT true according to this passage?A Parents should strengthen moral instruction.B Schools should help create a moral sense in children.C Law enforcement agencies should do more to help children understand laws.D Youth organizations play no role in building character.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:3.0分第2

10、题 The boys in Jonesboro and Chicago apparently lacked a sense ofA right and wrong.B discipline.C shame.D safety.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:3.0分第3题 The two boys in Chicago wereA shot.B murdered.C accused.D sentenced.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:3.0分第4题 According to politicians, when children commit crimes, they should be trea

11、ted in the same way asA murderers.B criminals.C victims,D adults.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:3.0分第5题 Which of the following does the writer cite as a source of moral void?A Official corruption.B Social injustice.C Family instability.D Racial discrimination.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:3.0分第6题 HackingPeople tend to think of co

12、mputers as isolated machines, working away all by themselves. Some do -personal computer without an outside link, like someones hideaway (隐蔽的) cabin in the woods. But just as most of homes are tied to a community by streets, bus routes and electric lines, computers that exchange intelligence are par

13、t of a communitylocal, national and even global network joined by telephone connections.The computer network is a creation of the electric age, but it is based on old-fashioned trust. It cannot work without trust. A rogue loose (为所欲为的无赖) in a computer system called hacker (黑客) is worse than a thief

14、entering your house. He could go through anyones electronic mail or add to, change, distort or delete anything in the information stored in the computers memory. He could even take control of the entire system by placing his own instructions in the software that runs it. He could shut the computer d

15、own whenever he wished, and no one could stop him. Then he could program the computer to erase any sign of his eve having been there.Hacking, our electronic-age term for computer break-in, is more and more in the newsbrainy kids vandalizing university records, even pranking (胡闹) about in supposedly

16、safeguarded systems. To those who understand how computer networks are increasingly regulating life in the late 20th century, these are not laughing matters. A potential for disaster is building: A dissatisfied former insurance-company employee wipes out information from payroll (工资表) files. A student sends out a virus, a secret and destructive command, over a national

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