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1、这. about what?担心什么?I guess about my future. 我想是我的将来吧 What about it?那又怎么了?I dont know. 我不知道 I want it to be. 我想要. to be what?要什么?Different. 与众不同 - Is anything wrong? - No, no. -有什么不妥吗? -没有 - Were just on our way downstairs. - The Carlsons are here. -我们就下去了 -卡尔森一家也来了 They are? Well, come on. 是吗?噢 They

2、 came all the way from Tarzana. 他们从塔桑那过来的 Come on, lets get cracking. 好了我们一起去吧 Its a wonderful thing to have so many devoted friends. 有这么多好朋友在真好啊 Hey, theres the award-winning scholar!噢奖学金得主出现了!re all very proud of you, Ben. - Thank you, Mrs. Carlsons. -我们都为你感到骄傲班 -谢谢卡尔森太太 Is that the new car out th

3、ere? That little red wop job?外面那辆红色开篷小车 是你的吗?Thats Bens graduation present. 那是班的毕业礼物 You wont have much trouble picking up in that, will you?用它约会肯定没有问题了吧?Sir?什么?The girls, the chicks, the teenyboppers. 与女孩子约会啊 I think Bens gotten beyond the teenybopper stage, havent you, Ben?我看班肯定会迷倒 不少女孩子呢?Yes, maa

4、m. 是啊夫人 Excuse me. Id like to check something on the car for a minute. 我要去看看我的车子失陪了 His father bought him an alfa romeo. 他爸爸给他买的 Hey, heres the track star. 噢是你啊大明星 - How are you, track star? - Just fine, Mr. Loomis. -你好吗?-很好卢米斯先生 I want to get a drink, then I want to hear all about 我想先喝一杯再听你说说. that

5、 thing that you won, that hopperman award. 你赢得的那个奖学金 - Halpingham. - Halpingham. Right. -海平翰奖学金-海平翰对了 You wait right here. 你在这里等吧 Ben!班!Were all so proud of you. 我们感到很骄傲 Proud, proud, proud. 骄傲. What are you going to do now?你接下来要做什么?I was going to go upstairs for a minute. 我要上去一会儿 I meant with your

6、future. 我是说将来 - Your life. - Well, thats a little hard to say. -你的一生 -噢现在很难说啊 - Ben. - Excuse me. -班-失陪了 Mr. Mcguire. 麦奎尔先生 Ben. 班 Come with me a minute. I want to talk to you. 过来一下我有话和你说 Excuse us, Joanne. 不好意思祖安 - Of course. - Thanks. Thank you -没关系-谢谢 Congratulations!恭喜你啊!I look at him, and I can

7、t believe it. I just want to say one word to you. 我只是想和你说一句话 Just one word. 就一句话 Yes, sir. 好的 - Are you listening? - Yes, I am. -你在听吗?-是啊 Plastics. 塑胶业 Exactly how do you mean?你的意思是?Theres a great future in plastics. 塑胶业的前景一定很好 Think about it. 考虑一下吧 - Will you think about it? - Yes, I will. -你会考虑吗?-

8、我会的 Shh! Enough said. Thats a deal. 好了就这么说好了 Here he is now. Heres Ben. 班就在这里呢 Excuse me just a minute. 不好意思失陪了 Listen, everybody, I want you all to be quiet. 各位请安静一下 ve got bens college yearbook here, 我拿到了班的大学记事本了 and I just want to read you some of the wonderful things about Ben. 我想把班的一些事情 读出来给大家听

9、听 Be quiet, please!请安静!Captain of the cross-country team, head of the debating club, 当选越野队队长辩论会会长 associate editor of the college newspaper in his junior year, 大三是学校校报的副编辑 managing editor in his senior. 大四成为主编辑. Oh, I guess this isnt the bathroom, is it?这里应该不是洗手间吧?s, uh, down the hall. 洗手间在楼下 - How

10、are you, Benjamin? - Fine, thank you, Mrs. Robinson. -你好吗班? -很好谢谢罗宾森太太 The bathrooms down at the end of the hall. 洗手间就在楼下的尽头 Such a pleasant room. 这里很不错啊 Look, uh. Mrs. Robinson, I dont mean to be rude, but. 罗宾森太太我无意冒犯 但是. - Im awfully. - Is there an ashtray in here?-我很希望. -这里有烟灰罐吗?No. 没有 Oh, yes, I

11、 forgot the track star doesnt smoke. 噢我忘记你是不抽烟的了 Is it a girl?为了女孩子吗?Is what a girl?什么女孩子?Whatever it is thats upsetting you. 使你沮丧的那个啊 Oh, no, Im just, uh. sort of disturbed about things. 噢不我只是. 对一些事情感到烦恼 - In general? - Thats right. -未来?-没错 Well. congratulations. 恭喜你 Thank you. 谢谢 Oh, Benjamin. 噢班

12、- I want to ask you something. - What?-能帮我个忙吗-什么?- Will you take me home? - What?-可以送我回家吗? -什么?My husband took the car. Will you drive me home?我先生把车开走了 你能送我回去吗?Here, you take it. 这是钥匙 You know how to work a foreign shift?你会开车的吧?- You dont? - No -不会?-不 Lets go. 我们走吧 - Thank you. - Right. -谢谢-好的 Will

13、you come in, please?和我进去一下好吗?What?d like you to come in till I get the lights on. 我想你陪我把灯开了 What for?为什么?Because I dont feel safe till I get the lights on. 因为我觉得不安全 Would you mind walking ahead of me to the sun porch?陪我走进去好吗?I feel funny about coming into a dark house. 我很怕黑的 But its light in there.

14、但那里有灯光啊 Please. 请你了 What do you drink? Bourbon?你想喝什么?波旁酒?Look, Mrs. Robinson, I drove you home, I was glad to do it. 罗宾森太太 我很乐意送你回家 But I have some things on my mind. Can you understand that?但我现在很多心事你能理解吗?- Yes. - All right. -可以-好的 Benjamin, Im sorry to be this way, 班我很抱歉 but I dont want to be left

15、alone in this house. 但我真的不想独自一个在这里 Why not?为什么呢?Please wait till my husband gets home. 请等我丈夫回来之后 才离开好吗?When is he coming back?他什么时候回来?- Drink? - No. -喝酒吗?Are you always this much afraid of being alone?你总是那样害怕孤单吗?Yes. 是的 Well, why cant you just lock the doors and go to bed?为什么不锁上l门然后睡觉呢?m very neurot

16、ic. 我经常失眠的 May I ask you a question?可以问你一个问题吗?What do you think of me?你觉得我怎么样?What do you mean?什么意思?Youve known me nearly all your life. You mustve formed some opinion of me. 你出世的时候我就认识你了 你一定对我有一些想法的 Well, I always thought that you were a very nice person. 我觉得你是一个很好的人 Did you know I was an alcoholic

17、?你以前知道我喜欢喝酒吗?Did you know that?你知道吗?Look, I think I should be going. 看来我应该走了 Sit down, Benjamin. 坐下班 Mrs. Robinson, if you dont mind my saying so, 罗宾森太太请别介意我这样说 this conversation is getting a little strange. 我觉得现在的谈话有些奇怪 Now, Im sure Mr. Robinson will be here any minute. 我看罗宾森先生很快就回来了. - No. - What?

18、-不-什么?My husband will be back quite late. 我丈夫很晚才回来的 He should be gone for several hours. 他一出去就是好几个小时 - Oh, my god. - Pardon?-噢天啊-什么?Oh, no, Mrs. Robinson. Oh, no. 噢不罗宾森太太不 Whats wrong?怎么了?Mrs. Robinson, you didnt. I mean, you didnt expect. 罗宾森太太我不希望. I mean, you didnt really think Id do something li

19、ke that. 我不希望会发生那种事情 Like what?怎样的事情?- What do you think? - Well, I don-你认为呢?-我不知道啊 For gods sake, 天啊 Mrs. Robinson. Here we are. You got me into your house, 罗宾森太太你把我带进屋里 you give me a drink, you put on music, 请我喝酒听那种音乐 now you start opening up your personal life to me 你开始和我谈论你的私生活 and telling me yo

20、ur husband wont be home for hours. 还告诉我 你丈夫不会那么早回来 So?所以呢?Mrs. Robinson, youre trying to seduce me. 罗宾森太太你想引诱我 Arent you?不是吗?Well, no, I hadnt thought of it. 不我没有想过 I feel very flattered. 我受宠若惊呢 Will you forgive me for what I just said?可以原谅我刚才说的话吗?s all right. 没事 s not all right. Its the worst thing

21、 I ever said to anyone. 不是的 那是我说过的最难听的话 Sit down. 坐下吧 Please forgive me, because I like you. 请原谅我我很喜欢你的 t think of you that way, but Im mixed up. 我不应该那样看你 但我很烦恼 s all right. Finish your drink. 没事的喝酒吧 Mrs. Robinson, it makes me sick that I said that to you. 罗宾森太太 我那样说你真的很不该 ll forget it right now. Fi

22、nish your drink. 很快就会忘记的喝酒吧 What is wrong with me?我到底怎么了?Have you ever seen Elaines portrait?你看过伊琳的肖像画吗?Wha. her portrait?她的照片?- Yes. - No. -是的-没有 We had it done last christmas. Would you like to see it?去年圣诞画好的想看看吗?Very much. 很想看 s here in Elaines room. 就在伊琳的房间里 Elaine certainly is an attractive gir

23、l, isnt she?伊琳是个很吸引人的女孩 是吗?t remember her as having brown eyes. 我忘记了她的眼睛是棕色的 - Benjamin. - Yes. -班-什么?Will you come over here a minute?你来这里一下好吗?- Over there? - Mm Hmm. -那里?-是的 Sure. Will you unzip my dress?帮我把拉链拉下来好吗?I think Ill go to bed. 我就要睡觉了 Oh, well, good night. 噢那晚安了 Wont you unzip my dress?不

24、帮我了吗?d rather not, Mrs. Robinson. 不了罗宾森太太 If you still think Im trying to seduce you. 如果你还以为我想引诱你. No, I dont, but I just feel a little funny. 不我只是觉得有些奇怪 Benjamin, youve known me all your life. 班你非常了解我的 - I know that, but Im. - Come on, its hard for me to reach. -我知道但是. -来吧我够不着 What are you so scared of?你害怕些什么?m not scared, Mrs. Robinson. 我没有害怕罗宾森太太 Then why do you keep ru

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