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1、“Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital.”等。(2)能够询问路线并简单回答,如:Where is the post office? Its east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.(3)了解地图的基础标识,并能用东、西、南、北简单表示行政区划的位置。(4)听懂、会唱歌曲“Where Are You Going?”情感态度价值观:(1)培养学生团结友爱、乐于助人的良好品质。使学生愿意在小组活动中积极与他人合作,

2、互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。(2)引导学生在学习过程中注重合作学习,利用课本中设计的Pair work, Group work, Lets play以及Task time部分,培养学生合作学习的意识。(3)简单了解国外地图的主要标识。三、教学重难点教学重点:如何询问要去的地点以及回答,掌握四会单词和四会句型。教学难点:学生能够准确读出主要地点名词,并掌握询问和回答的句式。四、教法学法()采用活动途径,倡导体验参与。()突出以学生为主体的素质教育思想。(3)在教学过程中采用视听法、表演法、讲授法、对话法等,以“听、读”为基础,“交际”为主的教学手段,引导学生听懂本课新单词及句型,运用对话中的信息

3、进行实际交流。(4)运用直观的现代教学手段,形象生动的教学语言,多样化的教学形式,创造轻松愉快的教学氛围,调动学生主动参加课堂的积极性。五、总授课时数六课时教案教材内容A. Lets learn总课时6第 1 课时教学要求1 听、说、读、写单词及短语:hospital, cinema, post office, bookstore,science museum 。2 听、说、认读句型:“Where is the library? Its near the post office并能在实际情境中加以应用。教学重点难点掌握Lets learn部分的四会单词和短语。准确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词mu

4、seum的发音。教学过程修改意见Warm up and revisionRabbit Dance: Left, left, right, right Go, turn around Go, go, goFree-talk: Where is the. Its in/on/under/near/in front of/near/behind/on the left of/on the right ofPresentationLead-in: Little Nunu and his mother are having a field trip. But Nunu lost his way. He

5、cant find his mother. So he asks for help.Nunu: Excuse me. Do you see my mother?Squirrel: Yes, I do. Really? Where is my mother? Shes near the library. Thank you. Bye-bye! Bye!Teach “library” and then practice the pronunciation. Free talk: Is there a library in our school? Do you like the library? W

6、hy?The same way can be used to teach the other words about places. At the same time, review the nouns of direction we have learned before.Practise the sentence pattern: Where is theIts in/on/under/near/in front of/behind Excuse me. Where is the library?Rabbit: Its next to the post office. Excuse me.

7、 Where is the post office?Bird: Its behind the hospital. Excuse me. Where is the hospital?Elephant: Its on the right of the cinema. Excuse me. Where is the cinema?Monkey: Its on the right of the bookstore. Its in the middle. Excuse me. Where is the bookstore?Black Cat: Its behind the science museum.

8、Black cat: Oh! Mom!Mom: Oh, my dear!(1)Look at the picture and practice the sentence patternWhere is theIts(2)Lets check(3)Be a good designer: Put the buildings in the right place and try to describe their places.Homework:1.听录音朗读P16五遍,签名:_;2. 复述本课的小故事,将给家长听的地图,并描述这些建筑物所处的位置。课堂小游戏的应用大大提升了学生的学习热情,小奖品的

9、出现让课堂气氛达到了一个小高潮。拓展讨论书店里可以买哪些书,新知带动旧知回顾Store与shop小区分: store一般指较大的商场,常用情感渗透,现在写信的人已经越来越少,但书信是表达情感的有效方式,鼓励学生课外写信给远方亲人。操练形式多样,难度递增,满足了不同层次学生的需求家庭作业形式活泼,能培养学生思维能力和创新精神课后反思在这堂词汇课中,学生要接触有关建筑物的名词,大多数词汇学生之前有所了解,问题不大,主要难点在museum一词的读音,我采用了“弹钢琴”操练法,大小声操练法突破重难点。在操练环节,我秉承由词到句,由易到难的顺序给学生提供形式多样的练习,巩固新学知识。结合实际教学情况和学

10、生的学习能力,在本课教学过程中,我渗透了一些新的方位词的教学,如in the middle,on the right of,opposite to等等,课堂教学内容较饱满,需学生课后及时加以消化,吸收。A. Lets talk; C. Pronunciation第 2 课时(一)知识1 听、说、认读句型Where is the, please? Its(方位词)。2 听、说、读、写句子:Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital了解音标/e/, /, /k/, /g/, /f/, /v/, /s/, /z/的音与形。(二)能力在理

11、解句型的基础上能进行有关问路的对话。(三)情感教育学生熟悉自己所生活地方的公共环境,迷路时能够向他人求助问路,并乐于在实际生活中运用学过的知识帮助身边需要帮助的人。重点:问路和指点方向:Where is the, please? Its 在具体情景中的运用。难点:用不同的介词或者介词短语如near,next to,in front of,in the middle 等回答某个地点的确切位置及pronunciation部分。(一)Warm-up (热身及预习展示)(1)chant(2)教师演示Lets chant部分歌谣课件,学生观看。教师就歌谣中的内容提问:Where is the ? 引导学

12、生用Its next to the 回答。(二)Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)(1)Lets try教师先让学生认读Lets try部分的图片分别代表什么。让学生在听前做好准备。T: Where is it?/ Is it hospital?然后教师播放录音,让学生根据录音完成Lets try部分。(2)用图片呈现的方式操练旧知,即已学方位词,如near;behind,in front of等,同时新授next to并及时操练,通过游戏:Where is the apple?进一步操练方位词。鼓励学生发挥想象,将苹果“藏”在意想不到的地方,请同桌猜一猜。(3)出

13、示平面图,请学生用:There is a/an near/next to/ on the right of/behind/in front of进行造句。在此基础上,开展对话操练:A:Is there a near here?B: Yes, there is.A: Where is the? Its(4)Lets talk教师出示教材P17下面的插图: Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions:Where will Liu Yun go?Where is the cinema?Is it far from here? 教

14、师用手势启发学生理解far from的意思,并引导学生用No, its not far来回答。再用Is thefar from?和学生谈论图中几个场所的距离,操练far from的使用。(5)学生跟读对话;两人一组分角色表演对话。( 6 ) “小小设计师”活动教师先带领学生认读六个表示场所的单词或短语:library,post office,hospital,science museum,cinema,bookstore,接着告诉学生:“现在你们都是城市设计师,请大家设计一张地图,设计之后会有记者来采访。”让学生利用单词卡片设计城市规划图,并在班级里选几名学生充当小记者去采访“设计师”,逐个提

15、问 “Where is the hospital?”由“设计师”来回答问题。 Excuse me, is there a near here?B: Yes, there is Where is the, please? Its the Is it far from here? No, its not far Thank you You are welcome组织学生两人一组仿照Lets talk中的对话参照P17下面的路面图进行替换练习,教师巡视指导。(6)Pronunciation教师出示本部分的教学挂图并放录音,第一遍学生静听,感知音标的音与形;第二遍请学生跟读。教师有意识地在字母e和a下

16、面画线,让学生自己总结两个字母在单词中的发音。接下来教师带领学生从上到下读单词,即kettle,这两个单词一起读,注意读的时候要强调字母k和c的发音。要让学生明E母c在单词中的不同位置有不同的发音。教师可举些例词进一步说明,如:car,class,clean,nice,mice等。依次教学其它的辅音音标。Read and match教师先请一名学生在挂图上连线做示范,请其他学生仔细看图、辨认词形、读音标,然后连线。最后学生集体核对答案。(三)Sum-up(总结)(四)The limitedtime exercise (限时作业)(五)Check and explain(检查限时作业并反馈)1.

17、学生互相批阅限时作业,发现问题,分析原因,并且反馈矫正。2课后作业根据情景:Amy loses her way to school after the film She needs help编对话,要求先写下来,并与同学一块进行表演。拓展比较:near表示“在附近”,next to表示“与相邻”。next to它的范围比near小。可结合beside三个词进行比较教学请同学们用next to 进行造句,说说自己家相邻的建筑物/学校周围一些相邻建筑物Game: 记忆力大比拼出示一些相邻的建筑物图片,请学生快速记忆,比一比谁记得牢通过提问让学生初步感知教材内容,突破教学难点请学生用far from

18、一词造句。小组合作:回顾含有这些音素的已学单词。对话课由于实际教学环境的限制,很难创设完全意义上对等的语言输出环境,这时候就需要教师利用教学资源模拟真实的语言环境,在本课教学中,我利用单词卡片,标示了一些建筑物,在封闭的教师里创设了较贴近的语言环境,给予学生语言输出机会。本课由于加入了语音部分的教学,教学时间较紧,我利用了小组合作来突破音素渗透难点,既节约了课堂时间,又提升了学生学习的主动性。A. Read and write第 3 课时理解并朗读lets read部分的对话;能完成排序练习。能够使学生简单了解中西方地图不同的标识。学习“问路”及“指点方向”用语,并能在具体的情景中使用。培养学

19、生团结友爱、乐于助人的良好品质。使学生愿意在小组活动中积极与他人合作、互相帮助、共同完成学习任务。(四)文化简单了解国外地图的主要标识。听、说、认读Lets read 部分的对话。能够理解对话中出现的新时态和指点路线的新语言,如:What are you gong to do after school? Get off at the cinema Then walk straight for three minutes(1) Free-talk:Excuse me, Where is the ?Its near /next to/in front of/behindin the middle

20、of /opposite to在中间on the right/left of (2)播放the song “Where are you going?”录音。用手拍节奏和学生一起唱,形式是一组唱问题部分,另一组唱答句部分,双方互换角色进行对唱。 Excellent! Group is the winner!(3) Lead-in: The title of the song is . Could you please tell me: Where are you going? What are you going to do after school? (2)Preparing 及时板书 Wha

21、t are you going to do after school?引导学生回答:I want to(1)Lets read(2)课件呈现一张街区示意图。图中有各种不同的建筑,(如:hospital,cinema 等) 教师手指图,告诉学生自己所在位置。 Boys and girls, look at the map again Now I am at the school I want to buy a new pair of shoes Wheres the shoe store?Ss: Its next to the post office How can I get to the s

22、hoe store?逐步引导学生说出路线,在此期间,教学get on、get off等词组First, take the No.301 bus. Next, Get off at the cinema. Then walk straight for three minutes. The hospital is on the left. Open your books, lets read by your shelves(给学生2分钟自渎时间) Now put the sentences in order Ok, we are ready Who can tell me the right an

23、swers?S1: Take the No301 busS2: Get off at the post officeS3: Walk straight for three minutesS4: Super! Now listen to the tape, read after it跟读对话,学生表演读对话。3)Good to know Boys and girls,do you want to know more about map ? Yes! Now lets take a look教师出示该部分教学挂图,让学生知道如何使用地图以及要注意的四个标识: The title, North po

24、inter, Symbols, Scale Now lets look at another map出示教师当地的区域图。让学生找出一些地名并判断距离的远近。(三)Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)(1)Find out mistakes1.We can buy books in the library.2.Excuse me, Where is the cinema?3.Excuse me. where is the cinema?4.Beijing is from Shanghai far.5.School is in front of the park.6.My school is to next my home.(2) Fill in the blanks每空一词:1.这附近有没有医院? _ _ a _near here? 不,没有。 No, there _.2.在书店下车。 Get _ at the bookstore.3.往右拐,它与邮局相邻。 _ right,its _to the _ _.4.请问图书馆在哪? _ the library,_?5.在

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