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1、第3条 价格第4条 付款方式第5条 装运和保险第6条 包装及唛头第7条 安装、试运行、投料试生产、性能考核及验收第8条 保证、索赔、罚款及索赔第9条 税款和关税第10条 不可抗力第11条 仲裁第12条 保密、技术改进、专利和商标版权第13条 合同终止第14条 国际贸易术语解释通则第15条 合同生效及其他合同附件:1、合同设备的供货范围、供货界区及工艺描述。2、专有技术和技术资料的交付计划;3、合同设备的规格、性能、保证指标;4、技术服务和培训;5、合同设备的交付计划及项目进度表;6、合同设备及备件分项价格清单;7、设计联络会议的安排和设计文件的交付;8、设计标准和规范;9、安装、试运行、投料试

2、生产、性能考核及验收的安排;10、卖方银行开立的预付款保函样本;11、买方银行开立的信用证样本。本合同是浙江泰先新材料股份有限公司(以下简称“买方”)公司(以下简称“卖方”)在友好协商的基础上签署的,其条款如下:Article 1 definition条款1 定 义 除本合同上下文中另有规定外,下列各词语定义如下:1.1 “合同设备”是指卖方提供的设备、备件、材料或其中任何一部分,包括为确保合同设备达到设计能力而应包含在合同设备中的任何部件,被许可使用的专有技术和/或专利、设计和技术文件组成的装置,详见附件1和附件3。1.2 “买方银行”是指经卖方认可的一家中国的银行,即。1.3 “卖方银行”

3、是指1.4 “合同货币”是指本合同项下的支付中所使用的货币,即元。1.5 “合同价格”是指在卖方完全和适当地履行其合同义务后,买方根据合同规定应支付给卖方的价款。1.6 “合同产品”是指合同设备生产的达到附件3规定的技术规格和保证指标。1.7 “卸货港”是指中国港。1.8 “装运港”是指港口。1.9 “检验当局”是指位于卸货港的中国国家进出口商品检验检疫局的地方分支机构。1.10 “技术资料”是指与合同设备的设计、检验、安装、试运行、投料生产、性能考核、操作以及维修有关的技术指标、规格、图纸和文件,技术资料清单详见附件2、3、7、8。1.11 “技术服务”是指在合同工厂的安装、试运行、投料试生

4、产、性能考核、操作、维修以及其他工作等方面,卖方在本合同条款下给予买方的技术指导、培训、协助以及监督等。详见附件4。1.12 “工作现场”是指合同设备座落的地方,即1.13 “代表”是指合同双方各自任命的一名代表,负责与履行各自合同义务有关的所有事项。1.14 “安装”是指由方安排的合同设备有关设备、部件和材料的安装工作,包括按照设计图将零部件放置在适当的位置并连接起来。1.15 “试运行”是指为验明合同设备的机械性能,在安装完毕后对单台设备和一系列设备及原丝和碳纤生产线分别进行的试运转。1.16 “投料试生产”是指为进行合同设备的性能考核,在公共设施已经接通并已将原材料投入合同设备后进行的初

5、步生产。详见附件9。1.17 “性能考核”是指在合同设备上进行的、用以确定合同设备和合同产品是否达到附件3所规定的技术规格和保证指标的考核。1.18 “验收”是指合同设备通过性能考核证实达到附件3和9规定的技术性能和保证指标后,买方接受合同设备。1.19 “合同生效日”是指本合同自双方以书面形式签署,如果需要出口许可证则在获得所需的出口许可证之日起生效。(或在买方收到卖方开出的无条件的预付款保函,或同时卖方收到买方预付款之日)。1.20 “保证期”是指在一定的期间内,卖方保证合同设备的合同设备正常稳定运行,并负责消除合同设备存在的任何缺陷。Article 2 Subject条款 2 标的2.1

6、 The Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sale to the Buyer ,per x Proposal and Technical Agreement , to be used for the of carbon fiber production (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract Equipment”). The scope of the Contract Equipment sold by the Seller and the detai

7、led specifications are in the Technical agreement. The Contract Equipment is used to perform the 买方同意从卖方购买,卖方同意向买方销售,依据 报价书和技术协议文件,用于买方碳纤维生产中的(以下简称“合同设备”)。卖方提供的合同设备的供货范围和具体规格见技术协议文件。合同设备用于2.2 The Seller shall be obligated to supply the Buyer with certain technical documentation including necessary d

8、rawings for assembly installation, commissioning, normal operation and maintenance of the Contract Equipment. The scope of technical documents and their delivery schedule will be detailed to the Buyer upon signing of this contract. 卖方有责任向买方提供必要的技术文件,包括合同设备必要的装配、调试、正常操作及维护的图纸。技术文件的范围及提交时间表在签订合同时向买方提供

9、。2.3 The Seller shall undertake the overall technical responsibility for the Contact Equipment in terms of design, technical reliability, correctness and completeness to ensure that the Contract Equipment can meet the requirements specified in Technical agreement to the Contract.卖方应按照技术协议规定的技术规格和文件,

10、对合同设备的设计、技术可靠性、正确性、完整性、承担全面技术责任。2.4 The Seller shall dispatch healthy, skillful and experienced personnel to the Buyers site in order to render technical services and supervision of installation, start-up, and commissioning and acceptance test of the Contract Equipment as well as for training of the

11、 Buyers personnel at site. Services and the treatment conditions are referred to in Technical agreement. Technical services and training will have the Buyers personnel operate the Contract Equipment during the start-up, commissioning phase so the Buyers personal are able to operate the Contract Equi

12、pment properly.卖方应派遣健康的,有技术的,有经验的人员到达买方现场实施技术服务,指导设备安装、试车、维护及现场培训买方人员并对合同设备进行验收测试。技术服务和培训应能使买方人员具有在试车、维护阶段恰当操作合同设备的能力。2.5 The Seller shall guarantee that all the Contract Equipment shall be made of first class materials and with excellent workmanship. The Contract Equipment should be brand new and i

13、n conformity in all respects with the quality, specification and performance as stipulated in the Contract.卖方应该保证合同设备制造采用一流的材质和最好的工艺。合同设备应全新、质量、规格、性能符合合同规定。2.6 For x years after the final acceptance of the Contract Equipment, the Seller has the obligation to provide the Buyer with spare parts at fav

14、orable terms and price if the Buyer does request. Both parties shall sign a separate agreement at the time for such supply and service.设备验收后x年内,如买方需要,卖方有责任以优惠的条款、价格向买方提供配件。双方应就此项供应、服务签订单独的协议。2.7 All the appendices and memorandum to be the Contract are integral parts of this Contract, having identica

15、l legal effect to the Contract. 本合同所有附件及备忘录是合同完整部分,与合同具有同等的法律效力。2.8 The technical appendixes in English & Chinese is made out in four originals, Buyer and Seller keep two originals each party, the Contract is made out in six originals, Buyer and Seller will keep three originals each party. 中、英文技术附件一

16、式四份,买卖双方各持贰份,合同正本将一式六份,买卖双方各持叁份。Article 3 Price条款 3 价格The total Contract price of the Contract Equipment including technical documentation, technical services including installation supervision, start-up, commissioning and training to be provided by the Seller as stipulated in the Contract is as bel

17、ow: 本合同所规定的卖方需提供的合同设备,技术文件,技术服务,包括安装监督、试车、维护和培训总价如下: item项目commodities, specifications货物名称及规格unit单位quantity数量unit price单价total amount总价1 Settotal value3.1 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:制造商与产地:3.2 The price is firm and fixed for the Contract and its responsibilities.本合同及其责任的价格是固定的。3.3 All the t

18、echnical documentation shall be delivered to the Buyer by Electronic transfer in PDF file format or as needed by express mail (i.e. DHL, EMS or FedEx). 所有的技术文件应当以PDF 文件格式通过电子传递或通过特快专递(如DHL, EMS, FedEx)的方式交付给买方3.4 Unless otherwise described in the Contract, all the expenses for either party to dispat

19、ch personal to be other party in performing the CONTRACT shall be borne by party which dispatched such personal. 除非合同另外描述,一方派遣人员到另一方履行合同的全部费用应由派遣方承担。Article 4 Terms of Payment条款 4 支付条款4.1 Terms of Payment: 付款方式 The total price specified in Article x of the Contract shall be paid by the Buyer to the

20、Seller in the following terms and conditions: 买方同意以如下方式支付合同条款x内容的全部货款:4.1.1 of the total Contract value as the advance payment shall be paid by T/T by the Buyer to the Seller within x business days after the Contract is signed by both parties and also after the Buyer has received the following docum

21、ents.买方应在双方合同签订后个工作日内以及买方收到如下单据后以电汇的方式向卖方支付合同总金额xx作为预付款。Manually signed original contract documents and commercial invoice with 2 original and 1 copy indicating the Contract number, and of the Contract value. If there is any delay in receipt of the down payment all work in process and production wil

22、l be stopped and will not be resumed until down payment is received. The contractual delivery date will also move out day for day until the down payment is received. 原始合同以及两份手签的原件和一份复印件的商业发票,且注明合同号及的合同金额。如果买方预付款付款延迟,所有进行中的工作和生产会停止,直到预付款收到后才重新恢复,约定的交期也将从重新接受到预付款的时间另算。An irrevocable letter of guarante

23、e, Stand-by Letter of Credit, in the advance payment value issued by the Sellers first class bank acceptable to the Buyer in 1 original and 1 copy. The validity of the L/C shall be days after the latest shipping date. 由卖方一流银行开具的与预付款相等的、为买方接受的不可撤销的银行保函,正本、副本各一份,此保函有效期至货物装运日后天。4.1.2 of total contract

24、value will be paid through the irrevocable L/C no later than th after contract signing will be negotiated against;(The L/C is subject to International Chamber of Commerce Publication No.600)合同总金额的在合同签订后x年x月x日前由买方开具的不可撤销信用证支付,卖方依据以下条款议付:(信用证依据国际商会发布的600号文件)If there is any delay in issuance of the L/C

25、 all work in process and production schedule will be stopped and will not be resumed until the L/C is issued. The contractual delivery date will also move out day for day until the L/C is issued.如果买方信用证开出延迟,所有进行中的工作和生产将停止,直到信用证开出后重新恢复,约定的交期也将从重新开信用证后时间另算。% of total contract value at shipment against

26、 shipping documents as follows:合同总价的%在货物装运时由以下文件议付: Full set (2 originals and 3 non-negotiable copies) of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order indicating the Contract number, Buyers telephone and fax numbers. One original clean on board ocean Bill of Lading should be sent to Buyer

27、by express courier.全套(2 正本、3 副本)的清洁海运提单,注明合同号,买方的电话和传真号。一份正本的清洁海运提单直接寄给买方。 Manually signed commercial invoice with 2 original and 1 copy indicating the Contract number两份手签的原件和一份复印件注明合同号的发票 Manually signed packing list, indicating the L/C and the Contract numbers, 3 original and 3 copies. 手签的注明信用证和合同

28、号的装箱单,正本、副本各3 份。 Manually signed Certificate of Quality and Quantity in 2 originals and 2 copies issued by manufactures.制造商签署的质量和数量合格证,正本、副本各2 份 Certificate of Origin issued by manufacturer in 1 original and 4 copies.制造厂家原产地证明书,正本一份、副本4 份。 If packaging is wood, 1 original beneficiarys declaration fo

29、r wood packaging stating that all wood is stamped with the IPPC mark and is compliant with ISPM15 regulation, or if the packages are not wooden materials, 1 original statement of non-wooden packing materials issued by the beneficiary.如果木质包装,受益人应当出具一份木质包装受益人声明,说明所有木质材料都加盖了IPPC 印章并符合ISM15 规则,或者如果包装为非木

30、质材料,受益人应当出具一份无木质包装证明。xx of the Contract value will be payable under the L/C against the following documents but not to exceed x days after shipment of Contract Equipment if the Final Acceptance is delayed by the Buyer through no fault of the Seller or if the Contract Equipment does not meet acceptan

31、ce parameters through no fault of Seller.将在信用证项下凭下列单据在货物运出后议付(最迟不超出设备运出 后天)。在非因卖方原因合同设备验收延迟或非因卖方原因合同设备未能达到验收指标的情况下,将在货物运出后天自行议付。 One original and one copy of Final Acceptance Certificate signed by all three parties representative由三方代表签字的最终验收合格证,正本、副本各一份 Manually signed commercial invoice in 3 original and 3 copies indicating xx of the Contract value xx and Contract number. 手签的商业发票,正本、副本各3 份,并注明合同金额和合同号

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