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1、 _(当然啦).10)_(我只发现了几个错误)in your composition.1) but there is no answer. She cant be at home(考点:情态动词可以表示可能性,cant 表示“一定不”)2) I may have left them in the coffee shop yesterday“情态动词can/could, may/might, must + 完成式”用于表示对过去发生的动作的主观判断)3) You must have dreamed of something terrible同上)4) You should have invite

2、d her to your graduation ceremony“情态动词should/ought to + have done” 用于评论过去应该做而实际并未做的动作,含有批评的意思)5) I neednt have put on my best suit to go to the party“情态动词neednt + have + done”表示对过去发生的动作进行评论,认为“无须发生”,“不必做”)6) to be in the face of the internal perplexities解析:本句意为:我们不仅要承受种种外界压力,还要面对内心的困惑。这句话考查的是not onl

3、ybut also的结构。该结构的前后部分应该保持一致,前半部分用的是not only to,后半部分就应该是but also to。另外,前半句用了under pressure来表达承受压力,后半句最好也用一个介词短语来表达面对困惑之意,与前文相呼应。我们知道,face既可以用作动词也可以用作名词,in the case of意为“面对,面临”。其实全句有三处相对应出现的词或表达,他们是:not only to & but also to;be under & be in the face of;external pressures & internal perplexities。英语里比较

4、注重这种并行结构。7)come to our evening party考查“参加”的表达。Join往往是指参加俱乐部或者协会,如:join a health club;join the Communist Party,或者用join sb表示参加到某人的活动中来。事实上,常常与party搭配的动词是come或者go。如go to a wild party,或come to a Christmas Party。“参加”的另外一些用法有:参加会议(attend the meeting);参加某项活动(take part in the activity);参加考试(take/ sit /do th

5、e examination);参加礼拜(attend worship);参加社会活动(get about social activities)。8) he is in good health/hes healthy本题看似简单,实际在考查汉英表达习惯差异问题。“他的身体很健康”是一句典型的汉语表达,然而英语里表示某人身体好的时候不用“身体”作主语,直接用“某人”作主语。如果译成his body is healthy就可谓多此一举了。“身体健康”还可以用to be in good condition。9)Sure/ Certainly本题也是一道考查汉英表达差异的题。很多考生不假思索地译成Of

6、course。其实,以英语为母语的人使用of course的频率要比中国的考生低得多,只有在回答一些总所周知的问题或表示反语口吻时才说of course。因为of course后面隐含一句话是“当然我知道啦!难道我是一个傻瓜吗?”因此,of course带有挑衅的意味,语气很不友好。在使用方面,sure或certainly语气会婉转很多。同时of course not也具挑衅的意味。正常情况下的说法是certainly not。10)I found a few mistakesfew和little意为“几乎没有”,a few和a little意为“还有一些,有几个”。但若在a few和a li

7、ttle加上only,意思就变了。即only a fewfew,而only a littlelittle。如:I can have only a little more.(我几乎不能再吃了。)She made only a few mistakes.(她几乎全对。)因此,如果译成I found only a few mistakes,意思就恰恰相反,“你的作文我几乎没发现错误”。这道题说明在汉译英时不能完全对应汉字翻译,而要考虑英语使用习惯和词语搭配。二、短文阅读1、 As Sesame Street kicks off its 40th anniversary season Tuesday,

8、 with first lady Michelle Obama and Broadway star Lin-Manuel Miranda as guests, it is indisputably the most beloved childrens show in history, and one of televisions biggest and most enduring success stories. The series holds a record 122 Emmy Awards, not including a lifetime-achievement trophy (奖)

9、award, and has been adapted in more than 120 countries and territories around the globe. An estimated 100,000 Sesame products have been made available internationally, from T-shirts and costumes to high-tech toys such as Elmo Live. Sesames cross-cultural, multi-generational appeal has a lot to do wi

10、th the specific age group it targets. “The bulk of our audience is in the 2s and 3s, though we shoot for 2 to 4,” says executive producer Carol-Lynn Parente. At that early stage, says Spinney who is 75, and has been with the show since Day 1 (he plays Oscar as well) “children are basically the same,

11、 and have been through the years.” But if preschoolers fundamental needs and sensibilities havent changed much, the world around them has not least of all on the media landscape, where Sesame Street now competes with many other kids shows and an ever-expanding array of new media. In 2000, the Childr

12、ens Television Workshop, the organization through which creator Joan Ganz Cooney launched Sesame Street on PBS predecessor NET, changed its title to Sesame Workshop, to reflect its expansion into the digital, interactive age. Content and presentation continue to evolve on TV as well. The shows famou

13、sly catchy theme song, Sunny Day, now has a hip-hop beat and a jazzier arrangement. Parente stresses that its just as important “to keep our curriculum current. The ABCs and 123s are always there, but we stay relevant by incorporating other things that are interesting and meaningful.” “We focus on a

14、ll aspects of development cognitive needs, social and emotional needs, health needs and bring in advisers who are experts in each area, to make sure were age-appropriate,” says Rosemarie Truglio, vice president of education and research, Sesame Workshop. “But we never talk down to children, and were

15、 not afraid to explore sensitive topics.” Sesame has had its critics in the academic community as well. For Mary Lynn Crow, a clinical psychologist and professor of education at the University of Texas-Arlington, “shows like Sesame Street lack the potentially deep, personal emotional imprint (影响) th

16、at can and should occur between a student and teacher in an early educational experience.” On the other hand, Crow considers Sesame Street “a beautiful model of what I call high-tech learning. They can teach children about letters, numbers, color and size through repetition in ways traditional educa

17、tion cant, and provide early information about attitudes, values and relationships.” 1. What do we learn about Sesame Street from the first two paragraphs? A) It rose to fame because of the first ladys role. B) Its successful and gains international popularity. C) It still has to win a lifetime-achi

18、evement award. D) It is the most successful show in American history. 2. Whats Spinneys opinion on the target audience of Sesame Street?A) They are completely different than they were 40 years ago. B) Many of them are devoted fans of the performance. C) Their basic needs havent changed much through

19、years. D) They continue to watch the show when they have grown up. 3. The author says that in the current world, Sesame Street _. A) has slight edge over other shows targeting children B) has made some changes so as to keep up with the times C) tries to cater to adults who accompany their children t

20、o the show D) is doomed to fail due to its out-dated content and presentation 4. What can be inferred about Sesame Street from Rosemarie Truglios words?A) It tries to prepare children both for school and lifes lessons. B) Its writer has changed the theme of the story for kids. C) Children seem to be

21、 looked down upon in the show. D) Sensitive topics have always been banned in the show. 5. Mary Lynn Crow is negative about Sesame Street because she thinks it _. A) only touches up superficial relationships B) is too complicated for children to understand C) goes against ways of traditional educati

22、on D) repeats basic knowledge over and over again 2、The radical transformation of the Soviet society had a profound impact on womens lives. Marxists had traditionally believed that both capitalism and the middle-class husbands exploited women. The Russian Revolution of 1917 immediately proclaimed co

23、mplete equality of rights for women. In the 1920s divorce and abortion were made easily available, and women were urged to work outside the home and liberate themselves sexually. After Stalin came to power, sexual and familial liberation was played down, and the most lasting changes for women involv

24、ed work and education. These changes were truly revolutionary. Young women were constantly told that they had to be equal to men, that they could and should do everything men could do. Peasant women in Russia had long experienced the equality of backbreaking physical labor in the countryside, and th

25、ey continued to enjoy that equality on collective farms. With the advent of the five-year-plans, millions of women also began to toil in factories and in heavy construction, building dams, roads and steel mills in summer heat and winter frost. Most of the opportunities open to men through education

26、were also open to women. Determined women pursued their studies and entered the ranks of the better-paid specialists in industry and science. Medicine practically became a womans profession. By 190, 7 percent of doctors in the Soviet Union were women. Thus Stalinist society gave woman great opportun

27、ities but demanded great sacrifices as well. The vast majority of women simply had to work outside the home. Wages were so law that it was almost impossible for a family or couple to live only on the husbands earnings. Moreover, the fun-time working woman had a heavy burden of household tasks in her

28、 off hours, for most Soviet men in the 1930s still considered the home and the children the womans responsibility. Men continued to monopolize the best jobs. Finally, rapid change and economic hardship led to many broken families, creating further physical, emotional, and mental strains for women. I

29、n any event, the often-neglected human resource of women was mobilized in Stalinist society. 1. The main idea of this passage is that women in Stalinist society _. A) had economic opportunities that had never been available before B) had difficulty balancing their work and family responsibilities C) had new opportunities but also many hardships D) moved quickly into the highest levels of government 2. In the last paragraph, monopolize probably means _. A) hold B) earn C) leave D) pay 3. The authors main purpose in writing this passage is to _. A) co

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