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1、说明文着重于客观事实的陈述(Good Health)议论文着重于发表自己的看法(My View on Job Hopping).书信强调格式;(A Letter to sb.)描写文强调描写手法的基本线索和顺序。如:My School Campus(空间顺序),图表作文(时间顺序)优秀作文的评分准则:1书写工整,拼写正确;2句式变化,语法正确;3文辞富丽,逻辑严谨;4论证充分,观点鲜明。作文结构:一般为三段式提纲作文。1 起始段落 (包含一个中心论点theme sentence,切题要一针见血)2 论证段落(提供三条以上论据,有举例说明为佳)3 结尾段落(总结陈辞,提出个人观点或想法,即论证。

2、)解释说明型作文结构:第一段:陈述主题。简单介绍此事件当前的基本情况以及对当前个人,群体和社会的影响。(2-3句话)好的开始是成功的一半。第二段:具体是什么情况,(Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Lastly)逐一罗列并举例。(4-6句话)第三段:总结全文,也就是再次肯定和强调主题,提出自己的观点进行主题思想升华。(3-4句话)好的结尾应言简有力,意味深长。正反论证型:第一、 三段同上主题句+ A/B正反两面论证,并提供论据书信作文: March 16, 2009Dear (Sir or Madam):1. 表明写信人身份(陌生人)和目的。2. 具体说明写信人的请求,想

3、法等细节。3. 对信中内容进行总结并谦恭表明希望对方做些什么事情。4祝福与问候语(All the Best! Yours sincerely, (英文签名).结束语写法:Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours,Truly yours, Yours truly, Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully,.图表作文:(Change in Peoples Diet)说明该图表反映的总情况It can be seen from the chart/As is show

4、n in the chart/From the chart, we can see对数字进行分析,归纳出增减速率趋势的原因读图表后的想法与评论例:第一段3句话:第一句:As is shown in the graph above, we can see clearly that great changes have taken place in fromto第二句:The first years saw第三句:The last years witnessed 第二段4句话:What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are r

5、easons.Firstly, Secondly,第四句:Finally, 第三段4句话:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people.For one thing, For another, Only in this way can we successfully solve the problem. 补充说明:1 绝不要别出心裁,指望改卷老师对你的作文赞不绝口,永生难忘,别把时间花在立意,谋篇,字斟句酌之上,有时间把卷子写得整齐美观些。写些似是而非的话谁在意呢?但,字数不够,字迹潦草,一眼就看出来了。尤其是

6、字迹书写不清的考生作文,改卷老师不会耗时去逐一辨认,随便给个印象分就没了,无论的句子结构,论证安排得有多精彩!2 写好第一句和结尾句,和每一段落的主题句,写不好,背一些。不偏题跑题就有65分。3 写主题句最好的方法就是把中文提纲的各句译成英语。主题句应为概括性强的单句。4 一定要有点睛之笔(即闪光词句),适当使用修辞,提升作文的级别!5 少用初中生词汇,少犯语法错误,就如同改卷沙漠中看到的绿洲。6 活学活用,自由调试。所谓的闪光词句e.g.want to - eager tofind- seek fortoo much/many-excessive, throngs of (people)as

7、 everybody knows-no one can deny thatabout-concerning, with regard toimportant-crucial, essential, be of importancedifferent-as different as day and nightembarrassed-like a fish out of waterbeautiful-pleasing to my eyesmore and more-an increasing number of, a growing number of,a significant number o

8、fA stitch in time saves nine.Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Lastly-to begin with, then, furthermore, finally to start with, next, in addition, finally first and foremost, besides, last but not the leastHomework: Recite 10 short samples of different theme.四级常用句型1st para.a. Nowadays, more and more people

9、 are concerned about the problemb. Althoughhas brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well.c. Nowadays more and more people come to realize / be aware of the importance ofd. It is undeniable / There is no denying the fact that has become the

10、utmost concern among people nowadays.2nd para.a. A number of factors could account for / lead to / contribute to / result in / be conductive tob. This problem may result from / be attributable to / be largely due to / stem from a combination of factors.c. The explanation for this phenomenon involves

11、 many complex reasons. For one thing For another3rd para.a. It is essential / indispensable that proper actions / effective measures should be taken to reverse this situation / trend.b. Considering whats presented above, we may safely to come to the conclusion that it is high time such things were e

12、nded or at least reduced. Im strongly convinced that only such cases vanished or disappeared can we maintain a happy, health and harmonious society as all we wish. c. It is desirable that immediate and effective measures be taken as possible solutions. For one thing, government should call for atten

13、tion to this phenomenon from people in the all walks of life and every one of us should pay our share for its improvement. For another, it is also of great importance to enhance peoples awareness so that they can play a more active role in solving this problem. In short, only in this way can we d. A

14、ccording to the latest statistics, a growing phenomenon has quietly sprung up in recent years. A number of factors may lead to the phenomenon.e. In view of the severe consequences, effective and efficient measures should be taken before things get worse.f. These phenomena are bound to generate sever

15、e consequences if we keep a blind eye to them.g. Weighing the cons and pros of the issue/Take cons and pros into consideration, Im inclined to agree with/ I might safely draw a conclusion that 作文句型与模板虚拟关键词v ask decide demand desire insist urge order prefer propose suggest recommand request require a

16、dviceadj. advisable appropriate compulsory crucial desirable essential imperative important necessary preferable proper urgent vitaleg. Its essential that all these figures be checked twice.常用句型1 点明文章主题的常用句式(1) has become a hot topic among people recently. Opinions vary from person to person.已经成为人们谈

17、论的热门话题,不同的人对此有不同的看法。(2) There is an argument / much disagreement / no consensus of opinions among people concerning / over / as to / on关于,人们的看法不尽相同。(3) Nowadays, people are divided on the question as to whether如今关于的问题,人们的观点很不相同。(4) Different people have different views / perspectives on不同的人对有不同的见解。(

18、5) When being asked aboutdifferent people will offer different answers.当被问及时,不同的人会给出不同的答案。(6) There is a public debate / discussion /controversy today about the problem of如今关于的问题,公众已经展开了辩论/讨论。(7) The issue of whether or nothas been widely argued / debated currently.关于是否的问题,如今公众已经展开了广泛的讨论。2 具体介绍两种对立观

19、点的常用句式(1) Some people suggest / maintain / hold the opinion that But / However / While / Nevertheless / Yet other people hold a different point of view有些人认为,但是另外一些人却持有不同的观点。(2) Some people are inclined to think that On the contrary / In contrast, there are still many people who wont agree, and they

20、claim一些人往往认为, 但是仍然有些人对此表示异议,他们认为(3) When it comes to, some people think / believe thatwhile others argue / claim that the opposite / reverse is true.当谈及的时候,有些人认为, 但是其他人却站在相反意见的一边。(4) Those who criticize / oppose to / object toargue that But people who advocate / favor, on the other hand, maintain /

21、assert that那些批评/反对的人认为,但是赞成的人认为(5) Now it is commonly / generally / widely / universally thought / accepted / believed / held that But I wonder / doubt whether现在大家普遍认为,我却对此持怀疑态度。(6) To the general public / popular mind, But despite / in spite of / I still believe尽管大部分人(都认为),我仍然认为(7) Nowadays, an ove

22、rwhelming majority of people think that Nevertheless, these are still some people of the opinion that虽然如今绝大多数人认为,但是还是有些人认为。3 陈述自己观点的常用句式(1) For my part / As to me / As far as I am concerned, Id like to agree to the former / my favor goes to the first view.就我而言,我赞同前一种观点。(2) I agree to the latter opin

23、ion to some extent.我比较同意后一种观点。(3) Im in favor of / Im on the side of我赞成(4) In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision. 我认为双方都有一定的道理。当我们,我们应该全面地考虑该问题,然后做出正确的决定。(5) There is probably some truth in b

24、oth arguments / statements, but两种观点都有一些道理,但是2 引出话题的常用句式a. Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face.b. Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problemc. Althoughhas brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well.d. Recently,

25、the rise in the phenomenon of has drawn / aroused / captured worldwide attention.e. Recently, the issue / problem / question of has been brought into focus / brought to public attention / posed among public attention.f. In recent years, many cities / nations / people have been faced / troubled with

26、the serious problem ofg. With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.h. Nowadays more and more people come to realize / be aware of the importance ofi. Thanks to Chinas reform and opening-up policy, the past two decades have witness

27、ed great economic development and social transformation.j. With the rapid / amazing / fantastic development / growth / improvement of economy, great changes have taken place ink. One of the urgent / pressing problems / issues we are confronted with is thatl. It is undeniable / There is no denying th

28、e fact that has become the utmost concern among people nowadays.m. Once in a newspaper, I hit upon / came across a report that3 分析原因的常用句式a. Here are many / several / a number of / a variety of reasons for it. First Second Finallyb. The reasons can be listed as follows. For one thing, For anotherc. W

29、hat has possibly contributed to this problem? In the first place In the second placed. Perhaps the main / primary / most important reason ise. is also / partly / solely / chiefly responsible for the problem.f. It is no easy job to identify the reasons forwhich involves several complicated factors. F

30、or some For othersg. One may trace / attribute / owe this problem toh. A number of factors could account for / lead to / contribute to / result in / be conductive toi. This problem may result from / be attributable to / be largely due to / stem from a combination of factors.j. The explanation for this phenomenon involves many complex reasons. For one thing For anotherk. Some people may think thatis to blame for this problem, but its c

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