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1、(E) The issue of slavery would be decided through a national ballot.3. Which of the following was not a focus of the reform movements of the early 1800s?(A) Abolitionism(B) Temperance(C) Furthering the Establishment Clause(D) Improving treatment of the mentally ill(E) Prison reform4. During the 19th

2、 century, settlement patterns of new immigrants were mostly based on(A) areas where populations of their native communities had already been established(B) regions where employment was most readily available(C) the U.S. port they migrated to first(D) areas where the climate was most similar to that

3、of their native country(E) regions where the government offered the best land grants5. Between the 1820s and 1850s, the largest population of immigrants to the United States originated from what country?(A) Russia(B) France(C) Poland(D) Italy(E) Ireland6. Which of the following did not lead to the c

4、reation of the Monroe Doctrine?(A) Frances desire to reassert itself in the Western Hemisphere(B) Russias ambitions in the Pacific Northwest(C) Englands interest in annexing Texas(D) Emergence of independent Latin American states(E) Formation of the Holy Alliance in Europe7. During the early 1800s,

5、immigration in the United States was unrestricted primarily because(A) such restrictions were deemed unconstitutional(B) labor unions called for new immigrant labor(C) southern plantations needed additional workers(D) the industrial economy was creating new jobs(E) the view that the United States wa

6、s a melting pot became prominent8. The British activity of rounders evolved into which American leisure activity during the first part of the 19th century?(A) Horse racing(B) Boxing(C) Baseball(D) Lacrosse(E) Wrestling9. Improvements in transportation and communication during the first part of the 1

7、9th century affected economic relations between regions of theUnited States by(A) making the regions more interdependent(B) making the regions more self-sufficient and independent(C) making industrial regions economically dominant over agricultural regions(D) making agricultural regions economically

8、 dominant over industrial regions(E) furthering individual states ability to regulate interstate commerce10. The quote “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor” best illustrates which 19th-century movement?(A) Transcendental

9、ism(B) Pragmatism(C) The social gospel(D) The Gospel of Wealth(E) Social Darwinism11. Which of the following statements best describes the presidential administration of Franklin Pierce?(A) It supported both the abolitionist movement and expansion.(B) It supported slavery but was conciliatory toward

10、 abolitionism.(C) It supported the abolitionist movement but was conciliatory toward slavery.(D) It supported slavery but did not support expansion.(E) It supported both slavery and expansion.12. The government established by the Confederacy during the Civil War was most similar to(A) the Articles o

11、f Confederation(B) the Second Continental Congress(C) the U.S. government under the Constitution(D) the British parliamentary government(E) a military dictatorship13. The first shots fired during the Civil War are associated with which location?(A) Gettysburg(B) Fort McHenry(C) Appomattox Court Hous

12、e(D) Fort Sumter(E) Fort Lee14. Which of the following Civil War battles occurred first?(A) Battle of Shiloh(B) Battle of Fredericksburg(C) Battle of Chancellorsville(D) First Battle of Bull Run(E) Battle of Antietam15. Why did the North need to maintain control of the border states during the Civil

13、 War?(A) Control of the border states would have given the South access to much-needed centers of industry.(B) President Lincoln needed the regions political support to maintain the presidency.(C) The North relied on the slave labor in the region for production.(D) The border states created an impen

14、etrable buff er zone between the North and South.(E) The land of the border states was vital for the completion of a transcontinental railroad.16. President Lincolns plan for Reconstruction was opposed by some Radical Republicans because they(A) felt it was too harsh on Southerners(B) felt it was to

15、o lenient on the South(C) believed it was too generous to the freedmen(D) believed it would be impractical to carry out(E) worried it would raise taxes too high17. What postCivil War event is most associated with Fords Theatre?(A) Andrew Johnsons impeachment(B) Lees official surrender to Grant(C) Ab

16、raham Lincolns assassination(D) Finalization of the Compromise of 1877(E) The first Ku Klux Klan meeting18. The Reconstruction plans of both Lincoln and Johnson included(A) a requirement that a majority of citizens sign sworn statements of allegiance(B) a call for immediate elections in former Confe

17、derate states(C) the passage of the Civil Rights Act(D) The requirement that Southern states ratify the Thirteenth Amendment(E) the redistribution of land19. Which of the following actions was taken by state governments in the South to improve economic conditions?(A) Reinstituting slavery(B) Lowerin

18、g cotton prices(C) Redistributing land(D) Constructing railroads and businesses(E) Lowering taxes20. Which of the following would be considered an achieved success of Reconstruction in the South?(A) Racist policies were ended.(B) Industrialization was successfully implemented.(C) African-Americans w

19、ere given redistributed land.(D) A public school system was successfully created.(E) Tensions with the North were ended.21. The Pendleton Act was created in response to the(A) Whiskey Ring Scandal(B) Colfax Massacre(C) Battle of Wounded Knee(D) Battle of Little Big Horn(E) assassination of President

20、 Garfield22. Th e Civil Service Commission ended the spoils system by(A) allowing the president to off er supporters government jobs(B) requiring anyone applying for a government job to take a competitive exam(C) forbidding the government from hiring employees who belonged to the same party as the p

21、resident(D) cutting the number of jobs within the federal government(E) not hiring people who were acquainted personally with the president23. Which of the following was not part of the Populist Partys platform?(A) Institution of a secret ballot(B) Adherence to a gold standard(C) Government ownershi

22、p of the railroads(D) Banking reform(E) A graduated income tax24. Which of the following transformed the practice of postCivil War agriculture?(A) The government ended all homestead acts.(B) The U.S. Treasury moved off the gold standard.(C) The size of the average farm decreased.(D) The use of machi

23、nery on farms increased.(E) There was a lack of open land in the Great Plains.25. During the late 19th century, the reduction in price of American agricultural products led to(A) farmers facing less of a debt burden(B) more workers shifting to agricultural work(C) farmers being compelled to increase

24、 production(D) less land being cultivated(E) farmers experiencing greater profitSECTION II: Short Answer Questions(50pts )1.What are the social and cultrual differences between the colonists and Europeans?2.The reasons for the U.Ss entrance into WWI, the Wilsons war strategy and the peace Treaty 西北师

25、大附中2014-2015学年第二学期 2015届高三国际班 毕业考试暨学业水平测试 AP美国历史 试卷 答题纸 Answer Sheet for AP America History Exam 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 Answer Keys for AP America History Exam Multiple-Choice Questions Answer Key(50pts)1 2 5 7 8 9 10 DB CAEB1. (D) As the population of slaves in the South increase

26、d, especially after the inventionof the cotton gin in 1793, slave owners felt that the mixing of free and enslaved blacks could create instability within the region, increasing the likelihood of revolts. To avoid uprisings,state legislatures enacted Black Codes, such as those instituted after Gabrie

27、l Prossers attempted revolt in 1800, Denmark Veseys rebellion in 1820, and Nat Turners rebellion in 1831. Many of these codes required free blacks to have special work licenses to reside in the state, while others banned free blacks from working in certain fields. Many Northern states had similar laws to prev

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