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山东寿光圣城中学九年级英语上册Module 9导学案有答案.docx

1、山东寿光圣城中学九年级英语上册Module 9导学案有答案九年级英语上册Module 9导学案Unit 1【课前朗读】borrow, put up, website, mail, textbook, mainly, thousands of, page, electronic, powerful, memory, full, fix, instructions, lend, properly【学习目标】知识与技能:1、掌握一般将来时的被动语态和情态动词的被动语态。2、能听懂有关发明及其运用的文章。过程与方法: 通过自主互助与合作的方法,借助听力结合话题解决问题。情感目标: 1. 尊重科学,提升

2、生活中的发明。 2. 培养学生独立思考,合作交流的良好习惯。【学习重、难点】1. 认知一般将来时和情态动词的被动语态。 2. 能听懂有关发明及其运用的对话。【学习过程】Step1导入新课1. What are the four great inventions of ancient China? Who invented them? We have inventions everywhere. Inventions make us live easily and happily. Without inventions, our lives will be difficult. Now inve

3、ntions are invented all the time.这时教师拿出新买的数码相机来导入。让学生发表看法,完成活动1的三个问题。在这些问题的交谈中很可能用到本课内出现的单词。所以这些讨论为进入阅读做了很好的准备。2. 展示新句型 1)They will be put up on the school website. 2) And they can be seen on the Internet by other classes.3) Will computers be used more than books in the future?4) That can be fixed.S

4、tep2听力处理:1. Listen to the passage for the first time and finish activity2.Step 3对话处理(listening practice) 1. Listen for the first time and answer the questions.1) How did Tonys father hear from his pen friends once? 2) How did Tonys father hear from his pen friends now? 3) Where did we get informatio

5、n in the past? 4) Where can we get information now? 读后听:Listen for the first time and finish Activity 4. 2. 听后读(阅读)学生默读对话,进一步理解对话内容,完成Activity 5.Step 4 读后说1.Work in pairs:同桌两两对话,互相问答3个问题。(Activity 7)2.Work in groups:分角色朗读对话。Step 5精讲点拨1. They will be put put up on the school website. 他们将被公布在学校的网站上。此句

6、中put up的意思是“张贴,公布”。put up 后接代词时,代词要放在动词和副词中间。例如:Please put it up on the wall.2. borrow与lend borrow“借入”,表示主语向别人借东西,常用borrow sth. from sb.结构。lend表示主语把东西借给别人。常用lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb.borrow 和lend如果与时间段连用的话,要改为延续性动词keep.Step6 学以致用(小组竞争)一、单项选择( )1. Sonia, please help me _ this picture on the wall.

7、A. give up B. take up C. put up D. look up( )2. Can I ask a _ of the teacher?A. help B. hand C. favour D. helper( )3.-May I use your cup, Tom?-Sorry, it _ by my sister just now.A. was broken B. is broken C. broke D. break( )4. Now these magazines_ in the library for a long time. A. have kept B. are

8、keeping C. have been keeping D. have been kept( )5 .The flowers_ every day. A. must be water B. must be watered C. must watered D. must water二、根据汉语提示或单词补全句子1. What you need is on the third _ (页).2. Before the meeting, I made the necessary _(介绍).3. He is very clever and has a good _(记忆力).4. The teach

9、er is _ (please) with what we have done in class.5. You must tell them to use the computer _ (proper).6. This is an _ (electricity) book, Mum.7. The camera can be _ (fix).三、根据提示翻译句子 1. 如果你不得不把他借给其他人,告诉他们要合理的使用它。(if) 2. 在将来,电脑将会比书更多地被使用吗?(in the future) 3. 在网上获得信息很容易。(Its to do) 4. 我想在下周学校组织参观博物馆时拍些照

10、片。(would like to )_Unit 2【课前朗读】 掌握词汇:look though, printing, at a time, by hand, development, trade, result, spread, in a way, compareto, introduction, amount, store, varied, form, connection, single, direction, replace, wait and see【学习目标】 知识与技能: 1、掌握一般将来时与情态动词的被动语态。 2、能读懂谈论发明的文章。 3、能用被动语态及表因果关系的as a

11、 result, because, so, so that来描述纸的发展史。过程与方法:通过自主互助与合作的方法学会阅读,并能运用获取的信息来处理信息。【教学重、难点】体会一般将来时与情态动词的被动语态。【教学过程】step 1导入新课从上一单元的调查作业入手,学生汇报调查结果。从调查情况再联系到书和网络各有长处,让学生谈谈它们各自的优势。step 2 读前导入:Look at some pictures then answer the questions1. What is paper made of?2. Are there many trees in China? (给学生独立思考时间,

12、小组讨论完成Activity 1。)Step3 多层阅读1Read the passage in silence and finish Activity 2.ParagraphKey words1Every morning, buys a newspaper, every day, open my books.2Paper first created expensive, rare3Printing was invented4Will books be needed ?5Computers are used, newspapers, be read online 2. Read the pas

13、sage again the answer the questions (Activity 4.5) 1)Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing? 2)What can we use to get information? 3)Were books produced by hand or by machine at first? 4)When was printing developed? 5)What can be received online? 3. Check the answers(小组自主

14、互助学习)先以小组为单位讨论答案,老师再讲解学生反馈的问题。Step4 精读足练Read the passage aloud in groups then find out. 1. The important phrases.(组内学生写在黑板上) 2. The language points that you cant understand.Step 5 课文运用1. 听录音并跟读课文,分组朗读后展示,充分体验、接触语言向写作过渡,完成活动4的1和2题以及活动7。2.背诵并写出你欣赏的句子或段落。在没有语言障碍的情况下充分感受语言,体会被动语态在语篇中的应用。Step 6 知识点拨:1.So

15、 what direction will traditional printing take in the future?那么传统印刷业未来的方向在哪里呢?direction的意思是方向。2. be made of, be made from, be made into与 be made in 的区别(学生自主讨论解决)3. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.这样一来,书籍数量不多,价格又贵。As a result的意思是“作为结果,因此”,通常单独使用。as a result of 与as a result 仅一词之差,意为“作为的结

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