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1、看起来真有趣。看看我发现了Franklin : Here I am , Snail . 我来了,蜗牛。 Whoa . 哇。 Im always happy to give you a ride , Snail . 我总是很高兴能捎你一程,蜗牛。 You dont even have to ask . 你根本都不用开口让我帮忙。 Umm Thanks , Franklin . 嗯谢谢你,富兰克林。 Lets catch up with the others . 咱们快去追上大家。 Fly away ! 飞走了!飞走了! Theres one ! Hmmm Not close enough . 还

2、有一个!嗯还不够近。Goose : Hurry up you guys ! 大家快点儿! Ha , ha , Now I have you . Whoa ! 哈,哈,现在你跑不了了。喔! Time to hit the trail , Snail . Trail Snail . 该走咯,蜗牛。走咯蜗牛。 Heh , heh . Good rhyme , Franklin . 呵呵,还挺押韵的,富兰克林。 Oh . Fly away ! Youre free ! 哦,飞走了!你们自有了! Whoa ! 哇!BS ( Bear and Beaver ) : Oh oh . 啊哦。Bear : He

3、y , someone forgot to put a bridge here . 嘿,人们忘了在这儿建一座桥。 Who needs a bridge ? 才不需要桥呢?Fox : Yes , but your feet are waterproof . Im taking the stepping stones . 是啊,不过你的脚有防水膜。我要踩着这些石头过去。 Yeah , me too . And this is more fun anyway . 是啊,我也是。不过,这样更有趣。 Hmmmmm . Thats what I need . 嗯,那正是我需要的。Beaver : Why

4、did you stop ? 你为什么停下来? Ummm , I saw this clam shell . Isnt it neat ? 嗯,因为我看见了这个蛤壳。很漂亮,对吧? Good find , Bear ! 不错的发现,小熊! Snail ? What are you doing ? Save your breath , Snail . 蜗牛?你在干什么呢?好好揣口气吧,蜗牛。 Just whistle when you need help . Im never far away . 需要帮忙的时候,吹口哨就行了。我不会离你太远的。 I know . 我知道。Bothering W

5、asps : Hey ! This would look good on the nature table . So would the log ! 嘿!这个东西在自然展桌上一定很棒。这根木头也是! Do you think maybe its just a little too big ? 你不觉得可能这个有点儿太大了吗? I dont think so . But I may need help putting it in my knapsack . 没觉得呀,不过得需要人帮忙才能把它放进书包里。 Hey , guys ! Look at this ! A wasps nest . 嘿,伙

6、伴们!看这个东西!一个黄蜂窝。 Wow ! Isnt it great ! 这个多棒啊! Bear ! Youre not going to take it back to our classroom , are you ? 小熊!你没打算把它带回教室,对吧? Sure . Why not ? 当然要带回去。为什么不呢? Because wasps sting if you bother them . 因为它们会蛰人的如果你打扰了黄蜂。 Im not bothering them . Theyre not even living in it anymore . 我没有打扰它们啊。它们甚至都不在

7、里面住了。 Will you take it off for me , Franklin ? 富兰克林,能帮我把它取下来吗? Oh-oh . Theyre still inside ! 哦噢。它们还在里面呢! And I think were bothering them . 而且我想我们打扰了它们。 Oh , Id better leave them alone . 哦,最好别再惹它们了。 Not like that , Bear ! 别那样放手啊,小熊! Run for it ! 快逃啊! That was a close one . 真是好险啊。 Phew Thats for sure

8、. 嗷没错。 Its the fastest Ive ever run . 这可是我跑得最快的一次。 Me too How about you , Snail ? 我也是你呢,蜗牛? SNAIL ? Oh , no ! I forgot Snail !噢,不!我忘了他了! Run , Franklin ! 快跑,富兰克林! Hurry ! 快点! How could I have forgotten Snail ? 我怎么能把蜗牛给忘了呢? Hes my good friend and I didnt even help him . Where is he ? 他是我的好朋友我甚至都没帮他。他

9、在哪儿? Oh , my ! These termite tunnels go everywhere ! 哦,天哪!这些白蚁洞随处可见! Snail ! 蜗牛!蜗牛! Franklin ? 富兰克林? Here I am , Franklin . 我在这儿,富兰克林。 Is that you ?是你吗? Its me ! 是我! SNAIL ! Are you okay ?你没事吧? Sure . Im fine . 当然了。我没事。 Im really sorry . I didnt mean to forget you . 真是很抱歉,我不是故意把你忘了。 Thanks , Frankli

10、n , but 谢谢你,富兰克林,不过 Youve found him ! I was worried . Same here . Yeah , me too ! 你找到他了!我还担心呢。我也是。是啊,我也是! Um How come ? 嗯为什么? The wasps ! They were buzzing all over the place . 黄蜂!它们嗡嗡的到处都是。 I had a good hiding spot . So now that everyone knows Im fine . 我找到了一个很好的藏身的地方。现在大家都知道我没事了。 Ill go back and e

11、xplore the termite tunnels . 我要回去到白蚁洞里去探险。 You cant go in there , Snail . You might get lost . 你不能进去,蜗牛。你会迷路的。 What ? Whoa . 什么?哇。 Dont worry , Snail . 别担心,蜗牛。From now on Im going to take really good care of you . 从现在开始,我会好好地照顾你的I wont forget you again , I promise .我发誓绝不会再把你给忘了。Found Crystal : My kn

12、apsack is so full , I can barely squeeze anything else in . 我得背包太满了,都不能挤出地方放别的东西了。 Mine is so heavy I can hardly lift it . 我的背包这么重,我都提不起来了。 I havent found anything yet . 可我什么也没找到呢。 But I will . Dont worry about it , Snail . 不过,我会找到的。别担心这个,蜗牛。 Ive got something I can give you . Or , I can just carry

13、it for you . 我找到了一些东西可以给你。要不,我先帮你拿着。 I dont want you to ! I want to find something myself ! 我不想让你帮!我想自己找一些东西! What did I do ? I just wanted to help you , thats all . 我做什么了?我只是想帮帮你,就这样啊。 Wasnt I helping ? 我没帮你吗? Yes , but youre helping too much ! 帮了,不过帮得太多了! Too much !? How do you help someone too mu

14、ch ? 太多了! 怎么帮忙还会帮得太多了? Well , Snail is pretty good at doing things for himself . 嗯,蜗牛其实也很擅长自己的一些事情。 Do you think so ? 你这么想? Sure . Snails been a snail all his life , so he has to be good at it by now .蜗牛一生都在当蜗牛,所以现在他一定已经很在行了。 Yeah , thats right . 是啊,没错。 No one does things like Snail . 没人做事能像蜗牛那样。 Lo

15、ok up there !看那儿! Its Snail , Wow ! I dont believe it ! 是蜗牛,哇!真令人难以置信! See ! He has his own Snail way of doing things . 看!他有自己的一套“蜗牛”办法来做事。 yeah . I guess youre right . What do you see up there , Snail ? 是啊。我想你说得对。蜗牛,你在那儿看见什么? Lots of things ! Wow , Ive found something really really neat ! 很多东西!哇,我发

16、现了一些很棒很棒的东西! And theres enough for everybody ! 而且很多,每个人都会有一个的! Lets go ! Yeah , come on ! Great ! Wait for me ! 走吧!是啊,快点!太棒了!等等我! Look out below ! 小心下面! Whoa , look at this ! Is it ever sparkly ! 哇,看啊!真是闪闪发光! Like diamonds ! 想钻石一样! This is great ! 真是太好了! Gee , thanks , Snail ! 天哪,谢谢你,蜗牛! This is the

17、 best thing Ive seen all day ! 这是我今天看到的最好的东西! Good find , isnt it ? 真是个好发现,对吧? Great find ! Thanks Snail . 没错!谢谢你,蜗牛。 None of us could ever have climbed up there . 咱们谁也不能爬那么高。 Im glad I could help . 我很高兴能帮上大家。 Hey Thats Mr. Owl . Lets go . Come on . Ill go first . Hurry . 嘿那是猫头鹰老师。咱们走吧。来吧,啊。我先走了。快点。

18、 Snail I know you dont need me to help you all the time 蜗牛我知道你不需要我一直帮忙 but would you like a ride back ? 不过你愿意在我背上搭一程吗? Sure , I dont want miss the bus . Anyway I do like having help . 当然,我可不想误了车。不过我很高兴有人能帮我。 When I need it when you need it . Right ? 在我需要的时候在你需要的时候。对吗? Right ! 对! This is an interesti

19、ng specimen . Hmmm . A tail feather . 这个标本可真有趣。嗯。一根尾巴上的羽毛。 And if Im not mistaken Yes , its one of mine . 如果我没弄错的话是的,是我尾巴上掉下来一根。 Another fall molt . Where does the time go ? 又换了一季的毛,时间都飞那儿了? And look at these quartz crystals ! Magnificent ! 看看这些石英水晶!太漂亮了! These will certainly brighten up our classro

20、om . 它们肯定会把我们的教室照得亮堂堂的。 Snail found them ! 是蜗牛找到的! Yeah ! He climbed straight up a big cliff to get them ! 是啊!他爬到很高的悬崖找到它们的! A big cliff ! Well done , Snail ! 一个很高的悬崖!干得好,蜗牛! Nothing gets in your way , does it , Snail ? 没什么困难能挡住你,对吧,蜗牛? No , and when I does , I know I can always ask my friends for h

21、elp . 没有,即便是有,我知道我总能向朋友们求助的。 Anytime , Snail . 随时愿意帮忙,蜗牛。Franklins Staring Role 富兰克林的明星角色Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes 富兰克林已经学会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。He liked to tell stories and act in front of an audience . 他喜欢讲故事,也喜欢在观众面前表演节目。But one day Franklin learned that you dont have to be at cen

22、tre stage to be a star .但是有一天,富兰克林明白了不只是在舞台上抛头露面的才是明星。 And George tiptoed into the cave . It was so dark he couldnt see a thing ! 乔治蹑手蹑脚地走进山洞。山洞里很黑,他什么也看不清! Suddenly there was a big whoosh of fire ! 突然出现了一团烈火!It was the fire-breathing dragon !原来是一条喷火的巨龙!And it was breathing fire right at George !而它喷

23、出的火冲着乔治扑面而来!Take that ! And that ! Oooo ! Yeah .接招!再来!哦!是啊。 Dont give up George ! 别放弃啊,乔治! Go George , go ! 冲啊,乔治,冲啊!When George got through with that dragon , it could barely toast a marshmallow . 当乔治打败那巨龙后,巨龙几乎连一块果汁软糖都烤不焦了。It flew away as fast as its wings could carry it . Right over the mountains .它飞快地扑闪着翅膀飞跑了。飞到了山的那边。The king gave George a huge reward of gold coins !国王给了乔治大量的金币作为奖赏。And everyone in the valley lived happily ever after . The end . 山谷里的人们从此以后过上了幸福的生活。故事结束。 Great story , Franklin ! 这故事太棒了,富兰克林! Ye

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