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1、s an example of what psychologists call denial, a defence mechanism that minimizes uncomfortable information. Denial, they have argued, is stupid, self-defeating and ultimately dangerous.But research is showing that answer B is a faster route to recovery. Denialof a certain sort and at certain times

2、can be healthy. Of course, you do need to pay attention to some unpleasant facts. The trick is to know when its helpful to worry and when its counterproductive.Out-and-out denial may be the best approach to surgery, according to Richard S. Lazarus, professor of psychology at the University of Califo

3、rnia at Berkeley. With Frances Cohen, Lazarus studied 61 patients about to undergo operations (all relatively common operations). In general, patients followed one of two mental strategies; avoidance or vigilance. Typically, avoiders had not discussed their surgery in detail with anyone, didnt want

4、to know about it and didnt dwell upon its risks.In contrast, vigilant types were alert to every detail. Many sought out articles about their disorders. They wanted to know the risks of surgery, the risks if surgery was not performed, the surgical procedures, the potential complications and the likel

5、ihood of recurrence.When Lazarus and Cohen compared the two groups after surgery, they found that avoiders got on much better. They had a lower incidence of postoperative complications such as nausea (恶心), headache, fever and infection. The net result: they were discharged sooner.One reason may be t

6、hat their denial make room for hope, or at least for a positive outlook, even under the grimmest of conditions. Never deny the diagnosis, but do deny the negative opinion that may go with it, advises Norman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an Illness and The Healing Heart. Why? Because grim warnings ab

7、out diseases come from statistics on the average case. Cousins believes that most patients, given hope and determination, have a good chance to transcend the averages.Adds Dr. Hackett:Deniers see the machines theyre hooked up to as helping them to get well, not as a sign of a badly functioning heart

8、. Those who feel most positive about their ability to get well tend to do better than those who fear and worry more. Of course, none of these researchers would conclude that denial is the best approach to all medical matters. A diabetic must monitor blood sugar; a kidney patient must keep track of d

9、ialysis (透析) ; a woman who finds a lump in her breast must not delay in having it diagnosed.The question to ask yourself, Dr. Lazarus explains, is whether the information you gather will help you solve a problem, or whether there is little you can do to change things. In the first case, pay attentio

10、n and act. In the second case, dont become preoccupied with the risks; anxiety can worsen your health.Dr. Herbert Benson, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, points out that the overly vigilant patients central nervous system becomes aroused into the fight-or-flight response.

11、But since all the patient can do is lie there, his body suffers the classic damages of stress.While studying peoples reactions to medical stress, Temple University psychologist Suzanne Miller and University of Pennsylvania gynecologic oncologist (妇科肿瘤学 ) Charles E. Mangan placed 40 women about to un

12、dergo colposcopy (阴道镜检查) in two different groups, according to their coping style.Millers main interest was to see whether any of these women would cope better if they had extra information. She gave half of each group voluminous details about what would happen and how they would feel; she gave the

13、rest only the basic facts. Overall, the results reinforced the benefits of avoidance. The women given minimal information felt more relaxed throughout the procedure than the women who knew more. (Oddly enough, the group desiring information complained that they would have liked even more. The very a

14、ct of gathering details seemed to make them less anxious. )s research shows that different people react to news about their situations in very different ways. That means, she suggests, that people should seek as much or as little information as their individual coping style dictates.Does the researc

15、h on denial mean we should regress (倒退) to the days when physicians used to say, t tell patients anything, because they dont really want to know? Hardly. People have a right to know what is going to happen to them, and to take part in decisions about their treatment. But patients can get necessary i

16、nformation without learning a lot of nerve-racking details they dont need.For example, a physician can say:You have a suspicious Pap test. The next procedure is called colposcopy; it will take fifteen minutes. The doctor doesnt need to describe everything a colposcope does, feels like or might find.

17、 Similarly, a woman should seek all the options if she has a suspicious Pap test, but once she makes a decision, she should not be obsessed about it.You could summarize the research in a set of guidelines: In general, it is best to block out medical threats and worries when there is nothing you can

18、do about themsay, after youve decided to undergo surgery. Dont dwell on all that could go wrong or visualize every fearful detail; concentrate instead on what is likely to go right. Be vigilant about matters that you can control, such as paying attention to signs of illness. Find out your personal d

19、isposition to avoid details or to acquire all information possible, and let your own inclination be your guidebut only up to a point. Many of those who gather any and all facts are putting themselves through more stress than they need to, Miller says. She advises them to learn when their approach wi

20、ll only increase their anxiety. In those cases, theyd do better to turn off their radar. On the other hand, avoiders should recognize when it is valuable to gather more facts than they might like to.The basic advice is clear: dont feel guilty if you decide to take the rosy view. Concentrating on the

21、 positive turns out to be medically sound.1. It is suggested in the passage that if you were a vigilant patient, you should learn to adopt a new strategy of avoidance because it brings you less stress.2. The doctors are discovering that the best medicine is often simply to deny the worst and expect

22、the best.3. Miller divided the women patients into two groups at will and provided each group with either detailed or basic information in order to find out who would get on better.4. Based on the findings of the researches, doctors find it hard to decide whether they should tell patients anything a

23、bout their illness.5. Psychologists have changed their opinion that it is stupid and dangerous for people to deny uncomfortable information.6. A tip for both deniers and vigilant patients is: avoid details or acquire much information following your own coping style, but only to a certain point.7. It

24、 is unnecessary for patients to get information about their disorders because there is nothing they can do about their illness.8. Patients generally fall into two groups: _and_.9. A diabetic must monitor blood sugar; helps explain that_to all cases.10. All patients should pay attention to_.Passage 2

25、Like most parents, geologist Brain Atwater worries about his daughters safety. But these days, he has an unusual concern; The public school she 11 in Seattle has unreinforced brick walls, a 12 being easy to collapse during earthquakes. The same 13 of walls crushed hundreds of thousands of people dur

26、ing the 1976 Tangshan quake in China.A decade ago, Atwater would have paid little notice to schoolroom walls. But over the last several years, he and other scientists have found 14 signs that the Pacific Northwest has experienced giant quakes in the distant past and that the area may be headed for a

27、 destructive shock in the near future.At a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December, researchers discussed the 15 uncovered evidence of quake potential in the Pacific Northwest. While some remain unconvinced that huge earthquakeswith magnitudes of 8 or higherdo indeed 16 this region, a

28、growing number consider such shocks a serious possibility.Whats worrisome, they say, is that northwestern cities such as Portland, Seattle and Vancouver have not prepared for earthquakes of this magnitude, which could shake the regions 17 centers with enough force to make the recent San Francisco ar

29、ea damage seem 18 in comparison.I think its quite true to say that nothing has really been designed with one of these earthquakes in mind, says seismologist Paul Somerville of Woodward. At the meeting, Somerville and his colleagues 19 estimates of the degree of shaking. Portland and Seattle would su

30、ffer during such a 20 earthquake.A. massiveB.recentlyC.constructionD.displayedE. relativelyF.attendsG.typeH.strikeI. structureJ.participatesK.excessiveL.mildM. disturbingN.population0.presentedPassage 3What do we think with? Only the brain? Hardly. The brain is like a telephone exchange. It is the s

31、witchboard, but not the whole system. Its function is to receive incoming signals, make proper connection, and send the messages through to their destination. For efficient service, the body must function as a whole.But where is the mind? Is it in the brain? Or perhaps in the nervous system? After all, can we say that the mind is in any particular place? It is not a thing, like a leg, or even the brain. It

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