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1、Nobody knows. 谁知道呢。How do/did you know that? 你怎么知道的?A little bird told me (that. ) 2. 我喜欢淡咖啡。I like weak coffee.I like light coffee. (light指的是“颜色浅的,色彩淡的”,weak指的是“口味淡的”)麝香猫咖啡Kopi Luwah(产于印尼)A: What kind of coffee would you like, weak or strong? 你喜欢什么样的咖啡,淡的,还是浓的?B: I like weak coffee. 我喜欢淡咖啡。 Oh, rea

2、lly? I prefer strong coffee. 哦,真的吗?我更喜欢浓咖啡。 (This coffee is too strong; I prefer my coffee weak.)(black coffee; white coffee)Its too salty.Its too greasy. (=fatty)This coffee tastes bitter.The food there is too spicy for you. 3. 这个是免费的。 I got it for free. 囧状况: This doesnt need money. You cup is beau

3、tiful. Where did you buy it?你的杯子很漂亮。在哪里买的? I got it for free. 这个是免费的。 Wow,the shell is so beautiful. Where did you buy it?哇,这个贝壳好漂亮。 You are really a lucky dog. 你真是个幸运的家伙。天底下没有免费的午餐。There is no free lunch.买一送一。 Buy one, get one free.终于解脱了。 Free at last. 这个周末你有空吗? Are you free this weekend?我一整天都有空。 I

4、 am free all day. (available) 4. 你算那根葱? Who do you think you are?Which onion are you? 对别人的傲慢无礼,自以为是的行为看不惯,或者对别人不屑的时候,就可以说一句:Who do you think you are? I think you might be wrong. 我觉得你可能错了。 Its none of your business. 你算哪根葱?这不关你的事。 I am afraid its your fault. Youd better say sorry to your sister. 恐怕这是你

5、的错。你最好跟你姐姐道歉。 Enough! Leave me alone, please. 够啦!你算哪根葱啊?别烦我了,拜托。 Dont be so rude to me. I am just trying to help you. 别对我那么粗鲁。我只是想帮你。够了!Thats enough. Enough is enough.别掺和!Stay out of it. 5. 他是个新手。 He is a rookie. (He is a green hand. ) He is a new hand. He is a rookie. 他是个新手。 No wonder. 怪不得呢。 John e

6、ven doesnt know how to fax the documents. John甚至不知道怎么传真文件。 Be patient! He is a rookie. 耐心点。他是个新手。 Can you help me? I have so much to do. 你可以帮一下我吗?我有太多的事情要做了。 Why dont you ask Jim to help you? 为什么不让Jim帮你呢?当表示自己在某一方面还是个新手的时候,还可以说: I am new at this. I am still new. This is all so new to me. 而如果要表示自己是有经

7、验的老手时,就可以说: Im an old hand at this.6. 正合我的胃口。 Thats just my cup of tea. It fits my appetite.(It fits you well.) 这很适合你啊。(The food there doesnt fit /suit me.) 我适应不了那里的食物。(I was not used to the weather there.) 我不太适应那里的天气。(I have no appetite. ) 我没什么胃口。(The preview is intended to whet your appetite.) (ma

8、ke you want more)预告是为了吊胃口。(Please preview the text before next class. ) 下次上课前预习好课文。 Do you enjoy the fish? 你喜欢吃这鱼吗? Yeah. Thats just my cup of tea. 喜欢,正合我的胃口。 How about going swimming this weekend? 这个周末去游泳怎么样? Terrific! (Awesome! ) Thats just my cup of tea. 太好了。正合我意。 How do you like her? 你觉得她怎么样? Sh

9、e looks beautiful, but not my cup of tea. 她看起来很漂亮,但不是我喜欢的类型。(Speak of the devil!Scene Four: What do you want to be in the future? 以后你打算做什么? Teacher! Teaching is my cup of tea. 做老师!教书很适合我。7. 哪里,哪里。 Im flattered. Where,where. (Thank you. Its nothing. 没什么。) (You are pulling my leg. 你在开我玩笑吧。 You did a r

10、eally good job! 你干得太漂亮了。 I am flattered. 哪里,哪里。 You are gorgeous. 你真是太美了。 I am flattered. You really look sharp today. 哪里,哪里。你今天看起来也真的很帅。8. 笑一个。 Say cheese! Smile one. Scene One: Say cheese! 笑一个! Cheese! 茄子!茄子! Scene Two: Would you take a picture for us? 您能帮我们照张相吗? Of course! 当然可以!笑一个!9. 听你的。 You ar

11、e the boss. Listen to you. (Up to you. Anything you say.) 愿意听从别人的意见,想要一切事情交给对方来处理时,就可以说: Lets eat outside today. 我们今天出去吃饭吧。 You are the boss. 听你的。 What shall we do now? 我们现在应该做什么? I havent decided yet. You are the boss. 我还没决定,听你的。10. 你的脸色很不好/不太好。You look pale. Your face (color) is not very good. You

12、 look pale. Whats wrong? 你的脸色很不好。怎么啦? Nothing much. I am just a little tired. 没事。只是有点累了。 You look pale. 你的脸色很不好。 I have a headache. 我头痛。Are you feeling all right? 你没什么事吧?Are you okay?11. 你找死啊。You are playing with fire. You find death!某人在做很危险或者很有挑战性的事情时,为了表示劝诫或警告,就可以对他说这句话。 You are playing with fire.

13、 你找死啊。 Its none of your business. 不关你事。 Are you crazy? You are playing with fire. 你疯了吗?你找死啊。 Mind your own business. 先管好你自己吧。与“You are playing with fire.”这句话意思相近的句子有: You are asking for trouble. 你找抽啊。/ 你欠揍啊。 You wanna die? 你不想活了。 Its risky. 这太危险了。12. 我不知道该什么谢你。I cant thank you enough.(I dont know wh

14、at to say.) I dont know how to thank you.对方帮了你的忙,心中的感激很难用言语表达出来,这时你就可以跟对方说; Youve been a great help. I cant thank you enough. 你帮了我的大忙。我不知道该什么谢你。 Its nothing. 没什么了啦。 All the problems are solved. 所有的问题都解决了。 I cant thank you enough. 我不知道该什么谢你。 Its no big deal. 没什么大不了的。与谢谢相关的其他表达:Thank you for your help

15、. 谢谢您的帮助。Thank you for everything. 谢谢您所做的一切。Thank you all the same. 还是要谢谢您。Thank you anyway. 不管怎么样还是要谢谢你。13. 你竟敢放我鸽子。How dare you stand me up! You dare fly my pigeon (dove). 对方没有前来应约并且没有解释其原因时,十分气愤的你就可以说这句话了。 How dare you stand me up! 你竟敢放我鸽子。 I didnt mean to it. 我不是故意的。 You are not the same as befo

16、re.你竟敢放我鸽子。 你和以前不一样了。 Im so sorry. But I really had something to deal with that day. 真的很抱歉。但是那天我真的有事要去处理。 Scene Three: I owe you an apology. But I hope you can understand my job. 我应该向你道歉。但是我希望你能理解我的工作。14. 我只有一双手。I cant do two things at the same time. I only have two hands. “我只有一双手” 属于抱怨的一种,和“抱怨”相关的句

17、子还有: Stop complaining! 别再抱怨啦。 It drives me crazy! 这简直快让我发疯了。 This task is too much for me. 这项工作对我来说太重了。 If you dont like something, change it; If you cant change it, change your attitude. Dont complain.工作中有人忙不过,但也有人有空,他或许会说: “交个我吧”。用英语可以表达为Leave it to me.Ill take care of it. 15. 别教训我。I dont need a l

18、ecture. Dont teach me.当遇到自以为是或者不停说教的人时,就可以用这句话。 I dont need a lecture. 别教训我。 Youll be sorry. 你会后悔的。 (Youll regret.) You should apologize to him. 你应该跟他道歉。 Youre hopeless. 你无药可救了。另外,在表示“我要给你点颜色看看”的时候,千万不要说成:I want to give you some color to see. 那样外国人根本就不知道你在说什么。正确的表达是: Ill teach you a lesson.I hope this will teach you a lesson. 我希望这能给你一个教训。

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