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unit13 学案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、三).Look up the following words and phrases in your dictionary. 1.使我难过_ 2.一张可怕的画_ 3.轻音乐_ _ _ 4.让我感到放松_5. 使得我感到生气_ 6. 让我想要跳舞_ 二、课堂探究1. Finish 2b 1)Read by themselves 2)Listen and check2. Finish 2c 1)Read and practice in pairs , then check3. Finish the story from 1b-2b三、评价建模1. make+宾语+宾语补足语1) 形容词做宾语补足语

2、,表示宾语的特点,性质,状态等。Make sb +形容词使他忧伤 使她紧张 使他们放松 使我们困倦 使我不舒服 2) 动词不定式做宾语补足语,表示宾语发出的动作,注意to 要省: make sb do sth高亢的音乐使我想跳舞 忧伤的歌使我们想哭 她使婴儿停止哭叫 3) 变成被动语态,to要还原,把上面三句变成被动语态1) 2) 3) 4) make sb sth , make sb +过去分词经历把他磨练成一个男子汉 我们选他当小组长 我讲英语不能使人听懂 他无法使别人听到他说话 2. + 形容词 / 副词 1) So + 形容词 + a/an + 单可 + that+ many/few

3、/ much/little + n+ a/an + 形容词 + 单可2) Such + 形容词(many/few除外) + 复数 + that + 形容词(much/little除外) + 不可1)他个子这么高,能够着树上的苹果 2)他有那么多朋友,他每天都很高兴 3) 他有如此少的钱,买不起小车 四、巩固与提升I根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 1. Before I gae my talk in front of the class, I was a little t_. 2. Tom likes loud music. He says loud music makes him e_ 3.

4、From s_ studies, the color red makes people hungry. 4. In the hospital, the white walls make me s_ 5. Soft l_ makes people look good. So the restaurant owners use this knowledge.II. 选词填空 ,注意形式keep out, lead, sleepy, show up, taste, compare, taste, compare, take after, allow, give away, come up with1

5、. Wait before you buy that watch. Lets _ _prices in another store.2. The soft music makes Tina _ _.3. Beauty cream _ _ terrible.4. The children arent _ to drive a car.5. Jim _ his father. They are both adn a bit quiet.6. I _ some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.7. My friend _ a

6、 great idea.8. I need a new coat. This one cant _ the cold.9. Working hard at English can _ _ I to a good job.10. John said he was going to meet me earlier but he didnt _.III. 根据要求完成下列句子1. There is no (science) basis for such policies .2. Hed rather here A. staying B. to stay C. stays D. stay3. 我们必须

7、保持教室干净4. I was made (repeat) it .5. Usually soft colors make people (relax)6. What make you so (happy) ?7. Some people think ads make our cities ugly A. to look B. look C. looks D. looked8. W for him so long made us anry .9. The a film make everyong afraid .10. Rainy days make me u .11. I would rath

8、er at home than .A. stay ; go out B. to stay ; to go out C. to stay ; go out D. stay ; to go out 12. He was tired he could go to working .A. too ; to B. such ; that C. so ; that D. too ; that教学反思: 【课 题】 Section A 3a4第 2 课时【学习目标】学习make 的用法。【重难难点】学习重点:1.- How do you feel about pollution? -It makes me

9、kind of angry.学习难点: 1. Master the words and phrases in this section .2. Master the language points of this section.课前检测: ( ) 1. Did you have fun _ _in the river? A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swam( ) 2. I_a mistake.Please dont be angry with me.A. make B. made C. will make D. had made( ) 3.He wou

10、ld rather_ _a volunteer in Yushu than_in Beijing University. A. be;teach B. to be;teach C. being;teaching D. is;teach( ) 4.I like soft music. _.Especially pop music. A. So do I B. So am I C. So I do D. So I am( ) 5.The workers were made_on the farm. A. to work B. to work C. worked D. workingI: Look

11、up the following words and phrases in your dictionary.1.如何制作食物_ _ 2.如何挣钱_ _ 3.从科学研究中学习_ _ 4.使顾客吃得快_ _5. 浅颜色_ _ 6.花费许多时间吃饭_ _ _ 7. 快餐店_ _II:学习Section A,3a,完成下列句子1. Restaurant owners have to know_ _ _ _(如何赚钱).2. The color red makes people_(饥饿)and eat _(更快).3. The color pink and light blue make people_

12、(放松的).4. Soft lighting makes people_ _(看上去很好),but makes food_ _(看上去很糟).5. Loud music soon makes people_ _ _(想要离开).III.完成3b.Groupwork.1. Restaurant owners have to know how to make food .owner 的意思是“物主,所有人”,是名词。该词往往和定冠词the连用。1) 谁是这个花园的主人?2) 谁拥有这座花园?3) 他过去曾经拥有一座大房子。2.Here are some things they have learn

13、ed from scientific studies 这是一个倒装句,正常语序为Some things they have learned from scientific studies are here . 当句子的某一成分提前构成倒装句时,若主语是代词,保留主谓语序。若主语是名词,要构成完全倒装。Where is my book ?它在这儿 这儿有你一封信。 _3. Mang fast food restaurants , therefore , have red furniture or walls . other hand .therefore 是副词,意为“因此,所以,结果”理句中做

14、插入语,同义词为so, then .其中therefore 最正式,常用于精密的逻辑思维,而so , then 用于口语。Therefore 用于句中时,表示语气上的停顿,前后用逗号隔开,和and 连用时,不用逗号。我对日本不熟悉,所以我不能告诉你太多。_ _4. People who keep you waiting .“keepdoing”句型中doing说明宾语发生的动作在进行中或处于某种状态。为什么让我在这儿等这么长时间? keep后跟复合宾语时,宾语补足语可由现在分词,形容词,副词,介词短语充当。1)她把卧室保持得干净整洁 _2)你最好离火远点儿。 3)雨天让他在家待了三天。 _I单

15、项选择( )1. Its clear its going to rain . A. that B. which C. when D. what( )2. Dont keep your child so long . A. wait B. waits C. waiting D. to wait( )3. Since youre ill , why not have a telephone to your parents ? A. give B. given C. to give D. giving( )4. He had left I could say hello to him . A. be

16、fore B. when C. after D. until( )5. he was ill , he didnt come to school . A. Because ; / B. Though ; / C. Though ; but D. Because ; so. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. (miss)the early bus makes her annoyed .2. Its been raining for two days and the (rain)weather makes me uncomfortable .3. Owners of fast restaurants

17、 use many ways (make)customers (eat)faster .4. This hotel (design)to make people feel at home .5. She wanted to learn how (make) mooncakes .根据汉语完成句子。1.因为顾客呆的时间不长,小餐馆每天就能招待更多的顾客。Because customers very long , small restaurants can people every day .2.很多餐馆,特别是快餐店,运用这一知识使顾客吃的更快。Many restaurants , fast f

18、ood restaurants this people . Section B 1a2c 第 3 课时 1. -Have you ever had Beijing Duck? -Yeah. And it made me.2. Practice listening skills. Master the words and phrases and grammar points . 课前检测 1.No conclusion_before we complete this test.A. is made B. will be made C. has made 2.Could you tell me_n

19、ext?I really dont know.A. take part in B. what to do C. to do what D. to do how 3.when did you _the sports club?A. take part in B. in C. join D. enter to 4.She spent most of her life_those poor children. A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help 5.Im very sorry to keep you_so long.I have something imp

20、ortant to do. A. wait B. waiting C. waiting for D. waited预习单词,注意词形变化1. mystery(形容词)形容词) _3.beautiful(名词) _4.white(比较级) _ 5.shiny (最高级) _6.把挡在外边_ 7. 柔滑的皮肤_ 8.神秘的表情_1. 完成1a.2. 完成1b.3. Listen2a,2b.4. 完成2c.Groupwork.taste+形容词,尝起来有的味道 这蛋糕尝起来很甜。_ _ _这些南瓜尝起来很好。_ _ taste n. have a taste 尝一尝 Would y

21、ou like to _ _?你想尝一尝吗? 拓展taste作动词用时,属于系动词,后跟形容词作表语。类似的系动词用look(看起来),sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),get , turn , become(变得)等。His mother _ _ _.他妈妈看起来很年轻。The trees _ _ in spring .春天树木变绿。 It didnt work 它不起作用. Work v.工作,用功 They work from morning till night .他们从早工作到晚。v.(机器等)运作 The brake didnt work . 刹车失灵。v.(药物)失效

22、The medicine worked like magic .那药有奇效。v. 运用 Do you know how to work this machine ?你知道如何使用这台机器吗? 工作,劳动,用功,是不可数名词,其前不可加a , many ,one ,two 等词,但可以说a piece of work ,some work . much work 等!I have _(太多的)homework to do. n. 作品,著作 I read your latest work .我读了你最近的著作。I. 根据提示完成句子 1. The shampoo can keep our hai

23、r _ _(有光泽的) 2. His story is very _ _(神秘的) 3. The quality of the _ _(产品) is good。 4. This kind of _(牙膏) tastes cool and nice. 5. Can you _(列出) a few famous actors? 6. In the modern cities, _ _(广告) can be seen everywhere. 7. The students must tell the _ _(事实)。 8. Some advertising can be _ _(令人困惑的)。 9.

24、 _(开始),the weather was fine. We all went out to play.单项选择( )1. The air pollution makes many people feel . A. happy B. sick C. bad D. good ( )2. The watch I bought last week doesnt work well . So I have to have it repaired this afternoon . (选出可代替画线部分的选项) A. do B. walk C. wind D. run( )3. I love loud music , it makes me .

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