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1、德莱顿关于戏剧创作和舞台艺术的论述构成英国戏剧史上第一组有分量的戏剧评论,他那简洁明朗的散文文体影响了18世纪许多作家的文风。The 17th Century: English Bourgeois Revolution-the Puritan Revolution Puritanism: religious doctrine of the revolutionary bourgeoisie during the revolution. The puritans believed in thrift, hard work and so on, and condemned worldly plea

2、sure. An age of chaos 1603, James I came to the throne, the puritans wanted to purify the church but failed to influence the king-religious persecution-emigration-but the majority remained(Roundheads)-the religious aspect of the chaos. Tension between parliament and the monarch-Charles I: divine rig

3、ht-dissolve the prliament-the political aspect of the chaos Result: civil war: 1642-1648 (parliament, Roundheads against the King and his Cavaliers) The capture and the beheading of Charles I and the founding of the commonwealth in 1649 Oliver Cromwell(1599-1658) and his Ironsides to deal with the d

4、isorder, Cromwell as the Protector of England. 1658, Cromwell died, Charles Is son welcomed back as Charles II-1660, Restoration. As an evil king, brought back from France the most decadent and corrupt court in English history. 1688, the Glorious Revolution: joint ruler of the country: William of Or

5、ange and Mary. The period was one of transition, chaos, and great perplexity. The old value system was on its way out, new values were taking shapes, and the conflict generated an acute sense of loss. This led to the attempt to seek certainty and intellectual harmony on the one hand, and to address

6、the question of values through violence and sexuality on the other.John Donne-a metaphysical poet Metaphysical poetry-a school of poetry: With a rebellious spirit, the metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. The diction is simple as compar

7、ed with that of the Elizabethan and echoes the words of common speech, but obscure. The imagery is drawn from the actual life but rather strange. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poets beloved, with God, or with himself. George Herbert, Robert Herrick,Andrew Marvell, Richard Crash

8、aw, Henry Vaughan, Abraham Cowley belong to the metaphysical group. They wrote on a variety of religious & secular themes, & to express their ideas, they used startling, highly imaginative comparisons known as conceits. A conceit is a combination of thoughts or images that are not usually associated

9、 with one another. The Songs and Sonnets contains most of John Donnes early lyrics, with love as the basic theme. He holds that the nature of love is the union of soul and body. Idealism and cynicism about love coexist in Donnes love poetry. Metaphysical poetry- a term that can be applied to any poe

10、try that deals with philosophical or spiritual matters but that is generally limited to work written by the group of 17th cen. Poets who wrote in the manner of Donne. Common elements: (1) an analytical approach to subject matter; (2) colloquial language; (3) rough or irregular rhythmic patterns; (4)

11、 the Metaphysical conceits, a figurative device used to capture thought and emotion as accurately as possible. Conceit: from the Italian concetto (meaning idea or concept), it refers to an unusually far-fetched牵强不自然的 or elaborate精巧复杂的 metaphor or simile presenting a surprisingly apt parallel between

12、 two apparently dissimilar things or feelings. Poetic conceits are prominent in Elizabethan love sonnets and metaphysical poetry. Conceits often employ the devices of hyperbole, paradox and oxymoron. 玄学派诗歌 一个诗人可能会有的兴趣是无限止的,越多智性、越是出色,越多智性,他可能就越是兴趣广泛。我们唯一的要求是他把他感兴趣的事物变为诗,而不是仅仅诗意地对这些事物沉思。 英 TS艾略特 英国玄学派

13、诗人The Metaphysical Poets 指英国17世纪以约翰多恩为首的一派诗人,还包括赫伯特、马韦尔等。他们并不是一个有组织的文学团体,只有在诗歌风格上有共同点。 首先用玄学派这名词的是17世纪英国诗人、批评家德莱顿(John Dryden),他指出多恩这一派诗人太学究气,他们用哲学辩论和说理的方式写抒情诗,用词怪僻晦涩,韵律不流畅。 18世纪英国批评家约翰逊进一步分析了这一派的特点,指出玄学派诗人都是学者,他们的才趣在诗歌中的表现是把截然不同的意象结合在一起,从外表绝不相似的事物中发现隐藏着的相似点,把最不伦不类的思想概念勉强地束缚在一起(即所谓奇想conceits)。 18世纪古

14、典主义诗人重视规范,19世纪浪漫派诗人强调自然,都不重视玄学派诗歌。 20世纪初英国学者格里尔逊先后编选了多恩诗集(1912)和十七世纪玄学派抒情诗和诗歌(1921),引起了强烈反响。 美裔英国诗人、批评家艾略特广为传布,并指出玄学派诗人是“把思想和情感统一起来”,是“统一的感受性”的典范。 30年代“新批评派”作了更进一步的研究,英美文学评论界对玄学派的兴趣迄今未衰。他们之间有意见分歧,但基本态度是肯定的。 玄学派诗歌主要有爱情诗、宗教诗、挽歌、讽刺诗、冥想诗等。爱情诗用说理辩论的方式,从科学、哲学、神学中摄取意象,反映出对流行于文艺复兴时期的彼特拉克式的“甜蜜的”抒情诗的不满。宗教诗和其他

15、诗歌则多写信仰上的苦闷、疑虑、探索与和解。 Metaphysical poetry is characterized by verbal wit and excess, ingenious 智巧的structure, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas. 多恩的诗歌具有意象奇异、结构严谨的风格,其内容新颖、深刻,特别是他的出人意料的比喻、多变的格律以及口语化诗体更加使人耳目一新,开创了玄学派的一代诗风。 John Donne 约翰.

16、多恩 是“玄学派”的代表人物。他的诗歌给人一种固有的戏剧性,展示了看上去零散多样的经历与观念,以及漫无边际的情感与心境。他的诗歌形式是动态的,语言别致精巧,意象栩栩如生,韵律生动活泼,与其他单纯静谧,乐感十足而平淡无奇的伊丽莎白时代爱情诗相比大相径庭。邓恩诗作最显著的特点是那强烈的现实主义气息,也就是说诗中的反映不是诗意的世界而是现实的世界。约翰多恩的诗歌最显著的一个特色毫无疑问是他的奇思妙喻。他一贯追求新奇的思想,喜欢云前人所未云,经常从各种“新哲学”和日常生活中捕捉稀奇的事例,再把两个属性截然不同的物体安置在一个语境中,使二者的关系既贴切又隐秘,还能在内容上彼此阐发。这些比喻既叫人出乎意料

17、,又让人觉得合情合理。 在多恩的诗歌中除了有意象突出的抒情,还有更多的对社会、爱情和死亡的思辨。他认为工整规范的旋律和华丽雕琢的辞藻远不能体现个人存在的多异性和独特性,因此:他注重个人独特的生命体验,多从个体的内在感去解读对象。 玄学派诗歌本身就是这样一种风格:体现的是强化了的个性,迸发着强烈的激情,凝聚着独立思辨的分量。灵魂与肉体,尘世与上苍,情爱的复杂性和独一性让多恩着迷不已。 Conceit(奇喻) A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things. Donnes is

18、an especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit. 1. Love is a spider2. Love is like compassesJohn Donne: For Whom the Bell TollsNo man is an island, entire of itself;every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as

19、if a promontory海角,岬 were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were:any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and, therefore, never send to know for whom the bells tolls;it tolls for thee. 约翰邓恩祈祷文集(DEVOTIONS)第十七篇 谁都不是一座岛屿,自成一体每个人都是一个碎片,那广袤大陆的一部分如果海浪冲掉一块土地,欧洲就小了一

20、点,如果一座海岬,如果你朋友或你自己的庄园被冲掉也是如此任何人的死亡都使我受到损失,因为我包孕在人类之中,所以不必打听丧钟为谁鸣,丧钟为你而鸣 The Flea 在一般人的审美观念里,美好的事物同样也要用美好的事物来比喻和表达,相形之下,多恩把婚姻和爱情比喻成“跳蚤”则显得那么另类,任谁也无法把人类视之为神圣的婚姻和爱情比喻成人见人厌的跳蚤。他写道: 看这个小跳蚤/你就明白你对我的否定是多么的渺小/它先是吮吸你的血液,然后是我的 THE FLEA The Flea A Summary The speaker tells his beloved to look at the flea befor

21、e them and to note how little is that thing that she denies him. For the flea, he says, has sucked first his blood, then her blood, so that now, inside the flea, they are mingled; and that mingling cannot be called sin, or shame, or loss of maidenhead. The flea has joined them together in a way that

22、, alas, is more than we would do. As his beloved moves to kill the flea, the speaker stays her hand, asking her to spare the three lives in the flea: his life, her life, and the fleas own life. In the flea, he says, where their blood is mingled, they are almost married-no, more than married-and the

23、flea is their marriage bed and marriage temple mixed into one. Mark but this flea, and mark in this,How little that which thou deniest me is;Me it sucked first, and now sucks thee,And in this flea our two bloods mingled be;Thou knowst that this cannot be saidA sin, or a shame, or loss of maidenhead,

24、Yet this enjoys before it woo,And pampered swells with one blood made of two, And this ,alas, is more than we would do. Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare,Where we almost, nay more than married are.This flea is you and I, and this Our marriage bed and marriage temple is;Though parents grudge, an

25、d you, we are met.And cloistered in these living walls of jet.Though use make you apt to kill me Let not to that, self-murder added be,And sacrilege, three sins in killing three. Cruel and sudden, hast thou sincePurpled thy nail in blood of innocence?Wherein could this flea guilty be,Except in that

26、drop which it sucked from thee?Yet thou triumphst and sayst that thouFindst not thy self nor me the weaker now;Tis true; then learn how false fears be;Just so much honor, when you yieldst to me.Will waste, as this fleas death took life from thee. end 注释1.Mark: notice 注意2.Me it sucked first: It sucke

27、d me first sucked:吮吸3.mingled: 混合,融合4.woo: 求爱5.pampered swells: Pregnancy 指怀孕6.and this, alas, is more than we would do; we, alas, dont dare to hope for this consummation of our love, nevertheless the flee accepts it.7.nay more than married are: we enjoy greater pleasures than those we can after mar

28、riage. Nay: 不仅如此,而且8.grudge: 嫉妒;不愿给9.jet: 黑色10.use: habit 习俗势力11.apt: 有倾向的12.sacriledge: 亵渎;渎圣13.three sins in killing three; the lover will commit three sins in killing his or her lover, the flea and their baby which was not yet born.14.yields to me: 屈从于我,指诗中情人答应了“我”的要求 多恩赠给妻子的诗别离辞节哀是他的另外一首意象丰富的著名诗篇。它的最后三节:我们就算两个吧,两个却这样。/和一副两脚的圆规情况相同/你的灵魂是定脚,并不象/移动,另一脚一移,它也动/虽然它一直是在中心/可是另一个去天涯海角/它就侧了身,倾听八垠/那一个一回家,它就马上挺腰。/你对我就会这样子,我一生/像另外那一脚,得侧身打转/你坚定,我的圆圈也会准/我才会终结在开始的地方 在这首诗的前几节,诗人运用

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