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1、Did you have a good summer holiday? 引导学生回答: Yes, I did. Lets talk about your holiday! Where were you in the summer holiday?S: I was in Beijing/Shanghai/London. What did you do in summer holiday? I read some books, watched the film, played football and did many other things. You did so many things in

2、 summer holiday. You had a wonderful holiday.Presentation activity: Look at this picture. Where is the pigs desk? Is it here? No. It was here, but its not here now. Where is his desk? Its there now. 复习一般过去时的用法:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,重点讲解be动词变was 和were的规则。Step2. Presentation I know you had a wonder

3、ful holiday. You must have got a new friend. Amy has got a new friend, too. She received a letter from her new friend. 1.Lets watch the book again and answer the questions. What is Amy doing?Shes reading a letter.Where does Lucy live?She lives in London. 知识拓展: 介绍伦敦的标志性建筑,如:London Eye, Big Ben, Hyde

4、Park, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge等。 What can you see in London? Lets me show some pictures about London.2. Listen again and think about these questions.1) What day was Lucys birthday?It was Lucys birthday on Saturday. 2) Where were Lucy and Zara?They were at Buckingham Palace. 3) What day was Lu

5、cys birthday?It was Lucys birthday on Saturday.4) What is she like?Shes got long, black hair. Shes very nice.3. Listen and repeat the text. 跟读过程中,学习 “dear, well, of, soon, tell, love”,可进行适当的练习。Step3. PracticeTalk about your new friend. Eg: This is my new friend. Shes Lily. Shes got short, brown hair

6、. Shes very nice, and she always helps people. I like her very much. Practice in group.Who can talk about yours?Step4. Sum-upThis class we learned a letter from Lucy. Lets retell together.单词:重点句型:1. What is she doing?2. What does she live? She lives in London.3. We were at Buckingham Palace.Step5. H

7、omework1. Recite the letter.2. Describe your good friend to your parents.Unit 2 Ive got a new friend.本课以Amy回复来自伦敦朋友的信为基础,巩固Unit1句型Ive got, 并学习描述人的体貌特征的句型:主语+have/has(a/an)+体貌特征的形容词+名词和性格特点的句型:主语+be动词+表示性格特点的形容词,要求学生对于体貌特征和性格特点的词汇有所掌握,并了解相关的国家,如:England, Russia, America等。1.复习巩固以前学习过的如何介绍自己,如:Im fromM

8、y name is Im years old. I like2.要求能听懂会说的词汇:traditional, America, American, China, Chinese, Russia, Russian, England, English. 3.会用句型:I have got a new friend, too. 句型:I got +其他. Shes got short hair. 句型:主语+have/has(a/an)+体貌特征的形容词+名词Shes very clever.主语+be动词+表示性格特点的形容词重点单词和句型的熟练掌握。要求能听懂会说的语言结构:Thank you

9、 for your letter.The weather in Beijing isnt cold .Its warm.Ive got a new friend. Her name is Here is a photo of and Step1. Warming-upSing a song CHILDRENFROMCHINAARECHINESEStep2. Review(1) T: whose photo is it? S: It is a photo of and And who can describe Lingling? Lingling has got short, black hai

10、r. Shes very nice.Step3. Presentation(1) Show a PPT about the flag of China, England, and America, Russia. Let them guess and teach.(2) And play a game .T put four maps back on the Bb, turn and ask Where do you live? answer: I live in (3) Then T give four maps to four Ss , and others guessS1: You li

11、ve in S2:(4) T: teach Chinese, English, American, and Russian. T: OK, you live in China, so you are Chinese.(T put Chinese card on the Bb)and you live in England, you are English.(T put English card on the Bb)(5) Listen the book page6,and match the letter to the photos.Step4. Homework1. Do the exerc

12、ises on activity book.Module 2Unit 1 I helped my mum.本课主要学习用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。围绕Daming昨天帮助妈妈做了家务并按时完成作业的描述展开对一般过去时的学习,在所学的 “was/were”的基础上,学习规则动词的过去式并能正确应用,内容生动形象,符合本阶段学生的特点,容易与现实生活结合进行教学。1. 学生能学会单词并知道他们的过去式:wash, help, finish, clean2. 学生能正确认读功能句:1) I cleaned my room.2) I washed my trousers.3) I helped

13、my mum.3. 学生能在“昨天”这个时间范围内正确理解并初步使用过去式并描述过去的行为。1. 初步感知过去式的正确用法;2. 学习生词并学会运用他们的过去式:wash, help, finish, clean.使学生理解过去式的正确使用范围,学生能有意识的正确使用过去式。课件、单词卡片、照片Step 1. Warm up Look, this is a calendar, today is ? How about this one? Its 呈现单词Yesterday Now read after me: yes-ter-day. 老师重复几遍。 Today is Thursday. 引导

14、学生说出:Yesterday was Wednesday.Step 2. Presentation Yesterday I was very happy, because yesterday I did many things. Lets look and listen what did I do? Do you want to listen again。 What did I do yesterday? 老师引导I watched TV. What else?PPT根据学生的回答来显示图片。 Excellent. Now lets read them together.Step 3. New

15、 lessons1. T: Thats what we did. How about our friend Daming, what did he do yesterday? Lets look and listen. 如果学生答得不好则再听一遍。2. New words.按学生选择的顺序教:clean大小声:I cleaned my room.wash I washed my hands. I washed my T-shirt.finish & help I am drawing a picture, but I cant finish it. Who can finish it? Who

16、 can help me?3. Practice. (拿着卡片) Lets read them. Now, lets put them in the right place. (老师读句子,故意放错,看学生的反应)Read the sentences together.4. Learn grammar. Now let me sum how to use the past simple tense.(重点区分be动词和实义动词的过去式的变换规则)Step 4. Practice1. Have a try. Lets do exercises and please tell me the ans

17、wer.She _ her bed yesterday.She _ her mum yesterday.He _ his trousers yesterday.He _ his homework yesterday.2. Lets show! Talk with your partner about your yesterday. Who wants to show? (鼓励学生上台表演)Step 5. Homework1. Read the text.2. Write the words and the sentences.Unit 2 Amy painted a picture.在第一单元

18、中学生对一般过去时已经有了一个基本的认识和了解,本节课中通过游戏和韵律等活动来进一步呈现一般过去时所表达的意义,让学生准确掌握动词过去式的使用方法和基本的变化规则,同时也为学生学习第三模块一般过去式的否定形式做铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。1. 进一步理解和掌握一般过去时的用法和意义;2. 能够正确地朗读规则动词过去式-ed的读音 / t / / d / / Id/;3. 能够正确地听、说、认读下列句子:Yesterday, Mr. Smart cooked noodles.Ms Smart phoned Grandma.Amy painted a picture.【能力目标】能用一般过去时对他

19、人在过去时间内所做的事情进行简单的描述。【情感目标】 帮助学生体会父母一天的忙碌,教育学生要关爱父母,做力所能及的家务劳动,养成良好的生活习惯。【学习策略目标】1. 通过活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的能力;2. 在语言学习过程中,引导学生采用观察、归纳等方法学习语言。Mr, phone, paint2.重点:能对他人过去发生的一系列动作进行描述。掌握规则动词过去式的变法以及-ed的不同发音, 进一步理解和掌握一般过去时所表示的意义。CD-ROM, 多媒体课件,卡片,活动用书,磁带,录音机等。Step 1. Warming up and revision1. Greet the

20、 students and free talk.2. Listen and sing a song: Lets chant together!3. Go over the story learned in Unit 1. Elicit and help the students retell the story by using Yesterday, Daming Pay attention to past simple tense forms.4. Free talk “What did you do yesterday?” “What did he/she do yesterday?” 5

21、. Showing Smart Family, teach Mr. Then say: Today lets see What did they do yesterday? Step 2. New Concept1. Elicit the new story. (1) Arrange a task for listening. What did the Smarts do yesterday?Get students listen to the CD-ROM and find out the answers.(2) Look and say. Feedback by using the sel

22、f-made software. Show students the pictures one by one with the sentences in which the verbs are deleted. Ask them to tell the sentences. Then copy the main verbs on the board.(3) Check it one by one by asking “Who cooked noodles?” Copy the subjects on the board. (4) Elicit and help them to find the

23、 objects of each sentence. 2. Listen and repeat.Step 3. Practice Play a guessing game. Use the pictures from Activity chant. Cover a certain part of a picture; ask them to guess what the boy/ girl is doing.Step 4. Summary and Test1. Summary.2. Get the students have a test on paper, then hand up.1. 和

24、朋友们谈论你昨天都做了哪些事情。(尽量用英语说一说)2. 背诵课文并签字。Module 3Unit 1 She didnt walk to school yesterday. 本模块主要讲授的是实义动词的一般过去式的否定形式“didnt”的用法。在第一单元中通过运用一般现在时对Lingling生活习惯的描述以及实义动词一般过去时的否定形式对于过去某一天没有发生的活动的描述来进行对比,帮助学生理解否定式的含义及用法。在第二单元中通过阅读. 歌曲及游戏等活动来进一步复习和巩固第一单元中所呈现的重点语言知识。【知识与能力目标】1.学生能够听、说、读、写单词getupwalklearndidntyes

25、terday;2.能够认读、表达和运用重点句Sheusually.Butshedidnt.3.能够正确朗读语篇、获取语篇的信息,在阅读的基础上进行简单的仿写。【情感态度目标】在交流中培养合作意识,学会欣赏和评价他人,激发英语学习的兴趣。另外以National Day为契机,培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的美好情感。正确运用didnt,用didnt描述过去没做过的事情。将一般现在时中第三人称单数后面动词的变化与过去时didnt后面动词的变化进行比较。录音机、磁带、单词卡片、VCD 1.Lets chant:watch, watch, watch, I watch TV.clean, clean, c

26、lean, I clean my room.get, get, get, I get up.walk, walk, walk, I walk to school.2. Free talk: “When do you usually get up? /How do you usually go to school? ” 复习usually的用法。Step 2. Presentation and practice1. 指导学生询问老师的一些情况. 老师就自己的情况做出回答,如:“I usually get up at 7. But I didnt get up at 7 yesterday. ”让

27、学生初步了解“didnt”的意思。2. T: Lingling usually gets up at 7:00. But she didnt get up at 7:00 yesterday, either. 可让学生猜一下没在7点起床的原因。3. 听录音,验证Lingling没在7:00起床的原因。引出“Yesterday was National Day. ”教授National Day给学生补充几个主要国家的国庆节在什么时候并渗透热爱祖国、家乡的情感教育。4. 再听录音。勾出课文中含“didnt”的句子。并初步理解句子的意思。5. 提前给出三个问题,让学生带着问题听录音。Did Lingling get up at 7:00 yesterday?Did Lingling walk to school yesterday?Did Lingling have English at school yesterday?回答问题,教师板书。She didnt get up at 7:00. She didnt walk to school. She didnt have English at school.6.

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