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18 Urgent Signals紧急信号详解Word文件下载.docx

1、一船员严重烧伤,预抵引水站是当地时间0900时,请安排营救船和救护车送往医院。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式Part A: Distress/Urgency messages 遇险/紧急信息1. I require assistance. 我船需要援助。2. I am proceeding to your assistance. 我船正前往援助你。3. What is your position? 你船的位置在哪?My position 3345N, 12119E.我船的位置在3319E处。4. What is your present course and spee

2、d?你船现在的航向和航速是多少?My present course 175, my speed 18.5 knots.我船现在的航向是175度。航速是18.5节。5. How many persons on board? 船上有多少人?Number of persons on board: 30. 有30人在船上。6. Report injured persons. 报告受伤人员。No person injured. 无人受伤。Number of injured persons: 5. 5人受伤。Number of casualties: 3. 3人伤亡。7. Will you abandon

3、 vessel? 你船船员准备弃船吗?Our crew will not abandon vessel. 我船船员不准备弃船。Our crew will abandon vessel at 1200 hours local time.我船船员准备当地时间1200时弃船。8. How many lifeboats will you launch? 你船能放多少救生艇?How many liferafts will you launch? 你船能放多少救生筏?I will launch 4 lifeboats. 我船将放4个救生艇。I will launch 8 liferafts. 我船将放8个

4、救生筏。9. How many persons will stay on board? 多少人将留在船上?No person will stay on board. 无人留在船上。3 persons will stay on board. 3人留在船上。10. What is weather situation in your position?在你船处天气状况怎样?Wind Northeast force Beaufort 6. 东北风,风力6级。Visibility 10kilometres. 能见度10公里。Visibility 8nautical miles. 能见度8海里。Sea 4

5、metres. 4米浪。Swell 2metres. 2米涌。Current 5knots to 093degrees. 水流5节流向093度。11. Are there dangers to navigation? 有航行危险吗?No, no dangers to navigation. 不,没有航行危险。Yes, uncharted rocks. 是的,海图上未标出的礁石。Yes, drifting ice. 是的,有浮冰。Yes, abnormally low tides. 是,有不正常的低潮。Yes, drifting mines. 是,有漂浮水雷。Proceed with cauti

6、on. 谨慎航行。Part B: Achknowledgement and relay of SAR messages 确认并转发搜救信息12. Received MAYDAY from M/V Yu Hong at 1200UTC on channel 16.在协调世界时1200时收到“育红”船在16频道上发射遇险信号。Received MAYDAY from M/V Yue Jin at 0800UTC on frequency 8,364 KHz.在协调世界时0800时收到“跃进”船在8364kHz上发射的遇险信号。13. Vessel in position 1634N, 12050E

7、 on fire.在1650E处有船着火。Vessel in position 2257N, 08715E had explosion.在2215E船爆炸。14. Vessel in position 2137N, 16523E flooded.一艘船在2123E处进水。Vessel in position 175, 3miles from Barr Head lighthouse has collided.一艘船在175距Barr Head灯塔3海里处碰撞。Vessel in position 5713N, 12135W listing.一艘船在5735W处横倾。Vessel in posi

8、tion 3519S, 10911W in danger of capsizing.一艘船在3511W处倾覆。Vessel in position 4023S, 07553W sinking.一艘船在4053W处沉没。Vessel in position 0330S, 00730W disabled and adrift.一艘船在0330W处失控且漂浮。Vessel in position 0940N, 14511E abandoned.一艘船在0911E处被弃。15. Vessel requires assistance.船舶需要援助。16. Received your MAYDAY.收到你

9、船的遇险信号。My position 1830N, 04318E.我船在1818E处。17. M/V Grand Noble proceeds to your assistance.“大贵族”船正前往援助你。18. When will you arrive?你船何时到达?When will assistance arrive?援助何时能抵达?I will arrive within 3 hours.我船在3小时内到达。Assistance will arrive at 1200 UTC.援助船将在协调世界时1200时抵达。Part C: Performing/Co-ordinating SAR

10、-operations 实施/协助搜救操作19. This is M/V Aberous. I will act as Co-ordinator Surface Search.这是“艾伯鲁斯”船,我船将实施协调海面搜寻。This is M/V Midas. I will show following signals.这是“梅达斯”船。我船将显示下列信号。This is M/V Meng Hai. I will show following lights.这是“孟海”船,我船将显示下列信号。20. Can you proceed to distress position?你船开往遇险位置吗?Ye

11、s, I can proceed to distress position.是的,我船能开往遇险位置。No, I cannot proceed to distress position.不,我船不能开往遇险位置。21. The position given in MAYDAY not correct.遇险时给出的遇险位置不正确。Correct position 2356N, 10146E.正确位置是2346E。22. Vessels are advised to proceed to position 0316N, 10730E to start rescue.救助船被告知开往0330E开始营

12、救工作。23. Carry out search pattern anthority ashore starting at 0900 UTC.从协调世界时0900时实施以岸站为搜索指挥中心的工作。Carrying out search pattern anthority ashore starting at 0900 UTC.从协调世界时0900时开始实施以岸站为搜索指挥中心的工作。24. Initial course 090, search speed 8knots.开始航向090,搜索速度8节。25. Carry out radar search.用雷达搜寻。Carrying out ra

13、dar search.26. M/V Great Nancy is allocated track number 6.“巨南希”船被分配给跟踪号码6。27. M/V Fu Hai adjust interval between vessels to 2kilometres.“福海”船调整船舶间距为2公里。28. M/V Maritime King and M/V Parrot Lake adjust interval between vessels to 2nautical miles.“海王”船和“鹦鹉湖”船调整船舶间距为2海里。Interval between vessels to adj

14、usted to 2nautical miles.船舶间距已调整到2海里。29. Adjust track spacing to 2kilometres.调整搜寻间距到2公里。Adjust track spacing to 2nautical miles.调整搜寻间距到2海里。Track spacing adjusted to 2nautical miles.搜寻间距已调整到2海里。30. Search speed now 5knots.搜索速度现在5节。31. Alter course to 175.转向175度。Course altered to 175已转向175度。32. Alter

15、course for next leg of track now.现在转向进入下一个航迹区内。33. We resume search in position 0616S, 00910W.我们船恢复在0610W位置处搜寻。34. Crew has abandoned vessel.船员已弃船。Part D: Finishing with SAR-operations 结束搜救工作35. What is result of search?搜索结果如何?Result of search negative.搜索结果什么也没有。36. Continue search in position 0850N

16、, 05335E.继续在0835E处搜寻。37. Sighted vessel in position 1148N, 14711E.在1111E处看见一艘船。Sighted derelict in position 0635S, 09354W.在0654W处看见抛弃物。Sighted lifeboats in position 3922S, 11236E.在3936E处看到救生艇。Sighted lifejackets in position 2136N, 02816W.在2116W处看到救生衣。Sighted oil slick in position 3920N, 10700E.00E处看

17、见油迹。38. Can you pick up survivors?你船能救起幸存者吗?Yes, I can pick up survivors.是的,我船能救起幸存者。No, I cannot pick up survivors.不,我船不能救起幸存者。39. M/V Maritime Victory will proceed to pick up survivors.“海上功成”船将驶往接幸存者。Stand by at lifeboats.在救生艇上待命。40. Pick up 6 survivors in position 0510N, 107在0536E处救起6人。Pick up 2

18、lifejackets in position 3532N, 11518W.在3518W处打捞上两件救生衣。41. Picked up liferaft with 3 casualties in position 0200S, 11520W.在0220W处打捞上载有3个遇难者的救生筏。42. Picked up 3 casualties in lifejackets in position 0109S, 10930 E.在0130E处打捞上3个穿救生衣的遇难者。43. Survivors in bad condition.幸存者状态不良。Survivors in good condition.

19、幸存者状态很好。44. Do you require medical assistance?你船需要医药援助吗?Yes, I require medical assistance.是的,我船需要医药援助。No, I do not require medical assistance.不,我船不需要医药援助。45. Try to obtain information from survivors.试试看从幸存者口中得到信息。46. There are still 7 liferafts with survivors.仍有7个内有幸存者的救生筏。There are no more lifeboat

20、s with survivors.再没有里面有幸存者的救生艇了。47. Total number of persons on board was 20.船上原有人数共计20人。48. Rescue all persons.救起所有人。49. M/V Tuan Jie can stop search and proceed.“团结”船可以停止搜寻并续航。50. There is no hope to rescue more persons.没有希望救起更多的人。51. We finish with SAR operations.我们船完成了搜救操作。Part E: Person overboar

21、d 人员落水52. M/V Dainty River lost person overboard in position 3350N, 13340E.在3340E处“雅河”船有人落水。53. Assist with search in vicinity of position 33请协助在3340E附近搜寻。54. All ships in vicinity of position 2019S, 06338W. Keep sharp lookout and report to M/V Man Hai.所有在2038W附近的船要仔细瞭望,如有消息报告给“曼海”船。55. I am proceed

22、ing for assistance, and arriving at 1330UTC.我船将前往援助,将在协调世界时1330时抵达。56. Search in vicinity of position 6550N, 00930E.请在6530E附近搜寻。57. M/V Wu Chang Hu searching in vicinity of position 3726N, 07532E.“武昌湖”船在3732E附近搜寻。58. Aircraft arriving within 2 hours to assist in search.直升机2小时内到,以帮助搜寻。59. Can you con

23、tinue search?你船能继续搜寻吗?Yes, I can continue the search.是的,我船能继续搜寻。No, I can not continue search.不,我船不能继续搜寻。60. Stop search and return to base.停止搜寻,返回基地。Search stopped-returning to base.已停止搜寻正返航。61. Stop search and proceed your voyage.停止搜寻,并继续航行。Search stopped-proceeding my voyage.停止搜寻,我船继续航行。62. I loc

24、ated person in position 5432N, 16826E.我船在5426E处发现一个人。63. M/V Ping Xing Guan picked up person in position 4643N, 13150E.“平型关”船在4650E处救起一个人。64. Person picked up is crewmember of M/V Wei Shan Hu.被救起的人是“微山湖”船的船员。65. What is condition of person?人员状况如何?Person dead.有人死亡。Condition of person bad.人员状况不好。Condi

25、tion of person good.人员状况很好。Part F: Requesting medical assistance 请求医药援助66. I require medical assistance.我船请求医药援助。67. What kind of assistance do you require?你船需要何种援助?I require boat for hospital transfer.我船需要小船送病人去医院。I require radio medical advice.我船需要无线电医药咨询。I require helicopter with doctor.我船需要直升机并载医生来。I require helicopter to pick up person.我船需要直升机来接人。68. I will arrange for boat.我将安排小船。I will arrange for medical advice on VHF channel 13.我将安排VHF13频道进行医药咨询。I will arrange for medical advice on frequency 2187.5 kHz.我将安排频率2187.5kHz进行医药咨询。69. Boats will arrive within 2 hours.小船2小时内到。

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