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1、 Now donsee .thatt go just digging around in there! . Hmmm, let s my first diary. Can I No, you canboyfrie nd in there. He became your gran dfather!t read it! It s pers on al! I wrote about my first Oh, ok .Well then, whats that? It has your picture in it. That s my passport. YOU can see, I traveled

2、 to Europe byship. What s that big book? My year book. It s my high school book of memories. Class of 1961! Boy, that s old! s about eno ugh out of you, young man. I think ittime we put this box away and Liste ning 2At the age of thirteen, I took my first trip alone. I went to visitmy gran dpare nts

3、 in Los An geles. I felt very n ervous abouttraveling so far, but my mother said, “ Don t worry. Youfine. ” I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me. My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home. I stayed there for two weeks, and I h

4、ad so much fun with them! It was my first time in LosAngeles, and I saw lots of really interesting places. In the end, Ididn t want to go home!Liste ning 3Maki ng memoriesA popular new hobby is scrapbooking-making beautifulbooks to hold special memories. Scrapbook pages can in cludes not hard to mak

5、e aphotos, draw in gs, jour nal en tries. It scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years. Here are the steps.1.Choose a theme for your scrapbook pages. Some examples:“ School days, ” “ Family travel, ” “ Memories of mygrandparents, ” “ Baby s first year. ”2.Select photos for each page. Two or three

6、 really good photos are better tha n ten so-so photos.3.Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos. Look for old n ewspaper clipp in gs, postcards, tickets, report cards, letters- anything made of paper. Use your imagination!4.Desig n the pages. Put photos and keepsakes together on each page

7、 and move them around until you find a layout that you like.5.Glue your photos and keepsakes into place. Then decorate your pages with felt pens, paint, and stickers. Use yourimagi nati on!6.Label your pages. This is the most important step!Remember to write down the “ 5 Ws ” of your photos: Who,Wha

8、t, Where, Whe n, and Why. This will make your scrapbook much more interesting and valuable in the future.Liste ning 4Yearbooks in the Un ited StatesMost high schools in the United States publish a yearbook. The yearbook comes out once a year, usually in the spring. It is a record of the school year

9、a “ book of memories ” for thestude nts.In side a yearbook is each stude nt s photo. The seniors aregraduating soon, and their photos appear first. Next are the juniors. They are one year behind the seniors. Next come the sophomores, or sec on d-year stude nts. The last photos are the first-year stu

10、de nts, the freshme n. The yearbook is not on ly about stude nts. The teachers have photos, too.The yearbook also has photos and descriptio ns of sports teams, academic subjects, and extracurricular activities. These are activities students do after school, such as the chess club and Spanish club. T

11、here is eve n a yearbook club. Stude nts in this club write, desig n, and take photos all year for the yearbook. At the end of the year, the book is pr in ted.In the yearbook, some students receive special titles. The seniorsvote and choose the “ class clown ”( a funny student), the“ most likely to

12、succeed ” ( a stude nt every one thinks will besuccessful), and the “ best dressed ” (a student with a goodfashi on sen se). There are also other awards and categories.Students typically sign each other s yearbooks. This isespecially importa nt for the seniors, because they are graduati ng.Students

13、write notes to each other, such as, “ We had a lot offun, ” o“ I II never forget you. ” They also write about all thefun and funny experie nces they shared in school together.Keys:0L1: A. 2-passport; 1-diary; 3-yearbook B. 1. boyfrie nd 2.Europe, ship 3. sixtiesOL2: B. 1.13; 2. To vist his grandpare

14、nts; 3. Yes. He talked for along time to a nice woman; 4. He had lots of fun with hisgrandparents and he saw lots of interesting places. In the end, he even didn t want to go home.OL3: B. 1. Scrapbook ing is maki ng beautiful books to hold special memories. Photos, pictures, etc. can be in cluded in

15、 scrapbooks. 2.Old n ewspaper clipp in gs, postcards, tickets, report cards, letters.3.The “ 5 Ws ” of the photos: who, what, where, when and why.4.“ School days ” , “ Family travel ” , “ Memories of mygrandparents ”,“ Baby s first year 5. Usdimagination todesig n the pages, and the n decorate them

16、with felt pens, paint and stickers.OL4: A 1. Most high school in the US; 2. Because they aregraduati ng soon. 3.Y es; 4. At the end of the year. 5t mea ns astude nt with a good fashi on sen se.B. 2. photo; 3. seniors; 4. sports; 5. yearbook; 6. titles; 7.sig n; 8. memories0L51. choose; 2. wear; 3. b

17、racelet; 4. ring; 5. favorite keepsake; 6.pendant; 7. she was in college; 8. had no frien ds; 9. rem ind her tobe stron g; 10. perfect jewelry.Unit 2, Book 2Opti onal Liste ning 11Man: Where are you running to, Paula?Woman I have Connie s wallet. I need to give it to her.M: Come on. I ll help you.W:

18、 I don t see Connie any where. Look! She s over there. Standig at the bus stop. Oh yeah, I see her. Connie! Connie! She doesn t see us. You re right, It s too no isy, and she s talk ing to some one.s house.s my first time meeting your Well, here we are. This is my mom It s beautiful. Hey, Je n. Are

19、you okay? I m just a little n ervous. Itmother Come on. Don t worry. Here she is now.W2: Hi, Tim! Hi, Mon. I d like you to meet Jen. Hi, Jen. It s very nice to meet you. s nice to meet you, too. Mrs. Harris. Hey, Anne. Where are you going? m going to the library to study. For what? s only 7:00 a.m.!

20、 My final exams. They re n ext week. Wow, well, good luck! Tha nks!4. Bill, it s late. Where s the theater? Hmmm I think it s near here. Are you sure? What street is this? Uhm I don t know. Where s the map? I want to check.Optional Listening 2Paula: So, Jane, what are you doing these days?Jane: m wo

21、rki ng in an ofice. And I m study ing computerscie nee in the eve ning.P: re rely busy!J: s for sure! And in my free time, I m learning Spanish fmy vacatio n. I m pla nning a trip to Mexico next year. What about your brothers? How are they doing? They re doing great! Alex is help ing our father in h

22、is bus in ess,and Adam is going to Pacific Un iversity. How n ice! Paula, how about you? How are you doing these days? m doing great, too. I m worki ng on a project aboutcom mun ity safety. Community safety? Yeah. We re pla nning a campaig n aga inst theft, fire ,AIDSand drugs in our com muni ty. Oh

23、, that sounds in teresti ng! Yes, indeed it is interesting, and it is very important to the com muni ty.Opti onal Liste ning 3Know before you go!In Ban gladesh people greet their friends by shaki ng hands softlyand the n putt ing their hands over their heart. People inBangladesh don t use many gestu

24、res. Waving at people andwinking are very rude. Don t touch people on the head. Donpoint with your foot-Ban gladeshi people thi nk feet are very dirty.Indon esia ns greet people with a long han dshake, and they bow at the same time. At a meeti ng, give every pers on your bus in ess card, but use you

25、r right handusing your left hand is very rude in Indon esia.In Thaila nd, the traditi onal greet ing is called wai-people puttheir hand s together and bow. Men and women don t oftentouch each other in public. Thai people don t use their hand forgestures, but they love to smile a lot. They sometimes

26、laughwhe n they feel n ervous or embarrassed.People in the Un ited Arab Emirates have some special gestures.Whe n two men meet, they shake han ds. Sometimes old men touch no ses together. Wome n kiss their friends on the cheek. If a man meets a woman, he doesn t shake hands with her. He justt point

27、asmiles. When you give your friend something, give it to him with your right hand. Don t use your left hand. And donpeopole with your fin ger. Use your hand to gesture towards them.Opti onal Liste ning4World greeti ngsIn Brazil men often shake hands when they meet for the first time. Whe n wome n me

28、et, they kiss each other on the cheek. Wome n also kiss male friends to say hello. When you shake han ds, look at the pers on in the eyes. This shows in terest and frie ndli ness.In New Zeala nd, usually, both men and wome n shake hands whe n they meet some one for the first time. Fun fact: If you s

29、ee two people press ing their no ses together, they are probably Maori. The Maori are the native people of New Zealand. This is their traditi onal greet ing.In Japan when people meet for the first time, they usually bow. In bus in ess, people also shake han ds. In formal situati ons, people ofte n e

30、xcha nge bus in ess cards. When you give a bus in ess card, give it with both han ds. This is polite. Special no te: In Japa n, a smile can have differe nt meanin gs. It usually means that the pers on is happy. or that the pers on thinks someth ing is funny. But it also mean that the person is embarra

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