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1、nothing3. Break Ss into groups; and have them discuss for about five minutes; and after the group presentation, sum up the discussion and get down to the text.II. Text-related Information1. Carolyn Kane Carolyn kane, PhD. Graduated from the Department of Culture and Communication of New York Univers

2、ity, and is a professor in the field of education.2. PTA (Parent-Teacher Association)PTA is an organization of local groups of teachers and the parents of their pupils that works for the improvement of the schools and the benefit of the pupils. The stated purposes of the PTA are to bring the home an

3、d school into closer relationship so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the training of the child, and to develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in mental, social, and physical education. 3. Yel

4、low PagesA classified telephone directory (通讯录), or section of a directory, listing subscribers (用户,订户) by the type of business or service they offer, usually printed on yellow paper and with classified advertising. III. Language Points1.ridiculous : adj. very silly or unreasonable 荒唐的,愚蠢的 That is a

5、 ridiculous idea! Id look ridiculous in a address like that.absolutely/totally/utterly ridiculous Its an absolutely ridiculous is ridiculous that Its ridiculous that we have to wait six week.ridiculously adv. A ridiculously expensive jacketridicuousness n.2.regulate vt.1) to control an a

6、ctivity or process,especially by rules.控制,管理 Strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food2) to make a machine or your body work at a particular speed, temperature etc.调整,调节 People sweat to regulate their body heat.regulation n.1)c an official rule or order There seem to be so many rules and

7、regulations these days.搭配 1.regulation onNew regulations on importsply with/meet/conform to regulation 遵守规定 Break/make regulation3.underregulations Under the new regulations, all staff must have safety training.2)uc control over sth., especially by rules.regulation of sth. The regulation of public s

8、pending 公共开支的管理regulator n.c1) an instrument for controling the temperature, speed etc.of something a heat regulator 2) someone who makes sure that a system operates properly or fairly Traffic safety regulators3.promote vt.1) to help something to develop or increase; 促进,增进 A meeting to promote trade

9、 between Taiwan and the UK Fertilizer promotes leaf growth.2)usually passive to give someone a better more responsible job in a company 晋升 用法 promote sb. to sth. Helen was promoted to senior manager.3)to try to persuade people to support or use something; 提倡 John promoted the idea of a classless soc

10、iety.promotion n. a move to a more important job or position in a company or organization; I want a job with good prospects for promotion.promotion to Your promotion to Senior Editor is now official.4. shun vt. ( shunned, shunning) to deliberately avoid someone or something; A shy woman who shunned

11、publicity Victims of the disease found themselves shunned by society.5.administration n.1)uc the activities that are involved in managing the work od a company or organization; (公司或机构的)管理,行政 We are looking for someone with experience in administration. The health service spends too much on administr

12、ation.2) c the government of a country at a particular time; 政府 The Kennedy administraton The problem has been ignored by successive administration.administer vt.1) usually passive to manage the work or money of a company or organization; 管理,治理 The money will be administered by local charities. Our

13、office administers the affairs of the society.2)to provide or organize something officially as part of your job; 执行,实施administer justice/ punishment etc. It is not the job of the police to administer justice;that falls to the courts.6.vague adj.1) unclear because someone dose not give enough detaile

14、d information or does not say exactly what they mean; 含糊的,不明确的 The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax vague about Julia was vague about where she had been and what she had been doing.2) have a vague idea/ feeling etc. that to think that something might be true or that you remember

15、 something ,although you can not be sure; 隐约地想到,记起 Larry had the vgue feeling hed done something embarrasing the night before.3) not having a clear shape or form sym indistinct; 模糊不清的 The vague shape of a figure loomed through the mist.搭配 1)a vague idea/ notion The students only had a vague idea of

16、what they were supposed to do.2)a vague sense/ feeling She had a vague sense that she had let something important slip away.3)a vague impression Everything happens so quickly, though, that all you are ;left with is a vague impression.vagueness n. ucvaguely adv.1) slightly 稍微 I vaguely remember a wom

17、an in a red dress standing outside the door. There was something vaguely familiar about him.2) not clearly or exactly; 不具体地,不详细地 His statement was very vaguely worded.7.sneak v. (sneaked or snuck)1) intransitive always + adverb/preposition to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being

18、 seen or heard SYN creep 偷偷地走sneak in/out/away etc They sneaked off without paying! She snuck out of the house once her parents were asleep. 2)to hide something and take it somewhere or give it to someone secretly : 偷偷地拿 I snuck her a note. 搭配sneak something through/past etc somebody/something Dougl

19、as had sneaked his camera into the show. 搭配sneak a look/glance/peek to look at something quickly and secretly, especially something that you are not supposed to see : He sneaked a look at her. 3) transitive informal to quickly and secretly steal something unimportant or of little value 偷拿(不重要或不值钱的东西

20、)搭配 sneak something from somebody We used to sneak cigarettes from Dad. 搭配sneak on somebody to tell someone such as a parent or teacher about something that another person has done wrong, because you want to cause trouble for that person : 打小报告 A little brat named Oliver sneaked on me. 搭配sneak up to

21、 come near someone very quietly, so that they do not see you until you reach them 蹑手蹑脚地靠近sneak up on/behind etc I wish you wouldnt sneak up on me like that!同义词辨析to walk quietly tiptoe: to walk quietly and carefully on your toes because you do not want to make a noise :I tiptoed out trying not to wak

22、e the baby. Creep: to walk quietly and slowly because you do not want anyone to see or hear you : Stella crept up the stairs, hoping not to wake her parents. Sneak: to walk quietly so that no-one notices you, especially because you are doing something you should not do :They sneaked off without payi

23、ng. | I quickly sneaked out to have a cigarette. Pad: to walk quietly without wearing shoes also used about cats and dogs walking quietly :Michelle got up and padded barefoot down to the kitchen. The cat padded in, asking for her food. 8.stuff n. uc 1) things informal used when you are talking about

24、 things such as substances, materials, or groups of objects when you do not know what they are called, or it is not important to say exactly what they are : 东西,物品 Ive got some sticky stuff on my shoe. How do you think youre going to fit all that stuff into the car? I felt sorry for the ones who had

25、to eat the awful stuff. 2) sbs stuff informal the things that belong to someone : 某人的物品 Did you get the rest of your stuff?3) activities/ideas informal used when talking about different activities, subjects, or ideas, when you do not say exactly what these are : (某人从事的)活动,事情 What kind of stuff do yo

26、u like to read? Ive got so much stuff to do this weekend. He does mountain biking and skiing, and stuff like that . 4) work/art informal used when you are talking about what someone has done or made, for example writing, music, or art : 作品,乐曲,艺术 I dont like his stuff. John Lee was getting ready to p

27、lay his stuff. He did some great stuff in his early films. 5) the qualities of someones character : 某人的本质,品质 Does he have the right stuff (= qualities that make you able to deal with difficulties ) ? Surely youre not going to give up? I thought you were made of sterner stuff (= were more determined

28、) . 搭配 do/show your stuff informal to do what you are good at when everyone wants you to do it : Come on Gina, get on the dance floor and do your stuff9. suspicious adj. 1) thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest 怀疑的,猜疑的搭配 1.suspicious of Some of his colleagues at work became suspicious of his behaviour. 2.suspicious about They were suspicious about my past. His reluctance to answer my questions made me suspicious . She gave him

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