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1、 Im saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Cant we ever just have food? Are you doing drugs? What? Change in behavior is one of the warning signs and you have been as fresh as paint for the last six months. That would explain why youre always locked in the bathroom. Trust me, that is not what

2、he is doing. Shut up. Mom, Im not the one have a problem here, right?re the one who is acting like shes running for mayor of Stepford. Rex. Seeing that youre the head of this household, I would really appreciate you saying something.Rex: Pass the salt.Mary Alice Young: Three days after my funeral, L

3、ynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion. Indignation.Lynette: Tom, this is my fifth message and you still havent called me back. Well, you must be having a lot of fun on your business trip. I can only imagine. Well, guess what, the kids and I want to have some fun, too, so unless y

4、ou call me back by noon, we are getting on a plane and joining you.Boy: Mum. Not now, honey, Mommys threatening Daddy. No. Where are you brothers?Natalie Kline: Lynette Scavo! Crap! Hi, dont believe it! Lynette! How long has it been? Years! How are you? Hows the firm? Good. Everyone misses you. We a

5、ll say that if you hadnt quit, youd be running the placeby now. So, hows domestic life? Dont you just love being a mom? And there it was. The question that Lynette always dreaded. Well, to be honest. For those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable. So Lynette responded as she always did. She

6、lied.s the best job Ive ever had.妙语佳句,活学活用1. osso buco: An Italian dish made of veal shanks braised with olive oil, white wine, stock, onions, tomatoes, garlic, anchovies, carrots, celery and lemon peel. Traditionally, osso buco is garnished with gremolata and served accompanied by risotto. In Itali

7、an, osso buco means pierced bone.翻译成中文就是“炖小牛膝”、“焖小牛腿肉”,是带骨头的。一般意大利餐馆都有。2. doing drugsDo这个词简直可以说是英语中的万能词了,和不同的词搭配、在不同的语境下有不同的意思。对白中的doing drugs就是“吸毒”的意思,再比如:A rest will do you good.休息一下对你有好处的。Kate Blanchett did Elizabeth I in the film Elizabeth I.凯特布兰切特在电影伊丽莎白一世中扮演伊丽莎白一世。Who did the flowers?谁插的花?3. a

8、s fresh as paint生气勃勃的,精神饱满的通常吸毒的人在吸食毒品后都会表现的很有精气神,这是毒品作用力的结果。而吸毒的人如果突然中止吸毒或是减少吸毒量,就会发生严重的戒断反应及各种并发症,常常会引起死亡,甚至会因痛苦难忍而自杀身亡。我们来看个例子:That boy looks as fresh as paint.那个男孩看起来很有活力。4. run for, run the placeRun for的意思是“竞选”,相当于campaign for; run the place的意思则是“主管,经营,掌管”,相当于manage;例如:John Cliff is running for

9、 the mayor of our town.约翰克利夫正在竞选我们镇的镇长。David wants to kick Bob out and runs the company by himself.大卫想把鲍勃踢走,自己掌管公司。5. the head of this household“一家之主”,和我们汉语中的说法很相似吧?6. crapShit的稍微好一点的称呼。在口语中,crap可以用来表示“不好的东西,没意思,无聊,不值得的事情”,也可以用来表示惊讶或是愤怒。而bullshit则多用在有人对你撒谎、你表示生气的场合,或是很荒谬、可笑的场合。在这个片段中,当Lynette看到以前公司的

10、同事,更加刺激了她那绝望无助的家庭主妇身份,因此说了一句Crap!7. domestic life注意这里可不是“国内生活”,而是“家庭生活”。 Susan awoke that night alone and parched. And as she gazed out her window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst.Julie: Dear Diary. Mike doesnt even know Im alive.Susan: Shut up. If you want to date hi

11、m, youre gonna have to ask him out. I keep hoping hell ask me out.s that going? Shouldnt you be making brownies for your nerdy friends? I cant find the measuring cup. Have you seen it? The measuring cup? Yeah. Hmm. I, uh, well, its gotta be here somewhere. Just keep looking.Carlos: I know youre awak

12、e.Gabrielle:re a jerk. Dinner with Tanaka ran long. Im sorry. You know, Carlos, I didnt marry you so I have dinner by myself 6 times a week. You know how bored I was today. I came this close to actually cleaning the house.t be that way. I got you a gift. Nope. No, no, no, no. Youre not gonna buy you

13、r way out of this one.s a good gift. Is that white gold? Yeah. Put it on. And then make love to me. Not in the mood. But, we could stay up and talk. When a man buys a woman expensive jewelry, there are many things he may want in return. For future reference, conversation aint one of them. Hey, that

14、was a joke. Yeah, right. What the hell is wrong with you? Let go of been acting like a nightmare for a month. Stop! Whats wrong?t fix it unless you tell me.s not exciting anymore, Carlos. So what am I supposed to do? I dunno. Be the way you used to be. Surprise me. Take my breath away. Okay. O

15、kay!Mike: Hey, Susan. Mike! I didnt realize anybody was going to be out here. I just sort of rolled out of bed.m sure you look fine. Bongo, Bongo, Bongo. No, no. Behave. Sorry. Hescares easy. No, it, it, its fine. I get it.t mean to disturb you. Ill see you later. Did you want to have dinner with me

16、? Just the two of us? Well, and Julie. Uh, its a thing we do when somebody new moves into the neighborhood, we invite them over for a home-cooked meal. Its sort of a tradition. I thought you said you were a lousy cook. Well, Iorder take-out. Oh. You invite them over for home-cooking and you give em

17、takeout. Yeah, its, its, uh, its sort of a new tradition. Im working out the kinks.ll tell you what. How bout I cook. And you guys come over to my place? Oh! Great. Friday night at six?ll be there. Alright. Bye, Bongo.1. Nerdy书呆子式的,书呆子气的不管在哪里,“书呆子”式的人似乎都不怎么受欢迎。Nerdy是指“书呆子式的,书呆子气的”,它的名词形式是nerd (书呆子)。

18、Did you see his pocket protector? What a nerd!你看到他用的口袋保护袋了吗?真是呆死了!2. its gotta be here somewhere.“应该就在这附近吧。”很口语化的句子,赶快学起来。3. Dont be that way.别这样。这也是一个非常生活化的句子。恐怕很多男女朋友吵架的时候都会说到:你不要这样子好不好?就是这个Dont be that way了。4. buy your way out of this one大多数有钱的男人和女人都有这种毛病,以为可以用金钱来补偿爱情和亲情。财大气粗的Carlos也不例外。这里Gabriel

19、le的意思是:你不要以为买个礼物给我,我就能原谅你了。5. Behave规矩点在国外,如果小孩子淘气,做妈妈的经常会说Behave!意思就是“规矩点”。当然这个词不只是对小孩子用的,也可以用来威胁人,比如:Behave! Or Ill kick your ass!规矩点,不然我就踢你!6. He scares easy.他容易受惊。Scare除了我们常讲的“惊吓,使恐慌”的意思外,还有不及物动词的用法:受惊,比如:That child scares easily.那个孩子容易受惊。7. order take-out叫外卖知道“叫”外卖怎么说吗?就是order take-out,和在餐馆点餐一样

20、,比如你可以这样问:Can I order take-out here?你们这儿有外卖吗? When I was alive, I maintained many different identities: lover, wife, and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves. Like my friend, Lynette. She used to see herself as a career woman. And a huge

21、ly successful one at that. She was known for her power lunches. her eye-catching presentations. and her ruthlessness inwiping outthe competition. Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label: incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother. Scavo residence. Yes, this is me. But, unfortunately for

22、 Lynette, this new label frequentlyfell short ofwhat was advertised. How in the world did they.Ms. Butters: I left the door to the art supply cupboard open for five minutes. Thats all. Five minutes. The little girl. Why didnt she say anything? Your boys work quickly. Well, obviously, they will be pu

23、nished for this. Severely. I hesitate bringing this up sinceyou got so ugly about itlast time. They dont have attention deficit disorder. And Im not going to drug my boys just to make your job easier. Id rather change teachers. The boys are in my class because Im the only teacher who can handle them

24、. What if we separate the twins? Put them in different classes. Theyre much calmer when theyre not bouncing off one another. We can try that. But if it doesnt work, we may not longer be able to accommodate them. It suddenly occurred to Lynette her label was about to change yet again. And for the nex

25、t few years, she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelrod blue. It looked to be an interesting afternoon on Wisteria Lane. A mysterious cassette tape had been discovered by my friend, Bree. She had stolen it from her marriage counselor. A counselor Id once spoken to in st

26、rictest confidence.Dr. Goldfine: So, how have you been? I had the nightmare again.s so weird to hear Mary Alice. Still the same one.Mary Alice: Yes. But this time, I was standing in a river, and I saw the girl under the water. She kept screaming Angela over and over again. So what do you think the significance of the name Angela is? Actually, thats my real name. Her real name? That doesnt make any sense. Ive seen her drivers license. It did not say Angela.

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