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1、八下U5T2p5Unit5FeelingExcitedTopic2ImfeelingbetteUnit 5 Feeli ng ExcitedTopic 2 I m feeling better now.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Feeling Excited为主题。第二话题在系表结构表达感情的基础上学习与别人分享What seems to be the problem?自己的感受并学会安慰和提出建议的表达法。主要功能句有How are you feeli ng today? Why don t you talk to some one whe n you feel sad? I wa

2、s really up setand Ionely.主要语法是原因状语从句和同级比较结构的肯定和否定形式。本话题的词汇是描述感受和感情的形容词以及提出建议的动词。 此外在语音学习环节将关注双元音 / I ?/和/ e? /Project的活动讨论同学们的问题的区别,句子中的停顿、弱读和不完全爆破等,最后通过并提出相应的建议,对所学内容进行积极应用,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。第二课时:第三课时:Section A-3 Sectio n B-1a,1b,1cSection B-2a,2b Sectio n C -2 Section B -3a,3b第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,

3、 3,4第五课时:Secti on D-Grammar and Fun cti ons, 1a, 1b, 2,P roject第五课时(Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 2,Project)教学设计思路:本节课的课型为复习课。在复习环节设置了两个任务,学生需要回顾整个话题的语言知识才能完成,从而系统全面地对本话题进行复习。 在阅读任务中,Pre-reading环节里利用师生讨论的方式学习新词汇,并利用构词法等方式帮助学生记忆词汇。 While-reading环节里学生精Pre-writ ing读课文并回答问题,之后以师生讨论的方式解决文中的语言点

4、。在写作任务中,环节里学生两人一组讨论怎样处理坏情绪。 While-writing环节里,强调在作文中运用所学语言是学习语言的好方法。Post-writing环节里学生相互欣赏和批改作文, 取长补短。Project是利用本话题所学的知识完成任务, 并教育学生关心他人, 乐于帮助他人,必要时提出有用的建议。I . Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims :(1)学习并掌握新词汇和短语。deal, elder, refuse, anyone, though, useless, sad ness, un fair(2)复习原因状语从句和同级比较的结构。2.Skill aims:(

5、1)能正确运用本话题所学内容、比较流利地谈论如何处理不良情绪。(2)能阅读有关如何处理不良情绪的短文,并能做出相关的阅读练习。(3)能综合运用本话题的语法,词汇,句型写出自己遇到的问题以及处理的方法,并能为有类似烦恼的同伴提出合理的建议。3.Emotio nal aims:通过本节课的学习,当有不良情绪滋生的时候,要学会寻求帮助和适当宣泄。同时要关 心他人,乐于帮助他人,为同伴提出合理的建议。4.Culture aware ness:n . The key points and difficult pointsKey points :1.能综合运用本话题的语法,词汇,句型写出自己遇到的问题以及

6、处理的方法,并能为有类似烦恼的同伴提出合理的建议。2.掌握并运用原因状语从句和同级比较结构。Difficult points综合运用本话题的语法,词汇,句型进行写作,解决实际问题。n . Learning strategies将学到的表达方式运用到自己的习作当中是掌握新知识的一个好办法。IV. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V Teaching p roceduresStage 1(2mins): Getting students ready for learningSte pTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purposeGree

7、ti ng as usual. Prepare for theGreeting as usual. Preparenew less on.for the new less on. A stude ntmakes a duty rep ort.T: Good morning, every one!Ss: Good morning, Miss T:How are you feeli ng today?Ss: Very well. Thank you.T: Who on duty today? Give youduty rep ort, pl ease.Ss: Good morning, every

8、 one.Im on duty today.1(Class activity)Remark :这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2( 10mins): RevisionSte PTeacher activityStudent activityDesigningpurposeAsk the students to make aMake a con versati on to让学生做对话复con versati on to review thefunctions.T: Suppose Alice i

9、s a new stude ntin our class. She looks unhappy.Make a conversation with herreview the functions.习本话题的功能句。1(P air work)using the sentences in the form ofFunctions.T: Who would like to show yourcon versati on?Ss:P1:S1: How are you feelingtoday, Alice?S2: I was really up set andIon ely.S1: What seems

10、to be thep roblem?S2: I miss my parents and myfriends very much.S1: Why don you talk withto some one when you aresad?S2: I want to, but I donknow how to talk with othersabout it.S1:Would you like to becomemy friend?S2: I love to. Tha nk you.Review adverbial clauses ofThink back of Li Hong让学生回顾LiHong

11、的故事并写reas on and equal comp aris onstory and write a report toreview adverbial clauses ofreas onandequalcomp aris on.成简单复习原句和同的短文因状语级比较2(Group work)构。T: Good job! Now work in gro ups and think back of the story of LiHong. And then write a report telling us the reasons why she seems unhappy and how s

12、he is now. You should use adverbial clauses of reason and equal comp aris on.T: Who can sta nd for your gro upand have a try?Ss:before.S1: Li Hong was a newstude nt a few mon ths ago. Atthat time, she felt up set andIonely because she has nofriends to talk with. Shecouldn sleep as well asusual. She

13、thought the roadshere were not so clean asthose in her hometown. Italso seemed that the peoplehere were not so friendly aseveryth ing has cha nged. Herclassmates all accept her.She lives as happily asher frien ds. But now.Remark :在完成以上任务的同时,学生需要回顾整个话题所学到的语言知识。从而对本话题进行系统全面的复习。Stage 3( 10mins): Task1:

14、 readingDesigningpurposeLearn the new words beforereading. Write down the newLear n the new words beforereadi ng. Match the words or1(P air work)words on the blackboard. Finishp hrases with their mea nings.完成阅读任务。1.利用师生讨论的方式学习新词汇。2.利用构词法等1a.T: Nobody can be happy all thetime. How do you deal with yo

15、urunhappy feeli ngs?T: Your methods are all useful andhelpful. Everyone may have badexp erie nces sometimes. Forpeople lost their relatives. Theymust be very sad. But it uselessto deal with these problems? Skimthe p assage in 1a and match thewords or phrases with theirmea nings.T: Have you matched them? Let try to learn and remember thewords. Whats the meani

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