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八年级英语A day in the life of教案4Word下载.docx

1、 Badminton? Yes. So is mine. Say: We make our voices fall when we speak Wh- questions and their answers. We raise our voices when we express our surprise, especially for happiness. 2 Talk time (1) - Yes/No questions a)Say: How can we read Yes/No questions? We usually raise our voices at the end of t

2、he sentences. b)Write the examples from the Student Book on the board. Say them to the students, Ask them what they hear my voice doing at the end of each question. c)Add the up arrows to the examples on the board. Get a few students to say them. d)Introduce: repeat / v. say or do something again重复

3、explain / v. tell somebody about something so that they understand it解释 e)Add these sentences and arrows beside each of the sentences in the board. Ask S1 to say them in paors. Ask S2 if he thinks S1 is correct. “ Do you understand? How much do you understand? Can you repeat it? When can you repeat

4、it? Is it correct? Why is it correct? Can you explain it? How can explain it? f)Point out that the pronoun it at the end of Sentences 2 and 4 is unstressed. Correct students if they stress it too much. 3 Talk time (2) - Showing politeness We also make our voices rise to show politeness. Introduce: p

5、oliteness / n. being polite有礼貌;客气 b)Play the recording, students listen and repeat. c)More about Excuse me. You use excuse me when you want to stop somebody who is speaking, or when you want to speak to somebody dont know. You can also use excise me to say that you are sorry. e.g.Excuse me, could yo

6、u tell me the time, please? Did I stand on your foot? Excuse me. More about Sorrysorry when you feel bad about something you have done. e.g.Im sorry I didnt phone you. Sorry Im late. Im sorry for losing your pen. when you feel sad.m sorry you cant come to the party. to say no politely.m sorry. - I c

7、ant help you. when you did not hear what somebody said and you want them to say it again. e.g.My name is Linda Willis. Sorry? Linda Who? 4 More oral practice a)Section A1 is provided to give students the chance to practice Yes/No questions and showing politeness. Play the recording for the first tim

8、e. Students listen only. Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat. b)Section A2 is provided to re-use the pattern in section A1. Invite different pairs to do the pair work. c)Introduce: Fuller / n. name of a man or boy experiment /n. You can do an experiment to find out what will happen

9、or to see if something is true试验;实验 cell / n. the smallest part of any living thing细胞 force / n. a group of people, for example police or soldiers, who do a special job部队;军队 seed / n. the small hard part of a plant from which a new plant grows种子temperature / n. how hot or cold somebody or something

10、is体温;温度5Speak upa)Ask students to finish the questionnaire in section B3 in Language on page 26.b)Explain this section to all students.habit / n. something do you very often习惯partner / n. a person you are dancing with, or playing a game with舞伴;(游戏的)伙伴section / n. one of the parts of something部分quest

11、ionnaire /7kwestFE5neE/ n. a list of questions for people to answer问卷honestly / ad. 老实地daydream / v. have daydreams做白日梦physical / a. You use physical about things that you feel or do with your body身体的;肉体的physical exercises体育活动temper / n. how you feel心情;脾气lose ones temperbecome angry suddenly发起脾气来tru

12、th / n. being true; what is true真实;真相tell the truthsay what is true说实话c)Tell students that they should use only always, oftensometimesseldom, and never to finish this section.d)Every four students form a small group. They can ask questions among themselves. Remind students to notice this questionnai

13、re is about their friends, not themselves.e)Give students about four minutes to finish this part.f)Then ask students to choose some of the facts theyve interviewed from their partners to make sentences according to the model in section B in Speaking.g)Invite individuals to tell something about their

14、 friends. Have the whole class to guess.Conclusion on this chapter1The simple present tense.a)The rules or the he/she/it formsb)The simple present positivec)The simple present negatived)The simple present questions: Yes/No questions and Wh- questionse)Short answersf)Adverbs and adverbial phrasesalwa

15、ys, usually(often), sometimes, seldom, neverall the timeevery day/night/year/month on Mondays/Tuesdays twice a month, once a week, at the weekend 2Learning how to write about our daily lives in simple present tense.3Describing a friends habits4Listening: Identifying a speakers occupationSpeaking: Ye

16、s/No questions and showing politeness6Finish More Practice on page 30 in Student BookConsolidationWorkbook 8A, page 12Review the whole chapterBring Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) Practices and Assessments Series 8A to class next lesson. 语法汇总D1 Simple present tense(一般现在时)在Chapter 1中,我们已经了解了be动词的一般

17、现在时。本章中,将继续讨论行为动词的一般现在时。1一般现在时的含义我们用一般现在时来描述:(1)现在的事实,如:My hair is long. 我留长发。(目前是长发,但过去或将来可能不是。)Simon stays with his aunt recently. 西蒙最近和他婶婶一起住。(这句话描述的是西盟目前的居住状态。(2)经常发生的行为动作,如:Simon plays football after school. 西蒙放学后踢足球。(这个动作经常在放学后发生。The shops open at 9 oclock and close at 5.30. 商店9点开门,5点半关门。(这个动作

18、天天发生。(3)真理、基本事实或常见现象,如:Cats eat fish. 猫吃鱼。(猫吃鱼是一种基本事实。The Earth goes around the Sun. 地球绕着太阳转。(地球绕太阳转是永恒不变的真理。2一般现在时的结构(1)一般现在时的肯定句结构I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank. 我在商店上班,我哥哥在银行上班。Linda lives in London. Her parents live in Scotland. 琳达住在伦敦,她的父母住在苏格兰。It rains a lot in winter. 冬天雨水很多。Joh

19、n has a shower every day.约翰每天都要冲个澡。(2)一般现在时的否定句结构I drink coffee but I dont drink tea. 我喝咖啡,但我不喝茶。Sue drinks tea but she doesnt drink coffee. 苏喝茶,但她不喝咖啡。You dont work very hard. 你工作不太努力。We dont watch television very often. 我们不常看电视。The weather is usually nice. It doesnt rain very often. 天气总是不错。不常下雨。Ge

20、rry and Linda dont know many people. 盖瑞和琳达认识的人不多。(3)一般现在时的一般疑问句结构及其肯定、否定回答Do you play tennis?No, I dont.“你打网球吗?”“不,我不打。”Do your parents speak English?Yes, they do.“你父母说英语吗?是,他们说英语。Does George work hard?Yes, he does.“乔治工作努力吗?“是的,他挺努力的。Does your sister live in London?No, she doesn“你姐姐住在伦敦?”“不是的。Where

21、do your parents live? 你父母住哪儿?How often do you wash your hair? 你多长时间洗一次头发?What does this word mean? 这个单词什么意思?How much does it cost to fly to Rome?坐飞机去罗马要多少钱?从上面的表格中,我们不难发现,在肯定句中,若人称为第三人称单数,则后面的行为动词需要加s,构成否定句和构成疑问句时,助动词也许要选用does,而不是do。3第三人称单数后行为动词加s的规则 D2Adverbs and adverbial phrases of time(描述频度的副词或副

22、词短语)在一般现在时的句子中,往往会用到频度副词,它们可以用来描述事物发生的频繁程度。请看下面的列表:频度副词的往往位于行为动词之前,如:Sue always arrives at work early. 苏总是很早到上班的地方。What do you usually do at weekends? 你周末常常做什么啊?Tom lives near us but we sometimes see him. 汤姆和我们住得很近,但我们偶尔见到他。Julia never eats breakfast. 朱莉亚从不吃早饭。而在否定句中,也经常使用not very often这个结构,表示“不常”。如

23、:Frenchmen dont speak English very often. 法国人不常说英语。副词短语可以放在句首,也可以放在句末。如Once a week, Eddie does some revision. 埃笛一周才复习一次功课。Eddie does some revision once a week. 埃笛一周才复习一次功课。My grandparents usually go to the movie every Tuesday morning. 我的祖父母通常每周二上午去看电影。Every Tuesday morning, my grandparents usually go to the movie. 我的祖父母通常每周二上午去看电影。

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