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1、( )7.-_ food _your father like best? He likes rice best.A.What; is B. What; do C.What ; does( )8.Can he make the bed? -_. A. Yes, he cant B.Yes, he can C. No,he can( )9.May I go out to play?-_ A. Its seven. B. Yes, you do C. No, you should do your homework now.( )10. -Whats your favorite food?-_五、给下

2、列句子选择合适的答语。( )1. Where is your spoon? A. Thank you .( )2. Whats your favorite subject? B. Yes, of course.( )3. Can you use the fork? C. On the table.( )4. Would you please pass me the knife? D. Math and English.( )5. Here you are. E. OK. Here it is.六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(30分)1. She is _(help)at home. 2. My

3、sister _(want)to drink some coffee.3. Please pass _(we)thr books. 4. My friend cant use the chopsticks _(good).5. What _(be)your father doing? 6. Look! The girls _(read)in the classroom.7. We are _(have)dinner now. 8. What do you use _(eat)?9. A woman _(not; want)to buy _(some)vegetables.11. I _(be)

4、 late today. 12. I like chocolate _(good) .13. My family are _(have) lunch at home. 14. _(He) favorite food is rice.15. Would you _(pass) me the beef? 16. Lets _(get) up.17. We go to the _( children) Park. 18. He wants _(take) a bus.19. My mother _( want) to buy some flowers. 20. There _( be ) two s

5、upermarket.21.How much _(be) they? 22._( Do) you like this one?23.She is my _(father)sister. 24.They are my aunt and uncles_(child)25.I,d like_(have) a room. 26.Where _ _(dodoes) you from?27.She is an _(America) girl. 28.He _(have)many good friends.29.You are very_(help) 30.I like _(China) food.七、句型

6、转换。(20 分)1. Li Shan likes beef. 否定句:_. 一般疑问句:_? 提问:_?2. I want to have some rice. 用She代替I转换句子:_.3. You cant use your knife. 改为反义疑问句:_,_?4. He often makes the bed in the morning.改为现在进行时态:_.5. My favorite food is hamburgers. 否定句:_._? 同义句1._. 同义句2._. 八、改错题,将错误的一项序号写在括号里,冰在横线上改正。( ) 1.Would you give me

7、any ? _ ( )2. What can Tom does at school? _ A B C A B C( )3. I often help my mum do the dish. _ ( )4.Listen! My mum read the book. _( )5. Would you please passing him the chopsticks? _ A B C九、根据汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词,注意大小写)(10分)1. 不要玩太多电脑游戏,早点睡。_ _ _ _computer games and go to bed early.2. 在你家里睡做饭? Who _ _

8、in your home?3. 我经常帮我妈妈浇花。 I often help my mother _ _ _.4. 商店里有许多美味的食物。 There is _ _ _in the shop.5. 我想要喝些汤。 I want to _ _ _.十、阅读理解。Ken is an American(美国的)boy. John is his good friend. They are in the same class. Ken is very helpful at home. He can help his mother do some housework. He often helps h

9、is mother ssweep the floor, clean the room and cook the meal. John is helpful ,too. He often goes shopping with his family. Ken and John like playing basketball very much. They often play together after class.根据短文内容选择正确的答案。( )1. Is Ken an American boy? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. We dont know.

10、( )2. Ken often helps his_ do some housework. A. father B. mother C. family( )3. _ often helps to cook the meal at home. A. Ken B. John C. Kim( )4. Is John helpful at home? A. Yes, it is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he is.( )5. Ken and John often play_ together after class. A. football B. ball C. basket

11、ball_学年度第一学期学 校: 任教班级: 教师姓名: 五 年级 上 册英语第 三 单元导学案(讲读课模板)备课时间:_ 月 日 学期总第 课时课 题Lesson 5Im drawing the picturesof the four seasons of ayear. 课 型讲授型主备教师 成小华审核人课 时本课第 1 课时(共 3 课时)有无课件无学习目标1.能听、说、认、读、写有关季节的单词spring ,summer,autumn,winter,以及月份词October,并能在日常生活中使用。2.会说短语:go boating,go swimming ,go to pick appl

12、es,make a snowman, in the picture 学习重点掌握句型:What are you drawing? What are you doing in the picture?学习难点会说会用这些句子:(1)Im drawing/boating/swimming/picking apples/making a snowman.(2)I often go boating/go swimming/go to pick apples/make a snowman. 课前准备1.教师准备spring ,summer,autumn,winter, October这些单词的图卡和词卡

13、。2. 教师准备一年四季的挂图。学习环节学 案导案NO2. 呈现新课能力提升1.热身(Warming up)复习第四课韵文,老师重点强调几个正在进行的动作的句子,如:Its snowing .The snowflake is flying .The old man is dreaming .并能熟练掌握。句型词汇学习:拼读拼写单词:spring sum-mer au-tumn win-ter October 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:harvest 收获。一起说一说,练习短语:pick apples 。老师给出学生一些已学过的水果peaches,grapes,bananas, oranages

14、让学生用pick快速说出。词汇小结:说一说:How many seasons are there in a year?There are four seasons .We have spring,summer,autumn,and winter .学生猜单词比赛:规则:将全班同学分为男生队和女生对,女同学举着图片问,男同学回答。回答正确,加分并继续猜;否则男生问,女生回答。最后评比那个队获胜。听写单词教师让学生试着回答以下问题:What is the snowflake doing ?What is the old man doing?从而引出What are you doing?老师再出示四

15、个季节的图片,让学生说单词:spring,summer,autumn, winter .学生可以通过猜画游戏来练习并掌握这四个单词。引导学生熟记单词板书设计Im drawing the picturesof the four seasons of a year.springwarmsummerhotautumncoolwinter-cold课后作业教后反思year.成小华本课第 2 课时(共 3 课时)1、会用这些句子:Im drawing the picture of the four seasons of a year. How can you dram them ?能听、说、认、读、写单

16、词:flower,beach,snow.熟读并掌握课文内容教师准备:手偶一个日历一份听写上节课的单词学习课文Wang Nan: Hi, Li Shan!Li Shan: Im drawing the picture of the four seasons of a year. I see. But how can you draw them? Li Shan: I draw the flowers in spring, the beach in summer, the harvest in autumn and the snow in winter. Wang Nan: Oh, they lo

17、ok really nice! Is October in winter? No,October is in autumn.出示图片:出示划船、游泳、摘苹果、堆雪人的图片T:What are you doing?S: Im boating/ swimming picking apples/making a snowman.提醒学生 be+动词ing 形式是现在进行时态,表示正在进行的动作。动词后加ing有不同的规则,如:swim 加ing 时双写m,而make去掉了e加ing.传悄悄话游戏:让全班学生按座位顺序依次往下传悄悄话。每一列为一组,第一位同学听老师传给他的内容,接着往下悄悄传,老师给

18、每组同学说的内容不同。如:Im drawing the flowers in spring, Im drawing the beach in summer看哪组传话速度快,准确率高。教师指正。引出本课重点 引导学生逐句翻译,加深对课文的理解。让学生重复学说对话内容,并能灵活运用所学句型。Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of a year.1、英语练习册第五课前3题,及资源与学案2、背诵课文本课第 3 课时(共 3 课时)通过学习字母e的发音规则,能正确读出:Ted is sleeping on the red bed.自由会话字母e的发音

19、规则,能正确读出:字母单词卡片e的音素卡片1、单词巩固 1、学习字母e的读音规则出示bed, leg, red的单词卡片,老师特意强调字母e,让学生听音。引导学生归纳读音规则: 字母e在重读闭音节中读短音e。鼓励学生找出以前学过的单词中,那些单词中的字母e发e的音,并让学生准确朗读:2、读单词,句子。3、放在具体语境中练习做Lets Practise(I).请你认真看图,把图中人正在做的事用进行时态问答,然后再加often用一般现在时态说说他常会干什么事。(图 2) 2.A: What is she doing? B: She is swimming. She often swims in s

20、ummer.(图 3)3.A:B:She is picking apples.She often picks apples in autumn.(图 4)4.A: She is making a snowman.She often makes a snowman in winter.读读下面的单词:net next text pet smell1、背诵课文2、听写单词及短语3、默写课文多让学生回答教师利用卡片引导学生学习短语单词Let,s practice() 通过练习,让学生理解,归纳现在进行时态和一般现在时态有什么区别。学生自由练习感受元音字母e在重读闭音节中的读音。 She is making a snowman.She often makes a snowman in wint

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