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九年级英语全册教案Unit Unit 5Word格式文档下载.docx

1、1. Key vocabulary2. Target language. Teaching Difficult Point(教学难点)1. Listen for the target language2. Oral practice using the target language. Teaching Methods(教学方法)1. Scene teaching method2. Listening method3. Pairwork. Teaching Aid(教学工具).A tape recorder and courseware 教学步骤 建议和说明 Teaching stepsSte

2、p I PresentationShow the pictures of football, backpack, violin .Ask Whose - is it ? Lead in “ It might be must belong to could be . Then show a picture of T-shirt Ask “Is this T-shirt yours ?” lead in “ cant be”Step PractiseShow pictures of football, hat , watch, glasses, eys etc make students prac

3、tise in pairs with the follow sentences “ whose -is it are they? It It might be must belong to could be-. Is the - yours? No It cant be mine . It could be-“Step 1a Say, Please look at the picture and write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. Point out the sample answers. Get stud

4、ents to complete the task on their own. As they work, move around the room checking their progress and answering any questions they may have.Show the correct answers Clothing Things Fun things Kitchenhat volleyball platejacket CD cupsT-shirt toy car magazine book(1) lbCall students attention to the

5、chart. Set a time limit of two minutes. Students read the persons, the things and the reasons.Say, You will hear a conversation. As you listen, draw lines to connect the person in the first column with the thing in the second column. Then draw another line to connect the thing in the second line wit

6、h the reason in the third column.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen. Play the recording again. This time students listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.Check the answers.AnswersJanes little brothertoy carHe was the only little kid at the picnic.MarybookWanda Wilb

7、ur is her favorite author.CarlavolleyballShe loves volleyball.Deng WenmagazineHe loves cats.GraceCDShe always listens to classical music.(2) 1cPoint to the picture in Activity lb. Invite pair of students to say the conversation in the speech bubbles.SA: Whose volleyball is this?SB: It must be Carlas

8、. She loves volleyball.Point out the conversation in the box. Invite another pair of students to say it to the class.SA : Whose book is this? It must be Marys. Wanda Wilbur is her favorite author.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Point out the chart in Activity 1b. Say.Now work with a partner

9、. Start by reading the conversations in the picture and in the box: Then make conversations using the information in the chart in Activity 1b. Talk about who each thing might belong to and give a reason. Get students to practice in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom listening in on vario

10、us pairs and offering help with language and pronunciation as needed.After all the students have had an opportunity to ask and answer questions, stop the activity. Get different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Step 2a and 2bSay :Bob and Anna found a backpack in front of the

11、ir school. Listen and write down the things in the backpack. Play the recording. The students listen and write down , check the answers with the whole class. Then listen again and fill in the blank of 2b. check the answers with the whole class.Explain how to use “might be must belong to could be and

12、 cant be” againStep 2cSummary the grammar and go through the grammar focus , then make the sstudents fill in the blank of 2c with might be must belong to could be cant be.check the answers with the whole class. If time permit ,do some more exercises. SummaryThe key vocabulary words belong to, plate,

13、 author, toy and picnic and done much listening and oral practice using the target language. How to use“might be must belong to could be and cant be”to make inferences.Step Homework (1) Say and remember the spelling of the vocabulary words. (2)Say the conversations in Activity 1c to get a further un

14、derstanding of the target language.Blackboard Design Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section AThe First Period1. Key vocabulary: belong v. belong to plate n. author n. toy n. picnic n.2. Target language: It must be Marys. WandaWilbur is her favourite author.Teaching rethink(教学反思)_(课前让学生收集一些自己喜欢的物品带到

15、学校来).导入本单元知识目标(五分钟练习并分组表演出来)训练重点句型和本单元目标语言这部分活动让学生在锻炼英语听力的语言环境中对目标语言进行有效练习。运用目标语言进行口语练习针对目标语言进行挺立练习 (The 2nd period Section A: 3a, 3b, 4)drop, symphony, optometrist, appointment, algebra, crucial, count, because of, Chinese-English dictionary, Oxford University(2) Target Language What do you think a

16、nxious means? Well, it cant mean happy. It might mean worried Oh, yes, she is worried because of her test. Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy. Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother. (1) Train students reading skill. Moral Object When you are in trouble,

17、 send an e-mail message to your friends to ask for help. Teaching Key Points(教学重点)1.Reading practice2.Oral practice using the target language. Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)1. Practice method2. Pairwork3. A game. Teaching Aid(教学手段)The blackboard and coursewareTeaching design: 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step I Revi

18、sionRevise the usage of the words must, might, could and cant by the telling the meaning and do the guessing game(从学生手头课前收集一些物品,让他们猜是谁的).then revise 2c again to make students understand better.Step 3aCall students attention to the picture.Ask students to tell whats happening in the picture.T: Whats

19、the girl doing?Ss: She is using the computer to write e-mail.Point to the parts of the e-mail message.Tell students that this is the message the girl in the picture writes. Say, Right now the parts are in the wrong order. When they are in the right order, they will make a clear message. Now please r

20、ead the parts carefully. Number them in order. When you are doing this, you will meet with some words you dont know.Dont worry too much about them. Just circle them. Well talk about what they mean later.Get students to complete the task on their own. Point out the sample answer.The notes should be n

21、umbered in this order:5,2,4,3,1Then ask some questions about 3a.Make the students understand this part better.Then check the circoed worrds . the circled words might include anxious, symphony hall, algebra, optometrist appointment, crucial, count, dropStep 3bRead the instructions to the class. Point

22、 to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to say it to the class. mean? Oh, yes. She is worried because of her test.Say, You are to talk about the circled words in Activity 3a. Use the words cant, must, could or might as in the sample.Get students to work with a partner. As they work in

23、 pairs, move around the classroom helping students with pronunciation and answering any questions they may have. Some time later, stop the activity. Ask different students to share their conversations with the class. Make a list of the words students are talking about on the blackboard.drop v.sympho

24、ny n.opotometrist n.appointment n.algebra n.crucial adj.count v.because ofPractice the pronunciation of these words and explain the meaning of each word.Optional activityHave students write the new words inActivity 3b as well as other new words in this unit with the letters in scrambled order and th

25、en put two spaces after each word. Ask a student to write the correct spelling in the first space. Ask another student to write the meaning of the word in the second space. For example:xosainu anxious worriedcuilarc crucialaegarbl Step Part 4Get students to name each item in it.Write the new words C

26、hinese-English dictionary and Oxford University on the blackboard. Point to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.Write the conversation on the black board. Explain the meaning of each sentence.Focus attention on the chart with the headlines Cant, Could/might and

27、 Must at the top. Point out the sample answer.Read the instructions to the class.Get students to complete the task in pairs. As the pairs work together, move around the classroom helping students with pronunciation, sentence formation or anything else they ask for help with.Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step SummarySay, In this class, weve learned some vocabulary words, such

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