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1、关于绝望主妇第一季各集经典旁白关于绝望主妇第一季各集经典旁白 Season 1 第1集 Life was suddenly full of possibilities.Not to mention a few unexpected surprises. 生命突然充满了无限的可能,更有一些意料之外的惊喜。 An odd thing happens when we die. Taste,touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory,but our sight -ah, our sight expands,and we can suddenly se

2、e the world weve left behind so clearly.Of course, most of whats visible to the dead could also be seen by the living,if theyd only take the time to look. 人死后会有奇怪的事发生。味觉、触觉、嗅觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但视觉却变开阔了,突然能把这个身后的世界看得如此清楚。当然,大多数死人能看见的世界,活着的人也能看清楚,只要他们愿意花时间去看。 Season 1 第2集 As I look back at the world I left

3、behind, its all so clear to me:the beauty that waits to be unveiled,the mysteries that long to be uncovered.But people so rarely stop to take a look,they just keep moving.Its a shame really, theres so much to see. 当我回头看这个身后的世界,它如此清晰。有那么多等待发现的美丽;和那么多等待揭示的神秘。但是人们很少会驻足留意,他们只是不停的往前走。这真是很遗憾。有那么多值得一看的东西。

4、Season 1 第3集 Yes, I remember the world -every detail.And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste.You see, to live in fear is not to live at all.I wish I could tell this to those I left behind,but would it do any good? Probably not.I understand now - there will always be those who face

5、 their fears,and there will always be those who run away. 是的,我记得这个世界,丝丝入微。最深刻的印象莫过于恐惧,真是虚度了时光!你知道,生活在恐惧里就不是真正的生活。我希望能把这个道理说给身后人听,但是会有用吗?可能并不会。现在我明白了,总会有人面对他们的恐惧,也总会有人逃避。 Season 1 第4集 When I was alive, I maintained many different identities lover, wife, and ultimately, victim.Yes, labels are importan

6、t to the living.They dictate how people see themselves,so we always gave up almost everything to assume a new label. 当我活着的时候,我拥有很多不同的身份恋人、妻子、最终是受害者。是的,形形色色的标签对于活着的人们来说是很重要的,因为它指示了人们如何看待自己。于是,我们几乎放弃所有,只为呈现一个新的标签。 Season 1 第5集 People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders, tryi

7、ng to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in, the ones we never truly get to know. 人本能的都在寻找入侵者,阻止别人从外

8、面闯入。可是总有些人强行闯入我们的生活,正如那些被邀请加入我们生活圈子的人一样。最令人头疼的是,那些站在外面向里面偷窥的人,那些你根本无法了解的人。 Season 1 第6集 The search for power begins when were quite young. As children,were taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple. Traces of evil

9、always remain. 权力的追逐始于年少之时。儿时便被告知:邪不能胜正。然而随着年龄的增长,我们开始明白,世事没那么单纯,邪恶总是如影随行。 Season 1 第7集 Competition. It means different things to different people, but whether its a friendly rivalry or a fight to the death? The end result is the same. There will be winners, and there will be losers. Of course, the

10、trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price. 竞争的涵义因人而异,不管是良性竞争还是生死决斗,结果都是一样的。有赢家就有输家。当然,诀窍是懂得什么仗是应该打的。你知道,胜利总是要付出代价的。 Season 1 第8集 There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner.Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do.In

11、contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame.There are others who soothe their consciences with small acts of kindness,or by telling themselves their sins were justified.Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time and pray for forgiveness.Sometimes th

12、eir prayers are answered. 有一本很流行的书说,我们每个人都有罪。当然了,不是每个人都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。相反,有些人认为那比应受的谴责更多。有人会做点小善事来安抚他们的良心,或者告诉自己这些罪行是正当的。最后, 他们发誓下一次会做的好些,并祈求饶恕,有时他们的祈祷真的灵验了。 Season 1 第9集 People are complicated creatures. On the one hand, able to perform great acts of charity. On the other, capable of the most underhan

13、ded forms of betrayal. Its a constant battle that rages within all of usbetween the better angels of our nature and the temptation of our inner demons. And sometimes, the only way to ward off the darkness, is to shine the light of compassion. 人是复杂的动物。一方面乐善好施,另一方面,却实施着最卑劣的背叛。无时不刻,每个人的内心都进行着善恶交织的激战。有时

14、候,摆脱黑暗的唯一办法,就是闪耀悲悯的光辉。 Season 1 第10集 Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course, the truth is we never know who we can trust. Those were closest to can betray us. And total strangers can come to our resc

15、ue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves.It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned. 信任是脆弱的东西。一旦赢得,可给予我们巨大的空间,而一旦失去,就不可能再重建。当然,事实上我们永远不知道该去信任谁。最亲近的人都有可能背叛我们,完全陌生的人却会来帮助我们。到头来,大多数人决定只信任自己。这的确是避免引火上身最简单的方法。 Season 1 第11集 We are all searching for someone,that special p

16、erson who will provide us whats missing in our lives.Someone who can offer companionship, or assistance, or security.And sometimes, if we search very hard,we can find someone who provides us with all three.Yes, were all searching for someone,and if we cant find them, we can only pray they find us. 我们都在寻觅,寻觅一位能弥补我们生命缺憾的与众不同的人,能给予友谊、帮助,或是安全感的人。有时,如果我们非常努力,可以找到能同时给予这三种东西的人。是的,我们都在寻觅,如果一无所获,只好祈祷他们能找到我们。 Se

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